Ejemplo n.º 1
        public KtbOrderProcessData(
            String targetCode, 
            TradingDirection longShort, 
            long unsignedInitTargetCount, 
            double initTargetPrice,
            IMarketDataBoard board,
            Account account,
            ISweeper sweeper)
            this.Orders = new List<POrder>();
            this.Code = targetCode;
            this.LongShort = longShort;

            this.InitUnsignedTargetCount = unsignedInitTargetCount;
            this.InitTargetPrice = initTargetPrice;

            this.Board = board;
            this.Account = account;

            this.Sweeper = sweeper;

            this.CurUnsignedTargetCount = unsignedInitTargetCount;
            this.Aging = 0;
            this.MuteSec = 2;
            this.IsReadyForResume = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public SmacSweeper(MLContext context, Arguments args)
     _context         = context;
     _args            = args;
     _sweepParameters = args.SweptParameters;
     _randomSweeper   = new UniformRandomSweeper(new SweeperBase.ArgumentsBase(), _sweepParameters);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public SweepUnit_FO(
            long signedGoalCountFO,
            String code,
            double initEnterPrice,
            POrder initOrder,
            Account accountFO,
            ISweeper parent,
            int muteSec)
            this.ID = SweepUnitIDManager.NextID++;

            this.InitEnterPrice = initEnterPrice;
            this.InitSignedGoalCount = this.CurSignedTargetCount = signedGoalCountFO;
            this.Code = code;
            this._initOrder = initOrder;
            this.AccountFO = accountFO;
            this._parent = parent;
            this._muteSec = muteSec;
            this.InitLongShort = InitSignedGoalCount > 0 ? TradingDirection.Long : TradingDirection.Short;

            this._mute = new Timer(muteSec, "");
            this._bResumed = false;
            this._bCompleteQuickly = false;

            this.RealOrders = new List<POrder>();

        public SweepUnitContext_Bond_Short(
            TradingDirection ls,
            BondPair pair,
            Account bondAccount,
            ISweeper sweeper)
            this.ID = SweepUnitIDManager.NextID++;

            this.LongShort = ls;

            Trace.Assert(this.LongShort == TradingDirection.Short);

            // -15
            this.CurSignedTargetCount = pair.Count * (-1);

            this.EnterCode = pair.EnterCodeWithMarketType;
            this.PairCode = pair.PairCodeWithMarketType;

            this._initSweepPrice = pair.PairPrice;

            this.BondAccount = bondAccount;

            this._enterMarketType = BondUtil.GetMarketType(pair.EnterCodeWithMarketType);
            this._pairMarketType = BondUtil.GetMarketType(pair.PairCodeWithMarketType);

            this._sweeper = sweeper;

            this.RealOrdersShort = new List<POrder>();
        public SweepUnitContext_Bond_Long(
            TradingDirection ls,
            BondPair pair,
            Account bondAccount,
            ISweeper sweeper)
            this.ID = SweepUnitIDManager.NextID++;

            this.LongShort = ls;

            Trace.Assert(this.LongShort == TradingDirection.Long);

            this.InitSignedGoalCount = pair.Count;
            this.CurSignedTargetCount = pair.Count;

            this.EnterCode = pair.EnterCodeWithMarketType;

            this._initEnterPrice = pair.EnterPrice;

            this.BondAccount = bondAccount;

            this._enterMarketType = BondUtil.GetMarketType(pair.EnterCodeWithMarketType);

            this._sweeper = sweeper;


            this.RealOrdersLong = new List<POrder>();

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public DeterministicSweeperAsync(IHostEnvironment env, Options options)
            _host = env.Register("DeterministicSweeperAsync", options.RandomSeed);
            _host.CheckValue(options.Sweeper, nameof(options.Sweeper), "Please specify a sweeper");
            _host.CheckUserArg(options.BatchSize > 0, nameof(options.BatchSize), "Batch size must be positive");
            _host.CheckUserArg(options.Relaxation >= 0, nameof(options.Relaxation), "Synchronization relaxation must be non-negative");
            _host.CheckUserArg(options.Relaxation <= options.BatchSize, nameof(options.Relaxation),
                               "Synchronization relaxation cannot be larger than batch size");
            _batchSize   = options.BatchSize;
            _baseSweeper = options.Sweeper.CreateComponent(_host);
            _host.CheckUserArg(!(_baseSweeper is NelderMeadSweeper) || options.Relaxation == 0, nameof(options.Relaxation),
                               "Nelder-Mead requires full synchronization (relaxation = 0)");

            _cts          = new CancellationTokenSource();
            _relaxation   = options.Relaxation;
            _lock         = new object();
            _results      = new List <IRunResult>();
            _nullRuns     = new HashSet <int>();
            _paramChannel = Channel.CreateUnbounded <ParameterSetWithId>(
                new UnboundedChannelOptions {
                SingleWriter = true

Ejemplo n.º 7
        // ReSharper disable UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
        // ReSharper disable FunctionNeverReturns
        protected static void InitializeSweeper()
            IWebConfiguration webConfig = IocContainer.Instance.Resolve <IWebConfiguration>();

            if (!webConfig.RunSweeper)

            ILog sweeperLogger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(ISweeper));

            ISweeper sweeper       = IocContainer.Instance.Resolve <ISweeper>();
            TimeSpan timeout       = webConfig.SweeperTimeout;
            Thread   sweeperThread = new Thread(() =>
                while (true)
                    catch (Exception ex)

            sweeperThread.IsBackground = true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public SweepUnit_OE(
            POrder goalOrder, 
            Account accountFO, 
            Account accountSpot, 
            OptionTribe ot,
            ISweeper parent,
            Boolean bConservativeOptionPolicyOn,
            int muteSec)
            ID = SweepUnitIDManager.NextID++;

            _parent = parent;

            GoalOrder = goalOrder;

            RealOrders = new List<POrder>();
            _ot = ot;

            _mute = new Timer(muteSec, ""); // 2초

            _candidateCodes = ElwOptionUtil.GetSameCandidateCodes(goalOrder.Code);

            _accountSpot = accountSpot;
            _accountFO = accountFO;

            _bConservativeOptionPolicyOn = bConservativeOptionPolicyOn;

            if (!RequestInitOrder())

            _State = State._1_MuteFewSecs;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public SweepMember(ISweeper parent, SweepMember_Input input, IReqOrderInput orderGenInput, 
     IReqOrderPolicy reqOrderPolicy, IResumePolicy resumePolicy, IBalancePolicy balancePolicy)
     this.Parent = parent;
     this.Input = input;
     this.Share = new SweepMember_Share(orderGenInput, reqOrderPolicy, resumePolicy, balancePolicy);
     this._state = new S1_RequestOrderState(this);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private SimpleAsyncSweeper(ISweeper baseSweeper)
            Contracts.CheckValue(baseSweeper, nameof(baseSweeper));
            Contracts.CheckParam(!(baseSweeper is NelderMeadSweeper), nameof(baseSweeper), "baseSweeper cannot be Nelder-Mead");

            _baseSweeper = baseSweeper;
            _lock        = new object();
            _results     = new List <IRunResult>();
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public SweepUnit_FO(
     long signedGoalCountFO,
     String code,
     double initEnterPrice,
     POrder initOrder,
     Account accountFO,
     ISweeper parent)
     : this(signedGoalCountFO, code, initEnterPrice, initOrder, accountFO, parent, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public SweepUnit_OE(
     POrder goalOrder, 
     Account accountFO, 
     Account accountSpot, 
     OptionTribe ot,
     ISweeper parent,
     Boolean bConservativeOptionPolicyOn)
     : this(goalOrder, accountFO, accountSpot, ot, parent, true, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public TrainingManager(MLContext context, IEnumerable <Column> columns, Option option)
     this.context = context;
     this.columns = columns;
     this.singlePipelineTrainingServiceMap = new Dictionary <IDictionary <string, string>, ITrainingService>();
     this.bestIterations  = new Dictionary <IDictionary <string, string>, IterationInfo>();
     this.option          = option;
     this.pipelineSweeper = context.AutoML().Serializable().Factory.CreateSweeper(this.option.ParameterSweeper);
     this.pipelineBuilder = new PipelineBuilder(this.option.TaskType, this.option.IsAzureAttach, true);
     this.Pipeline        = this.pipelineBuilder.BuildPipeline(context, columns);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public KdoSweeper(Arguments args)
     _args             = args;
     _sweepParameters  = args.SweptParameters.ToArray();
     _randomSweeper    = new UniformRandomSweeper(new SweeperBase.ArgumentsBase(), _sweepParameters);
     _redundantSweeper = new UniformRandomSweeper(new SweeperBase.ArgumentsBase {
         Retries = 0
     }, _sweepParameters);
     _spu = new SweeperProbabilityUtils();
     _alreadySeenConfigs = new SortedSet <Float[]>(new FloatArrayComparer());
     _randomParamSets    = new List <ParameterSet>();
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public SmacSweeper(IHostEnvironment env, Arguments args)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            _host = env.Register("Sweeper");

            _host.CheckUserArg(args.NumOfTrees > 0, nameof(args.NumOfTrees), "parameter must be greater than 0");
            _host.CheckUserArg(args.NMinForSplit > 1, nameof(args.NMinForSplit), "parameter must be greater than 1");
            _host.CheckUserArg(args.SplitRatio > 0 && args.SplitRatio <= 1, nameof(args.SplitRatio), "parameter must be in range (0,1].");
            _host.CheckUserArg(args.NumberInitialPopulation > 1, nameof(args.NumberInitialPopulation), "parameter must be greater than 1");
            _host.CheckUserArg(args.LocalSearchParentCount > 0, nameof(args.LocalSearchParentCount), "parameter must be greater than 0");
            _host.CheckUserArg(args.NumRandomEISearchConfigurations > 0, nameof(args.NumRandomEISearchConfigurations), "parameter must be greater than 0");
            _host.CheckUserArg(args.NumNeighborsForNumericalParams > 0, nameof(args.NumNeighborsForNumericalParams), "parameter must be greater than 0");

            _args = args;
            _host.CheckUserArg(Utils.Size(args.SweptParameters) > 0, nameof(args.SweptParameters), "SMAC sweeper needs at least one parameter to sweep over");
            _sweepParameters = args.SweptParameters.Select(p => p.CreateComponent(_host)).ToArray();
            _randomSweeper   = new UniformRandomSweeper(env, new SweeperBase.ArgumentsBase(), _sweepParameters);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public SweepCommand(IHostEnvironment env, Arguments args)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            env.CheckValue(args, nameof(args));

            _host = env.Register("SweepCommand", args.RandomSeed);

            _host.CheckValue(args.Runner, nameof(args.Runner), "Please specify a runner");
            _host.CheckValue(args.Sweeper, nameof(args.Sweeper), "Please specify a sweeper");
            _host.CheckUserArg(args.SweepNumBatches > 0, nameof(args.SweepNumBatches), "Must be positive");
            _host.CheckUserArg(!(args.InitialSweepBatchSize <= 0), nameof(args.InitialSweepBatchSize), "Must be positive if specified");
            _host.CheckUserArg(args.SweepBatchSize > 0, nameof(args.SweepBatchSize), "Must be positive");

            _numBatches    = args.SweepNumBatches;
            _initBatchSize = args.InitialSweepBatchSize ?? args.SweepBatchSize;
            _batchSize     = args.SweepBatchSize;
            _runner        = args.Runner.CreateComponent(_host);
            _sweeper       = args.Sweeper.CreateComponent(_host);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public SweepUnitContext_FO(
            long signedGoalCountFO,
            String code,
            double initEnterPrice,
            POrder initOrder,
            Account accountFO,
            ISweeper sweeper)
            this.RealOrders = new List<POrder>();

            this.ID = SweepUnitIDManager.NextID++;

            this.InitSignedGoalCount = this.CurSignedTargetCount = signedGoalCountFO;
            this.Code = code;
            this._initEnterPrice = initEnterPrice;
            this._initOrder = initOrder;
            this.AccountFO = accountFO;
            this._sweeper = sweeper;
        public GaussProcessSweeper(Option option)
            this._option     = option;
            this._generated  = new HashSet <IDictionary <string, string> >();
            this._runHistory = new List <IRunResult>();
            var randomSweeperOption = new UniformRandomSweeper.Option()
                Retry = option.Retry,

            this._randomSweeper = new UniformRandomSweeper(randomSweeperOption);

            var gpOption = new GaussProcessRegressor.Options()
                l     = option.L,
                sigma = option.Sigma,
                noise = option.Noise,

            this._regressor = new GaussProcessRegressor(gpOption);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public KdoSweeper(IHostEnvironment env, Arguments args)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            _host = env.Register("Sweeper");

            _host.CheckUserArg(args.NumberInitialPopulation > 1, nameof(args.NumberInitialPopulation), "Must be greater than 1");
            _host.CheckUserArg(args.HistoryLength > 1, nameof(args.HistoryLength), "Must be greater than 1");
            _host.CheckUserArg(args.MinimumMutationSpread >= 0, nameof(args.MinimumMutationSpread), "Must be nonnegative");
            _host.CheckUserArg(0 <= args.ProportionRandom && args.ProportionRandom <= 1, nameof(args.ProportionRandom), "Must be in [0, 1]");
            _host.CheckUserArg(args.WeightRescalingPower >= 1, nameof(args.WeightRescalingPower), "Must be greater or equal to 1");

            _args = args;
            _host.CheckUserArg(Utils.Size(args.SweptParameters) > 0, nameof(args.SweptParameters), "KDO sweeper needs at least one parameter to sweep over");
            _sweepParameters  = args.SweptParameters.Select(p => p.CreateComponent(_host)).ToArray();
            _randomSweeper    = new UniformRandomSweeper(env, new SweeperBase.ArgumentsBase(), _sweepParameters);
            _redundantSweeper = new UniformRandomSweeper(env, new SweeperBase.ArgumentsBase {
                Retries = 0
            }, _sweepParameters);
            _spu = new SweeperProbabilityUtils(_host);
            _alreadySeenConfigs = new SortedSet <Float[]>(new FloatArrayComparer());
            _randomParamSets    = new List <ParameterSet>();
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public DeterministicSweeperAsync(IHostEnvironment env, Arguments args)
            _host = env.Register("DeterministicSweeperAsync", args.RandomSeed);
            _host.CheckValue(args.Sweeper, nameof(args.Sweeper), "Please specify a sweeper");
            _host.CheckUserArg(args.BatchSize > 0, nameof(args.BatchSize), "Batch size must be positive");
            _host.CheckUserArg(args.Relaxation >= 0, nameof(args.Relaxation), "Synchronization relaxation must be non-negative");
            _host.CheckUserArg(args.Relaxation <= args.BatchSize, nameof(args.Relaxation),
                               "Synchronization relaxation cannot be larger than batch size");
            _batchSize   = args.BatchSize;
            _baseSweeper = args.Sweeper.CreateComponent(_host);
            _host.CheckUserArg(!(_baseSweeper is NelderMeadSweeper) || args.Relaxation == 0, nameof(args.Relaxation),
                               "Nelder-Mead requires full synchronization (relaxation = 0)");

            _cts        = new CancellationTokenSource();
            _relaxation = args.Relaxation;
            _lock       = new object();
            _results    = new List <IRunResult>();
            _nullRuns   = new HashSet <int>();
            _paramQueue = new BufferBlock <ParameterSetWithId>();

Ejemplo n.º 21
        public SweepUnitTemplate(
            ISweepUnitContext context,
            ISweeper sweeper,
            int muteSec)
            this.Context = context;
            this._sweeper = sweeper;

            this._muteSec = muteSec;

            this.ID = SweepUnitIDManager.NextID++;

            this._bResumed = false;
            this._bCompleteQuickly = false;


            this._mute = new Timer(muteSec, "");

            this.CurState = StateEnum._1_MuteFewSecsAfterInitOrders;
            this.CurOverviewState = OverviewState.Enter;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public NelderMeadSweeper(IHostEnvironment env, Arguments args)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            env.CheckUserArg(-1 < args.DeltaInsideContraction, nameof(args.DeltaInsideContraction), "Must be greater than -1");
            env.CheckUserArg(args.DeltaInsideContraction < 0, nameof(args.DeltaInsideContraction), "Must be less than 0");
            env.CheckUserArg(0 < args.DeltaOutsideContraction, nameof(args.DeltaOutsideContraction), "Must be greater than 0");
            env.CheckUserArg(args.DeltaReflection > args.DeltaOutsideContraction, nameof(args.DeltaReflection), "Must be greater than " + nameof(args.DeltaOutsideContraction));
            env.CheckUserArg(args.DeltaExpansion > args.DeltaReflection, nameof(args.DeltaExpansion), "Must be greater than " + nameof(args.DeltaReflection));
            env.CheckUserArg(0 < args.GammaShrink && args.GammaShrink < 1, nameof(args.GammaShrink), "Must be between 0 and 1");
            env.CheckValue(args.FirstBatchSweeper, nameof(args.FirstBatchSweeper), "First Batch Sweeper Contains Null Value");

            _args = args;

            _sweepParameters = new List <IValueGenerator>();
            foreach (var sweptParameter in args.SweptParameters)
                var parameter = sweptParameter.CreateComponent(env);
                // REVIEW: ideas about how to support discrete values:
                // 1. assign each discrete value a random number (1-n) to make mirroring possible
                // 2. each time we need to mirror a discrete value, sample from the remaining value
                // 2.1. make the sampling non-uniform by learning "weights" for the different discrete values based on
                // the metric values that we get when using them. (For example, if, for a given discrete value, we get a bad result,
                // we lower its weight, but if we get a good result we increase its weight).
                var parameterNumeric = parameter as INumericValueGenerator;
                env.CheckUserArg(parameterNumeric != null, nameof(args.SweptParameters), "Nelder-Mead sweeper can only sweep over numeric parameters");

            _initSweeper = args.FirstBatchSweeper.CreateComponent(env, _sweepParameters.ToArray());
            _dim         = _sweepParameters.Count;
            env.CheckUserArg(_dim > 1, nameof(args.SweptParameters), "Nelder-Mead sweeper needs at least two parameters to sweep over.");

            _simplexVertices           = new SortedList <IRunResult, Float[]>(new SimplexVertexComparer());
            _stage                     = OptimizationStage.NeedReflectionPoint;
            _pendingSweeps             = new List <KeyValuePair <ParameterSet, Float[]> >();
            _pendingSweepsNotSubmitted = new Queue <KeyValuePair <ParameterSet, Float[]> >();
        public SweepUnitContext_Bond_Long_StartWithDone(
            RemainPositionDatum datum,
            Account bondAccount,
            ISweeper sweeper)
            this.ID = SweepUnitIDManager.NextID++;

            this.LongShort = TradingDirection.Long;

            this.InitSignedGoalCount = datum.CurTargetCount;
            this.CurSignedTargetCount = datum.CurTargetCount;

            this.EnterCode = datum.EnterCodeWithMarketType;
            this._initEnterPrice = datum.EnterPrice;

            this.BondAccount = bondAccount;

            this._enterMarketType = BondUtil.GetMarketType(this.EnterCode);

            this._sweeper = sweeper;

            this._signedContractedCount = datum.CurTargetCount;
            this._signedBookValue = (long)(datum.EnterPrice * datum.CurTargetCount);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public SmacSweeper(Arguments args)
     _args            = args;
     _sweepParameters = args.SweptParameters;
     _randomSweeper   = new UniformRandomSweeper(new SweeperBase.ArgumentsBase(), _sweepParameters);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 void LiveToDone(ISweeper sweeper)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public void Add(ISweeper sweeper)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public SweepUnitTemplate(ISweepUnitContext context, ISweeper sweeper)
     : this(context, sweeper, 2)
        protected void SampleHyperparameters(RecipeInference.SuggestedRecipe.SuggestedLearner learner, ISweeper sweeper,
                                             bool isMaximizingMetric, PipelinePattern[] history)
            // Make sure there are hyperparameters to sweep over.
            var hyperParams = learner.PipelineNode.SweepParams;

            if (hyperParams.Length == 0)

            // Get new set of hyperparameter values.
            var proposedParamSet = sweeper.ProposeSweeps(1, AutoMlUtils.ConvertToRunResults(history, isMaximizingMetric)).First();

            Env.Assert(proposedParamSet != null && proposedParamSet.All(ps => hyperParams.Any(hp => hp.Name == ps.Name)));

            // Associate proposed param set with learner, so that smart hyperparam
            // sweepers (like KDO) can map them back.
            learner.PipelineNode.HyperSweeperParamSet = proposedParamSet;

            var generatorSet = hyperParams.Select(AutoMlUtils.ToIValueGenerator).ToArray();
            var values       = SweeperProbabilityUtils.ParameterSetAsFloatArray(Host, generatorSet, proposedParamSet, false);

            // Update hyperparameters.
            for (int i = 0; i < hyperParams.Length; i++)
                if (hyperParams[i] is TlcModule.SweepableDiscreteParamAttribute dp)
                    hyperParams[i].RawValue = (int)values[i];
                    hyperParams[i].RawValue = values[i];
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public void Add(ISweeper sweeper)
     _liveSweepers.Add(IdGenerator++, sweeper);