Ejemplo n.º 1
        public IOHandler()
            this.I2C            = new I2CBusPi();
            this.SPI            = new SPIBusPi(0);
            this.PWMGenHighFreq = new PCA9685(this.I2C, 0x4C, -1, PCA9685.OutputInvert.Inverted, PCA9685.OutputDriverMode.OpenDrain);
            this.PWMGenLowFreq  = new PCA9685(this.I2C, 0x74, -1, PCA9685.OutputInvert.Inverted, PCA9685.OutputDriverMode.OpenDrain);

            this.RailController = new Rail(this.PWMGenHighFreq.Outputs[0], new DigitalInPi(11), this.SPI, new DigitalOutPi(29), this.I2C, null)
                TraceLogging = true
            this.DrillController  = new Drill(this.PWMGenHighFreq.Outputs[1], this.PWMGenLowFreq.Outputs[0]);
            this.SampleController = new Sample(this.PWMGenLowFreq.Outputs[1]);
            this.LEDController    = new LEDs(this.PWMGenLowFreq.Outputs, this.PWMGenHighFreq.Outputs);
            this.AuxSensors       = new AuxSensors(this.SPI, this.I2C)
                TraceLogging = false
            this.SysSensors = new SysSensors();
            this.Music      = new MusicPlayer();

            this.InitProcedure   = new ISubsystem[] { this.RailController, this.DrillController, this.LEDController, this.AuxSensors, this.SysSensors, this.Music };
            this.EStopProcedure  = new ISubsystem[] { this.Music, this.RailController, this.DrillController, this.LEDController, this.AuxSensors, this.SysSensors };
            this.UpdateProcedure = new ISubsystem[] { this.RailController, this.DrillController, this.LEDController /*, this.AuxSensors, this.SysSensors*/ };
            if (this.EStopProcedure.Length < this.InitProcedure.Length || this.EStopProcedure.Length < this.UpdateProcedure.Length)
                throw new Exception("A system is registered for init or updates, but not for emergency stop. For safety reasons, this is not permitted.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary> Prepares a TI TLV2544 ADC for use. </summary>
 /// <remarks> If <c>ConversionClockSource.INTERNAL</c> is used, there must be at least 4us or 8us of delay between SPI transactions for short and long sampling respectively. </remarks>
 /// <param name="SPIBus"> The SPI bus used to communicate with the device. </param>
 /// <param name="ChipSelect"> The output used as chip select for the device. </param>
 /// <param name="ExtRefVoltage"> Set this to the reference voltage only if using an external voltage reference. Expected values are between 0 and 5.5V. Leave as NaN if using internal reference, then select your desired reference via <c>Configure(...)</c>. </param>
 public TLV2544(ISPIBus SPIBus, IDigitalOut ChipSelect, double ExtRefVoltage = double.NaN)
     this.Bus           = SPIBus;
     this.CS            = ChipSelect;
     this.ExtRefVoltage = ExtRefVoltage;
     this.Inputs        = new AnalogueInTLV254x[4];
     for (byte i = 0; i < this.Inputs.Length; i++)
         this.Inputs[i] = new AnalogueInTLV254x(this, i);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary> WARNING: <c>BME280</c> has not been tested with SPI. </summary>
 /// <param name="SPIBus"> The SPI bus used to communicate with the device. </param>
 /// <param name="ChipSelect"> The output to use to signal chip select to the device. </param>
 public BME280(ISPIBus SPIBus, IDigitalOut ChipSelect)
     this.IsSPI  = true;
     this.SPIBus = SPIBus;
     this.SPICS  = ChipSelect;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary> Initializes the LS7366R SPI encoder counter chip. </summary>
 /// <param name="SPIBus"> SPI Bus to communicate with </param>
 /// <param name="ChipSelect"> Chip Select to use with SPI </param>
 /// <param name="CountEnable"> Digital Out to enable the counters </param>
 public LS7366R(ISPIBus SPIBus, IDigitalOut ChipSelect, IDigitalOut CountEnable = null)
     this.ChipSelect  = ChipSelect;
     this.CountEnable = CountEnable;
     this.SPIBus      = SPIBus;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public MAX31855(ISPIBus Bus, IDigitalOut ChipSelect)
     this.Bus        = Bus;
     this.ChipSelect = ChipSelect;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public AuxSensors(ISPIBus SPI, II2CBus I2C)
     this.Timer = new Timer(this.UpdateState, null, 0, 250);
     this.SPI0  = SPI;
     this.I2C1  = I2C;