Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Apply(IStencil stencil)
            dirty = true;

            int xStart, xEnd, yStart, yEnd;

            xStart = yStart = 0;
            xEnd   = yEnd = resolution - 1;

            for (int y = yStart; y <= yEnd; y++)
                int i = y * resolution + xStart;
                for (int x = xStart; x <= xEnd; x++, i++)
                    //var pos = voxels[i].WorldPos;
                    //var color = stencil.IsOverlapping(voxels[i]) ? Color.green : Color.red;
                    //Debug.DrawLine(pos, pos + Vector3.one * 0.01f, color);

                    if (stencil.IsOverlapping(voxels[i]))
                        voxels[i].state = stencil.IsFilling();

            SetCrossings(stencil, xStart, xEnd, yStart, yEnd);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private IList <Stencil_mapping> map_first_nodes(
            IStencil stencil, IFigure_representation target
            //get arrays of stencil's subnodes
            // index = figure;
            // value = appearances of its subfigures in the beginning of the stencil
            IList <IList <ISubfigure> > appearances_in_stencil = new List <IList <ISubfigure> >();

            //get array of target's subnodes
            IList <IList <ISubfigure> > appearances_in_target = new List <IList <ISubfigure> >();

            //initialise combinator
            int figures_qty = appearances_in_stencil.Count;

            // array of figures ->
            // array of their appearances in the stencil ->
            // target's subfigure onto which it's mapped
            var combinator_input = new List <Mapping_enumerator_requirement>();

            foreach (var appearances_in_source in appearances_in_stencil)
                IFigure mapped_figure = appearances_in_source.First().referenced_figure;
                IReadOnlyList <ISubfigure> appearances_int_target =
                    get_appearances_of_figure_in_graph(mapped_figure, target);
                    //array of stencil's subfigures which need mapping
                    new Mapping_enumerator_requirement(
                        appearances_in_source.Count, appearances_int_target.Count

            Enumerator_of_orders enumerator_of_orders = new Enumerator_of_orders(

            //transform iterations of combinator into potential mappings
            foreach (var combination in enumerator_of_orders)
                var test = combination;

            IList <IList <ISubfigure> > subnode_occurances =
                get_all_subnodes_occurances(stencil, target);

            IList <Stencil_mapping> potential_mappings =

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private IList <Stencil_mapping> map_stencil_onto_target(
            IStencil stencil, IFigure_representation target
            IList <Stencil_mapping> potential_mappings = map_first_nodes(stencil, target);

            for (int i_node = 1; i_node < stencil.get_subfigures().Count; i_node++)
                ISubfigure subfigure = stencil.get_subfigures()[i_node];
                //map_next_node(potential_mappings, subfigure, target);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private IList <IList <ISubfigure> > get_all_subnodes_occurances(
            IStencil stencil, IFigure_representation target
            IList <IList <ISubfigure> > subnode_occurances = new List <IList <ISubfigure> >();

            foreach (ISubfigure subfigure in stencil.get_first_subfigures())
                IList <ISubfigure> occurances = get_occurances_of_subnode_in_graph(
                    subfigure.referenced_figure, target
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // public static IList<IFigure> apply_stencil(
        //     Stencil stencil,
        //     IReadOnlyList<IAction_group> action_groups

        // ) {
        //     // stencils can be only applied to the Figures.
        //     // conversion img: conversion of Action_istory into Figure
        //     IFigure figure = create_figure_from_action_history(action_groups);
        //     return apply_stencil(stencil, figure);
        // }

        public IList <IFigure> apply_stencil(
            IStencil stencil,
            IFigure_representation target
            IList <Stencil_mapping> mappings =
                map_stencil_onto_target(stencil, target);

            foreach (Stencil_mapping mapping in mappings)
                IReadOnlyList <IFigure> out_figures =

Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void EditVoxels(IStencil activeStencil, bool ignoreFilter = false)
            int xStart, xEnd, yStart, yEnd;

            xStart = yStart = 0;
            xEnd   = yEnd = chunkResolution - 1;

            // go in reverse order for neighbour handling
            for (int y = yEnd; y >= yStart; y--)
                int i = y * chunkResolution + xEnd;
                for (int x = xEnd; x >= xStart; x--, i--)
                    var c = chunks[i];
                    if (ignoreFilter || gridsToEdit.Contains(c))
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void SetCrossings(
            IStencil stencil, int xStart, int xEnd, int yStart, int yEnd)
            bool crossHorizontalGap     = false;
            bool includeLastVerticalRow = false;
            bool crossVerticalGap       = false;

            if (xStart > 0)
                xStart -= 1;
            if (xEnd == resolution - 1)
                xEnd -= 1;
                crossHorizontalGap = xNeighbor != null;
            if (yStart > 0)
                yStart -= 1;
            if (yEnd == resolution - 1)
                yEnd -= 1;
                includeLastVerticalRow = true;
                crossVerticalGap       = yNeighbor != null;

            Voxel a, b;

            for (int y = yStart; y <= yEnd; y++)
                int i = y * resolution + xStart;
                b = voxels[i];
                for (int x = xStart; x <= xEnd; x++, i++)
                    a = b;
                    b = voxels[i + 1];
                    stencil.SetHorizontalCrossing(a, b);
                    stencil.SetVerticalCrossing(a, voxels[i + resolution]);
                stencil.SetVerticalCrossing(b, voxels[i + resolution]);
                if (crossHorizontalGap)
                        xNeighbor.voxels[y * resolution], gridSize);
                    stencil.SetHorizontalCrossing(b, dummyX);

            if (includeLastVerticalRow)
                int i = voxels.Length - resolution + xStart;
                b = voxels[i];
                for (int x = xStart; x <= xEnd; x++, i++)
                    a = b;
                    b = voxels[i + 1];
                    stencil.SetHorizontalCrossing(a, b);
                    if (crossVerticalGap)
                        dummyY.BecomeYDummyOf(yNeighbor.voxels[x], gridSize);
                        stencil.SetVerticalCrossing(a, dummyY);
                if (crossVerticalGap)
                    dummyY.BecomeYDummyOf(yNeighbor.voxels[xEnd + 1], gridSize);
                    stencil.SetVerticalCrossing(b, dummyY);
                if (crossHorizontalGap)
                        xNeighbor.voxels[voxels.Length - resolution], gridSize);
                    stencil.SetHorizontalCrossing(b, dummyX);