Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a store object by name, as specified in the config file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name for this store that will be referenced in
        /// any swiffotron XML files.</param>
        /// <param name="assembly">The fully qualified assembly name. Pass an empty
        /// string or null to reference the currently executing assembly and use
        /// any default implementors.</param>
        /// <param name="classname">The fully qualified class name</param>
        /// <param name="init">An initialisation string passed in the call to Initialise
        /// on the new store object.</param>
        public static ISwiffotronStore CreateStore(string name, string assembly, string classname, string init)
            if (assembly == string.Empty)
                /* Shortcut value to say "Look in the executing assembly" */
                assembly = null;

            ISwiffotronStore newStore = null;

            if (assembly != null && assembly.ToLower().EndsWith(".dll"))
                /* Load from arbitrary DLL */

                Type type = Assembly.LoadFrom(assembly).GetType(classname);

                /* Class cast problems just get thrown upwards and destroy the app */
                newStore = (ISwiffotronStore)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
                /* Load by named assembly */

                /* Class cast problems just get thrown upwards and destroy the app */
                ObjectHandle oh = Activator.CreateInstance(assembly, classname);
                newStore = (ISwiffotronStore)oh.Unwrap();


Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a block of data to the store specified in the fully qualified
        /// store key of the form [store name]:[store key]
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">The store key</param>
        /// <param name="data">The data to store as a byte array.</param>
        /// <returns>Null if it was not saved (Saves disabled) or the relative
        /// store path from the store URL, e.g. "store://mystore/things/thing" returns
        /// "things/thing"</returns>
        public string Save(SwiffotronContext ctx, string key, byte[] data)
            Uri storeURI = new Uri(key);

            if (storeURI.Scheme != "store") /* ISSUE 67: Constants, please. */
                throw new SwiffotronException(
                          @"Store paths should begin with store://");

            string storeId = storeURI.Host;

            key = storeURI.AbsolutePath.Substring(1);

            if (!conf.EnableStoreWrites)
                /* Give up, but return the key we would have used. Used in debug
                 * tests. */

            if (!stores.ContainsKey(storeId))
                throw new SwiffotronException(
                          @"Store '" + storeId + @"' not registered.");

            ISwiffotronStore store = stores[storeId];

            using (Stream s = store.OpenOutput(key))
                s.Write(data, 0, data.Length);


Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void Register(string name, ISwiffotronStore store)
     this.stores.Add(name, store);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void Register(string name, ISwiffotronStore store)
     this.stores.Add(name, store);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a configuration file passed to the new Swiffotron and parses it,
        /// creating any implementing classes named in the configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configXml">A stream ready and primed with lovely XML
        /// configuration data.</param>
        private void LoadConfigXML(Stream configXml)
            this.Xml = new XMLHelper();
            this.Xml.SetContext(new SwiffotronContext("Swiffotron configuration"));


            /* First, set up any caches: */
            XmlAttribute attrib;

            foreach (XPathNavigator hit in Xml.Select(@"/con:config/con:cache"))
                XmlAttributeCollection attribs = ((XmlElement)hit.UnderlyingObject).Attributes;

                /* The schema defines these attributes as mandatory, so they will exist: */
                string name      = attribs[@"name"].Value;
                string classname = attribs[@"classname"].Value;

                /* Optional parameters, which we default to null before we call Initialise on
                 * any implementor. */
                attrib = attribs[@"init"];
                string init = (attrib == null) ? null : attrib.Value;
                attrib = attribs[@"assembly"];
                string assembly = (attrib == null) ? null : attrib.Value;

                /* Create our named cache as specified by our config file. */
                ISwiffotronCache newCache = Extern.CreateCache(name, assembly, classname, init);

                /* Use Add method here to ensure that the name is unique. Key errors get thrown
                 * upwards and destroy the app. Hey, fix your config file, user. */
                this.Caches.Register(name, newCache);

            /* Now, set up any stores: */

            foreach (XPathNavigator hit in Xml.Select(@"/con:config/con:store"))
                XmlAttributeCollection attribs = ((XmlElement)hit.UnderlyingObject).Attributes;

                /* The schema defines these attributes as mandatory, so they will exist: */
                string name      = attribs[@"name"].Value;
                string classname = attribs[@"classname"].Value;

                /* Optional parameter, which we default to null before we call Initialise on
                 * any implementor. */
                attrib = attribs[@"init"];
                string init = (attrib == null) ? null : attrib.Value;
                attrib = attribs[@"assembly"];
                string assembly = (attrib == null) ? null : attrib.Value;

                /* Create our named store as specified by our config file. */
                ISwiffotronStore newStore = Extern.CreateStore(name, assembly, classname, init);

                /* Use Add method here rather than the index operator to ensure that the
                 * name is unique. Key errors get thrown upwards and destroy the app.
                 * Hey, fix your config file, user. */
                this.Stores.Register(name, newStore);

            /* ISSUE 68: Staggeringly inefficient xpath queries that navigate from the root node every damned
             * time. Do we care? */

            this.EnableStoreWrites = Xml.SelectBoolean(@"/con:config/con:swfprefs/con:storeWriteEnabled/text()");

            this.swfReaderOptions = new SWFReaderOptions()
                StrictTagLength = Xml.SelectBoolean(@"/con:config/con:swfprefs/con:stricttaglength/text()")

            this.swfWriterOptions = new SWFWriterOptions()
                Compressed     = Xml.SelectBoolean(@"/con:config/con:swfprefs/con:compression/text()"),
                EnableDebugger = Xml.SelectBoolean(@"/con:config/con:swfprefs/con:debugcode/text()")

            string htmlType = Xml.SelectString(@"/con:config/con:htmlType/text()", "JQuery");

            this.HTMLType       = (SWF2HTMLOptions.FrameworkType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SWF2HTMLOptions.FrameworkType), htmlType);
            this.HTMLStandalone = Xml.SelectBoolean(@"/con:config/con:htmlStandalone/text()", false);