public bool CheckOrSave(string endpoint, Int32 bucket, long position)
            var id = new RiakObjectId($"{Settings.Bucket}.system", $"{endpoint}:{bucket}");

            var options = new RiakGetOptions {

            var exists = _riak.Get(id, options);

            if (exists.IsSuccess)

            var competer = new Competer
                Id            = $"{endpoint}:{bucket}",
                Discriminator = Discriminator,
                Endpoint      = endpoint,
                Bucket        = bucket,
                Position      = position,
                Heartbeat     = DateTime.UtcNow

            var putOpt = new RiakPutOptions {
                IfNotModified = false, IfNoneMatch = true

            var o      = new RiakObject(id, competer);
            var result = _riak.Put(o, putOpt);

            if (!result.IsSuccess)
                Logger.Info("Endpoint {0} failed to claim bucket {1}.  Error: {2}", endpoint, bucket, result.ErrorMessage);

            Thread.Sleep(new Random().Next(100, 2000));

                exists = _riak.Get(id, options);
            } while (!exists.IsSuccess);

            competer = exists.Value.GetObject <Competer>();
            if (competer.Discriminator != Discriminator)
                Logger.Info("Endpoint {0} failed to claim bucket {1}.  Error: {2}", endpoint, bucket, "Discriminator mismatch");
            Logger.Info("Endpoint {0} successfully claimed bucket {1}", endpoint, bucket);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Creating Data");
            Customer            customer     = CreateCustomer();
            IEnumerable <Order> orders       = CreateOrders(customer);
            OrderSummary        orderSummary = CreateOrderSummary(customer, orders);

            Console.WriteLine("Starting Client");
            using (IRiakEndPoint endpoint = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riakConfig"))
                IRiakClient client = endpoint.CreateClient();

                Console.WriteLine("Storing Data");


                foreach (Order order in orders)
                    // NB: this adds secondary index data as well


                Console.WriteLine("Fetching related data by shared key");
                string key = "1";

                var result = client.Get(customersBucketName, key);
                Console.WriteLine("Customer     1: {0}\n", GetValueAsString(result));

                result = client.Get(orderSummariesBucketName, key);
                Console.WriteLine("OrderSummary 1: {0}\n", GetValueAsString(result));

                Console.WriteLine("Index Queries");

                // Query for order keys where the SalesPersonId index is set to 9000
                var riakIndexId = new RiakIndexId(ordersBucketName, ordersSalesPersonIdIndexName);
                RiakResult <RiakIndexResult> indexRiakResult = client.GetSecondaryIndex(riakIndexId, 9000); // NB: *must* use 9000 as integer here.
                RiakIndexResult indexResult = indexRiakResult.Value;
                Console.WriteLine("Jane's orders (key values): {0}", string.Join(", ", indexResult.IndexKeyTerms.Select(ikt => ikt.Key)));

                // Query for orders where the OrderDate index is between 2013-10-01 and 2013-10-31
                riakIndexId     = new RiakIndexId(ordersBucketName, ordersOrderDateIndexName);
                indexRiakResult = client.GetSecondaryIndex(riakIndexId, "2013-10-01", "2013-10-31"); // NB: *must* use strings here.
                indexResult = indexRiakResult.Value;
                Console.WriteLine("October orders (key values): {0}", string.Join(", ", indexResult.IndexKeyTerms.Select(ikt => ikt.Key)));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static void StoreData()
            Console.WriteLine("[ChaosMonkeyApp] store thread starting");
            IRiakClient client = cluster.CreateClient();

                while (true)
                    var id  = new RiakObjectId("chaos-monkey", key.ToString());
                    var obj = new RiakObject(id, Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                    obj.ContentEncoding = RiakConstants.CharSets.Utf8;
                    obj.ContentType     = RiakConstants.ContentTypes.TextPlain;

                    var rslt = client.Put(obj);
                    if (rslt.IsSuccess)
                        Console.WriteLine("[ChaosMonkeyApp] stored key: {0}", key);
                        Console.WriteLine("[ChaosMonkeyApp] error storing key {0}, {1}", key, rslt.ErrorMessage);

                Console.WriteLine("[ChaosMonkeyApp] store thread stopping");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public virtual string Save(TModel model)
            var riakObjectId = new RiakObjectId(BucketName, model.ID);
            RiakResult <RiakObject> result = client.Get(riakObjectId);

            CheckResult(result, true);

            RiakObject objToUpdate = null;

            if (result.Value != null)
                objToUpdate = result.Value;
                if (objToUpdate.Siblings.Count > 0)
                    // Provide a better sibling resolution strategy here in production
                    objToUpdate = objToUpdate.Siblings[0];

                objToUpdate.SetObject <TModel>(model);
                objToUpdate = new RiakObject(riakObjectId, model);

            result = client.Put(objToUpdate);
            RiakObject value = result.Value;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public virtual string Save(TModel model)
            var riakObjectId = new RiakObjectId(BucketType, Bucket, model.ID);
            var riakObject   = new RiakObject(riakObjectId, model);
            RiakResult <RiakObject> result = client.Put(riakObject);

            RiakObject value = result.Value;

Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Cargar Datos
            Console.WriteLine("Loading Data FormaPago");
            List <FormaPagoVM> formaPagoVMs = db.FormaPago.Select(b => new FormaPagoVM {
                Forma = b.Forma, comision = b.comision

            Console.WriteLine("Loading Data Precio");
            List <PrecioVM> precioVMs = db.Precio.Select(a => new PrecioVM {
                Tipo = a.Tipo, precio = a.precio1

            Console.WriteLine("Loading Data Cliente");
            List <ClienteVM> clienteVMs = db.Cliente.Select(a => new ClienteVM {
                DNI = a.DNI, Nombre = a.Nombre, Apellidos = a.Apellidos, Domicilio = a.Domicilio, Telefono = a.Telefono

            Console.WriteLine("Loading Data Habitacion");
            List <HabitacionVM> habitacionVMs = db.Habitacion.Select(b => new HabitacionVM
                Numero = b.Numero, bar =, puedesupletoria = b.puedesupletoria, superficie = b.superficie, terraza = b.terraza,
                Tipo   = new PrecioVM {
                    Tipo = b.Precio.Tipo, precio = b.Precio.precio1

            Console.WriteLine("Loading Data Factura");
            List <FacturaVM> facturaVMs = db.Factura.Select(a =>
                                                            new FacturaVM
                CodigoF = a.CodigoF,
                Entrada = a.Entrada == null ? DateTime.MinValue : (DateTime)a.Entrada,
                Salida  = a.Salida == null ? DateTime.MinValue : (DateTime)a.Salida,
                Cliente = new ClienteVM
                    DNI       = a.Cliente.DNI,
                    Nombre    = a.Cliente.Nombre,
                    Apellidos = a.Cliente.Apellidos,
                    Domicilio = a.Cliente.Domicilio,
                    Telefono  = a.Cliente.Telefono
                Numero = new HabitacionVM
                    Numero          = a.Habitacion.Numero,
                    superficie      = a.Habitacion.superficie,
                    bar             =,
                    puedesupletoria = a.Habitacion.puedesupletoria,
                    terraza         = a.Habitacion.terraza,
                    Tipo            = new PrecioVM {
                        Tipo = a.Habitacion.Precio.Tipo, precio = a.Habitacion.Precio.precio1
                Forma = new FormaPagoVM {
                    Forma = a.FormaPago.Forma, comision = a.FormaPago.comision

            Console.WriteLine("Loading Data Empleado");

            List <EmpleadoVM> empleadoVMs = new List <EmpleadoVM>();

            foreach (Empleado a in db.Empleado)
                EmpleadoVM empleadoVM = new EmpleadoVM();
                empleadoVM.NumReg        = a.NumReg;
                empleadoVM.Nombre        = a.Nombre;
                empleadoVM.Incorporacion = a.Incorporacion == null ? DateTime.MinValue : (DateTime)a.Incorporacion;
                empleadoVM.Sueldo        = a.Sueldo == null ? 0 : (int)a.Sueldo;

                if (a.Servicio != null)
                    ServicioVM servicioVM = new ServicioVM();
                    servicioVM.CodS         = a.Servicio.CodS;
                    servicioVM.Descripcion  = a.Servicio.Descripcion.Trim();
                    servicioVM.costeinterno = a.Servicio.costeinterno == null ? 0 : (int)a.Servicio.costeinterno;

                    if (a.Servicio.Empleado1 != null)
                        EmpleadoVM empleadoVM1 = new EmpleadoVM();
                        empleadoVM1.NumReg        = a.Servicio.Empleado1.NumReg;
                        empleadoVM1.Nombre        = a.Servicio.Empleado1.Nombre;
                        empleadoVM1.Incorporacion = a.Servicio.Empleado1.Incorporacion == null ? DateTime.MinValue : (DateTime)a.Servicio.Empleado1.Incorporacion;
                        empleadoVM1.Sueldo        = a.Servicio.Empleado1.Sueldo == null ? 0 : (int)a.Servicio.Empleado1.Sueldo;

                        servicioVM.NumReg = empleadoVM1;

                    empleadoVM.Servicio = servicioVM;


            foreach (FormaPagoVM itemFormaPagoVM in formaPagoVMs)

            foreach (PrecioVM itemPrecioVM in precioVMs)

            foreach (ClienteVM itemClienteVM in clienteVMs)

            foreach (FacturaVM itemFacturaVM in facturaVMs)

            foreach (HabitacionVM itemHabitacionVM in habitacionVMs)

            foreach (EmpleadoVM itemEmpleadoVM in empleadoVMs)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public Task <IEnumerable <RiakResult <RiakObject> > > Put(IEnumerable <RiakObject> values, RiakPutOptions options)
     return(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => _client.Put(values, options)));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static void Run(IRiakClient client)
            // is the server alive?
            Console.WriteLine("Pinging the server ...");
            var pingResult = client.Ping();

            // here's how you'd go about setting the properties on a bucket
            // (there are lots more than demoed here).
            Console.WriteLine("Setting some bucket properties via REST ...");
            var restProps = new RiakBucketProperties()
            client.SetBucketProperties(Bucket, restProps);
            // you'll notice that this is slow, because behind the scenes the client
            // has detected properties that can't be set via the PBC interface
            // so instead it has degraded to the REST api.

            // here's a sample which uses just the PBC properties and hence runs a
            // lot faster.
            Console.WriteLine("Setting some bucket properties via PBC ...");
            var pbcProps = new RiakBucketProperties()
            client.SetBucketProperties(Bucket, pbcProps);

            // we'll keep track of the keys we store as we create them
            var keys = new List<string>();

            // let's write some stuff to Riak, starting with a simple put
            Console.WriteLine("Simple Put ...");
            var simplePutData = CreateData(0);
            var simplePutResponse = client.Put(simplePutData);

            // next write and pull out the resulting object at the same time,
            // and specifying a different write quorum
            var putWithBody = CreateData(1);
            Console.WriteLine("Simple Put with custom quorum ...");
            var putWithBodyResponse = client.Put(putWithBody, new RiakPutOptions { ReturnBody = true, W = 1 });
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(putWithBodyResponse.Value != null);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(putWithBodyResponse.Value.VectorClock != null);

            // let's bang out a few more objects to do a bulk load
            var objects = new List<RiakObject>();
            for (var i = 1; i < 11; ++i)
                var obj = CreateData(i);
            Console.WriteLine("Bulk insert ...");
            var bulkInsertResults = client.Put(objects);
            // verify that they all went in
            foreach (var r in bulkInsertResults)

            // let's see if we can get out all the objects that we expect to retrieve
            // starting with a simple get:
            Console.WriteLine("Simple Get ...");
            var simpleGetResult = client.Get(Bucket, keys[0]);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(simpleGetResult.Value != null);

            // let's do a bulk get of all the objects we've written so far, again
            // mucking with the quorum value
            var objectIds = keys.Select(k => new RiakObjectId(Bucket, k));
            Console.WriteLine("Bulk Get ...");
            var bulkGetResults = client.Get(objectIds, 1);

            // verify that we got everything
            foreach (var r in bulkGetResults)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(r.Value != null);

            // let's try a map/reduce function, with javascript, to count the
            // number of objects in the bucket
            var sumMapRed = new RiakMapReduceQuery()
                .MapJs(m => m.Source(@"function(o) {return [ 1 ];}"))
                .ReduceJs(r => r.Name(@"Riak.reduceSum").Keep(true));

            // execute this query with blocking IO, waiting for all the results to come
            // back before we process them
            Console.WriteLine("Blocking map/reduce query ...");
            var blockingMRResult = client.MapReduce(sumMapRed);
            // next, pull out the phase we're interested in to get the result we want
            var reducePhaseResult = blockingMRResult.Value.PhaseResults.Last().GetObjects<int[]>().SelectMany(p => p).ToArray();
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(reducePhaseResult[0] == 12);

            // now let's do the same thing, but with the blocking version that streams
            // the results back per phase, rather than waiting for all the reults to
            // be calculated first
            Console.WriteLine("Blocking streaming map/reduce query ...");
            var streamingMRResult = client.StreamMapReduce(sumMapRed);
            foreach (var result in streamingMRResult.Value.PhaseResults)
                if (result.Phase == 1)
                    var json = JArray.Parse(result.Values[0].FromRiakString());
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(json[0].Value<int>() == 12);

            // each of the above methods have an async equivalent that has an extra
            // parameter to pass in which is an Action that takes the result. This
            // is executed on the worker thread that the work is done on. For the
            // sake of this example, we'll only demonstrate how to do this with
            // streaming map/reduce as applying the principle to the other functions
            // is a simple thing to do. All the async methods are exposed via the
            // 'Async' property.

            // create an event to wait on while the results are being processed
            // (usually you wouldn't worry about this in a Ui app, you'd just take
            // the result of the other thread and dispatch it to the UI when processed)
            var autoResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            Console.WriteLine("Starting async streaming map/reduce query ...");
            client.Async.StreamMapReduce(sumMapRed, result => HandleStreamingMapReduce(result, autoResetEvent));
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for async streaming map/reduce query result ...");

            // finally delete the bucket (this can also be done asynchronously)
            // this calls ListKeys behind the scenes, so it's a very slow process. Riak
            // doesn't currently have the ability to quickly delete a bucket.
            Console.WriteLine("Deleting the whole test bucket ...");

            Console.WriteLine("Sample app complete!");
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void Put(IEnumerable <RiakObject> values, Action <IEnumerable <RiakResult <RiakObject> > > callback, RiakPutOptions options)
     ExecAsync(() => callback(_client.Put(values, options)));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const string bucket = "test";

                using (IRiakEndPoint endpoint = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riakConfig"))
                    IRiakClient client = endpoint.CreateClient();

                    // Creating Objects In Riak
                    Console.WriteLine("Creating Objects In Riak...");

                    int val1        = 1;
                    var objectId1   = new RiakObjectId(bucket, "one");
                    var riakObject1 = new RiakObject(objectId1, val1);
                    var result      = client.Put(riakObject1);

                    string val2        = "two";
                    var    objectId2   = new RiakObjectId(bucket, "two");
                    var    riakObject2 = new RiakObject(objectId2, val2);
                    result = client.Put(riakObject2);

                    var val3 = new Dictionary <string, int>
                        { "myValue1", 3 },
                        { "myValue2", 4 }
                    var objectId3   = new RiakObjectId(bucket, "three");
                    var riakObject3 = new RiakObject(objectId3, val3);
                    result = client.Put(riakObject3);

                    // Fetching Objects From Riak
                    Console.WriteLine("Reading Objects From Riak...");

                    var fetchResult1 = client.Get(objectId1);
                    RiakObject fetchObject1 = fetchResult1.Value;
                    int        fetchVal1    = fetchObject1.GetObject <int>();
                    Debug.Assert(val1 == fetchVal1, "Assert Failed", "val1 {0} != fetchVal1 {1}", val1, fetchVal1);

                    var fetchResult2 = client.Get(objectId2);
                    RiakObject fetchObject2 = fetchResult2.Value;
                    string     fetchVal2    = fetchObject2.GetObject <string>();
                    Debug.Assert(val2 == fetchVal2, "Assert Failed", "val2 {0} != fetchVal2 {1}", val2, fetchVal2);

                    var fetchResult3 = client.Get(objectId3);
                    RiakObject fetchObject3 = fetchResult3.Value;
                    var        fetchVal3    = fetchObject3.GetObject <Dictionary <string, int> >();
                    Debug.Assert(dictEqualityComparer.Equals(val3, fetchVal3), "Assert Failed", "val3 {0} != fetchVal3 {1}", val3, fetchVal3);

                    // Updating Objects In Riak
                    Console.WriteLine("Updating Objects In Riak");

                    fetchVal3["myValue1"] = 42;
                    var updateObject1 = new RiakObject(bucket, "three", fetchVal3);
                    var updateResult1 = client.Put(updateObject1);

                    var fetchResult4 = client.Get(objectId3);
                    RiakObject fetchObject4 = fetchResult4.Value;
                    var        fetchVal4    = fetchObject4.GetObject <Dictionary <string, int> >();
                    Debug.Assert(false == dictEqualityComparer.Equals(val3, fetchVal4), "Assert Failed", "val3 {0} == fetchVal4 {1}", val3, fetchVal4);
                    Debug.Assert(fetchVal4["myValue1"] == 42, "Assert Failed", "myValue1 should have been 42");

                    // Deleting Objects From Riak
                    Console.WriteLine("Deleting Objects From Riak...");

                    RiakResult delResult1 = client.Delete(objectId1);

                    RiakResult delResult2 = client.Delete(objectId2);

                    RiakResult delResult3 = client.Delete(objectId3);

                    // Working With Complex Objects
                    Console.WriteLine("Working With Complex Objects...");

                    var book = new Book();
                    book.ISBN        = "1111979723";
                    book.Title       = "Moby Dick";
                    book.Author      = "Herman Melville";
                    book.Body        = "Call me Ishmael. Some years ago...";
                    book.CopiesOwned = 3;

                    var bookId        = new RiakObjectId("books", book.ISBN);
                    var bookObject    = new RiakObject(bookId, book);
                    var bookPutResult = client.Put(bookObject);

                    var fetchBookResult = client.Get(bookId);
                    RiakObject fetchedBookObject = fetchBookResult.Value;
                    string     bookJson          = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fetchedBookObject.Value);
                    Console.WriteLine("Serialized Object: {0}", bookJson);

                    var bookDeleteResult = client.Delete(bookId);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e.Message);