Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to retrieve reminders from the global reminder table
        /// </summary>
        private async Task ReadAndUpdateReminders()
            // try to retrieve reminder from all my subranges
            myRange = ring.GetMyRange();
            if (logger.IsVerbose2)
                logger.Verbose2("My range= {0}", myRange);
            var acks = new List <Task>();

            foreach (SingleRange range in RangeFactory.GetSubRanges(myRange))
                if (logger.IsVerbose2)
                    logger.Verbose2("Reading rows for range {0}", range);
            await Task.WhenAll(acks);

            if (logger.IsVerbose3)
        internal VirtualBucketsRingProvider(SiloAddress siloAddress, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, int numVirtualBuckets)
            numBucketsPerSilo = numVirtualBuckets;

            if (numBucketsPerSilo <= 0)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("numBucketsPerSilo is out of the range. numBucketsPerSilo = " + numBucketsPerSilo);

            logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <VirtualBucketsRingProvider>();

            statusListeners   = new List <IRingRangeListener>();
            bucketsMap        = new SortedDictionary <uint, SiloAddress>();
            sortedBucketsList = new List <Tuple <uint, SiloAddress> >();
            myAddress         = siloAddress;
            lockable          = new object();
            running           = true;
            myRange           = RangeFactory.CreateFullRange();

            logger.Info("Starting {0} on silo {1}.", typeof(VirtualBucketsRingProvider).Name, siloAddress.ToStringWithHashCode());

            StringValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_RING, ToString);
            IntValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_RINGSIZE, () => GetRingSize());
            StringValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_MYRANGE_RINGDISTANCE, () => String.Format("x{0,8:X8}", ((IRingRangeInternal)myRange).RangeSize()));
            FloatValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_MYRANGE_RINGPERCENTAGE, () => (float)((IRingRangeInternal)myRange).RangePercentage());
            FloatValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_AVERAGERINGPERCENTAGE, () =>
                int size = GetRingSize();
                return(size == 0 ? 0 : ((float)100.0 / (float)size));

            // add myself to the list of members
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to retrieve reminders, that are my responsibility, from the global reminder table when starting this silo (reminder service instance)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task Start()
            myRange = ring.GetMyRange();
            logger.Info(ErrorCode.RS_ServiceStarting, "Starting reminder system target on: {0} x{1,8:X8}, with range {2}", Silo, Silo.GetConsistentHashCode(), myRange);

            // in case reminderTable is as grain, poke the grain to activate it, before slamming it with multipel parallel requests, which may create duplicate activations.
            await reminderTable.Init();

            await ReadAndUpdateReminders();

            logger.Info(ErrorCode.RS_ServiceStarted, "Reminder system target started OK on: {0} x{1,8:X8}, with range {2}", Silo, Silo.GetConsistentHashCode(), myRange);

            status = ReminderServiceStatus.Started;
            var random  = new SafeRandom();
            var dueTime = random.NextTimeSpan(Constants.RefreshReminderList);

            listRefresher = GrainTimer.FromTaskCallback(
                _ => ReadAndUpdateReminders(),
                name: "ReminderService.ReminderListRefresher");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal VirtualBucketsRingProvider(SiloAddress siloAddr, int nBucketsPerSilo)
            if (nBucketsPerSilo <= 0 )
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("numBucketsPerSilo is out of the range. numBucketsPerSilo = " + nBucketsPerSilo);

            logger = TraceLogger.GetLogger(typeof(VirtualBucketsRingProvider).Name);
            statusListeners = new List<IRingRangeListener>();
            bucketsMap = new SortedDictionary<uint, SiloAddress>();
            sortedBucketsList = new List<Tuple<uint, SiloAddress>>();
            myAddress = siloAddr;
            numBucketsPerSilo = nBucketsPerSilo;
            lockable = new object();
            running = true;
            myRange = RangeFactory.CreateFullRange();

            logger.Info("Starting {0} on silo {1}.", typeof(VirtualBucketsRingProvider).Name, siloAddr.ToStringWithHashCode());

            StringValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_RING, ToString);
            IntValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_RINGSIZE, () => GetRingSize());
            StringValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_MYRANGE_RINGDISTANCE, () => String.Format("x{0,8:X8}", ((IRingRangeInternal)myRange).RangeSize()));
            FloatValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_MYRANGE_RINGPERCENTAGE, () => (float)((IRingRangeInternal)myRange).RangePercentage());
            FloatValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_AVERAGERINGPERCENTAGE, () =>
                int size = GetRingSize();
                return size == 0 ? 0 : ((float)100.0/(float) size);

            // add myself to the list of members
        private void AddServer(SiloAddress silo)
            lock (lockable)
                List <uint> hashes = silo.GetUniformHashCodes(numBucketsPerSilo);
                foreach (var hash in hashes)
                    if (bucketsMap.TryGetValue(hash, out var other))
                        // If two silos conflict, take the lesser of the two (usually the older one; that is, the lower epoch)
                        if (silo.CompareTo(other) > 0)
                    bucketsMap[hash] = silo;

                var myOldRange  = myRange;
                var bucketsList = bucketsMap.Select(pair => new Tuple <uint, SiloAddress>(pair.Key, pair.Value)).ToList();
                var myNewRange  = CalculateRange(bucketsList, myAddress);

                // capture my range and sortedBucketsList for later lock-free access.
                myRange           = myNewRange;
                sortedBucketsList = bucketsList;
                logger.Info(ErrorCode.CRP_Added_Silo, "Added Server {0}. Current view: {1}", silo.ToStringWithHashCode(), this.ToString());

                NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers(myOldRange, myNewRange, true);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        internal LocalReminderService(
            SiloAddress addr,
            GrainId id,
            IConsistentRingProvider ring,
            OrleansTaskScheduler localScheduler,
            IReminderTable reminderTable,
            GlobalConfiguration config,
            TimeSpan initTimeout)
            : base(id, addr)
            logger = TraceLogger.GetLogger("ReminderService", TraceLogger.LoggerType.Runtime);

            localReminders     = new Dictionary <ReminderIdentity, LocalReminderData>();
            this.ring          = ring;
            scheduler          = localScheduler;
            this.reminderTable = reminderTable;
            this.config        = config;
            this.initTimeout   = initTimeout;
            status             = ReminderServiceStatus.Booting;
            myRange            = null;
            localTableSequence = 0;
            tardinessStat      = AverageTimeSpanStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.REMINDERS_AVERAGE_TARDINESS_SECONDS);
            IntValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.REMINDERS_NUMBER_ACTIVE_REMINDERS, () => localReminders.Count);
            ticksDeliveredStat = CounterStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.REMINDERS_COUNTERS_TICKS_DELIVERED);
            startedTask        = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to retrieve reminders, that are my responsibility, from the global reminder table when starting this silo (reminder service instance)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task Start()
            myRange = ring.GetMyRange();
            logger.Info(ErrorCode.RS_ServiceStarting, "Starting reminder system target on: {0} x{1,8:X8}, with range {2}", Silo, Silo.GetConsistentHashCode(), myRange);

            await reminderTable.Init(config, logger).WithTimeout(initTimeout);

            await ReadAndUpdateReminders();

            logger.Info(ErrorCode.RS_ServiceStarted, "Reminder system target started OK on: {0} x{1,8:X8}, with range {2}", Silo, Silo.GetConsistentHashCode(), myRange);

            status = ReminderServiceStatus.Started;
            var random  = new SafeRandom();
            var dueTime = random.NextTimeSpan(Constants.RefreshReminderList);

            listRefresher = GrainTimer.FromTaskCallback(
                _ => ReadAndUpdateReminders(),
                name: "ReminderService.ReminderListRefresher");
        internal void RemoveServer(SiloAddress silo)
            lock (lockable)
                if (!bucketsMap.ContainsValue(silo))
                    return;                                  // we have already removed this silo
                List <uint> hashes = silo.GetUniformHashCodes(numBucketsPerSilo);
                foreach (var hash in hashes)

                var myOldRange  = this.myRange;
                var bucketsList = bucketsMap.Select(pair => new Tuple <uint, SiloAddress>(pair.Key, pair.Value)).ToList();
                var myNewRange  = CalculateRange(bucketsList, myAddress);

                // capture my range and sortedBucketsList for later lock-free access.
                myRange           = myNewRange;
                sortedBucketsList = bucketsList;
                logger.Info(ErrorCode.CRP_Removed_Silo, "Removed Server {0}. Current view: {1}", silo.ToStringWithHashCode(), this.ToString());

                NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers(myOldRange, myNewRange, true);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>Invoked when the ring range owned by the service instance changes because of a change in the cluster state</summary>
        public virtual Task OnRangeChange(IRingRange oldRange, IRingRange newRange, bool increased)
            Logger.Info(ErrorCode.RS_RangeChanged, "My range changed from {0} to {1} increased = {2}", oldRange, newRange, increased);
            RingRange = newRange;

Ejemplo n.º 10
 public IEnumerable <QueueId> GetQueuesForRange(IRingRange range)
         (from ring in _queueMap.Values
          from queueId in ring.GetAllRingMembers()
          where range.InRange(queueId.GetUniformHashCode())
          select QueueId.GetQueueId(queueId.QueueNamePrefix, queueId.QueueId, queueId.UniformHashCache));
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public IEnumerable <QueueId> GetQueuesForRange(IRingRange range)
     foreach (QueueId queueId in hashRing.GetAllRingMembers())
         if (range.InRange(queueId.GetUniformHashCode()))
             yield return(queueId);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to retrieve reminders, that are my responsibility, from the global reminder table when starting this silo (reminder service instance)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task Start()
            myRange = ring.GetMyRange();
            logger.Info(ErrorCode.RS_ServiceStarting, "Starting reminder system target on: {0} x{1,8:X8}, with range {2}", Silo, Silo.GetConsistentHashCode(), myRange);

            // confirm that it can access the underlying store, as after this the ReminderService will load in the background, without the opportunity to prevent the Silo from starting
            await reminderTable.Init(config, logger).WithTimeout(initTimeout);

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public ConsistentRingQueueBalancer(IConsistentRingProvider consistentRingProvider, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IServiceProvider services, ILogger <ConsistentRingQueueBalancer> logger)
            : base(services, logger)
            if (consistentRingProvider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("streamProviderRuntime");

            _myRange = consistentRingProvider.GetMyRange();
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public Task RangeChangeNotification(IRingRange old, IRingRange now)
            _myRange = now;
            var notificatioTasks = new List <Task>(_queueBalanceListeners.Count);

            foreach (IStreamQueueBalanceListener listener in _queueBalanceListeners)
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public ConsistentRingQueueBalancer(IStreamProviderRuntime streamProviderRuntime)
            if (streamProviderRuntime == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("streamProviderRuntime");
            var ringProvider = streamProviderRuntime.GetConsistentRingProvider(0, 1);

            myRange = ringProvider.GetMyRange();
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public static IEnumerable <SingleRange> GetSubRanges(IRingRange range)
     if (range is SingleRange)
         return(new SingleRange[] { (SingleRange)range });
     else if (range is GeneralMultiRange)
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoked when the ring range owned by the service instance changes because of a change in the cluster state
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldRange">The old range.</param>
        /// <param name="newRange">The new range.</param>
        /// <param name="increased">A value indicating whether the range has increased.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> representing the work performed.</returns>
        public virtual Task OnRangeChange(IRingRange oldRange, IRingRange newRange, bool increased)
                "My range changed from {OldRange} to {NewRange} increased = {Increased}",
            RingRange = newRange;

Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public IEnumerable <QueueId> GetQueuesForRange(IRingRange range)
            var ls = new List <QueueId>();

            foreach (QueueId queueId in hashRing.GetAllRingMembers())
                if (range.InRange(queueId.GetUniformHashCode()))

Ejemplo n.º 19
        public ConsistentRingProvider(SiloAddress siloAddr)
            log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(ConsistentRingProvider).Name);
            membershipRingList = new List<SiloAddress>();
            MyAddress = siloAddr;
            myKey = MyAddress.GetConsistentHashCode();

            // add myself to the list of members
            MyRange = RangeFactory.CreateFullRange(); // i am responsible for the whole range
            statusListeners = new List<IRingRangeListener>();
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public override async Task OnRangeChange(IRingRange oldRange, IRingRange newRange, bool increased)
            await base.OnRangeChange(oldRange, newRange, increased);

            if (Status == GrainServiceStatus.Started)
                await ReadAndUpdateReminders();
            if (Logger.IsVerbose)
                Logger.Verbose("Ignoring range change until ReminderService is Started -- Current status = {0}", Status);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public ConsistentRingProvider(SiloAddress siloAddr)
            log = TraceLogger.GetLogger(typeof(ConsistentRingProvider).Name);
            membershipRingList = new List <SiloAddress>();
            MyAddress          = siloAddr;
            myKey = MyAddress.GetConsistentHashCode();

            // add myself to the list of members
            MyRange         = RangeFactory.CreateFullRange(); // i am responsible for the whole range
            statusListeners = new List <IRingRangeListener>();

Ejemplo n.º 22
 private async Task OnRangeChange(IRingRange oldRange, IRingRange newRange, bool increased)
     logger.Info(ErrorCode.RS_RangeChanged, "My range changed from {0} to {1} increased = {2}", oldRange, newRange, increased);
     myRange = newRange;
     if (status == ReminderServiceStatus.Started)
         await ReadAndUpdateReminders();
     if (logger.IsVerbose)
         logger.Verbose("Ignoring range change until ReminderService is Started -- Current status = {0}", status);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public Task RangeChangeNotification(IRingRange old, IRingRange now)
     myRange = now;
     List<IStreamQueueBalanceListener> queueBalanceListenersCopy;
     lock (queueBalanceListeners)
         queueBalanceListenersCopy = queueBalanceListeners.ToList();
     var notificatioTasks = new List<Task>(queueBalanceListenersCopy.Count);
     foreach (IStreamQueueBalanceListener listener in queueBalanceListenersCopy)
     return Task.WhenAll(notificatioTasks);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        // This class takes a range and devides it into X (x being numSubRanges) equal ranges.
        public EquallyDividedMultiRange(IRingRange range, int numSubRanges)
            multiRanges = new Dictionary <int, IRingRangeInternal>();
            if (range is SingleRange)
                var fullSingleRange = range as SingleRange;
                var singleDevided   = new EquallyDividedSingleRange(fullSingleRange, numSubRanges);
                for (int i = 0; i < numSubRanges; i++)
                    var singleRange = singleDevided.GetSubRange(i);
                    multiRanges[i] = singleRange;
            else if (range is GeneralMultiRange)
                var fullMultiRange = range as GeneralMultiRange;
                // Take each of the single ranges in the multi range and divide each into equal sub ranges.
                // Then go over all those and group them by sub range index.
                var allSinglesDevided = new List <EquallyDividedSingleRange>();
                foreach (var singleRange in fullMultiRange.Ranges)
                    var singleDevided = new EquallyDividedSingleRange(singleRange, numSubRanges);

                for (int i = 0; i < numSubRanges; i++)
                    var singlesForThisIndex = new List <IRingRange>();
                    foreach (var singleDevided in allSinglesDevided)
                        IRingRange singleRange = singleDevided.GetSubRange(i);
                    IRingRangeInternal multi = (IRingRangeInternal)RangeFactory.CreateRange(singlesForThisIndex);
                    multiRanges[i] = multi;
            if (multiRanges.Count == 0)
                rangeSize       = 0;
                rangePercentage = 0;
                rangeSize       = multiRanges.Values.Sum(r => r.RangeSize());
                rangePercentage = multiRanges.Values.Sum(r => r.RangePercentage());
Ejemplo n.º 25
        internal void AddServer(SiloAddress silo)
            lock (membershipRingList)
                if (membershipRingList.Contains(silo))
                    return;                                    // we already have this silo
                int myOldIndex = membershipRingList.FindIndex(elem => elem.Equals(MyAddress));

                if (!(membershipRingList.Count == 0 || myOldIndex != -1))
                    throw new OrleansException(string.Format("{0}: Couldn't find my position in the ring {1}.", MyAddress, Utils.EnumerableToString(membershipRingList)));

                // insert new silo in the sorted order
                int hash = silo.GetConsistentHashCode();

                // Find the last silo with hash smaller than the new silo, and insert the latter after (this is why we have +1 here) the former.
                // Notice that FindLastIndex might return -1 if this should be the first silo in the list, but then
                // 'index' will get 0, as needed.
                int index = membershipRingList.FindLastIndex(siloAddr => siloAddr.GetConsistentHashCode() < hash) + 1;
                membershipRingList.Insert(index, silo);

                // relating to triggering handler ... new node took over some of my responsibility
                if (index == myOldIndex ||                                      // new node was inserted in my place
                    (myOldIndex == 0 && index == membershipRingList.Count - 1)) // I am the first node, and the new server is the last node
                    IRingRange oldRange = MyRange;
                        MyRange = RangeFactory.CreateRange(unchecked ((uint)hash), unchecked ((uint)myKey));
                    catch (OverflowException exc)
                        log.Error(ErrorCode.ConsistentRingProviderBase + 5,
                                  String.Format("OverflowException: hash as int= x{0, 8:X8}, hash as uint= x{1, 8:X8}, myKey as int x{2, 8:X8}, myKey as uint x{3, 8:X8}.",
                                                hash, (uint)hash, myKey, (uint)myKey), exc);
                    NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers(oldRange, MyRange, false);

                log.Info("Added Server {0}. Current view: {1}", silo.ToStringWithHashCode(), this.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void RangeChangeNotification(IRingRange old, IRingRange now, bool increased)
            myRange = CalcMyRange();

            var        oldMultiRange = RangeFactory.CreateEquallyDividedMultiRange(old, numSubRanges);
            IRingRange oldSubRange   = oldMultiRange.GetSubRange(mySubRangeIndex);
            var        newMultiRange = RangeFactory.CreateEquallyDividedMultiRange(now, numSubRanges);
            IRingRange newSubRange   = newMultiRange.GetSubRange(mySubRangeIndex);

            if (oldSubRange.Equals(newSubRange))

            // For now, always say your range increased and the listeners need to deal with the situation when they get the same range again anyway.
            // In the future, check sub range inclusion. Note that it is NOT correct to just return the passed increased argument.
            // It will be wrong: the multi range may have decreased, while some individual sub range may partialy increase (shift).

            logger.Info("-NotifyLocal GrainRangeSubscribers about old {0} and new {1} increased? {2}.", oldSubRange.ToString(), newSubRange.ToString(), increased);

            List <IAsyncRingRangeListener> copy;

            lock (grainStatusListeners)
                copy = grainStatusListeners.ToList();
            foreach (IAsyncRingRangeListener listener in copy)
                    Task task = listener.RangeChangeNotification(oldSubRange, newSubRange);
                    // We don't want to await it here since it will delay delivering notifications to other listeners.
                    // We only want to log an error if it happends, so use ContinueWith.
                    task.LogException(logger, ErrorCode.CRP_ForGrains_Local_Subscriber_Exception_1,
                                      String.Format("Local IGrainRingRangeListener {0} has thrown an asynchronous exception when was notified about RangeChangeNotification about old {1} new {2}.",
                                                    listener.GetType().FullName, oldSubRange, newSubRange))
                catch (Exception exc)
                                 String.Format("Local IGrainRingRangeListener {0} has thrown an exception when was notified about RangeChangeNotification about old {1} new {2}.",
                                               listener.GetType().FullName, oldSubRange, newSubRange), exc);
        private static IRingRange CalculateRange(List <Tuple <uint, SiloAddress> > list, SiloAddress silo)
            var ranges = new List <IRingRange>();

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                var curr = list[i];
                var next = list[(i + 1) % list.Count];
                // 'backward/clockwise' definition to assign responsibilities on the ring.
                if (next.Item2.Equals(silo))
                    IRingRange range = RangeFactory.CreateRange(curr.Item1, next.Item1);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public Task RangeChangeNotification(IRingRange old, IRingRange now)
            myRange = now;
            List <IStreamQueueBalanceListener> queueBalanceListenersCopy;

            lock (queueBalanceListeners)
                queueBalanceListenersCopy = queueBalanceListeners.ToList();
            var notificatioTasks = new List <Task>(queueBalanceListenersCopy.Count);

            foreach (IStreamQueueBalanceListener listener in queueBalanceListenersCopy)
Ejemplo n.º 29
        internal void RemoveServer(SiloAddress silo)
            lock (membershipRingList)
                int indexOfFailedSilo = membershipRingList.FindIndex(elem => elem.Equals(silo));
                if (indexOfFailedSilo < 0)
                    return;                        // we have already removed this silo

                // related to triggering handler
                int myNewIndex = membershipRingList.FindIndex(elem => elem.Equals(MyAddress));

                if (myNewIndex == -1)
                    throw new OrleansException(string.Format("{0}: Couldn't find my position in the ring {1}.", MyAddress, this.ToString()));

                bool wasMyPred = ((myNewIndex == indexOfFailedSilo) || (myNewIndex == 0 && indexOfFailedSilo == membershipRingList.Count)); // no need for '- 1'
                if (wasMyPred)                                                                                                              // failed node was our predecessor
                    if (log.IsVerbose)
                        log.Verbose("Failed server was my pred? {0}, updated view {1}", wasMyPred, this.ToString());

                    IRingRange oldRange = MyRange;
                    if (membershipRingList.Count == 1) // i'm the only one left
                        MyRange = RangeFactory.CreateFullRange();
                        NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers(oldRange, MyRange, true);
                        int myNewPredIndex     = myNewIndex == 0 ? membershipRingList.Count - 1 : myNewIndex - 1;
                        int myPredecessorsHash = membershipRingList[myNewPredIndex].GetConsistentHashCode();

                        MyRange = RangeFactory.CreateRange(unchecked ((uint)myPredecessorsHash), unchecked ((uint)myKey));
                        NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers(oldRange, MyRange, true);
                log.Info("Removed Server {0} hash {1}. Current view {2}", silo, silo.GetConsistentHashCode(), this.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public ConsistentRingQueueBalancer(
            IConsistentRingProviderForGrains ringProvider,
            IStreamQueueMapper queueMapper)
            if (ringProvider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ringProvider");
            if (queueMapper == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("queueMapper");

            _streamQueueMapper = queueMapper;
            _myRange           = ringProvider.GetMyRange();

        public void RangeChangeNotification(IRingRange old, IRingRange now, bool increased)
            myRange = CalcMyRange();

            var oldMultiRange = new EquallyDevidedMultiRange(old, numSubRanges);
            IRingRange oldSubRange = oldMultiRange.GetSubRange(mySubRangeIndex);
            var newMultiRange = new EquallyDevidedMultiRange(now, numSubRanges);
            IRingRange newSubRange = newMultiRange.GetSubRange(mySubRangeIndex);

            if (oldSubRange.Equals(newSubRange)) return;

            // For now, always say your range increased and the listeners need to deal with the situation when they get the same range again anyway.
            // In the future, check sub range inclusion. Note that it is NOT correct to just return the passed increased argument. 
            // It will be wrong: the multi range may have decreased, while some individual sub range may partialy increase (shift).

            logger.Info("-NotifyLocal GrainRangeSubscribers about old {0} and new {1} increased? {2}.", oldSubRange.ToString(), newSubRange.ToString(), increased);

            List<IAsyncRingRangeListener> copy;
            lock (grainStatusListeners)
                copy = grainStatusListeners.ToList();
            foreach (IAsyncRingRangeListener listener in copy)
                    Task task = listener.RangeChangeNotification(oldSubRange, newSubRange);
                    // We don't want to await it here since it will delay delivering notifications to other listeners.
                    // We only want to log an error if it happends, so use ContinueWith.
                    task.LogException(logger, ErrorCode.CRP_ForGrains_Local_Subscriber_Exception_1, 
                                        String.Format("Local IGrainRingRangeListener {0} has thrown an asynchronous exception when was notified about RangeChangeNotification about old {1} new {2}.",
                                        listener.GetType().FullName, oldSubRange, newSubRange))
                catch (Exception exc)
                        String.Format("Local IGrainRingRangeListener {0} has thrown an exception when was notified about RangeChangeNotification about old {1} new {2}.",
                        listener.GetType().FullName, oldSubRange, newSubRange), exc);
Ejemplo n.º 32
        // Takes a range and devides it into numSubRanges equal ranges and returns the subrange at mySubRangeIndex.
        public static IRingRange GetEquallyDividedSubRange(IRingRange range, int numSubRanges, int mySubRangeIndex)
            if (numSubRanges <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(numSubRanges));
            if ((uint)mySubRangeIndex >= (uint)numSubRanges)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(mySubRangeIndex));

            if (numSubRanges == 1)

            switch (range)
            case SingleRange singleRange:
                return(GetEquallyDividedSubRange(singleRange, numSubRanges, mySubRangeIndex));

            case GeneralMultiRange multiRange:
                switch (multiRange.Ranges.Count)
                case 0: return(multiRange);

                case 1: return(GetEquallyDividedSubRange(multiRange.Ranges[0], numSubRanges, mySubRangeIndex));

                    // Take each of the single ranges in the multi range and divide each into equal sub ranges.
                    var singlesForThisIndex = new List <SingleRange>(multiRange.Ranges.Count);
                    foreach (var singleRange in multiRange.Ranges)
                        singlesForThisIndex.Add(GetEquallyDividedSubRange(singleRange, numSubRanges, mySubRangeIndex));
                    return(new GeneralMultiRange(singlesForThisIndex));

            default: throw new ArgumentException(nameof(range));
Ejemplo n.º 33
        public override string ToString()
            lock (membershipRingList)
                if (membershipRingList.Count == 1)
                    return(Utils.EnumerableToString(membershipRingList, silo => String.Format("{0} -> {1}", silo.ToStringWithHashCode(), RangeFactory.CreateFullRange())));

                var sb = new StringBuilder("[");
                for (int i = 0; i < membershipRingList.Count; i++)
                    SiloAddress curr  = membershipRingList[i];
                    SiloAddress next  = membershipRingList[(i + 1) % membershipRingList.Count];
                    IRingRange  range = RangeFactory.CreateRange(unchecked ((uint)curr.GetConsistentHashCode()), unchecked ((uint)next.GetConsistentHashCode()));
                    sb.Append(String.Format("{0} -> {1},  ", curr.ToStringWithHashCode(), range));
Ejemplo n.º 34
        public bool Remove(IRingRange range)
            bool wholerange = true;

            foreach (SingleRange s in RangeFactory.GetSubRanges(range))
                bool found = false;
                foreach (SingleRange m in ranges)
                    if (m.Begin == m.End) // treat full range as special case
                        found = true;
                        if (s.Begin != s.End) // if s is full range as well, then end of story ... whole range is covered
                            ranges.Add(new SingleRange(s.End, s.Begin));

                    if (m.InRange(s.Begin + 1) && m.InRange(s.End)) // s cant overlap two singleranges
                        found = true;
                        if (s.Begin != m.Begin)
                            ranges.Add(new SingleRange(m.Begin, s.Begin));
                        if (s.End != m.End)
                            ranges.Add(new SingleRange(s.End, m.End));
                wholerange = wholerange && found;
Ejemplo n.º 35
        public ConsistentRingQueueBalancer(
            IConsistentRingProviderForGrains ringProvider,
            IStreamQueueMapper queueMapper)
            if (ringProvider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ringProvider");
            if (queueMapper == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("queueMapper");
            if (!(queueMapper is IConsistentRingStreamQueueMapper))
                throw new ArgumentException("queueMapper for ConsistentRingQueueBalancer should implement IConsistentRingStreamQueueMapper", "queueMapper");

            streamQueueMapper = (IConsistentRingStreamQueueMapper)queueMapper;
            myRange = ringProvider.GetMyRange();

Ejemplo n.º 36
        internal void AddServer(SiloAddress silo)
            lock (membershipRingList)
                if (membershipRingList.Contains(silo)) return; // we already have this silo

                int myOldIndex = membershipRingList.FindIndex(elem => elem.Equals(MyAddress));

                if (!(membershipRingList.Count == 0 || myOldIndex != -1))
                    throw new OrleansException(string.Format("{0}: Couldn't find my position in the ring {1}.", MyAddress, Utils.EnumerableToString(membershipRingList)));

                // insert new silo in the sorted order
                int hash = silo.GetConsistentHashCode();

                // Find the last silo with hash smaller than the new silo, and insert the latter after (this is why we have +1 here) the former.
                // Notice that FindLastIndex might return -1 if this should be the first silo in the list, but then
                // 'index' will get 0, as needed.
                int index = membershipRingList.FindLastIndex(siloAddr => siloAddr.GetConsistentHashCode() < hash) + 1;
                membershipRingList.Insert(index, silo);

                // relating to triggering handler ... new node took over some of my responsibility
                if (index == myOldIndex || // new node was inserted in my place
                    (myOldIndex == 0 && index == membershipRingList.Count - 1)) // I am the first node, and the new server is the last node
                    IRingRange oldRange = MyRange;
                        MyRange = RangeFactory.CreateRange(unchecked((uint)hash), unchecked((uint)myKey));
                    catch (OverflowException exc)
                        log.Error(ErrorCode.ConsistentRingProviderBase + 5,
                            String.Format("OverflowException: hash as int= x{0, 8:X8}, hash as uint= x{1, 8:X8}, myKey as int x{2, 8:X8}, myKey as uint x{3, 8:X8}.",
                            hash, (uint)hash, myKey, (uint)myKey), exc);
                    NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers(oldRange, MyRange, false);

                log.Info("Added Server {0}. Current view: {1}", silo.ToStringWithHashCode(), this.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 37
        internal void RemoveServer(SiloAddress silo)
            lock (lockable)
                if (!bucketsMap.ContainsValue(silo)) return; // we have already removed this silo

                List<uint> hashes = silo.GetUniformHashCodes(numBucketsPerSilo);
                foreach (var hash in hashes)

                var myOldRange = this.myRange;
                var bucketsList = bucketsMap.Select(pair => new Tuple<uint, SiloAddress>(pair.Key, pair.Value)).ToList();
                var myNewRange = CalculateRange(bucketsList, myAddress);

                // capture my range and sortedBucketsList for later lock-free access.
                myRange = myNewRange;
                sortedBucketsList = bucketsList;
                logger.Info(ErrorCode.CRP_Removed_Silo, "Removed Server {0}. Current view: {1}", silo.ToStringWithHashCode(), this.ToString());

                NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers(myOldRange, myNewRange, true);
Ejemplo n.º 38
        private void AddServer(SiloAddress silo)
            lock (lockable)
                List<uint> hashes = silo.GetUniformHashCodes(numBucketsPerSilo);
                foreach (var hash in hashes)
                    if (bucketsMap.ContainsKey(hash))
                        var other = bucketsMap[hash];
                        // If two silos conflict, take the lesser of the two (usually the older one; that is, the lower epoch)
                        if (silo.CompareTo(other) > 0) continue;
                    bucketsMap[hash] = silo;

                var myOldRange = myRange;
                var bucketsList = bucketsMap.Select(pair => new Tuple<uint, SiloAddress>(pair.Key, pair.Value)).ToList();
                var myNewRange = CalculateRange(bucketsList, myAddress);

                // capture my range and sortedBucketsList for later lock-free access.
                myRange = myNewRange;
                sortedBucketsList = bucketsList;
                logger.Info(ErrorCode.CRP_Added_Silo, "Added Server {0}. Current view: {1}", silo.ToStringWithHashCode(), this.ToString());

                NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers(myOldRange, myNewRange, true);
 public IEnumerable<QueueId> GetQueuesForRange(IRingRange range)
     foreach (QueueId queueId in hashRing.GetAllRingMembers())
         if (range.InRange(queueId.GetUniformHashCode()))
             yield return queueId;
Ejemplo n.º 40
 private void NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers(IRingRange old, IRingRange now, bool increased)
     log.Info("-NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers about old {0} new {1} increased? {2}", old, now, increased);
     List<IRingRangeListener> copy;
     lock (statusListeners)
         copy = statusListeners.ToList();
     foreach (IRingRangeListener listener in copy)
             listener.RangeChangeNotification(old, now, increased);
         catch (Exception exc)
                 String.Format("Local IRangeChangeListener {0} has thrown an exception when was notified about RangeChangeNotification about old {1} new {2} increased? {3}",
                 listener.GetType().FullName, old, now, increased), exc);
Ejemplo n.º 41
        internal void RemoveServer(SiloAddress silo)
            lock (membershipRingList)
                int indexOfFailedSilo = membershipRingList.FindIndex(elem => elem.Equals(silo));
                if (indexOfFailedSilo < 0) return; // we have already removed this silo

                // related to triggering handler
                int myNewIndex = membershipRingList.FindIndex(elem => elem.Equals(MyAddress));

                if (myNewIndex == -1)
                    throw new OrleansException(string.Format("{0}: Couldn't find my position in the ring {1}.", MyAddress, this.ToString()));
                bool wasMyPred = ((myNewIndex == indexOfFailedSilo) || (myNewIndex == 0 && indexOfFailedSilo == membershipRingList.Count)); // no need for '- 1'
                if (wasMyPred) // failed node was our predecessor
                    if (log.IsVerbose) log.Verbose("Failed server was my pred? {0}, updated view {1}", wasMyPred, this.ToString());

                    IRingRange oldRange = MyRange;
                    if (membershipRingList.Count == 1) // i'm the only one left
                        MyRange = RangeFactory.CreateFullRange();
                        NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers(oldRange, MyRange, true);
                        int myNewPredIndex = myNewIndex == 0 ? membershipRingList.Count - 1 : myNewIndex - 1;
                        int myPredecessorsHash = membershipRingList[myNewPredIndex].GetConsistentHashCode();

                        MyRange = RangeFactory.CreateRange(unchecked((uint)myPredecessorsHash), unchecked((uint)myKey));
                        NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers(oldRange, MyRange, true);
                log.Info("Removed Server {0} hash {1}. Current view {2}", silo, silo.GetConsistentHashCode(), this.ToString());
 public IRingRange GetMyRange()
     return myRange ?? (myRange = CalcMyRange());
Ejemplo n.º 43
        public bool Remove(IRingRange range)
            bool wholerange = true;
            foreach (SingleRange s in RangeFactory.GetSubRanges(range))
                bool found = false;
                foreach (SingleRange m in ranges)
                    if (m.Begin == m.End) // treat full range as special case
                        found = true;
                        if (s.Begin != s.End) // if s is full range as well, then end of story ... whole range is covered
                            ranges.Add(new SingleRange(s.End, s.Begin));

                    if (m.InRange(s.Begin + 1) && m.InRange(s.End)) // s cant overlap two singleranges
                        found = true;
                        if (s.Begin != m.Begin)
                            ranges.Add(new SingleRange(m.Begin, s.Begin));
                        if (s.End != m.End)
                            ranges.Add(new SingleRange(s.End, m.End));
                wholerange = wholerange && found;
            return wholerange;