Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void TableRowSaving(ISaveDataTriggerArgs args)
            if (args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Insert || args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Update)
                var helper = args.Helper;

                // 1) on type ID-CHECK require cooperator link
                // GC check if cno is filled on an ID-CHECK
                if (helper.AllFieldsExist("annotation_type_code", "annotation_cooperator_id") && helper.GetValue("annotation_type_code", "", true).ToString().ToUpper() == "ID-CHECK" && helper.IsValueEmpty("annotation_cooperator_id"))
                    args.Cancel("Cooperator must be supplied for ID-CHECK.");

                // 2) Null out order number if type NOM-CHANGE
                if (helper.AllFieldsExist("annotation_type_code", "order_request_id") && helper.GetValue("annotation_type_code", "", true).ToString().ToUpper() == "NOM-CHANGE" && !helper.IsValueEmpty("order_request_id"))
                    helper.SetValue("order_request_id", DBNull.Value, typeof(int), false);

                // 3) set oldtaxno to current acc species name when type = 'Re-IDENT' and oldtaxno is null
                if (helper.AllFieldsExist("annotation_type_code", "old_taxonomy_species_id") && helper.GetValue("annotation_type_code", "", true).ToString().ToUpper() == "RE-IDENT" && helper.IsValueEmpty("old_taxonomy_species_id"))
                    int ivid  = (int)helper.GetValue("inventory_id", 0, true);
                    var dtAcc = args.ReadData(@"SELECT taxonomy_species_id FROM accession a INNER JOIN inventory i ON a.accession_id = i.accession_id WHERE inventory_id = :ivid",
                                              ":ivid", ivid, DbType.Int32);
                    if (dtAcc.Rows.Count > 0)
                        helper.SetValueIfFieldExistsAndIsEmpty("old_taxonomy_species_id", dtAcc.Rows[0]["taxonomy_species_id"]);

                //4) newtaxno must be a valid taxon on RE-IDENT action
                if (helper.AllFieldsExist("annotation_type_code", "new_taxonomy_species_id") &&
                    helper.GetValue("annotation_type_code", "", true).ToString().ToUpper() == "RE-IDENT" &&
                    int tsid  = (int)helper.GetValue("new_taxonomy_species_id", 0, true);
                    var dtTax = args.ReadData(@"SELECT current_taxonomy_species_id, synonym_code FROM taxonomy_species WHERE taxonomy_species_id = :tsid AND taxonomy_species_id = current_taxonomy_species_id",
                                              ":tsid", tsid, DbType.Int32);
                    if (dtTax.Rows.Count < 1)
                        args.Cancel("New taxonomy must be valid for RE-IDENT.");

                // 5) on type ID-CHECK set oldtaxno to current acc taxon
                if (helper.AllFieldsExist("annotation_type_code", "old_taxonomy_species_id") &&
                    helper.GetValue("annotation_type_code", "", true).ToString().ToUpper() == "ID-CHECK")
                    int ivid  = (int)helper.GetValue("inventory_id", 0, true);
                    var dtAcc = args.ReadData(@"SELECT taxonomy_species_id FROM accession a INNER JOIN inventory i ON a.accession_id = i.accession_id WHERE inventory_id = :ivid",
                                              ":ivid", ivid, DbType.Int32);
                    if (dtAcc.Rows.Count > 0)
                        helper.SetValueIfFieldExistsAndIsEmpty("old_taxonomy_species_id", dtAcc.Rows[0]["taxonomy_species_id"]);
        public override void TableRowSaving(ISaveDataTriggerArgs args)
            if (args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Insert || args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Update)
                var helper = args.Helper;

                // 2) require both lat and long if either
                if (helper.AllFieldsExist("latitude", "longitude"))
                    //args.Cancel("both logitude and latitude exist");
                    if (!helper.IsValueEmpty("latitude") && helper.IsValueEmpty("longitude"))
                        args.Cancel("must have logitude if latitude entered");
                    if (helper.IsValueEmpty("latitude") && !helper.IsValueEmpty("longitude"))
                        args.Cancel("must have latitude if logitude entered");

                if (helper.AllFieldsExist("geography_id") && !helper.IsValueEmpty("geography_id"))
                    int gid   = (int)helper.GetValue("geography_id", 0, true);
                    var dtGeo = args.ReadData(@"SELECT current_geography_id, country_code FROM geography WHERE geography_id = :gid", ":gid", gid, DbType.Int32);
                    if (dtGeo.Rows.Count < 1)
                        args.Cancel("Geography could not be validated.");
                        int    currentid = (int)dtGeo.Rows[0]["current_geography_id"];
                        string iso3      = dtGeo.Rows[0]["country_code"].ToString();

                        // Use current geo
                        if (gid != currentid)
                            helper.SetValue("geography_id", currentid, typeof(int), false);
                            dtGeo = args.ReadData(@"SELECT current_geography_id, country_code FROM geography WHERE geography_id = :gid", ":gid", gid, DbType.Int32);
                            if (dtGeo.Rows.Count < 1)
                                args.Cancel("Current geography could not be validated.");

                        // 1) Only allow link to valid geo
                        int num;
                        if (int.TryParse(iso3, out num))
                            args.Cancel("Cannot use invalid geography with a numeric contry code");
        private int getSystemMaintenancePolicyID(ISaveDataTriggerArgs args)
            var cm = CacheManager.Get("InventoryMaintPolicy");

            var sysPolicyID = Toolkit.ToInt32(cm["sys_ID"], -1);

            if (sysPolicyID < 1)
                var dt = args.ReadData("select inventory_maint_policy_id from inventory_maint_policy where maintenance_name = 'SYSTEM'");
                if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                    var sysCoopID = getSystemCooperatorID(args);

                    // the "SYSTEM" maint policy does not exist.  create it.
                    sysPolicyID = args.WriteData(@"
insert into 
(maintenance_name, form_type_code, is_auto_deducted, distribution_default_form_code, created_date, created_by, owned_date, owned_by) 
('SYSTEM', '**', 'N', '**', :now1, :who1, :now2, :who2)
", true, "inventory_maint_policy_id", ":now1", DateTime.UtcNow, DbType.DateTime2, ":who1", sysCoopID, DbType.Int32, ":now2", DateTime.UtcNow, DbType.DateTime2, ":who2", sysCoopID, DbType.Int32);

                    // throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no record in the inventory_maint_policy table with maintenance_name = 'SYSTEM'.  This record is required by the GRIN-Global middle tier to function properly.");
                    sysPolicyID = Toolkit.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["inventory_maint_policy_id"], -1);
                cm["sys_ID"] = sysPolicyID;

        public void TableRowSaving(ISaveDataTriggerArgs args)
            if (args.Table != null && args.Table.TableName.ToLower() == "accession")
                if (args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Delete)
                    // if the only record left is the default inventory association record, we need to auto-delete it before the accession is deleted.
                    var h           = args.Helper;
                    var accessionID = (int)(h.GetOriginalValue("accession_id", -1));

                    DataTable dt = args.ReadData("select form_type_code, inventory_id from inventory where accession_id = :accessionid",
                                                 new DataParameters(":accessionid", accessionID, DbType.Int32));
                    int inventoryIdToDelete = -1;
                    if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)
                        if (dt.Rows[0]["form_type_code", DataRowVersion.Original].ToString() == "**")
                            inventoryIdToDelete = Toolkit.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["inventory_id", DataRowVersion.Original], -1);

                    if (inventoryIdToDelete > -1)
                        // only 1 inventory record exists and it's a '**' (the default record we initially auto-created when the accession was created).
                        // try to delete it (if there are other records which are pointing at it, this will bomb, which is exactly what we want)
                        args.WriteData("delete from inventory where inventory_id = :inventoryid", new DataParameters(":inventoryid", inventoryIdToDelete, DbType.Int32));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void TableRowSaving(ISaveDataTriggerArgs args)
            // pre-row save trigger
            if (args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Insert || args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Update)
                var helper = args.Helper;

                int tsid  = (int)helper.GetValue("taxonomy_species_id", 0, true);
                var dtTax = args.ReadData(@"SELECT current_taxonomy_species_id, synonym_code, life_form_code FROM taxonomy_species WHERE taxonomy_species_id = :tsid",
                                          ":tsid", tsid, DbType.Int32);
                if (dtTax.Rows.Count < 1)
                    args.Cancel("Taxonomy could not be validated.");
                    int currentid = (int)dtTax.Rows[0]["current_taxonomy_species_id"];

                    // 1) prevent link to invalid species (e.g. synonym)
                    if (tsid != currentid)
                        oldtsid     = tsid;
                        newtsid     = currentid;
                        tsidChanged = true;

                        helper.SetValue("taxonomy_species_id", currentid, typeof(int), false);
                        dtTax = args.ReadData(@"SELECT current_taxonomy_species_id, synonym_code, life_form_code FROM taxonomy_species WHERE taxonomy_species_id = :tsid",
                                              ":tsid", currentid, DbType.Int32);

                    // 2) set life_form_code from tax if null
                    helper.SetValueIfFieldExistsAndIsEmpty("life_form_code", dtTax.Rows[0]["life_form_code"]);

                    // 4) set received date if null (sysdate)
                    helper.SetValueIfFieldExistsAndIsEmpty("initial_received_date", DateTime.UtcNow);
                    helper.SetValueIfFieldExistsAndIsEmpty("initial_received_date_code", "MM/dd/yyyy");
                    helper.SetValueIfFieldExistsAndIsEmpty("status_code", "ACTIVE");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override void TableRowSaved(ISaveDataTriggerArgs args)
            // post-row save trigger
            if (args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Insert || args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Update)
                var helper = args.Helper;
                //    args.WriteData("update inventory_viability set percent_viable = percent_dormant + percent_normal where inventory_viability_id = " + args.NewPrimaryKeyID);
                //    note = helper.GetOriginalValue("web_availability_note", "").ToString();
                //    newNote = helper.GetValue("web_availability_note", "", true).ToString();
                if (noteChanged)
                    var dtEmails = args.ReadData(@"select distinct wu.user_name, LTRIM(RTRIM(LTRIM(COALESCE(a.accession_number_part1, '') + ' ') + LTRIM(COALESCE(convert(varchar, a.accession_number_part2), '') + ' ') + COALESCE(a.accession_number_part3, ''))) AS PI_Number
                                    from inventory i, accession a, web_user wu, web_user_cart wuc, web_user_cart_item wuci 
                                    where i.accession_id = a.accession_id 
                                    and a.accession_id = wuci.accession_id
                                    and wuci.web_user_cart_id = wuc.web_user_cart_id
                                    and wuc.web_user_id = wu.web_user_id
                                    and wuc.cart_type_code = 'favorites'
                                    and i.accession_id =:accessionid", ":accessionid", helper.GetValue("accession_id", 0, true), DbType.Int32);

                    if (dtEmails.Rows.Count > 0)
                        string emailTo = "";
                        string pi      = dtEmails.Rows[0]["PI_Number"].ToString();

                        foreach (DataRow dr in dtEmails.Rows)
                            emailTo += dr["user_name"].ToString() + "; ";

                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                        //string CRLF = "\r\n";
                        sb.Append("Web availability changed for item ").Append(pi).Append(" in your favorites list."); // TODO: need more email text here

                            // hard code 'email from' as [email protected], need to use something to be configured
                                       "GRIN-GLOBAL - Inventory Availabilty Change Notice",
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            string s = ex.Message; // debug
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public override void TableRowSaving(ISaveDataTriggerArgs args)
            // pre-row save trigger
            if (args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Insert)
                var helper = args.Helper;

                // check that the final recipient has a category code
                var dtCoop = args.ReadData(@"SELECT category_code FROM cooperator WHERE cooperator_id = :coopid AND category_code IS NOT NULL", ":coopid", helper.GetValue("final_recipient_cooperator_id", 0, true), DbType.Int32);
                if (dtCoop.Rows.Count < 1)
                    args.Cancel("Final recipient cooperator must have a category");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public override void TableRowSaving(ISaveDataTriggerArgs args)
            // pre-row save trigger

            // for simplicity just check current iv on modify, for insert set to 0 so all updated just set and forget, otherwise have to use after save trigger on insert

            if (args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Insert || args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Update)
                var h = args.Helper;
                if (h.FieldExists("is_distributable"))
                    string dist = h.GetValue("is_distributable", "", true).ToString();
                    //args.Cancel("dist is " + dist);
                    if (dist == "Y")
                        int ivid;

                        if (args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Update)
                            ivid = (int)h.GetValue("inventory_id", 0, true);
                            ivid = 0;

                        int acid  = (int)h.GetValue("accession_id", 0, true);
                        var dt    = args.ReadData(@"select coalesce(count(*),0)  as ct from inventory i where i.accession_id=:acid and is_distributable = 'Y' and inventory_id <> :ivid ;", ":acid", acid, ":ivid", ivid);
                        var dr    = dt.Rows[0];
                        int numiv = (int)dr["ct"];

                        if (numiv > 0)
                            //args.Cancel("Iv = " + dr["ct"]);
                            //args.Cancel(" ivid = " + ivid);
                            args.WriteData(@"update inventory set is_distributable = 'N' where accession_id = :acid and is_distributable = 'Y' and inventory_id <> :ivid",
                                           new DataParameters(
                                               ":acid", acid, DbType.Int32, ":ivid", ivid, DbType.Int32));
        private int getSystemCooperatorID(ISaveDataTriggerArgs args)
            var cm        = CacheManager.Get("SystemCooperatorID");
            var sysCoopID = Toolkit.ToInt32(cm["sys_cooperator_id"], -1);

            if (sysCoopID < 0)
                var dt = args.ReadData("select cooperator_id from cooperator where last_name = 'SYSTEM'");
                if (dt.Rows.Count < 1)
                    sysCoopID = -1;
                    sysCoopID = Toolkit.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["cooperator_id"], -1);
                cm["sys_cooperator_id"] = sysCoopID;
 public void CheckAuthority(ISaveDataTriggerArgs args, string authorities)
     //convert all author construction syntax to &
     authorities = Regex.Replace(authorities, @"\(|\)| ex | ex\. | Ex\. | ,ex | And | Et | non | sensu ", " & ");
     // removefrom evaluation
     authorities = Regex.Replace(authorities, "et al.", "");
     string[] authList = authorities.Split('&');
     foreach (string auth in authList)
         string authClean = auth.Trim();
         if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authClean))
             var dtAuth = args.ReadData(@"SELECT * FROM taxonomy_author WHERE short_name = :auth", ":auth", authClean, DbType.String);
             if (dtAuth.Rows.Count < 1)
                 args.Cancel("Family author " + authClean + " could not be validated.");
        public void TableRowSaved(ISaveDataTriggerArgs args)
            if (args.Table != null && args.Table.TableName.ToLower() == "accession")
                // tell the taxonomy caches to refresh themselves, they're possibly out of date now

                if (args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Insert)
                    // lookup id of 'SYSTEM' maint policy record as needed
                    var sysPolicyID = getSystemMaintenancePolicyID(args);

                    var dth = args.Helper;

                    var dtAcc = args.ReadData("select * from accession where accession_id = " + args.NewPrimaryKeyID);

                    if (dtAcc.Rows.Count > 0)
                        var dr = dtAcc.Rows[0];

                        // we need to create a default inventory record to go along with the accession
insert into inventory
) values (
    'Default Association Record for Accession -> Inventory',
", new DataParameters(
                                           "@part1", dr["accession_number_part1"], DbType.String,
                                           "@part2", dr["accession_number_part2"], DbType.Int32,
                                           "@part3", dr["accession_number_part3"], DbType.String,
                                           "@maintpolid", sysPolicyID, DbType.Int32,
                                           "@accessionid", args.NewPrimaryKeyID, DbType.Int32,
                                           "@createddate", DateTime.UtcNow, DbType.DateTime2,
                                           "@createdby", args.CooperatorID, DbType.Int32,
                                           "@owneddate", DateTime.UtcNow, DbType.DateTime2,
                                           "@ownedby", dr["owned_by"], DbType.Int32

                        //                        // HACK: set owned_by to curator1 or curator2 if available...
                        //                        var dtCurator = args.ReadData(@"
                        //    coalesce(ts.curator1_cooperator_id, ts.curator2_cooperator_id, -1) as curator_id
                        //    taxonomy_species ts inner join accession a
                        //    ts.taxonomy_species_id = a.taxonomy_species_id
                        //    a.accession_id = " + args.NewPrimaryKeyID);

                        //                        if (dtCurator.Rows.Count > 0) {
                        //                            var curatorID = Toolkit.ToInt32(dtCurator.Rows[0]["curator_id"], -1);
                        //                            if (curatorID > -1) {
                        //                                args.WriteData(@"
                        //    accession
                        //    owned_by = " + curatorID + " where accession_id = " + args.NewPrimaryKeyID);
                        //                            }
                        //                        }
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void fillMaintenancePolicyValues(ISaveDataTriggerArgs args)
            var h = args.Helper;

            var policyID = Toolkit.ToInt32(h.GetValue("inventory_maint_policy_id", -1, true), -1);

            if (policyID > 0)
                var dt = args.ReadData(@"
SELECT inventory_maint_policy_id
    inventory_maint_policy_id = " + policyID);
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    var dr = dt.Rows[0];

                    if (h.FieldExists("form_type_code") && h.IsValueEmpty("form_type_code"))
                        h.SetValue("form_type_code", dr["form_type_code"], dr.Table.Columns["form_type_code"].DataType, false);

                    if (h.FieldExists("quantity_on_hand_unit_code") && h.IsValueEmpty("quantity_on_hand_unit_code"))
                        h.SetValue("quantity_on_hand_unit_code", dr["quantity_on_hand_unit_code"], dr.Table.Columns["quantity_on_hand_unit_code"].DataType, false);
                    if (h.FieldExists("web_availability_note") && h.IsValueEmpty("web_availability_note"))
                        h.SetValue("web_availability_note", dr["web_availability_note"], dr.Table.Columns["web_availability_note"].DataType, false);
                    if (h.FieldExists("is_auto_deducted") && h.IsValueEmpty("is_auto_deducted"))
                        h.SetValue("is_auto_deducted", dr["is_auto_deducted"], dr.Table.Columns["is_auto_deducted"].DataType, false);
                    if (h.FieldExists("distribution_default_form_code") && h.IsValueEmpty("distribution_default_form_code"))
                        h.SetValue("distribution_default_form_code", dr["distribution_default_form_code"], dr.Table.Columns["distribution_default_form_code"].DataType, false);
                    if (h.FieldExists("distribution_default_quantity") && h.IsValueEmpty("distribution_default_quantity"))
                        h.SetValue("distribution_default_quantity", dr["distribution_default_quantity"], dr.Table.Columns["distribution_default_quantity"].DataType, false);

                    if (h.FieldExists("distribution_unit_code") && h.IsValueEmpty("distribution_unit_code"))
                        h.SetValue("distribution_unit_code", dr["distribution_unit_code"], dr.Table.Columns["distribution_unit_code"].DataType, false);
                    if (h.FieldExists("distribution_critical_quantity") && h.IsValueEmpty("distribution_critical_quantity"))
                        h.SetValue("distribution_critical_quantity", dr["distribution_critical_quantity"], dr.Table.Columns["distribution_critical_quantity"].DataType, false);
                    if (h.FieldExists("regeneration_critical_quantity") && h.IsValueEmpty("regeneration_critical_quantity"))
                        h.SetValue("regeneration_critical_quantity", dr["regeneration_critical_quantity"], dr.Table.Columns["regeneration_critical_quantity"].DataType, false);

                    // comment out for now, wait for gap analysis.
                    //if (h.FieldExists("pollination_method_code") && h.IsValueEmpty("pollination_method_code"))
                    //    h.SetValue("pollination_method_code", dr["regeneration_method_code"], dr.Table.Columns["regeneration_method_code"].DataType, false);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void TableRowSaving(ISaveDataTriggerArgs args)
            // pre-row save trigger

            if (args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Insert || args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Update)
                var h = args.Helper;

                // 4) default status (NEW)
                // in AT default but lets make sure
                h.SetValueIfFieldExistsAndIsEmpty("status_code", "NEW");
                h.SetValueIfFieldExistsAndIsEmpty("status_date", DateTime.UtcNow);

                // 3) fill in default distribution values if empty (go ahead and retrieve a bunch of stuff and do ifs later?)
                int f = 0;
                int q = 0;
                int u = 0;

                if (h.FieldExists("distribution_form_code") && h.IsValueEmpty("distribution_form_code"))
                    f = 1;
                if (h.FieldExists("quantity_shipped") && h.IsValueEmpty("quantity_shipped"))
                    q = 1;
                if (h.FieldExists("quantity_shipped_unit_code") && h.IsValueEmpty("quantity_shipped_unit_code"))
                    u = 1;

                if (q == 1 || u == 1 || f == 1)
                    int ivid = (int)h.GetValue("inventory_id", 0, true);
                    // args.Cancel("Inventory = " + ivid);
                    // return;
                    var dt = args.ReadData(@"SELECT distribution_default_form_code,distribution_default_quantity, distribution_unit_code FROM inventory WHERE inventory_id = :ivid ", ":ivid", ivid);
                    var dr = dt.Rows[0];

                    // string dform = dtDsc.Rows[0]["distribution_default_form_code"].ToString();
                    // double dquant = System.Convert.ToDouble(dtDsc.Rows[0]["distribution_default_quantity"]);
                    // string dunits = dtDsc.Rows[0]["distribution_unit_code"].ToString();
                    //args.Cancel("dform = " + dform + "dquant = " + dquant + "units = " + dunits);
                    if (f == 1)
                        h.SetValue("distribution_form_code", dr["distribution_default_form_code"], dr.Table.Columns["distribution_default_form_code"].DataType, false);
                    if (q == 1)
                        h.SetValue("quantity_shipped", dr["distribution_default_quantity"], dr.Table.Columns["distribution_default_quantity"].DataType, false);
                    if (u == 1)
                        h.SetValue("quantity_shipped_unit_code", dr["distribution_unit_code"], dr.Table.Columns["distribution_unit_code"].DataType, false);
                    // 2) fill in default iv if accession only entered - cannot be done as acid not in table
                    //if (h.FieldExists("inventory_id") && h.IsValueEmpty("inventory_id"))
                    // {
                    //  args.Cancel("Inventory not present.");
                    //     int acid = (int)h.GetValue("accession_id", 0, true);
                    //if (acid == 0) { return; }
                    //    args.Cancel("acid = " + acid);
                    //    return;
                    //  }

                // fill in name if blank from topname
                if (h.FieldExists("name") && h.IsValueEmpty("name"))
                    int ivid = (int)h.GetValue("inventory_id", 0, true);
                    var dt   = args.ReadData(@"select top 1 plant_name as topname from accession_inv_name an where inventory_id in
    (select inventory_id from inventory i where accession_id in (select accession_id from inventory i2 where inventory_id=:ivid)) order by plant_name_rank", ":ivid", ivid);

                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        var dr = dt.Rows[0];
                        // args.Cancel("topname = " + dr["topname"]);
                        // return;
                        h.SetValue("name", dr["topname"], dr.Table.Columns["topname"].DataType, false);

                // set taxon column if null
                if (h.FieldExists("external_taxonomy") && h.IsValueEmpty("external_taxonomy"))
                    int ivid = (int)h.GetValue("inventory_id", 0, true);
                    var dt   = args.ReadData(@"select name from taxonomy_species t, accession a, inventory i where t.taxonomy_species_id=a.taxonomy_species_id and
      a.accession_id=i.accession_id and i.inventory_id=:ivid;", ":ivid", ivid);
                    var dr   = dt.Rows[0];
                    // args.Cancel("tax = " + dr["name"]);
                    // return;
                    h.SetValue("external_taxonomy", dr["name"], dr.Table.Columns["name"].DataType, false);
        public void TableRowSaving(ISaveDataTriggerArgs args)
        // pre update row trigger
            if (args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Update || args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Insert)
                var helper = args.Helper;
// 2 - set shybrid flag if needed and lowercase species

                if (helper.AllFieldsExist("species_name"))
                    var species = helper.GetValue("species_name", "", true).ToString().ToLower();
                    helper.SetValue("species_name", species, typeof(string), true);

                    string sub = species.Substring(0, 2);
                    if (sub == "x ")
                        //args.Cancel("hybrid found");
                        helper.SetValue("is_specific_hybrid", "Y", typeof(string), true);
                        helper.SetValue("species_name", species.Substring(2), typeof(string), true);

                // 3 lower other columns
                if (helper.AllFieldsExist("subspecies_name") && !helper.IsValueEmpty("subspecies_name"))
                    helper.SetValue("subspecies_name", helper.GetValue("subspecies_name", "", true).ToString().ToLower(), typeof(string), true);

                if (helper.AllFieldsExist("variety_name") && !helper.IsValueEmpty("variety_name"))
                    helper.SetValue("variety_name", helper.GetValue("variety_name", "", true).ToString().ToLower(), typeof(string), true);

                if (helper.AllFieldsExist("subvariety_name") && !helper.IsValueEmpty("subvariety_name"))
                    helper.SetValue("subvariety_name", helper.GetValue("subvariety_name", "", true).ToString().ToLower(), typeof(string), true);

                if (helper.AllFieldsExist("forma_name") && !helper.IsValueEmpty("forma_name"))
                    helper.SetValue("forma_name", helper.GetValue("forma_name", "", true).ToString().ToLower(), typeof(string), true);

                // 4 Check authors - currently does not specify which of the authors failed

                if (helper.FieldExists("species_authority") && !helper.IsValueEmpty("species_authority"))
                    CheckAuthority(args, helper.GetValue("species_authority", "", false).ToString(), "Species authority");

                if (helper.FieldExists("subspecies_authority") && !helper.IsValueEmpty("subspecies_authority"))
                    CheckAuthority(args, helper.GetValue("subspecies_authority", "", false).ToString(), "Subspecies authority");

                if (helper.FieldExists("variety_authority") && !helper.IsValueEmpty("variety_authority"))
                    CheckAuthority(args, helper.GetValue("variety_authority", "", false).ToString(), "Variety authority");

                if (helper.FieldExists("subvariety_authority") && !helper.IsValueEmpty("subvariety_authority"))
                    CheckAuthority(args, helper.GetValue("subvariety_authority", "", false).ToString(), "Subvariety authority");

                if (helper.FieldExists("forma_authority") && !helper.IsValueEmpty("forma_authority"))
                    CheckAuthority(args, helper.GetValue("forma_authority", "", false).ToString(), "Forma authority");

// 5 move psite2 to psite1 if null

                /*           "    IF :NEW.psite1 IS NULL AND :NEW.psite2 IS NOT NULL THEN
                 * :NEW.psite1 := :NEW.psite2;
                 * :NEW.psite2 := NULL;
                 * END IF;
                 * "*/
                if ((helper.AllFieldsExist("priority2_site_id") && !helper.IsValueEmpty("priority2_site_id")) && (helper.AllFieldsExist("priority1_site_id") && helper.IsValueEmpty("priority1_site_id")))
                    helper.SetValue("priority1_site_id", helper.GetValue("priority2_site_id", 0, true), typeof(int), true);
                    helper.SetValue("priority2_site_id", DBNull.Value, typeof(int), false);

 *              -- set taxon field if not already done
 * --
 *  IF :NEW.taxon IS NULL THEN
 *      :NEW.taxon := t_genus||t_shybrid||' '||:NEW.species;
 *      :NEW.taxauthor := :NEW.sauthor;
 *      IF :NEW.forma IS NOT NULL THEN
 *          :NEW.taxon := RTRIM(:NEW.taxon)||' '||:NEW.forma;
 *          :NEW.taxauthor := :NEW.fauthor;
 *      ELSIF :NEW.subvar IS NOT NULL THEN
 *          :NEW.taxon := RTRIM(:NEW.taxon)||' subvar. '||:NEW.subvar;
 *          :NEW.taxauthor := :NEW.svauthor;
 *          IF :NEW.varhybrid IS NOT NULL THEN
 *              :NEW.taxon := RTRIM(:NEW.taxon)||' nothovar. '||:NEW.var;
 *          ELSE
 *              :NEW.taxon := RTRIM(:NEW.taxon)||' var. '||:NEW.var;
 *          END IF;
 *          :NEW.taxauthor := :NEW.varauthor;
 *          IF :NEW.ssphybrid IS NOT NULL THEN
 *              :NEW.taxon := RTRIM(:NEW.taxon)||' nothosubsp. '||:NEW.subsp;
 *          ELSE
 *              :NEW.taxon := RTRIM(:NEW.taxon)||' subsp. '||:NEW.subsp;
 *          END IF;
 *          :NEW.taxauthor := :NEW.sspauthor;
 *      END IF;
 *  END IF;

                // "name" field is the calculated name for this record.  It cannot be overridden, unlike in GC where it could.
                // it should therefore be marked as read only in the table mappings!
                //if (nonEmptyValue(helper, "name")){

                // TODO: move this loop into a method defined on the FieldMappingDataView interface
                int?genusID = (int?)(args.Helper.GetValue("taxonomy_genus_id", null, true));

                // fill in all the values up front so the logic below them is clearer
                var dt = args.ReadData(@"select genus_name from taxonomy_genus where taxonomy_genus_id = :id", ":id", genusID, DbType.Int32);

                var genusName = "";
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    genusName = dt.Rows[0]["genus_name"].ToString();

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(genusName))
                    // we weren't given the primary key.  Try just pulling it from the row itself.
                    genusName = args.Helper.GetValue("genus_name", null, true, true) as string;

                var newForma            = helper.GetValue("forma_name", null, false);
                var newFormaRankType    = helper.GetValue("forma_rank_type", null, false);
                var newFormaAuthor      = helper.GetValue("forma_authority", null, false);
                var newSubvariety       = helper.GetValue("subvariety_name", null, false);
                var newSubvarietyAuthor = helper.GetValue("subvariety_authority", null, false);
                var newVariety          = helper.GetValue("variety_name", null, false);
                var newVarietyAuthor    = helper.GetValue("variety_authority", null, false);
                var newSubspecies       = helper.GetValue("subspecies_name", null, false);
                var newSubspeciesAuthor = helper.GetValue("subspecies_authority", null, false);

                var newName   = genusName + (helper.GetValue("is_specific_hybrid", "N", true).ToString().ToUpper() == "Y" ? " x " : " ") + helper.GetValue("species_name", "", true);
                var newAuthor = helper.GetValue("species_authority", null, false);

                if (!helper.IsValueEmpty("forma_name"))
                    newName   = newName.TrimEnd() + " " + newFormaRankType + " " + newForma;
                    newAuthor = newFormaAuthor;
                else if (!helper.IsValueEmpty("subvariety_name"))
                    newName   = newName.TrimEnd() + " subvar. " + newSubvariety;
                    newAuthor = newSubvarietyAuthor;
                else if (!helper.IsValueEmpty("variety_name"))
                    if (helper.GetValue("is_varietal_hybrid", "N", true).ToString().ToUpper() == "Y")
                        newName = newName.TrimEnd() + " nothovar. " + newVariety;
                        newName = newName.TrimEnd() + " var. " + newVariety;
                    newAuthor = newVarietyAuthor;
                else if (!helper.IsValueEmpty("subspecies_name"))
                    if (helper.GetValue("is_subvarietal_hybrid", "N", false).ToString().ToUpper() == "Y")
                        newName = newName.TrimEnd() + " nothosubsp. " + newSubspecies;
                        newName = newName.TrimEnd() + " subsp. " + newSubspecies;
                    newAuthor = newSubspeciesAuthor;

                if (newName == null || newName.Trim().Length == 0)
                    newName = string.Empty;
                helper.SetValue("name", (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newName) ? (object)DBNull.Value : (object)newName), typeof(string), true);

                if (helper.FieldExists("name_authority"))
                    helper.SetValue("name_authority", newAuthor, typeof(string), false);
        public void TableRowSaved(ISaveDataTriggerArgs args)
            // post row update trigger
            if (args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Insert)
                // make current_taxonomy_species_id field match the taxonomy_species_id field if needed
                var helper = args.Helper;

                // make the nomen_number match the new id if needed...
                if (helper.IsValueEmpty("nomen_number"))
                    args.WriteData("update taxonomy_species set nomen_number = " + args.NewPrimaryKeyID + " where taxonomy_species_id = " + args.NewPrimaryKeyID);

                if (helper.IsValueEmpty("current_taxonomy_species_id"))
                    args.WriteData(@"update taxonomy_species set current_taxonomy_species_id = :id1 where taxonomy_species_id = :id2", ":id1", args.NewPrimaryKeyID, DbType.Int32, ":id2", args.NewPrimaryKeyID, DbType.Int32);

            // if synonym then check for accessions to move and annotations to create
            if (args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Update)
                var helper     = args.Helper;
                int taxno      = (int)helper.GetValue("taxonomy_species_id", 0, true);
                int validtaxno = (int)helper.GetValue("current_taxonomy_species_id", 0, true);

                if (taxno != validtaxno)
                    var dt      = args.ReadData(@"select coalesce(count(*),0)  as ct from accession a where a.taxonomy_species_id =:taxno;", ":taxno", taxno);
                    var dr      = dt.Rows[0];
                    int numaccs = (int)dr["ct"];
                    //args.Cancel("Accession = " + dr["ct"]);
                    if (numaccs > 0)
                        int      modified_by   = (int)helper.GetValue("modified_by", 0, true);
                        DateTime modified_date = DateTime.UtcNow;

                        // add annotations
                        args.WriteData(@"INSERT INTO accession_inv_annotation(annotation_type_code,annotation_date,annotation_date_code,annotation_cooperator_id,inventory_id,
                                SELECT 'NOM-CHANGE',:modified_date,'MM/dd/yyyy',:modified_by,i.inventory_id,:taxno,:validtaxno,:modified_date,:modified_by,:modified_date,:modified_by
                                FROM accession a INNER JOIN inventory i ON a.accession_id = i.accession_id AND i.form_type_code = '**'
                                WHERE a.taxonomy_species_id = :taxno",
                                       new DataParameters(
                                           ":taxno", taxno, DbType.Int32,
                                           ":validtaxno", validtaxno, DbType.Int32,
                                           ":modified_by", modified_by, DbType.Int32,
                                           ":modified_date", modified_date, DbType.DateTime2

                        // modify accessions
                        args.WriteData(@"update accession set taxonomy_species_id=:validtaxno, modified_by=:modified_by, modified_date=:modified_date where taxonomy_species_id=:taxno",
                                       new DataParameters(
                                           ":taxno", taxno, DbType.Int32,
                                           ":validtaxno", validtaxno, DbType.Int32,
                                           ":modified_by", modified_by, DbType.Int32,
                                           ":modified_date", modified_date, DbType.DateTime2
        public override void TableRowSaving(ISaveDataTriggerArgs args)
            // pre-row save trigger

            if (args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Insert || args.SaveMode == SaveMode.Update)
                var helper = args.Helper;

                // Check that code agrees with trait
                if (helper.AllFieldsExist("crop_trait_id", "crop_trait_code_id"))
                    int ctid  = (int)helper.GetValue("crop_trait_id", 0, true);
                    int ctcid = (int)helper.GetValue("crop_trait_code_id", 0, true);
                    if (ctid > 0 && ctcid > 0)
                        var dtCode = args.ReadData(@"SELECT * FROM crop_trait_code WHERE crop_trait_id = :ctid AND crop_trait_code_id = :ctcid", ":ctid", ctid, ":ctcid", ctcid);
                        if (dtCode.Rows.Count < 1)
                            args.Cancel("Crop Trait Code must agree with Crop Trait");

                // validate data column with descriptor data column
                if (helper.AllFieldsExist("crop_trait_code_id", "string_value", "numeric_value"))
                    //    args.Cancel("I can see the three value fields - 3000 sleep");

                    int    ctid  = (int)helper.GetValue("crop_trait_id", 0, true);
                    int    ctcid = (int)helper.GetValue("crop_trait_code_id", 0, true);
                    var    strg  = helper.GetValue("string_value", "", true).ToString();
                    double numb  = System.Convert.ToDouble(helper.GetValue("numeric_value", 0, true));

                    var    dtDsc = args.ReadData(@"SELECT data_type_code,is_coded,coalesce(numeric_maximum,0) max,coalesce(numeric_minimum,0) min FROM crop_trait WHERE crop_trait_id = :ctid ", ":ctid", ctid);
                    string dtype = dtDsc.Rows[0]["data_type_code"].ToString();
                    string coded = dtDsc.Rows[0]["is_coded"].ToString();
                    double min   = System.Convert.ToDouble(dtDsc.Rows[0]["min"]);
                    double max   = System.Convert.ToDouble(dtDsc.Rows[0]["max"]);

                    // check for coded trait type
                    if (coded == "Y" && ctcid < 1)
                        args.Cancel("Trait is coded but no data in code value column.");

                    // check if CHAR and empty string
                    if (dtype == "CHAR" && coded == "N" && strg == "")
                        args.Cancel("Trait is string but no data in string value column.");

                    // check for numeric val and min/max if NUMERIC
                    if (dtype == "NUMERIC" && coded == "N")
                        if (numb == 0)
                            args.Cancel("Trait is numeric but no data in numeric value column.");
                        if (min > 0 && numb < min)
                            args.Cancel("Numeric value less than minimum specified for trait.");
                        if (max > 0 && numb > max)
                            args.Cancel("Numeric value greater than specified for trait.");

                // validate taxonomy crop against crop

                // FIRST LOOK FOR A VALID COMBINATION OF THAT SPECIES AND CROP ALREADY IN THE DATABASE in taxonomy_crop_map if found continue
                // if not found look for any entry for that species in taxonomy_crop_map - a hit means that species already has a different crop and the match is potentially bad, throw error. If it is a legit
                //     new crop for that species, someone will have to add that combo to t_c_map
                // if no good or bad match found, add entry to t_c_m and continue - list will self generate
                if (helper.AllFieldsExist("inventory_id"))
                    //  System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000);
                    int ivid = (int)helper.GetValue("inventory_id", 0, true);
                    int dno  = (int)helper.GetValue("crop_trait_id", 0, true);

                    // look up taxonomy species id for accession
                    var dtTax = args.ReadData(@"select taxonomy_species_id from accession a, inventory i where i.accession_id = a.accession_id and i.inventory_id = :ivid", ":ivid", ivid);
                    int taxno = (int)dtTax.Rows[0]["taxonomy_species_id"];

                    // look up crop id from trait being loaded
                    var dtCrop = args.ReadData(@"select crop_id from crop_trait where crop_trait_id = :dno", ":dno", dno);
                    int cropno = (int)dtCrop.Rows[0]["crop_id"];

                    // alternate_crop_name = string N/A separates obs entries from crop relative entries
                    // first check for a positive match between the species and crop in taxonomy_crop_map
                    var dtObsT = args.ReadData(@"select crop_id from taxonomy_crop_map where crop_id=:cropno and taxonomy_species_id=:taxno and alternate_crop_name='N/A'", ":cropno", cropno, ":taxno", taxno);
                    if (dtObsT.Rows.Count >= 1)
                    ;                                         //  found match on species and crop so good

                    // next check for any entry as that means that species is linked to a different crop
                    //   var dtObsF = args.ReadData(@"select top 1 obid from ob2 where taxno=:taxno", ":taxno", taxno); // only need to check for ANY obs
                    var dtObsF = args.ReadData(@"select taxonomy_species_id from taxonomy_crop_map where taxonomy_species_id=:taxno and alternate_crop_name = 'N/A'", ":taxno", taxno); // only need to check for ANY obs
                    if (dtObsF.Rows.Count >= 1)
                        args.Cancel("Accession species and crop species do not match.");

                    // must be a new combination so add to taxonomy_crop_map
                    int      owned_by     = (int)helper.GetValue("owned_by", 0, true);
                    int      created_by   = (int)helper.GetValue("created_by", 0, true);
                    DateTime owned_date   = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    DateTime created_date = DateTime.UtcNow;
                       insert into taxonomy_crop_map (crop_id,taxonomy_species_id,owned_by,owned_date,created_by,created_date,alternate_crop_name,is_primary_genepool,is_secondary_genepool, 
                        is_tertiary_genepool,is_quaternary_genepool, is_graftstock_genepool) 
                        values (:cropno,:taxno,:owned_by,:owned_date,:created_by,:created_date,'N/A','N','N','N','N','N')",
                                   ":cropno", cropno, DbType.String,
                                   ":taxno", taxno, DbType.String,
                                   ":owned_by", owned_by, DbType.Int32,
                                   ":owned_date", owned_date, DbType.DateTime2,
                                   ":created_by", created_by, DbType.Int32,
                                   ":created_date", created_date, DbType.DateTime2