Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Population"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="size">Initial size of population.</param>
        /// <param name="ancestor">Ancestor chromosome to use for population creatioin.</param>
        /// <param name="fitnessFunction">Fitness function to use for calculating
        /// chromosome's fitness values.</param>
        /// <param name="selectionMethod">Selection algorithm to use for selection
        /// chromosome's to new generation.</param>
        /// <remarks>Creates new population of specified size. The specified ancestor
        /// becomes first member of the population and is used to create other members
        /// with same parameters, which were used for ancestor's creation.</remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Too small population's size was specified. The
        /// exception is thrown in the case if <paramref name="size"/> is smaller than 2.</exception>
        public QueuePopulation(int size,
                           IChromosome ancestor,
                           IFitnessFunction fitnessFunction,
                           ISelectionMethod selectionMethod)
            if (size < 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Too small population's size was specified.");

            this.fitnessFunction = fitnessFunction;
            this.selectionMethod = selectionMethod;
            this.size = size;

            // add ancestor to the population
            // add more chromosomes to the population
            for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
                // create new chromosome
                IChromosome c = ancestor.CreateNew();
                // calculate it's fitness
                // add it to population
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Population"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="size">Initial size of population.</param>
        /// <param name="ancestor">Ancestor chromosome to use for population creatioin.</param>
        /// <param name="fitnessFunction">Fitness function to use for calculating
        /// chromosome's fitness values.</param>
        /// <param name="selectionMethod">Selection algorithm to use for selection
        /// chromosome's to new generation.</param>
        /// <remarks>Creates new population of specified size. The specified ancestor
        /// becomes first member of the population and is used to create other members
        /// with same parameters, which were used for ancestor's creation.</remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Too small population's size was specified. The
        /// exception is thrown in the case if <paramref name="size"/> is smaller than 2.</exception>
        public Population(int size,
                          IChromosome ancestor,
                          IFitnessFunction fitnessFunction,
                          ISelectionMethod selectionMethod)
            if (size < 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Too small population's size was specified.");

            this.fitnessFunction = fitnessFunction;
            this.selectionMethod = selectionMethod;
            this.size            = size;

            // add ancestor to the population
            // add more chromosomes to the population
            for (var i = 1; i < size; i++)
                // create new chromosome
                var c = ancestor.CreateNew();
                // calculate it's fitness
                // add it to population
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public IA(Game game, int players)
            : base(game)
            rndSeedGen      = new Random();
            rndControl      = new Random();
            rndMovControl   = new Random();
            this.comidas    = null;
            this.jugadores  = null;
            this.numWeights = HIDDEN_UNITS0 * (INPUT_UNITS + 1) + HIDDEN_UNITS1 * (HIDDEN_UNITS0 + 1) + OUTPUT_UNITS * (HIDDEN_UNITS1 + 1);
            redes           = new ActivationNetwork[players];
            for (int i = 0; i < redes.Length; i++)
                redes[i] = new ActivationNetwork(new SigmoidFunction(400), INPUT_UNITS, HIDDEN_UNITS0, HIDDEN_UNITS1, OUTPUT_UNITS);
            inputVector  = new double[INPUT_UNITS];
            outputVector = new double[OUTPUT_UNITS];
            doneEvents   = new ManualResetEvent[players];
            for (int i = 0; i < players; i++)
                doneEvents[i] = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            //Se puede jugar con los parametros de los rangos para modificar la evolucion de las redes
            //Tambien se puede modificar el metodo de seleccion.
            chromosomeGenerator         = new UniformGenerator(new Range(-10f, 10f), rndSeedGen.Next(-100, 100));
            mutationAdditionGenerator   = new UniformGenerator(new Range(-8f, 8f), rndSeedGen.Next(-100, 100));
            mutationMultiplierGenerator = new UniformGenerator(new Range(-8f, 8f), rndSeedGen.Next(-100, 100));
            fitnessFunction             = new GameFitnessFunction();
            selectionMethod             = new EliteSelection();
            padre     = new gameChromosome(chromosomeGenerator, mutationMultiplierGenerator, mutationAdditionGenerator, numWeights);
            poblacion = new Population(WorldGame.JUGADORES, padre, fitnessFunction, selectionMethod);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public GeneticAlgorithm(int selectedFitnessFunction, int populationSize, int iterationsNumber, int selectedMethod)
            this.selectedMethod = selectedMethod;
            ISelectionMethod selectionMethot = GetSelectionMethod();

            DoubleArrayChromosome chromosome      = new DoubleArrayChromosome(new AForge.Math.Random.StandardGenerator(), new AForge.Math.Random.StandardGenerator(), new AForge.Math.Random.StandardGenerator(), 2);
            FitnessFunction       fitnessfunction = new FitnessFunction(selectedFitnessFunction);
            Population            population      = new Population(populationSize, chromosome, fitnessfunction, selectionMethot);

            double[,] tmp = new double[iterationsNumber, 2];
            this.result   = new double[iterationsNumber, 2];
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < iterationsNumber; i++)
                DoubleArrayChromosome bestChromosome = (DoubleArrayChromosome)population.BestChromosome;
                double x = (double)bestChromosome.Value.GetValue(0);
                double y = (double)bestChromosome.Value.GetValue(1);
                tmp[i, 0] = x;
                tmp[i, 1] = y;
                if (fitnessfunction.Evaluate(bestChromosome) == 100)
            this.result = new double[i, 2];
            for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                result[j, 0] = tmp[j, 0];
                result[j, 1] = tmp[j, 1];
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Resize population to the new specified size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newPopulationSize">New size of population.</param>
        /// <param name="membersSelector">Selection algorithm to use in the case
        /// if population should get smaller.</param>
        /// <remarks><para>The method does resizing of population. In the case if population
        /// should grow, it just adds missing number of random members. In the case if
        /// population should get smaller, the specified selection method is used to
        /// reduce the population.</para></remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Too small population's size was specified. The
        /// exception is thrown in the case if <paramref name="newPopulationSize"/> is smaller than 2.</exception>
        public void Resize(int newPopulationSize, ISelectionMethod membersSelector)
            if (newPopulationSize < 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Too small new population's size was specified.");

            if (newPopulationSize > size)
                // population is growing, so add new rundom members

                // Note: we use population.Count here instead of "size" because
                // population may be bigger already after crossover/mutation. So
                // we just keep those members instead of adding random member.
                var toAdd = newPopulationSize - population.Count;

                for (var i = 0; i < toAdd; i++)
                    // create new chromosome
                    var c = population[0].CreateNew();
                    // calculate it's fitness
                    // add it to population
                // do selection
                membersSelector.ApplySelection(population, newPopulationSize);

            size = newPopulationSize;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EvolutionaryLearning"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activationNetwork">Activation network to be trained.</param>
        /// <param name="populationSize">Size of genetic population.</param>
        /// <param name="chromosomeGenerator">Random numbers generator used for initialization of genetic
        /// population representing neural network's weights and thresholds (see <see cref="DoubleArrayChromosome.chromosomeGenerator"/>).</param>
        /// <param name="mutationMultiplierGenerator">Random numbers generator used to generate random
        /// factors for multiplication of network's weights and thresholds during genetic mutation
        /// (ses <see cref="DoubleArrayChromosome.mutationMultiplierGenerator"/>.)</param>
        /// <param name="mutationAdditionGenerator">Random numbers generator used to generate random
        /// values added to neural network's weights and thresholds during genetic mutation
        /// (see <see cref="DoubleArrayChromosome.mutationAdditionGenerator"/>).</param>
        /// <param name="selectionMethod">Method of selection best chromosomes in genetic population.</param>
        /// <param name="crossOverRate">Crossover rate in genetic population (see
        /// <see cref="Population.CrossoverRate"/>).</param>
        /// <param name="mutationRate">Mutation rate in genetic population (see
        /// <see cref="Population.MutationRate"/>).</param>
        /// <param name="randomSelectionRate">Rate of injection of random chromosomes during selection
        /// in genetic population (see <see cref="Population.RandomSelectionPortion"/>).</param>
        public EvolutionaryLearning(ActivationNetwork activationNetwork, int populationSize,
                                    IRandomNumberGenerator chromosomeGenerator,
                                    IRandomNumberGenerator mutationMultiplierGenerator,
                                    IRandomNumberGenerator mutationAdditionGenerator,
                                    ISelectionMethod selectionMethod,
                                    double crossOverRate, double mutationRate, double randomSelectionRate)
            // Check of assumptions during debugging only
            Debug.Assert(activationNetwork != null);
            Debug.Assert(populationSize > 0);
            Debug.Assert(chromosomeGenerator != null);
            Debug.Assert(mutationMultiplierGenerator != null);
            Debug.Assert(mutationAdditionGenerator != null);
            Debug.Assert(selectionMethod != null);
            Debug.Assert(crossOverRate >= 0.0 && crossOverRate <= 1.0);
            Debug.Assert(mutationRate >= 0.0 && crossOverRate <= 1.0);
            Debug.Assert(randomSelectionRate >= 0.0 && randomSelectionRate <= 1.0);

            // networks's parameters
            this.network = activationNetwork;
            this.numberOfNetworksWeights = CalculateNetworkSize(activationNetwork);

            // population parameters
            this.populationSize              = populationSize;
            this.chromosomeGenerator         = chromosomeGenerator;
            this.mutationMultiplierGenerator = mutationMultiplierGenerator;
            this.mutationAdditionGenerator   = mutationAdditionGenerator;
            this.selectionMethod             = selectionMethod;
            this.crossOverRate       = crossOverRate;
            this.mutationRate        = mutationRate;
            this.randomSelectionRate = randomSelectionRate;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public AdaptiveSelector(ISelectionMethod initialGoal, String formattedMatrixString)
     _templateMatrix = new CpeMatrix();
     _currentGoal      = initialGoal;
     _selectCurrentCpe = new MaintainMethod();
Ejemplo n.º 8
    public void Start()
        //FilePath = "C:\\Users\\JKMT\\Desktop\\OptimizationShooting.txt";

        leftRules  = new List <EvaluationTreeRuleBase>(PopulationSize);
        rightRules = new List <EvaluationTreeRuleBase>(PopulationSize);

        for (int i = 0; i < PopulationSize; i++)

        IsTrialRunning  = false;
        TrialCount      = 0;
        GenerationCount = 1;

        TrialController = Trial.GetComponent <TrialController>();

        OrganismFactory = new EvaluationTreeRuleBaseFactory(FuzzyShootingUtil.InputSets, FuzzyShootingUtil.TorqueSet);
        GeneCopier      = new RuleCopier();

        SelectionMethod = new StochasticUniversalSamplingSelection(0.11f, 0.29f);
        CrossoverMethod = new UniformCrossover();

        GeneticAlgorithm = new GeneticAlgorithm <EvaluationTreeRuleBase, Rule>(SelectionMethod, CrossoverMethod, OrganismFactory, GeneCopier);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public AdaptiveSelector(ISelectionMethod initialGoal, String formattedMatrixString)
     _templateMatrix = new CpeMatrix();
     _currentGoal = initialGoal;
     _selectCurrentCpe = new MaintainMethod();
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public WAPPopulation(int size, WAPChromosome ancestor, IFitnessFunction Func, ISelectionMethod sel)
     : base(size, ancestor, Func, sel)
     AddAlternativeRate = 0.01;
     DropConditionRate = 0.6;
     rand = new Random();
     parallelism = false;
     epoch = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public GeneticSolver(int populationSize, int iterationsCount, ISelectionMethod selectionMethod, double mutationRate, double crossoverRate, double randomSelectionPortion, bool diversityCheck, bool logging)
     _populationSize         = populationSize;
     _iterationsCount        = iterationsCount;
     _selectionMethod        = selectionMethod;
     _mutationRate           = mutationRate;
     _crossoverRate          = crossoverRate;
     _randomSelectionPortion = randomSelectionPortion;
     _diversityCheck         = diversityCheck;
     _logging = logging;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void pruebaSeleccion()
     for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
         var cromosoma = new CocheCromosoma();
     seleccion = new CocheSeleccion();
     seleccion.ApplySelection(this.cromosomas, 20);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //ShortArrayChromosome[] individos = new ShortArrayChromosome[nPopulacao];
            //for (int i = 0; i < individos.Length; i++)
            //    individos[i] = new ShortArrayChromosome(nRainhas, nRainhas);
            //    individos[i].Generate();
            //    Console.WriteLine(i + " : " + individos[i].ToString());

            int selecao = selecaoBox.SelectedIndex;
            ISelectionMethod metodoDeSelecao = (selecao == 0) ? (ISelectionMethod) new RouletteWheelSelection() :
                                               (selecao == 1) ? (ISelectionMethod) new EliteSelection() :
                                               (ISelectionMethod) new RankSelection();

            AvaliadorDeRainhas avaliador = new AvaliadorDeRainhas();
            Population         populacao = new Population(nPopulacao, new ShortArrayChromosome(nRainhas, nRainhas - 1), avaliador, metodoDeSelecao);

            populacao.CrossoverRate = crossoverRate;
            populacao.MutationRate  = mutationRate;
            //populacao.AutoShuffling = true;

            int iteracao = 0;
            int pararEm  = nParada;

            while (iteracao < nGeracoes)
                //MessageBox.Show("iteração: " + iteracao + "\n Avaliacao Media: " + populacao.FitnessAvg + "\n Melhor individo: " + populacao.BestChromosome.ToString());
                if (nParada > 0 && iteracao == pararEm)
                    atualizaDadosPara(iteracao, populacao);
                    MessageBox.Show("Visualização\nGeração: " + iteracao + "\n OK para Continuar");
                    pararEm += nParada;
                if (populacao.BestChromosome.Fitness == nRainhas)
            atualizaDadosPara(iteracao, populacao);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public PopulationNovelty(int size,
                                 NoveltyChromosome ancestor,
                                 IFitnessFunction fitnessFunction,
                                 IDistanceFunction distanceFunction,
                                 ISelectionMethod selectionMethod,
                                 int kNearestNeighbours) : base(size, ancestor, fitnessFunction, selectionMethod)
            if (kNearestNeighbours < 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Too small nearest neighbours was specified.");

            _distanceFunction   = distanceFunction;
            _kNearestNeighbours = kNearestNeighbours;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a new population from seralization (returned from serializePopulation())
        /// ancesstor is set to the first of the deserialized chromosomes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="popSerialization"></param>
        public static MultiThreadEvaluationPopulation <T> desrializePopulation(
            List <string> popSerialization,
            ChromosomeGenerator deserializer,
            IFitnessFunction fitnessFunction,
            ISelectionMethod selectionMethod,
            CustomThreadPool pool,
            bool allowDuplicateChromosomes)
            IChromosome ancestor = deserializer(popSerialization[0]);
            MultiThreadEvaluationPopulation <T> newpop =
                new MultiThreadEvaluationPopulation <T>(0, (T)ancestor, fitnessFunction, selectionMethod, pool, allowDuplicateChromosomes);

            newpop.size = popSerialization.Count;
            for (int cc = 0; cc < popSerialization.Count; ++cc)
Ejemplo n.º 16
#pragma warning disable CS0436 // Type conflicts with imported type
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform migration between two populations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anotherPopulation">Population to do migration with.</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfMigrants">Number of chromosomes from each population to migrate.</param>
        /// <param name="migrantsSelector">Selection algorithm used to select chromosomes to migrate.</param>
        /// <remarks><para>The method performs migration between two populations - current and the
        /// <paramref name="anotherPopulation">specified one</paramref>. During migration
        /// <paramref name="numberOfMigrants">specified number</paramref> of chromosomes is choosen from
        /// each population using <paramref name="migrantsSelector">specified selection algorithms</paramref>
        /// and put into another population replacing worst members there.</para></remarks>
        public void Migrate(Population anotherPopulation, int numberOfMigrants, ISelectionMethod migrantsSelector)
#pragma warning restore CS0436 // Type conflicts with imported type
            int currentSize = this.size;
            int anotherSize = anotherPopulation.Size;

            // create copy of current population
            List <IChromosome> currentCopy = new List <IChromosome>( );

            for (int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++)
                currentCopy.Add(population[i].Clone( ));

            // create copy of another population
            List <IChromosome> anotherCopy = new List <IChromosome>( );

            for (int i = 0; i < anotherSize; i++)
                anotherCopy.Add(anotherPopulation.population[i].Clone( ));

            // apply selection to both populations' copies - select members to migrate
            migrantsSelector.ApplySelection(currentCopy, numberOfMigrants);
            migrantsSelector.ApplySelection(anotherCopy, numberOfMigrants);

            // sort original populations, so the best chromosomes are in the beginning
            population.Sort( );
            anotherPopulation.population.Sort( );

            // remove worst chromosomes from both populations to free space for new members
            population.RemoveRange(currentSize - numberOfMigrants, numberOfMigrants);
            anotherPopulation.population.RemoveRange(anotherSize - numberOfMigrants, numberOfMigrants);

            // put migrants to corresponding populations

            // find best chromosomes in each population
            FindBestChromosome( );
            anotherPopulation.FindBestChromosome( );
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EvolutionaryLearning"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activationNetwork">Activation network to be trained.</param>
        /// <param name="populationSize">Size of genetic population.</param>
        /// <remarks><para>This version of constructor is used to create genetic population
        /// for searching optimal neural network's weight using default set of parameters, which are:
        /// <list type="bullet">
        /// <item>Selection method - elite;</item>
        /// <item>Crossover rate - 0.75;</item>
        /// <item>Mutation rate - 0.25;</item>
        /// <item>Rate of injection of random chromosomes during selection - 0.20;</item>
        /// <item>Random numbers generator for initializing new chromosome -
        /// <c>UniformGenerator( new Range( -1, 1 ) )</c>;</item>
        /// <item>Random numbers generator used during mutation for genes' multiplication -
        /// <c>ExponentialGenerator( 1 )</c>;</item>
        /// <item>Random numbers generator used during mutation for adding random value to genes -
        /// <c>UniformGenerator( new Range( -0.5f, 0.5f ) )</c>.</item>
        /// </list></para>
        /// <para>In order to have full control over the above default parameters, it is possible to
        /// used extended version of constructor, which allows to specify all of the parameters.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        public EvolutionaryLearning(ActivationNetwork activationNetwork, int populationSize)
            // Check of assumptions during debugging only
            Debug.Assert(activationNetwork != null);
            Debug.Assert(populationSize > 0);

            // networks's parameters
            this.network = activationNetwork;
            this.numberOfNetworksWeights = CalculateNetworkSize(activationNetwork);

            // population parameters
            this.populationSize              = populationSize;
            this.chromosomeGenerator         = new UniformGenerator(new Range(-1, 1));
            this.mutationMultiplierGenerator = new ExponentialGenerator(1);
            this.mutationAdditionGenerator   = new UniformGenerator(new Range(-0.5f, 0.5f));
            this.selectionMethod             = new EliteSelection();
            this.crossOverRate       = 0.75;
            this.mutationRate        = 0.25;
            this.randomSelectionRate = 0.2;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Population"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="size">Initial size of population.</param>
        /// <param name="ancestor">Ancestor chromosome to use for population creatioin.</param>
        /// <param name="fitnessFunction">Fitness function to use for calculating
        /// chromosome's fitness values.</param>
        /// <param name="selectionMethod">Selection algorithm to use for selection
        /// chromosome's to new generation.</param>
        /// <remarks>Creates new population of specified size. The specified ancestor
        /// becomes first member of the population and is used to create other members
        /// with same parameters, which were used for ancestor's creation.</remarks>
        public Population(int size,
                          IChromosome ancestor,
                          IFitnessFunction fitnessFunction,
                          ISelectionMethod selectionMethod)
            this.fitnessFunction = fitnessFunction;
            this.selectionMethod = selectionMethod;
            this.size            = size;

            // add ancestor to the population
            population.Add(ancestor.Clone( ));
            // add more chromosomes to the population
            for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
                // create new chromosome
                IChromosome c = ancestor.CreateNew( );
                // calculate it's fitness
                // add it to population
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EvolutionaryLearning"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activationNetwork">Activation network to be trained.</param>
        /// <param name="populationSize">Size of genetic population.</param>
        /// <param name="chromosomeGenerator">Random numbers generator used for initialization of genetic
        /// population representing neural network's weights and thresholds (see <see cref="DoubleArrayChromosome.chromosomeGenerator"/>).</param>
        /// <param name="mutationMultiplierGenerator">Random numbers generator used to generate random
        /// factors for multiplication of network's weights and thresholds during genetic mutation
        /// (ses <see cref="DoubleArrayChromosome.mutationMultiplierGenerator"/>.)</param>
        /// <param name="mutationAdditionGenerator">Random numbers generator used to generate random
        /// values added to neural network's weights and thresholds during genetic mutation
        /// (see <see cref="DoubleArrayChromosome.mutationAdditionGenerator"/>).</param>
        /// <param name="selectionMethod">Method of selection best chromosomes in genetic population.</param>
        /// <param name="crossOverRate">Crossover rate in genetic population (see
        /// <see cref="Population.CrossoverRate"/>).</param>
        /// <param name="mutationRate">Mutation rate in genetic population (see
        /// <see cref="Population.MutationRate"/>).</param>
        /// <param name="randomSelectionRate">Rate of injection of random chromosomes during selection
        /// in genetic population (see <see cref="Population.RandomSelectionPortion"/>).</param>
        public EvolutionaryLearning( ActivationNetwork activationNetwork, int populationSize,
            IRandomNumberGenerator chromosomeGenerator,
            IRandomNumberGenerator mutationMultiplierGenerator,
            IRandomNumberGenerator mutationAdditionGenerator,
            ISelectionMethod selectionMethod,
            double crossOverRate, double mutationRate, double randomSelectionRate )
            // Check of assumptions during debugging only
            Debug.Assert( activationNetwork != null );
            Debug.Assert( populationSize > 0 );
            Debug.Assert( chromosomeGenerator != null );
            Debug.Assert( mutationMultiplierGenerator != null );
            Debug.Assert( mutationAdditionGenerator != null );
            Debug.Assert( selectionMethod != null );
            Debug.Assert( crossOverRate >= 0.0 && crossOverRate <= 1.0 );
            Debug.Assert( mutationRate >= 0.0 && crossOverRate <= 1.0 );
            Debug.Assert( randomSelectionRate >= 0.0 && randomSelectionRate <= 1.0 );

            // networks's parameters
            this.network = activationNetwork;
            this.numberOfNetworksWeights = CalculateNetworkSize( activationNetwork );

            // population parameters
            this.populationSize = populationSize;
            this.chromosomeGenerator = chromosomeGenerator;
            this.mutationMultiplierGenerator = mutationMultiplierGenerator;
            this.mutationAdditionGenerator = mutationAdditionGenerator;
            this.selectionMethod = selectionMethod;
            this.crossOverRate = crossOverRate;
            this.mutationRate = mutationRate;
            this.randomSelectionRate = randomSelectionRate;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public void SetGoal(ISelectionMethod newGoal)
     _currentGoal = newGoal;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Resize population to the new specified size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newPopulationSize">New size of population.</param>
        /// <param name="membersSelector">Selection algorithm to use in the case
        /// if population should get smaller.</param>
        /// <remarks><para>The method does resizing of population. In the case if population
        /// should grow, it just adds missing number of random members. In the case if
        /// population should get smaller, the specified selection method is used to
        /// reduce the population.</para></remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Too small population's size was specified. The
        /// exception is thrown in the case if <paramref name="newPopulationSize"/> is smaller than 2.</exception>
        public void Resize(int newPopulationSize, ISelectionMethod membersSelector)
            if (newPopulationSize < 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Too small new population's size was specified.");

            if (newPopulationSize > size)
                // population is growing, so add new rundom members

                // Note: we use population.Count here instead of "size" because
                // population may be bigger already after crossover/mutation. So
                // we just keep those members instead of adding random member.
                int toAdd = newPopulationSize - population.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < toAdd; i++)
                    // create new chromosome
                    IChromosome c = population[0].CreateNew();
                    // calculate it's fitness
                    // add it to population
                // do selection
                membersSelector.ApplySelection(population, newPopulationSize);

            size = newPopulationSize;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform migration between two populations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anotherPopulation">Population to do migration with.</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfMigrants">Number of chromosomes from each population to migrate.</param>
        /// <param name="migrantsSelector">Selection algorithm used to select chromosomes to migrate.</param>
        /// <remarks><para>The method performs migration between two populations - current and the
        /// <paramref name="anotherPopulation">specified one</paramref>. During migration
        /// <paramref name="numberOfMigrants">specified number</paramref> of chromosomes is choosen from
        /// each population using <paramref name="migrantsSelector">specified selection algorithms</paramref>
        /// and put into another population replacing worst members there.</para></remarks>
        public void Migrate(Population anotherPopulation, int numberOfMigrants, ISelectionMethod migrantsSelector)
            int currentSize = this.size;
            int anotherSize = anotherPopulation.Size;

            // create copy of current population
            List<IChromosome> currentCopy = new List<IChromosome>();

            for (int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++)

            // create copy of another population
            List<IChromosome> anotherCopy = new List<IChromosome>();

            for (int i = 0; i < anotherSize; i++)

            // apply selection to both populations' copies - select members to migrate
            migrantsSelector.ApplySelection(currentCopy, numberOfMigrants);
            migrantsSelector.ApplySelection(anotherCopy, numberOfMigrants);

            // sort original populations, so the best chromosomes are in the beginning

            // remove worst chromosomes from both populations to free space for new members
            population.RemoveRange(currentSize - numberOfMigrants, numberOfMigrants);
            anotherPopulation.population.RemoveRange(anotherSize - numberOfMigrants, numberOfMigrants);

            // put migrants to corresponding populations

            // find best chromosomes in each population
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public IA(Game game, int players)
            : base(game)
            rndSeedGen = new Random();
            rndControl = new Random();
            rndMovControl = new Random();
            this.comidas = null;
            this.jugadores = null;
            this.numWeights = HIDDEN_UNITS0 * (INPUT_UNITS + 1) + HIDDEN_UNITS1 * (HIDDEN_UNITS0 + 1) + OUTPUT_UNITS * (HIDDEN_UNITS1 + 1);
            redes = new ActivationNetwork[players];
            for (int i = 0; i < redes.Length; i++)
                redes[i] = new ActivationNetwork(new SigmoidFunction(400), INPUT_UNITS, HIDDEN_UNITS0, HIDDEN_UNITS1, OUTPUT_UNITS);
            inputVector = new double[INPUT_UNITS];
            outputVector = new double[OUTPUT_UNITS];
            doneEvents = new ManualResetEvent[players];
            for (int i = 0; i < players; i++) doneEvents[i] = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            //Se puede jugar con los parametros de los rangos para modificar la evolucion de las redes
            //Tambien se puede modificar el metodo de seleccion.
            chromosomeGenerator = new UniformGenerator(new Range(-10f, 10f), rndSeedGen.Next(-100, 100));
            mutationAdditionGenerator = new UniformGenerator(new Range(-8f, 8f), rndSeedGen.Next(-100, 100));
            mutationMultiplierGenerator = new UniformGenerator(new Range(-8f, 8f), rndSeedGen.Next(-100, 100));
            fitnessFunction = new GameFitnessFunction();
            selectionMethod = new EliteSelection();
            padre = new gameChromosome(chromosomeGenerator, mutationMultiplierGenerator, mutationAdditionGenerator, numWeights);
            poblacion = new Population(WorldGame.JUGADORES, padre, fitnessFunction, selectionMethod);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public MultiThreadEvaluationPopulation(int size, T ancestor, IFitnessFunction fitnessFunction, ISelectionMethod selectionMethod, CustomThreadPool pool, bool allowDuplicateChromosomes)
     : base(size, fitnessFunction, selectionMethod)
     TasksPool = pool;
     if (ancestor != null && size > 0)
     TasksPool.waitAllTasks(); // the first evaluation can't be parallel, due to gui input problems
     for (int s = 1; s < size; ++s)
     allowDupes = allowDuplicateChromosomes;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EvolutionaryLearning"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activationNetwork">Activation network to be trained.</param>
        /// <param name="populationSize">Size of genetic population.</param>
        /// <remarks><para>This version of constructor is used to create genetic population
        /// for searching optimal neural network's weight using default set of parameters, which are:
        /// <list type="bullet">
        /// <item>Selection method - elite;</item>
        /// <item>Crossover rate - 0.75;</item>
        /// <item>Mutation rate - 0.25;</item>
        /// <item>Rate of injection of random chromosomes during selection - 0.20;</item>
        /// <item>Random numbers generator for initializing new chromosome -
        /// <c>UniformGenerator( new Range( -1, 1 ) )</c>;</item>
        /// <item>Random numbers generator used during mutation for genes' multiplication -
        /// <c>ExponentialGenerator( 1 )</c>;</item>
        /// <item>Random numbers generator used during mutation for adding random value to genes -
        /// <c>UniformGenerator( new Range( -0.5f, 0.5f ) )</c>.</item>
        /// </list></para>
        /// <para>In order to have full control over the above default parameters, it is possible to
        /// used extended version of constructor, which allows to specify all of the parameters.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        public EvolutionaryLearning( ActivationNetwork activationNetwork, int populationSize )
            // Check of assumptions during debugging only
            Debug.Assert( activationNetwork != null );
            Debug.Assert( populationSize > 0 );

            // networks's parameters
            this.network = activationNetwork;
            this.numberOfNetworksWeights = CalculateNetworkSize( activationNetwork );

            // population parameters
            this.populationSize = populationSize;
            this.chromosomeGenerator = new UniformGenerator( new Range( -1, 1 ) );
            this.mutationMultiplierGenerator = new ExponentialGenerator( 1 );
            this.mutationAdditionGenerator = new UniformGenerator( new Range( -0.5f, 0.5f ) );
            this.selectionMethod = new EliteSelection( );
            this.crossOverRate = 0.75;
            this.mutationRate = 0.25;
            this.randomSelectionRate = 0.2;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public void SetGoal(ISelectionMethod newGoal)
     _currentGoal = newGoal;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        static void Main(string[] args)
                int numLines = 1473;
                int maxIter = 1500;

                int[][] examples = new int[numLines][];
                readFile("cmc.data", examples);

                IFitnessFunction f = new FitnessFunction(examples, true);

                int method = 0, best_method = method;
                ISelectionMethod[] methods = new ISelectionMethod[]{new RouletteWheelSelection(), new RankSelection(), new EliteSelection()};

                WAPChromosome c = new WAPChromosome(5 * 44);
                WAPChromosome legend = c;

                double bestMR = 0, bestSP = 0, bestDC = 0, bestAA = 0;
                WAPPopulation pop = new WAPPopulation(100, c, f, methods[0]);
                pop.parallelism = true;

                Random rand = new Random();

                while (true)
                    pop.RandomSelectionPortion = rand.NextDouble() * 0.7;
                    pop.MutationRate           = 0.1 + rand.NextDouble() * 0.3;
                    pop.SelectionMethod        = methods[method];
                    pop.DropConditionRate      = rand.NextDouble() * 0.5;
                    pop.AddAlternativeRate     = rand.NextDouble() * 0.5;

                    method = (method + 1) % methods.Length;

                    Console.WriteLine("Entrenando: Metodo:{0}, DC:{1}, AA:{2}, SP:{3}, MR:{4}", method, pop.DropConditionRate, pop.AddAlternativeRate, pop.RandomSelectionPortion, pop.MutationRate);

                    for (int i = 0; i < maxIter; i++)
                        int prom = 0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < pop.Size; j++)
                            prom += ((WAPChromosome)pop[j]).numRules;
                        prom = prom / pop.Size;
                        //Console.WriteLine("Generacion {0} Mejor Fitness {1} prom: {2}, reglas:{3}", i, pop.BestChromosome.Fitness, pop.FitnessAvg, prom);
                        if (pop.BestChromosome.Fitness > legend.Fitness)
                            legend = (WAPChromosome)pop.BestChromosome;
                            best_method = method; bestAA = pop.AddAlternativeRate; bestDC = pop.DropConditionRate;
                            bestMR = pop.MutationRate; bestSP = pop.RandomSelectionPortion;

                    Console.WriteLine("\n\nMejor Cromosoma de la ultima generacion:");
                    Console.WriteLine("Fitness {0}", pop.BestChromosome.Fitness);
                    Console.WriteLine("Clasificados {0}", Math.Sqrt(pop.BestChromosome.Fitness) + (double)((WAPChromosome)pop.BestChromosome).numRules / (double)examples.Length / 2.0);
                    Console.WriteLine("Reglas {0}", ((WAPChromosome)pop.BestChromosome).numRules);

                    Console.WriteLine("\nMejor Cromosoma de todas las generaciones:");
                    Console.Write("Parm: Metodo:{0}, DC:{1}, AA:{2}, SP:{3}, MR:{4}", best_method, bestDC, bestAA, bestSP, bestMR);
                    Console.WriteLine("Fitness {0}", legend.Fitness);
                    Console.WriteLine("Clasificados {0}", Math.Sqrt(legend.Fitness) + (double)((WAPChromosome)legend).numRules / (double)examples.Length / 2.0);
                    Console.WriteLine("Reglas {0}", legend.numRules);

            catch (Exception e)
Ejemplo n.º 28
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            decimal   frequency = Stopwatch.Frequency;

            if (CommandLine.Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, Options))
                TextWriter reportWriter = Options.OutputFilePath == null ? Console.Out : new StreamWriter(Options.OutputFilePath);

                VerboseLog("Data parsing ...");

                DataParser parser = new DataParser();
                List <KnapsackProblemModel>          knapsackProblemModels        = parser.ParseProblem(Options.InputFiles);
                Dictionary <int, int>                knownResults                 = null;
                Dictionary <int, Tuple <int, long> > bruteForceResults            = new Dictionary <int, Tuple <int, long> >();
                Dictionary <int, Tuple <int, long> > costToRatioHeuristicsResults = new Dictionary <int, Tuple <int, long> >();
                Dictionary <int, Tuple <int, long> > branchAndBoundResults        = new Dictionary <int, Tuple <int, long> >();
                Dictionary <int, Tuple <int, long> > dynamicByCostResults         = new Dictionary <int, Tuple <int, long> >();
                Dictionary <int, Tuple <int, long> > fptasResults                 = new Dictionary <int, Tuple <int, long> >();
                Dictionary <int, Tuple <int, long> > geneticResults               = new Dictionary <int, Tuple <int, long> >();

                if (Options.ResultFiles != null)
                    knownResults = parser.ParseResults(Options.ResultFiles);


                IKnapsackSolver bruteForceSolver     = new BruteForceSolver();
                IKnapsackSolver ratioHeuristicSolver = new RatioHeuristicSolver();
                IKnapsackSolver branchAndBoundSolver = new BranchAndBoundSolver();
                IKnapsackSolver dynamicByCostSolve   = new DynamicByCostSolver();
                IKnapsackSolver fptasSolver          = null;
                IKnapsackSolver geneticSolver        = null;

                if (Options.FPTAS)
                    fptasSolver = new FPTASSolver(Options.FPTASAccuracy);
                if (Options.Genetics)
                    ISelectionMethod selectionMethod = null;
                    switch (Options.SelectionMethod)
                    case "roulette": selectionMethod = new RouletteWheelSelection();

                    case "rank": selectionMethod = new RankSelection();

                    case "elitary": selectionMethod = new EliteSelection();

                    default: Console.WriteLine("Wrong selection method for genetics");

                    if (selectionMethod == null)

                    if (Options.GeneticMetaoptimization)
                        //Random selection portion
                        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                            double randomSelectionPortion = (i * 0.001) + 0;
                            //Crossover rate
                            for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++)
                                double crossoverRate = (j * 0.03) + 0.22;
                                //Mutation rate
                                for (int k = 0; k < 1; k++)
                                    double mutationRate = (k * 0.04) + 0.87;

                                    geneticSolver = new GeneticSolver(Options.PopulationSize, Options.IterationsCount, selectionMethod, mutationRate, crossoverRate, randomSelectionPortion, false, false);
                                    foreach (KnapsackProblemModel problem in knapsackProblemModels)
                                        int result = 0;
                                            result = geneticSolver.Solve(problem);
                                        catch (Exception ex)

                                        geneticResults.Add(problem.ProblemId, new Tuple <int, long>(result, stopwatch.ElapsedTicks));

                                    decimal totalTime  = 0;
                                    decimal totalError = 0;

                                    foreach (KnapsackProblemModel problem in knapsackProblemModels)
                                        int problemId            = problem.ProblemId;
                                        Tuple <int, long> result = geneticResults[problemId];
                                        totalTime  += (result.Item2 / frequency);
                                        totalError += CalculateRelativeError(knownResults[problemId], result.Item1);

                                    decimal averageError = totalError / knapsackProblemModels.Count;

                                    reportWriter.WriteLine(randomSelectionPortion + "," + crossoverRate + "," + mutationRate + "," + totalTime + "," + averageError);

                    geneticSolver = new GeneticSolver(Options.PopulationSize, Options.IterationsCount, selectionMethod, Options.MutationRate, Options.CrossoverRate, Options.RandomSelectionPortion, Options.DiversityCheck, true);

                VerboseLog("Solving JIT instance");
                KnapsackProblemModel jitProblem = new KnapsackProblemModel(-1, 100, new List <Item>
                    new Item(18, 114, 0), new Item(42, 136, 1), new Item(88, 192, 2), new Item(3, 223, 3)


                if (fptasSolver != null)

                if (geneticSolver != null)

                VerboseLog("Calculation started");

                foreach (KnapsackProblemModel problem in knapsackProblemModels)
                    VerboseLog("Solving problem:");

                    int knownResult = -1;
                    if (knownResults != null)
                        knownResult = knownResults[problem.ProblemId];
                        VerboseLog("Result should be: " + knownResult);

                    if (Options.BruteForce)
                        VerboseLog("Brute force solver ...");

                        int result = bruteForceSolver.Solve(problem);

                        bruteForceResults.Add(problem.ProblemId, new Tuple <int, long>(result, stopwatch.ElapsedTicks));

                        if (knownResult != -1 && result != knownResult)
                            Console.WriteLine("ERROR - Brute force algorithm not accurate for problem " + problem);

                    if (Options.BranchAndBound)
                        VerboseLog("Branch and bound solver ...");

                        int result = branchAndBoundSolver.Solve(problem);

                        branchAndBoundResults.Add(problem.ProblemId, new Tuple <int, long>(result, stopwatch.ElapsedTicks));

                        if (knownResult != -1 && result != knownResult)
                            Console.WriteLine("ERROR - Branch and bound algorithm not accurate for problem " + problem);

                    if (Options.DynamicByCost)
                        VerboseLog("Dynamic by cost solver ...");

                        int result = dynamicByCostSolve.Solve(problem);

                        dynamicByCostResults.Add(problem.ProblemId, new Tuple <int, long>(result, stopwatch.ElapsedTicks));

                        if (knownResult != -1 && result != knownResult)
                            Console.WriteLine("ERROR - Dynamic by cost algorithm not accurate for problem " + problem);

                    if (Options.CostToRatioHeuristics)
                        VerboseLog("Ratio heuristics solver ...");

                        int result = ratioHeuristicSolver.Solve(problem);

                        costToRatioHeuristicsResults.Add(problem.ProblemId, new Tuple <int, long>(result, stopwatch.ElapsedTicks));

                    if (Options.FPTAS)
                        VerboseLog("FPTAS solver ...");

                        if (fptasSolver != null)
                            int result = fptasSolver.Solve(problem);

                            fptasResults.Add(problem.ProblemId, new Tuple <int, long>(result, stopwatch.ElapsedTicks));

                    if (Options.Genetics)
                        VerboseLog("Genetics solver ...");

                        if (geneticSolver != null)
                            int result = geneticSolver.Solve(problem);

                            geneticResults.Add(problem.ProblemId, new Tuple <int, long>(result, stopwatch.ElapsedTicks));

                    VerboseLog("Problem solved.");

                reportWriter.Write("Problem ID;Items count");
                if (knownResults != null)
                    reportWriter.Write(";Known result");
                if (Options.BruteForce)
                    reportWriter.Write(";Brute force result;Time [s]");
                    if (knownResults != null)
                        reportWriter.Write(";Relative error");
                if (Options.CostToRatioHeuristics)
                    reportWriter.Write(";Cost to weight ration heuristics result;Time [s]");
                    if (knownResults != null)
                        reportWriter.Write(";Relative error");
                if (Options.BranchAndBound)
                    reportWriter.Write(";Branch and bound result;Time [s]");
                    if (knownResults != null)
                        reportWriter.Write(";Relative error");
                if (Options.DynamicByCost)
                    reportWriter.Write(";Dynamic programming by cost result;Time [s]");
                    if (knownResults != null)
                        reportWriter.Write(";Relative error");
                if (Options.FPTAS)
                    reportWriter.Write(";FPTAS result;Time [s]");
                    if (knownResults != null)
                        reportWriter.Write(";Relative error;Max possible error");
                if (Options.Genetics)
                    reportWriter.Write(";Genetics result;Time [s]");
                    if (knownResults != null)
                        reportWriter.Write(";Relative error");

                foreach (KnapsackProblemModel problem in knapsackProblemModels)
                    var problemId = problem.ProblemId;
                    reportWriter.Write(";" + problem.Items.Count);
                    if (knownResults != null)
                        reportWriter.Write(";" + knownResults[problemId]);
                    if (Options.BruteForce)
                        Tuple <int, long> bruteForceResult = bruteForceResults[problemId];
                        reportWriter.Write(";" + bruteForceResult.Item1 + ";" + bruteForceResult.Item2 / frequency);
                        if (knownResults != null)
                            reportWriter.Write(";" + CalculateRelativeError(knownResults[problemId], bruteForceResult.Item1));
                    if (Options.CostToRatioHeuristics)
                        Tuple <int, long> heuristicsResult = costToRatioHeuristicsResults[problemId];
                        reportWriter.Write(";" + heuristicsResult.Item1 + ";" + heuristicsResult.Item2 / frequency);
                        if (knownResults != null)
                            reportWriter.Write(";" + CalculateRelativeError(knownResults[problemId], heuristicsResult.Item1));
                    if (Options.BranchAndBound)
                        Tuple <int, long> heuristicsResult = branchAndBoundResults[problemId];
                        reportWriter.Write(";" + heuristicsResult.Item1 + ";" + heuristicsResult.Item2 / frequency);
                        if (knownResults != null)
                            reportWriter.Write(";" + CalculateRelativeError(knownResults[problemId], heuristicsResult.Item1));
                    if (Options.DynamicByCost)
                        Tuple <int, long> heuristicsResult = dynamicByCostResults[problemId];
                        reportWriter.Write(";" + heuristicsResult.Item1 + ";" + heuristicsResult.Item2 / frequency);
                        if (knownResults != null)
                            reportWriter.Write(";" + CalculateRelativeError(knownResults[problemId], heuristicsResult.Item1));
                    if (Options.FPTAS)
                        Tuple <int, long> heuristicsResult = fptasResults[problemId];
                        reportWriter.Write(";" + heuristicsResult.Item1 + ";" + heuristicsResult.Item2 / frequency);
                        if (knownResults != null)
                            reportWriter.Write(";" + CalculateRelativeError(knownResults[problemId], heuristicsResult.Item1));
                            reportWriter.Write(";" + ((FPTASSolver)fptasSolver).GetMaximumError(problem));
                    if (Options.Genetics)
                        Tuple <int, long> heuristicsResult = geneticResults[problemId];
                        reportWriter.Write(";" + heuristicsResult.Item1 + ";" + heuristicsResult.Item2 / frequency);
                        if (knownResults != null)
                            reportWriter.Write(";" + CalculateRelativeError(knownResults[problemId], heuristicsResult.Item1));

                if (Options.Genetics)
                    decimal totalTime  = 0;
                    decimal totalError = 0;

                    foreach (KnapsackProblemModel problem in knapsackProblemModels)
                        int problemId            = problem.ProblemId;
                        Tuple <int, long> result = geneticResults[problemId];
                        totalTime  += (result.Item2 / frequency);
                        totalError += CalculateRelativeError(knownResults[problemId], result.Item1);

                    decimal averageError = totalError / knapsackProblemModels.Count;

                    reportWriter.WriteLine("Aggregate results");
                    reportWriter.WriteLine("Aggregate time");
                    reportWriter.WriteLine("Average error");

Ejemplo n.º 29
 public MinFuncTournamentSelection(int kInNetIndividulas)
     _kInNetIndividulas     = kInNetIndividulas;
     _rouletteWeelSelection = new MinFuncRouletteWeelSelection();