private string BuildDescription(ISpoofingRuleBreach ruleBreach)
            var volumeInPosition = ruleBreach.Trades.VolumeInStatus(OrderStatus.Filled);
            var volumeSpoofed    = ruleBreach.CancelledTrades.VolumeNotInStatus(OrderStatus.Filled);

            var description =
                $"Spoofing Rule Breach. Traded ({ruleBreach.MostRecentTrade.OrderDirection.GetDescription()}) security {ruleBreach.Security?.Name} with a fulfilled trade volume of {volumeInPosition} and a cancelled trade volume of {volumeSpoofed}. The cancelled volume was traded in the opposite position to the most recent fulfilled trade and is therefore considered to be supporting evidence of spoofing.";

        public async Task Send(ISpoofingRuleBreach ruleBreach)
            if (ruleBreach == null)
                    "SpoofingRuleMessageSender Send received a null rule breach for op ctx. Returning.");

            var description = this.BuildDescription(ruleBreach);

            await this.Send(ruleBreach, description);