Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void DisplayExperienceToEmployer(Member member, Resume resume, ProfessionalView view, IResumeHighlighter highlighter)
            _highlighter         = highlighter ?? _highlighterFactory.Create(ResumeHighlighterKind.Null, null, new HighlighterConfiguration());
            _hideRecentEmployers = !view.CanAccess(ProfessionalVisibility.RecentEmployers);

            DisplayExperienceInternal(member, resume);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void DisplayExperienceToSelf(Member member, Resume resume)
            _highlighter         = _highlighterFactory.Create(ResumeHighlighterKind.Null, null, new HighlighterConfiguration());
            _hideRecentEmployers = false;

            DisplayExperienceInternal(member, resume);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

            _resumeHighlighter = (Model.CurrentSearch != null)
                ? ResumeHighlighterFactory.Create(ResumeHighlighterKind.Full, Model.CurrentSearch.Criteria, new HighlighterConfiguration())
                : ResumeHighlighterFactory.Create(ResumeHighlighterKind.Null, null, new HighlighterConfiguration());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void DisplayContent(string content, bool allowEditing, IResumeHighlighter highlighter)
            if (highlighter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("highlighter");

            this.content      = content;
            this.allowEditing = allowEditing;
            this.highlighter  = highlighter;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        internal static string GetJobTitleHtml(IJob job, IResumeHighlighter highlighter)
            string jobHtml = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(job.Title))
                jobHtml = highlighter.HighlightJobTitle(job.Title);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void DisplayContent(IList <School> schools, bool allowEditing, IResumeHighlighter highlighter)
            if (highlighter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("highlighter");

            _allowEditing = allowEditing;
            _highlighter  = highlighter;
            _haveContent  = !schools.IsNullOrEmpty();

            repEducationRecords.DataSource = schools;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal static string GetJobTitleAndEmployerHtml(IJob job, IResumeHighlighter highlighter, bool hideRecentEmployers, IJob previousJobForResume)
            // Do not show the company names for the "current" and "previous" jobs (as defined in
            // RequirementsForMyVisibilityBasicSettingsPage) if the candidate has chosen
            // to hide these or the employer hasn't paid, but tell the employer whether these are available.
            // Note that the experience is no longer hidden as of 3.0.

            string jobHtml = "";

            jobHtml += GetJobTitleHtml(job, highlighter);
            jobHtml += !string.IsNullOrEmpty(job.Company) ? ", " : "";
            jobHtml += GetEmployerHtml(job, highlighter, hideRecentEmployers, previousJobForResume);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

            if (Model is SuggestedCandidatesListModel)
                _resumeHighlighter = ResumeHighlighterFactory.Create(ResumeHighlighterKind.Snippet, Model.Criteria, new HighlighterConfiguration());
            else if (Model is SearchListModel)
                _resumeHighlighter = ResumeHighlighterFactory.Create(ResumeHighlighterKind.Snippet, Model.Criteria, new HighlighterConfiguration());
                _resumeHighlighter = ResumeHighlighterFactory.Create(ResumeHighlighterKind.Null, null, new HighlighterConfiguration());
Ejemplo n.º 9
        internal static string GetEmployerHtml(IJob job, IResumeHighlighter highlighter, bool hideRecentEmployers, IJob previousJobForResume)
            // Do not show the company names for the "current" and "previous" jobs (as defined in
            // RequirementsForMyVisibilityBasicSettingsPage) if the candidate has chosen
            // to hide these or the employer hasn't paid, but tell the employer whether these are available.
            // Note that the experience is no longer hidden as of 3.0.
            string jobHtml = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(job.Company))
                bool hideEmployer = hideRecentEmployers && (job.Dates == null || job.Dates.End == null || job == previousJobForResume);

                jobHtml += (hideEmployer ? "&lt;Employer hidden&gt;" :
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void DisplayJobs(Resume resume, bool allowEditing, IResumeHighlighter highlighter, bool hideRecentEmployers)
            if (highlighter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("highlighter");

            _allowEditing        = allowEditing;
            _highlighter         = highlighter;
            _hideRecentEmployers = hideRecentEmployers;

            if (resume == null)

            _previousJob = resume.PreviousJob;
            _haveContent = !resume.Jobs.IsNullOrEmpty();

            repRecords.DataSource = resume.Jobs;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void DisplayResume(Resume resume, bool allowEditing, IResumeHighlighter highlighter,
                                  bool hideRecentEmployers, bool hideReferees)
            if (allowEditing && (hideRecentEmployers || hideReferees))
                throw new ArgumentException("allowEditing cannot be true while some content is hidden.", "allowEditing");

            highlighter = highlighter ?? _highlighterFactory.Create(ResumeHighlighterKind.Null, null, new HighlighterConfiguration());

            ucCareerObjective.DisplayContent(resume == null ? null : resume.Objective, allowEditing, highlighter);
            ucSummary.DisplayContent(resume == null ? null : resume.Summary, allowEditing, highlighter);
            ucEmploymentHistory.DisplayJobs(resume, allowEditing, highlighter, hideRecentEmployers);
            ucSkills.DisplayContent(resume == null ? null : resume.Skills, allowEditing, highlighter);
            ucEducationHistory.DisplayContent(resume == null ? null : resume.Schools, allowEditing, highlighter);
            ucCourses.DisplayContent(resume == null ? null : StringUtils.Join("\n", resume.Courses),
                                     allowEditing, highlighter);
            ucAwards.DisplayContent(resume == null ? null : StringUtils.Join("\n", resume.Awards),
                                    allowEditing, highlighter);
            ucProfessional.DisplayContent(resume == null ? null : resume.Professional, allowEditing, highlighter);
            ucInterests.DisplayContent(resume == null ? null : resume.Interests, allowEditing, highlighter);
            ucCitizenship.DisplayContent(resume == null ? null : resume.Citizenship, allowEditing, highlighter);
            ucAffiliation.DisplayContent(resume == null ? null : resume.Affiliations, allowEditing, highlighter);
            ucOther.DisplayContent(resume == null ? null : resume.Other, allowEditing, highlighter);

            string referees = (resume == null ? null : resume.Referees);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(referees) || !hideReferees)
                ucReferences.DisplayContent(referees, allowEditing, highlighter);
                // No access to referees - display some placeholder text (and don't highlight it).
                ucReferences.DisplayContent(refereesHiddenText, allowEditing, _highlighterFactory.Create(ResumeHighlighterKind.Null, null, new HighlighterConfiguration()));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void DisplayToEmployer(Candidate candidate, Employer employer, IResumeHighlighter highlighter)
     _highlighter = highlighter ?? _highlighterFactory.Create(ResumeHighlighterKind.Null, null, new HighlighterConfiguration()); 
     DisplayInternal(candidate, false);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void DisplayToSelf(Candidate candidate, bool isEditingAllowed)
     _highlighter = _highlighterFactory.Create(ResumeHighlighterKind.Null, null, new HighlighterConfiguration());
     DisplayInternal(candidate, isEditingAllowed);