Ejemplo n.º 1
                /// <summary>
                ///  Currencies{
                ///      ...
                ///      USD{
                ///          "US$",        => symbol
                ///          "US Dollar",  => display name
                ///      }
                ///      ...
                ///      ESP{
                ///          "₧",                  => symbol
                ///          "pesseta espanyola",  => display name
                ///          {
                ///              "¤ #,##0.00",     => currency-specific pattern
                ///              ",",              => currency-specific grouping separator
                ///              ".",              => currency-specific decimal separator
                ///          }
                ///      }
                ///      ...
                ///  }
                /// </summary>
                internal void ConsumeCurrenciesTable(ResourceKey key, ResourceValue value)
                    // The full Currencies table is consumed for parsing only.
                    Debug.Assert(parsingData != null);
                    IResourceTable table = value.GetTable();

                    for (int i = 0; table.GetKeyAndValue(i, key, value); i++)
                        string isoCode = key.ToString();
                        if (value.Type != UResourceType.Array)
                            throw new ICUException("Unexpected data type in Currencies table for " + isoCode);
                        IResourceArray array = value.GetArray();

                        parsingData.symbolToIsoCode[isoCode] = isoCode; // Add the ISO code itself as a symbol
                        array.GetValue(0, value);
                        parsingData.symbolToIsoCode[value.GetString()] = isoCode;
                        array.GetValue(1, value);
                        parsingData.nameToIsoCode[value.GetString()] = isoCode;
Ejemplo n.º 2
                internal void ConsumeCurrenciesEntry(ResourceKey key, ResourceValue value)
                    Debug.Assert(formattingData != null);
                    string isoCode = key.ToString();

                    if (value.Type != UResourceType.Array)
                        throw new ICUException("Unexpected data type in Currencies table for " + isoCode);
                    IResourceArray array = value.GetArray();

                    if (formattingData.symbol == null)
                        array.GetValue(0, value);
                        formattingData.symbol = value.GetString();
                    if (formattingData.displayName == null)
                        array.GetValue(1, value);
                        formattingData.displayName = value.GetString();

                    // If present, the third element is the currency format info.
                    // TODO: Write unit test to ensure that this data is being used by number formatting.
                    if (array.Length > 2 && formattingData.formatInfo == null)
                        array.GetValue(2, value);
                        IResourceArray formatArray = value.GetArray();
                        formatArray.GetValue(0, value);
                        string formatPattern = value.GetString();
                        formatArray.GetValue(1, value);
                        string decimalSeparator = value.GetString();
                        formatArray.GetValue(2, value);
                        string groupingSeparator = value.GetString();
                        formattingData.formatInfo = new CurrencyFormatInfo(
                            isoCode, formatPattern, decimalSeparator, groupingSeparator);