Ejemplo n.º 1
 public async Task DownloadAsync(BuildConfig config, ISourceItem item, string filePath)
     using (var source = File.OpenRead(item.Url)) {
         using (var destination = File.OpenWrite(filePath))
             await source.CopyToAsync(destination);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the physical path to the directory that contains children of the item path/database name
        /// </summary>
        public static string GetSerializedReferencePath(string rootDirectory, ISourceItem sourceItem)
            var sitecoreSourceItem = sourceItem as SitecoreSourceItem;

            Assert.IsNotNull(sitecoreSourceItem, "Source item must be a SitecoreSourceItem.");

            // ReSharper disable PossibleNullReferenceException
            return PathUtils.GetDirectoryPath(new ItemReference(sitecoreSourceItem.InnerItem).ToString(), rootDirectory);
            // ReSharper restore PossibleNullReferenceException
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public Task DownloadAsync(BuildConfig config, ISourceItem item, string filePath)
            return Task.Run(()=> {

                var local = item as LocalRepositoryFile;
                var file = local==null ? (item as TFS2015FileItem) : local.Source as TFS2015FileItem;
                if (file == null) {
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Input=" + (item == null ? "null" : item.ToString()));
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the physical path to the .item file that defines the source item. Returns the path regardless of if the item file exists.
 /// </summary>
 public static string GetSerializedItemPath(string rootDirectory, ISourceItem sourceItem)
     return GetSerializedReferencePath(rootDirectory, sourceItem) + PathUtils.Extension;
 public virtual void DeletedItem(ISourceItem deletedItem)
     _logger.Warn("[D] {0} because it did not exist in the serialization provider.".FormatWith(deletedItem.DisplayIdentifier));
     _pipelineDataCollector.PushChangedItem(deletedItem, ChangeType.Deleted);
 public virtual void NewSerializedVersionMatch(ItemVersion newSerializedVersion, ISerializedItem serializedItem, ISourceItem existingItem)
     _logger.Debug("> New version {0}#{1} (serialized)".FormatWith(newSerializedVersion.Language, newSerializedVersion.VersionNumber));
        protected IList<ISourceItem> GetDescendants(ISourceItem sourceItem)
            var descendants = sourceItem.Children.ToList();

            foreach (var child in descendants.ToArray())

            return descendants;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public ChangeEntry(ISourceItem item, ChangeType type)
     SourceItem = item;
     ChangeType = type;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a set of children from a serialized path
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void LoadOneLevel(ISerializedReference root, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(root, "root");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryer, "retryer");

            var orphanCandidates = new Dictionary <ID, ISourceItem>();

            // grab the root item's full metadata
            var rootSerializedItem = root.GetItem();

            if (rootSerializedItem == null)
                Logger.SkippedItemMissingInSerializationProvider(root, SerializationProvider.GetType().Name);

            // get the corresponding item from Sitecore
            ISourceItem rootItem = SourceDataProvider.GetItemById(rootSerializedItem.DatabaseName, rootSerializedItem.Id);

            // we add all of the root item's direct children to the "maybe orphan" list (we'll remove them as we find matching serialized children)
            if (rootItem != null)
                var rootChildren = rootItem.Children;
                foreach (ISourceItem child in rootChildren)
                    // if the preset includes the child add it to the orphan-candidate list (if we don't deserialize it below, it will be marked orphan)
                    var included = Predicate.Includes(child);
                    if (included.IsIncluded)
                        orphanCandidates[child.Id] = child;
                        Logger.SkippedItem(child, Predicate.GetType().Name, included.Justification ?? string.Empty);

            // check for direct children of the target path
            var children = rootSerializedItem.GetChildItems();

            foreach (var child in children)
                    if (child.IsStandardValuesItem)
                        orphanCandidates.Remove(child.Id);                         // avoid marking standard values items orphans
                        retryer.AddItemRetry(child, new StandardValuesException(child.ItemPath));
                        // load a child item
                        var loadedItem = DoLoadItem(child, consistencyChecker);
                        if (loadedItem.Item != null)

                            // check if we have any child serialized items under this loaded child item (existing children) -
                            // if we do not, we can orphan any included children of the loaded item as well
                            var loadedItemsChildren = child.GetChildReferences(false);

                            if (loadedItemsChildren.Length == 0)                             // no children were serialized on disk
                                var loadedChildren = loadedItem.Item.Children;
                                foreach (ISourceItem loadedChild in loadedChildren)
                                    if (Predicate.Includes(loadedChild).IsIncluded)
                                        orphanCandidates.Add(loadedChild.Id, loadedChild);
                        else if (loadedItem.Status == ItemLoadStatus.Skipped)                         // if the item got skipped we'll prevent it from being deleted
                catch (ConsistencyException)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // if a problem occurs we attempt to retry later
                    retryer.AddItemRetry(child, ex);

                    // don't treat errors as cause to delete an item

            // if we're forcing an update (ie deleting stuff not on disk) we send the items that we found that weren't on disk off to get evaluated as orphans
            if (orphanCandidates.Count > 0)
                bool disableNewSerialization = UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization;
                    UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization = true;
                    UnicornDataProvider.DisableSerialization = disableNewSerialization;
        public virtual void RenameSerializedItem(ISourceItem renamedItem, string oldName)
            if (renamedItem == null || oldName == null) return;

            var typed = renamedItem as SitecoreSourceItem;

            if (typed == null) throw new ArgumentException("Renamed item must be a SitecoreSourceItem", "renamedItem");

            // write the serialized item under its new name
            var updatedItem = SerializeItem(renamedItem);

            // find the children directory path of the previous item name, if it exists, and move them to the new child path
            var renamedParentSerializationDirectory = SerializationPathUtility.GetReferenceParentPath(_rootPath, updatedItem);

            var oldSerializedChildrenReference = new SitecoreSerializedReference(renamedParentSerializationDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + oldName, this);

            var shortOldSerializedChildrenPath = SerializationPathUtility.GetShortSerializedReferencePath(_rootPath, oldSerializedChildrenReference);
            var shortOldSerializedChildrenReference = new SitecoreSerializedReference(shortOldSerializedChildrenPath, this);

            if (Directory.Exists(oldSerializedChildrenReference.ProviderId))
                MoveDescendants(oldSerializedChildrenReference, updatedItem, renamedItem);

            if (Directory.Exists(shortOldSerializedChildrenPath))
                MoveDescendants(shortOldSerializedChildrenReference, updatedItem, renamedItem);

            // delete the original serialized item from pre-rename (unless the names only differ by case, in which case we'd delete the item entirely because NTFS is case insensitive!)
            if (!renamedItem.Name.Equals(oldName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // note that we don't have to worry about short paths here because DeleteSerializedItem() knows how to find them
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public virtual void SkippedItem(ISourceItem skippedItem, string predicateName, string justification)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public ItemLoadResult(ItemLoadStatus status, ISourceItem item)
     Item   = item;
     Status = status;
 public virtual void OrphanSourceVersion(ISourceItem existingItem, ISerializedItem serializedItem, ItemVersion[] orphanSourceVersions)
     _logger.Debug("> Orphaned version{0} {1} (source)".FormatWith(orphanSourceVersions.Length > 1 ? "s" : string.Empty, string.Join(", ", orphanSourceVersions.Select(x => x.Language + "#" + x.VersionNumber))));
Ejemplo n.º 14
 Task <Uri> ITargetPageUriResolver.ResolveAsync(ISourceItem sourceItem, PnPContext targetContext, CancellationToken token)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public virtual void NewSerializedVersionMatch(ItemVersion newSerializedVersion, ISerializedItem serializedItem, ISourceItem existingItem)
     _logger.Debug("> New version {0}#{1} (serialized)".FormatWith(newSerializedVersion.Language, newSerializedVersion.VersionNumber));
 public virtual void IsNameMatch(ISerializedItem serializedItem, ISourceItem existingItem)
     _logger.Debug("> Name: Serialized \"{0}\", Source \"{1}\"".FormatWith(serializedItem.Name, existingItem.Name));
 public virtual void DeletedItem(ISourceItem deletedItem)
     _logger.Warn("[D] {0} because it did not exist in the serialization provider.".FormatWith(deletedItem.DisplayIdentifier));
 public override void SkippedItem(ISourceItem skippedItem, string predicateName, string justification)
     _logger.Debug("[S] {0} (and children) by {1}: {2}".FormatWith(skippedItem.DisplayIdentifier, predicateName, justification));
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: Error.cs Proyecto: xornand/cci
 /// <summary>
 /// Allocates an object providing error information relating to a portion of a source document.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourceItem">The source item to which the error applies.</param>
 /// <param name="error">An enumeration code that corresponds to this error. The enumeration identifier is used as the message key and the enumeration value is used as the code.</param>
 /// <param name="messageArguments">Zero or more strings that are to be substituted for "{i}" sequences in the message string return by GetMessage.</param>
 public AstErrorMessage(ISourceItem sourceItem, Error error, params string[] messageArguments)
     : base(sourceItem.SourceLocation, (long)error, error.ToString(), messageArguments)
 public virtual void SavedItem(string providerName, ISourceItem sourceItem, string triggerReason)
     _logger.Info(string.Format("{0}: Serialized {1} ({2}) to disk ({3}).", providerName, sourceItem.ItemPath, sourceItem.Id, triggerReason));
Ejemplo n.º 21
Archivo: Error.cs Proyecto: xornand/cci
 /// <summary>
 /// Allocates an object providing error information relating to a portion of a source document.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourceItem">The source item to which the error applies.</param>
 /// <param name="error">An enumeration code that corresponds to this error. The enumeration identifier is used as the message key and the enumeration value is used as the code.</param>
 /// <param name="relatedLocations">Zero ore more locations that are related to this error.</param>
 /// <param name="messageArguments">Zero or more strings that are to be substituted for "{i}" sequences in the message string return by GetMessage.</param>
 public AstErrorMessage(ISourceItem sourceItem, Error error, IEnumerable <ILocation> relatedLocations, params string[] messageArguments)
     : base(sourceItem.SourceLocation, (long)error, error.ToString(), relatedLocations, messageArguments)
        public virtual void MoveSerializedItem(ISourceItem sourceItem, ISourceItem newParentItem)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(sourceItem, "sourceItem");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(newParentItem, "newParentItem");

            var sitecoreSource = sourceItem as SitecoreSourceItem;
            var sitecoreParent = newParentItem as SitecoreSourceItem;

            if (sitecoreParent == null) throw new ArgumentException("newParentItem must be a SitecoreSourceItem", "newParentItem");
            if (sitecoreSource == null) throw new ArgumentException("sourceItem must be a SitecoreSourceItem", "sourceItem");

            var oldRootDirectory = new SitecoreSerializedReference(SerializationPathUtility.GetSerializedReferencePath(_rootPath, sourceItem), this);
            var oldRootItemPath = new SitecoreSerializedReference(SerializationPathUtility.GetReferenceItemPath(oldRootDirectory), this);
            var newRootItemPath = SerializationPathUtility.GetSerializedReferencePath(_rootPath, newParentItem) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + sourceItem.Name + PathUtils.Extension;

            var syncItem = ItemSynchronization.BuildSyncItem(sitecoreSource.InnerItem);

            // update the path and parent IDs to the new location
            syncItem.ParentID = newParentItem.Id.ToString();
            syncItem.ItemPath = string.Concat(newParentItem.ItemPath, "/", syncItem.Name);

            var serializedNewItem = new SitecoreSerializedItem(syncItem, newRootItemPath, this);

            // write the moved sync item to its new destination

            // move any children to the new destination (and fix their paths)
            MoveDescendants(oldRootDirectory, serializedNewItem, sourceItem);

            // remove the serialized item in the old location
        protected virtual PredicateResult ExcludeMatches(IncludeEntry entry, ISourceItem item)
            PredicateResult result = ExcludeMatchesTemplate(entry.Exclude, item.TemplateName);

            if (!result.IsIncluded) return result;

            result = ExcludeMatchesTemplateId(entry.Exclude, item.TemplateId);

            if (!result.IsIncluded) return result;

            result = ExcludeMatchesPath(entry.Exclude, item.ItemPath);

            if (!result.IsIncluded) return result;

            result = ExcludeMatchesId(entry.Exclude, item.Id);

            return result;
        public virtual ISerializedItem SerializeItem(ISourceItem item)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(item, "item");

            var sitecoreSourceItem = item as SitecoreSourceItem;

            var sitecoreItem = sitecoreSourceItem != null ? sitecoreSourceItem.InnerItem : Factory.GetDatabase(item.DatabaseName).GetItem(item.Id);

            Assert.IsNotNull(sitecoreItem, "Item to serialize did not exist!");

            var serializedPath = SerializationPathUtility.GetSerializedItemPath(_rootPath, item);

            var serializedItem = new SitecoreSerializedItem(ItemSynchronization.BuildSyncItem(sitecoreItem), serializedPath, this);


            return serializedItem;
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a preset includes a given item
        /// </summary>
        protected PredicateResult Includes(IncludeEntry entry, ISourceItem item)
            // check for db match
            if (item.DatabaseName != entry.Database) return new PredicateResult(false);

            // check for path match
            if (!item.ItemPath.StartsWith(entry.Path, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return new PredicateResult(false);

            // check excludes
            return ExcludeMatches(entry, item);
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the descendant items of a serialized parent after it has been moved or renamed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldReference">Reference to the original path pre-move/rename</param>
        /// <param name="newItem">The newly renamed or moved parent item</param>
        /// <param name="sourceItem">The source item representing the renamed/moved item. NOTE that the path of this item is incorrect a lot of the time so we ignore it.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method basically gets all descendants of the source item that was moved/renamed, generates an appropriate new serialized item for it, and _if the new child item is in the predicate_ we
        /// serialize it to its new location. Finally, we delete the old children directory if it existed.
        /// Doing it this way allows handling crazy cases like moving trees of items between included and excluded locations - or even moves or renames causing SOME of the children to be ignored. Wild.
        /// </remarks>
        protected virtual void MoveDescendants(ISerializedReference oldReference, ISerializedItem newItem, ISourceItem sourceItem)
            // remove the extension from the new item's provider ID
            string newItemReferencePath = SerializationPathUtility.GetReferenceDirectoryPath(newItem);

            // if the paths were the same, no moving occurs (this can happen when saving templates, which spuriously can report "renamed" when they are not actually any such thing)
            if (oldReference.ProviderId.Equals(newItemReferencePath, StringComparison.Ordinal)) return;

            // this is for renaming an item that differs only by case from the original. Because NTFS is case-insensitive the 'new parent' exists
            // already, but it will use the old name. Not quite what we want. So we need to manually rename the folder.
            if (oldReference.ProviderId.Equals(newItemReferencePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && Directory.Exists(oldReference.ProviderId))
                Directory.Move(oldReference.ProviderId, oldReference.ProviderId + "_tempunicorn");
                Directory.Move(oldReference.ProviderId + "_tempunicorn", newItemReferencePath);

            var descendantItems = GetDescendants(sourceItem).Cast<SitecoreSourceItem>();

            // Go through descendant source items and serialize all that are included by the predicate
            foreach (var descendant in descendantItems)
                var syncItem = ItemSynchronization.BuildSyncItem(descendant.InnerItem);

                // the newPhysicalPath will point to the OLD physical path pre-move/rename.
                // We re-root the path to point to the new parent item's base path to fix that before we write to disk
                var newPhysicalPath = SerializationPathUtility.GetSerializedItemPath(_rootPath, syncItem.DatabaseName, syncItem.ItemPath);

                var newSerializedItem = new SitecoreSerializedItem(syncItem, newPhysicalPath, this);

                if (!_predicate.Includes(newSerializedItem).IsIncluded) continue; // if the moved child location is outside the predicate, do not re-serialize


            // remove the old children folder if it exists - as long as the original name was not a case insensitive version of this item
            if (Directory.Exists(oldReference.ProviderId) && !oldReference.ProviderId.Equals(newItemReferencePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                Directory.Delete(oldReference.ProviderId, true);
        public PredicateResult Includes(ISourceItem item)
            // no entries = include everything
            if (_preset.FirstOrDefault() == null) return new PredicateResult(true);

            var result = new PredicateResult(true);
            PredicateResult priorityResult = null;
            foreach (var entry in _preset)
                result = Includes(entry, item);

                if (result.IsIncluded) return result; // it's definitely included if anything includes it
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Justification)) priorityResult = result; // a justification means this is probably a more 'important' fail than others

            return priorityResult ?? result; // return the last failure
 public virtual void SkippedItem(ISourceItem skippedItem, string predicateName, string justification)
Ejemplo n.º 29
		private void Serialize(ISourceItem root, IPredicate predicate, ISerializationProvider serializationProvider, ILogger logger)
			var predicateResult = predicate.Includes(root);
			if (predicateResult.IsIncluded)

				foreach (var child in root.Children)
					Serialize(child, predicate, serializationProvider, logger);
				logger.Warn("[S] {0} because {1}".FormatWith(root.DisplayIdentifier, predicateResult.Justification));
 public virtual void IsTemplateMatch(ISerializedItem serializedItem, ISourceItem existingItem)
     _logger.Debug("> Template: Serialized \"{0}\", Source \"{1}\"".FormatWith(serializedItem.TemplateName, existingItem.TemplateName));
Ejemplo n.º 31
 private ErrorForOutParameterReporter(LanguageSpecificCompilationHelper helper, ISourceItem defaultSourceItemForErrorReporting)
     this.helper = helper;
     this.defaultSourceItemForErrorReporting = defaultSourceItemForErrorReporting;
 public virtual void OrphanSourceVersion(ISourceItem existingItem, ISerializedItem serializedItem, ItemVersion[] orphanSourceVersions)
     _logger.Debug("> Orphaned version{0} {1} (source)".FormatWith(orphanSourceVersions.Length > 1 ? "s" : string.Empty, string.Join(", ", orphanSourceVersions.Select(x => x.Language + "#" + x.VersionNumber))));
 public virtual void MovedItem(string providerName, ISourceItem sourceItem, ISourceItem destinationItem)
     _logger.Info(string.Format("{0}: Moved serialized item {1} ({2}) to {3}", providerName, sourceItem.ItemPath, sourceItem.Id, destinationItem.ItemPath));
Ejemplo n.º 34
		public void PushChangedItem(ISourceItem sourceItem, ChangeType type)
			_entries.Enqueue(new ChangeEntry(sourceItem, type));
Ejemplo n.º 35
        protected virtual bool AnyFieldMatch(FieldDictionary sourceFields, FieldDictionary targetFields, ISourceItem existingItem, ISerializedItem serializedItem, DeferredLogWriter <ISerializedAsMasterEvaluatorLogger> deferredUpdateLog, ItemVersion version = null)
            if (sourceFields == null)

            return(sourceFields.Any(x =>
                if (!_fieldPredicate.Includes(x.Key).IsIncluded)
                    return false;

                if (!existingItem.IsFieldComparable(x.Key))
                    return false;

                bool isMatch = IsFieldMatch(x.Value, targetFields, x.Key);
                if (isMatch)
                    deferredUpdateLog.AddEntry(logger =>
                        string sourceFieldValue;
                        targetFields.TryGetValue(x.Key, out sourceFieldValue);

                        if (version == null)
                            logger.IsSharedFieldMatch(serializedItem, x.Key, x.Value, sourceFieldValue);
                            logger.IsVersionedFieldMatch(serializedItem, version, x.Key, x.Value, sourceFieldValue);
                return isMatch;
Ejemplo n.º 36
 public ItemLoadResult(ItemLoadStatus status, ISourceItem item)
     Item = item;
     Status = status;
Ejemplo n.º 37
 /// <summary>
 /// Allocates an object providing error information relating to a portion of a source document.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourceItem">The source item to which the error applies.</param>
 /// <param name="error">An enumeration code that corresponds to this error. The enumeration identifier is used as the message key and the enumeration value is used as the code.</param>
 /// <param name="messageArguments">Zero or more strings that are to be substituted for "{i}" sequences in the message string return by GetMessage.</param>
 public AstErrorMessage(ISourceItem sourceItem, Error error, params string[] messageArguments)
   : base(sourceItem.SourceLocation, (long)error, error.ToString(), messageArguments) {
 public virtual void CopiedItem(string providerName, Func<ISourceItem> sourceItem, ISourceItem copiedItem)
Ejemplo n.º 39
 /// <summary>
 /// Allocates an object providing error information relating to a portion of a source document.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourceItem">The source item to which the error applies.</param>
 /// <param name="error">An enumeration code that corresponds to this error. The enumeration identifier is used as the message key and the enumeration value is used as the code.</param>
 /// <param name="relatedLocations">Zero ore more locations that are related to this error.</param>
 /// <param name="messageArguments">Zero or more strings that are to be substituted for "{i}" sequences in the message string return by GetMessage.</param>
 public AstErrorMessage(ISourceItem sourceItem, Error error, IEnumerable<ILocation> relatedLocations, params string[] messageArguments)
   : base(sourceItem.SourceLocation, (long)error, error.ToString(), relatedLocations, messageArguments) {
 public virtual void RenamedItem(string providerName, ISourceItem sourceItem, string oldName)
     _logger.Info(string.Format("{0}: Renamed serialized item to {1} from {2}", providerName, sourceItem.ItemPath, oldName));
Ejemplo n.º 41
		public override void SkippedItem(ISourceItem skippedItem, string predicateName, string justification)
			_logger.Debug("[S] {0} (and children) by {1}: {2}".FormatWith(skippedItem.DisplayIdentifier, predicateName, justification));
        public virtual ISerializedReference GetReference(ISourceItem sourceItem)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(sourceItem, "sourceItem");

            var physicalPath = SerializationPathUtility.GetSerializedReferencePath(_rootPath, sourceItem);

            if (!Directory.Exists(physicalPath))
                physicalPath = SerializationPathUtility.GetSerializedItemPath(_rootPath, sourceItem);

                if (!File.Exists(physicalPath))
                    return null;

            return new SitecoreSerializedReference(physicalPath, this);
Ejemplo n.º 43
 public ChangeEntry(ISourceItem item, ChangeType type)
     SourceItem = item;
     ChangeType = type;