Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected void ButtonDeleteLeavers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ISAMS_Set_List SL1 = new ISAMS_Set_List();

            foreach (ISAMS_Set s1 in SL1.m_list)
                if (s1.Year == 12)
                    string s = "";
                    s = s1.SetCode;

                    ISAMS_Student_List stu1 = new ISAMS_Student_List(s1.Id);
                    foreach (ISAMS_Student s2 in stu1.m_list)
                        s = s2.ISAMS_SchoolId + "," + s1.SetCode + "," + s2.Adno.ToString() + "," + s2.Surname + "," + s2.FirstName;

            //process leavers
            int n = 0;
            StudentsOnRoleNotInRegGroup nr = new StudentsOnRoleNotInRegGroup();

            foreach (SimplePupil p in nr._studentlist)
                StudentLeavingDetails s1 = new StudentLeavingDetails();
                s1.LeavingDate = new DateTime(2017, 9, 6);
                s1.Adno        = p.m_adno;
                s1.valid       = true;
            n = n;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected void Button_synClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //sync iSAMSGroups
            //first going to mark all current student_group memberships as version 10
            //then will be able to end all those not found in iSAMS
            //ResetAllStudentGroupVersion(10); //reset all current sgms to ver 10
            DateTime EndDate = new DateTime();

            EndDate = System.Convert.ToDateTime(TextBox_EndDate.Text);
            int            year = System.Convert.ToInt32(TextBox_Year.Text);
            Utility        u = new Utility();
            string         errors = ""; bool found = false;
            ISAMS_Set_List Isetl1 = new ISAMS_Set_List();

            foreach (ISAMS_Set Is in Isetl1.m_list)
                //for each set...
                if (Is.Year == year)
                    ISAMS_Student_List         Isl1  = new ISAMS_Student_List(Is.Id);
                    StudentGroupMembershipList sgml1 = new StudentGroupMembershipList();
                    Group g1 = new Group();
                    g1.Load(Is.SetCode, DateTime.Now);
                    if (!g1._valid)
                        //ought to try to make the group
                        errors += "Group not found in Cerval" + Is.SetCode + Environment.NewLine;
                        sgml1.LoadList_Group(g1._GroupID, DateTime.Now);
                        foreach (ISAMS_Student iSS1 in Isl1.m_list)
                            found = false;
                            foreach (StudentGroupMembership sgm1 in sgml1.m_list)
                                string iSAMSPupilId = u.GetStudentIsamsID("StudentId", sgm1.m_Studentid.ToString());
                                if (iSAMSPupilId == "")
                                    errors += "Student not found " + sgm1.m_Studentid.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                                if (iSS1.ISAMS_SchoolId == iSAMSPupilId)
                                    found = true;
                                    sgm1.ResetVersion(3);// it is OK
                            if (!found)
                                //need to add to sgml
                                StudentGroupMembership sgm2 = new StudentGroupMembership();
                                //need to find ID for this student for the iSAMSId
                                Guid g2 = u.GetStudentIDfromiSAMS(iSS1.ISAMS_SchoolId);
                                if (g2 == Guid.Empty)
                                    errors += " Student not found in Cerval for iSAMSID " + iSS1.ISAMS_SchoolId + Environment.NewLine;
                                    sgm2.m_ValidFrom = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-10);
                                    sgm2.m_ValidTo   = EndDate;
                                    sgm2.m_Studentid = g2;
                                    sgm2.m_Groupid   = g1._GroupID;
                            errors += "Cmpleted set " + Is.SetCode + "  at   " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + Environment.NewLine;
                        //so that iSAMS set is done....
                    errors += "Cmpleted set " + Is.SetCode + "  at   " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + Environment.NewLine;
            //done iSAMS sets...
            // so those at version 10 need closing down......

            TextBox_Out.Text = errors;

            Encode en = new Encode();
            string d  = " CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "', 102) ";
            string s  = " UPDATE dbo.tbl_Core_Student_Groups SET MemberUntil = " + d + "  WHERE Version ='10' ";