public void Send(IRemote destination) { List <byte> rawData = new List <byte>(Size); rawData.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt16)Type)); rawData.Add(MessageIndex); rawData.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(GameTime)); rawData.Add((byte)UserAction); if (Parameters != null && Parameters.Length > 0) { if (Parameters.Length > 255) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("More than 255 parameter bytes are not allowed."); } rawData.Add((byte)Parameters.Length); rawData.AddRange(Parameters); } else { rawData.Add(0); } destination.Send(rawData.ToArray()); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes a channel by name /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override async Task <int> ExecuteAsync() { try { IRemote remote = RemoteFactory.GetBarOnlyRemote(_options, Logger); // Get the ID of the channel with the specified name. Channel existingChannel = (await remote.GetChannelsAsync()).Where(channel => channel.Name.Equals(_options.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); if (existingChannel == null) { Logger.LogError($"Could not find channel with name '{_options.Name}'"); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } await remote.DeleteChannelAsync(existingChannel.Id); Console.WriteLine($"Successfully deleted channel '{existingChannel.Name}'."); return(Constants.SuccessCode); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError(e, "Error: Failed to delete channel."); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } }
public async Task <MergePolicyEvaluationResult> EvaluateAsync( string prUrl, IRemote darc, IReadOnlyList <MergePolicyDefinition> policyDefinitions) { var context = new MergePolicyEvaluationContext(prUrl, darc); foreach (MergePolicyDefinition definition in policyDefinitions) { if (MergePolicies.TryGetValue(definition.Name, out MergePolicy policy)) { using (Logger.BeginScope("Evaluating Merge Policy {policyName}", policy.Name)) { context.CurrentPolicy = policy; await policy.EvaluateAsync(context, new MergePolicyProperties(definition.Properties)); } } else { context.CurrentPolicy = null; context.Fail($"Unknown Merge Policy: '{definition.Name}'"); } } return(context.Result); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieve Goal in minutes for Definition in a Channel. /// </summary> /// <returns>Process exit code.</returns> public override async Task <int> ExecuteAsync() { try { IRemote remote = RemoteFactory.GetBarOnlyRemote(_options, Logger); Goal goalInfo = await remote.GetGoalAsync(_options.Channel, _options.DefinitionId); Console.Write(goalInfo.Minutes); return(Constants.SuccessCode); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } catch (RestApiException e) when(e.Response.Status == (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { Logger.LogError(e, $"Cannot find Channel '{_options.Channel}'."); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError(e, $"Unable to create goal for Channel : '{_options.Channel}' and DefinitionId : '{_options.DefinitionId}'."); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } }
public override async Task <int> ExecuteAsync() { try { IRemote remote = RemoteFactory.GetBarOnlyRemote(_options, Logger); DefaultChannel resolvedChannel = await ResolveSingleChannel(); if (resolvedChannel == null) { return(Constants.ErrorCode); } await remote.DeleteDefaultChannelAsync(resolvedChannel.Id); return(Constants.SuccessCode); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError(e, "Error: Failed remove the default channel association."); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } }
//Dictionary<int,Action<byte[],int, EndPoint>> public ServerRoute(IRemote serverPoint, int port) { this.serverPoint = serverPoint; this.port = port; init(); isRun = true; }
public IRemote Connect(ServerDetails sd, RemoteType rt) { if (sd == null) { return(null); } IRemote rem = null; switch (rt) { case RemoteType.SSH: rem = new SSHRemote(); break; default: break; } if (rem == null) { return(null); } rem.Connect(sd); remotes.Add(rem); return(rem); }
public Television(IAdapter adapter, IRemote remote, string manufacturer, string modelNumber) { Adapter = adapter; Remote = remote; Manufacturer = manufacturer; ModelNumber = modelNumber; }
public async Task <MergePolicyEvaluationResults> EvaluateAsync( IPullRequest pr, IRemote darc, IReadOnlyList <MergePolicyDefinition> policyDefinitions) { var results = new List <MergePolicyEvaluationResult>(); foreach (MergePolicyDefinition definition in policyDefinitions) { if (MergePolicyBuilders.TryGetValue(definition.Name, out IMergePolicyBuilder policyBuilder)) { using var oDef = _operations.BeginOperation("Evaluating Merge Definition {policyName}", definition.Name); var policies = await policyBuilder.BuildMergePoliciesAsync(new MergePolicyProperties(definition.Properties), pr); foreach (var policy in policies) { using var oPol = _operations.BeginOperation("Evaluating Merge Policy {policyName}", policy.Name); results.Add(await policy.EvaluateAsync(pr, darc)); } } else { var notImplemented = new NotImplementedMergePolicy(definition.Name); results.Add(new MergePolicyEvaluationResult(MergePolicyEvaluationStatus.Failure, $"Unknown Merge Policy: '{definition.Name}'", notImplemented)); } } return(new MergePolicyEvaluationResults(results)); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieve information about channels /// </summary> /// <param name="options">Command line options</param> /// <returns>Process exit code.</returns> public override async Task <int> ExecuteAsync() { try { IRemote remote = RemoteFactory.GetBarOnlyRemote(_options, Logger); var allChannels = await remote.GetChannelsAsync(); switch (_options.OutputFormat) { case DarcOutputType.json: WriteJsonChannelList(allChannels); break; case DarcOutputType.text: WriteYamlChannelList(allChannels); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException($"Output format {_options.OutputFormat} not supported for get-channels"); } return(Constants.SuccessCode); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError(e, "Error: Failed to retrieve channels"); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } }
private async Task CoherencyUpdatesAsync( IRemote barOnlyRemote, IRemoteFactory remoteFactory, List <DependencyDetail> currentDependencies, List <DependencyDetail> dependenciesToUpdate) { Console.WriteLine("Checking for coherency updates..."); // Now run a coherency update based on the current set of dependencies updated // from the previous pass. List <DependencyUpdate> coherencyUpdates = await barOnlyRemote.GetRequiredCoherencyUpdatesAsync(currentDependencies, remoteFactory); foreach (DependencyUpdate dependencyUpdate in coherencyUpdates) { DependencyDetail from = dependencyUpdate.From; DependencyDetail to = dependencyUpdate.To; DependencyDetail coherencyParent = currentDependencies.First(d => d.Name.Equals(from.CoherentParentDependencyName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); // Print out what we are going to do. Console.WriteLine($"Updating '{from.Name}': '{from.Version}' => '{to.Version}' " + $"to ensure coherency with {from.CoherentParentDependencyName}@{coherencyParent.Version}"); // Final list of dependencies to update dependenciesToUpdate.Add(to); } }
/// <summary> /// Get a specific build of a repository /// </summary> /// <returns>Process exit code.</returns> public override async Task <int> ExecuteAsync() { try { IRemote remote = RemoteFactory.GetBarOnlyRemote(_options, Logger); Build build = await remote.GetBuildAsync(_options.Id); if (build != null) { Console.Write(UxHelpers.GetBuildDescription(build)); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Could not find build with id '{_options.Id}'"); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } return(Constants.SuccessCode); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError(e, $"Error: Failed to retrieve build with id '{_options.Id}'"); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } }
private void MakeConnectionToServer(string IP) { try { BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider clientProvider = new BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider(); BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider serverProvider = new BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider(); serverProvider.TypeFilterLevel = System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.TypeFilterLevel.Full; IDictionary props = new Hashtable(); props["port"] = 0; string s = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); props["name"] = s; props["typeFilterLevel"] = TypeFilterLevel.Full; HttpChannel chan = new HttpChannel(props, clientProvider, serverProvider); int Port = 9999; ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(chan); obj = (IRemote)Activator.GetObject(typeof(IRemote), "http://" + IP + ":" + Port + "/RemoteObject.soap", WellKnownObjectMode.SingleCall); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to connect to server"); } }
private async Task <ActionResult <bool?> > SynchronizePullRequestAsync(string prUrl) { ConditionalValue <InProgressPullRequest> maybePr = await StateManager.TryGetStateAsync <InProgressPullRequest>(PullRequest); if (!maybePr.HasValue || maybePr.Value.Url != prUrl) { return(ActionResult.Create( (bool?)null, $"Not Applicable: Pull Request '{prUrl}' is not tracked by maestro anymore.")); } (string targetRepository, string targetBranch) = await GetTargetAsync(); IRemote darc = await DarcRemoteFactory.GetRemoteAsync(targetRepository, Logger); InProgressPullRequest pr = maybePr.Value; PrStatus status = await darc.GetPullRequestStatusAsync(prUrl); ActionResult <bool?> checkPolicyResult = null; switch (status) { case PrStatus.Open: checkPolicyResult = await CheckMergePolicyAsync(prUrl, darc); if (checkPolicyResult.Result == true) { goto case PrStatus.Merged; } if (checkPolicyResult.Result == false) { return(ActionResult.Create((bool?)true, checkPolicyResult.Message)); } return(ActionResult.Create((bool?)false, checkPolicyResult.Message)); case PrStatus.Merged: await UpdateSubscriptionsForMergedPRAsync(pr.ContainedSubscriptions); goto case PrStatus.Closed; case PrStatus.Closed: await StateManager.RemoveStateAsync(PullRequest); break; default: Logger.LogError("Unknown pr status '{status}'", status); break; } if (checkPolicyResult != null) { return(ActionResult.Create((bool?)null, checkPolicyResult.Message)); } return(ActionResult.Create((bool?)null, $"PR Has been manually {status}")); }
public override async Task <int> ExecuteAsync() { try { IRemote remote = RemoteFactory.GetRemote(_options, _options.Repository, Logger); // Users can ignore the flag and pass in -regex: but to prevent typos we'll avoid that. _options.Branch = _options.UseBranchAsRegex ? $"-regex:{_options.Branch}" : GitHelpers.NormalizeBranchName(_options.Branch); if (!(await UxHelpers.VerifyAndConfirmBranchExistsAsync(remote, _options.Repository, _options.Branch, !_options.NoConfirmation))) { Console.WriteLine("Aborting default channel creation."); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } await remote.AddDefaultChannelAsync(_options.Repository, _options.Branch, _options.Channel); return(Constants.SuccessCode); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError(e, "Error: Failed to add a new default channel association."); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } }
public static async Task <DependencyFlowGraph> BuildAsync( List <DefaultChannel> defaultChannels, List <Subscription> subscriptions, IRemote barOnlyRemote, int days) { // Dictionary of nodes. Key is the repo+branch Dictionary <string, DependencyFlowNode> nodes = new Dictionary <string, DependencyFlowNode>( StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); List <DependencyFlowEdge> edges = new List <DependencyFlowEdge>(); // First create all the channel nodes. There may be disconnected // nodes in the graph, so we must process all channels and all subscriptions foreach (DefaultChannel channel in defaultChannels) { DependencyFlowNode flowNode = GetOrCreateNode(channel.Repository, channel.Branch, nodes); // Add the build times if (channel.Id != default(int)) { BuildTime buildTime = await barOnlyRemote.GetBuildTimeAsync(channel.Id, days); flowNode.OfficialBuildTime = buildTime.OfficialBuildTime ?? 0; flowNode.PrBuildTime = buildTime.PrBuildTime ?? 0; flowNode.GoalTimeInMinutes = buildTime.GoalTimeInMinutes ?? 0; } else { flowNode.OfficialBuildTime = 0; flowNode.PrBuildTime = 0; } // Add a the output mapping. flowNode.OutputChannels.Add(channel.Channel.Name); } // Process all subscriptions (edges) foreach (Subscription subscription in subscriptions) { // Get the target of the subscription DependencyFlowNode destinationNode = GetOrCreateNode(subscription.TargetRepository, subscription.TargetBranch, nodes); // Add the input channel for the node destinationNode.InputChannels.Add(subscription.Channel.Name); // Find all input nodes by looking up the default channels of the subscription input channel and repository. // This may return no nodes if there is no default channel for the inputs. IEnumerable <DefaultChannel> inputDefaultChannels = defaultChannels.Where(d => d.Channel.Name == subscription.Channel.Name && d.Repository.Equals(subscription.SourceRepository, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); foreach (DefaultChannel defaultChannel in inputDefaultChannels) { DependencyFlowNode sourceNode = GetOrCreateNode(defaultChannel.Repository, defaultChannel.Branch, nodes); DependencyFlowEdge newEdge = new DependencyFlowEdge(sourceNode, destinationNode, subscription); destinationNode.IncomingEdges.Add(newEdge); sourceNode.OutgoingEdges.Add(newEdge); edges.Add(newEdge); } } return(new DependencyFlowGraph(nodes.Select(kv => kv.Value).ToList(), edges)); }
public async Task SubscriptionDeletedAsync(string user) { ConditionalValue <InProgressPullRequest> maybePr = await StateManager.TryGetStateAsync <InProgressPullRequest>(PullRequest); if (maybePr.HasValue) { InProgressPullRequest pr = maybePr.Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pr.Url)) { // somehow a bad PR got in the collection, remove it await StateManager.RemoveStateAsync(PullRequest); return; } long installationId = 0; if (pr.Url.Contains("")) { (string owner, string repo, int id) = GitHubClient.ParsePullRequestUri(pr.Url); installationId = await Context.GetInstallationId($"{owner}/{repo}"); } IRemote darc = await DarcFactory.CreateAsync(pr.Url, installationId); await darc.CreatePullRequestCommentAsync( pr.Url, $@"The subscription that generated this pull request has been deleted by @{user}. This pull request will no longer be tracked by maestro."); await StateManager.RemoveStateAsync(PullRequest); } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieve information about channels /// </summary> /// <param name="options">Command line options</param> /// <returns>Process exit code.</returns> public override async Task <int> ExecuteAsync() { try { IRemote remote = RemoteFactory.GetBarOnlyRemote(_options, Logger); var allChannels = await remote.GetChannelsAsync(); // Write out a simple list of each channel's name foreach (var channel in allChannels.OrderBy(c => c.Name)) { // Pad so that id's up to 9999 will result in consistent // listing string idPrefix = $"({channel.Id})".PadRight(7); Console.WriteLine($"{idPrefix}{channel.Name}"); } return(Constants.SuccessCode); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError(e, "Error: Failed to retrieve channels"); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } }
// ================================================================= // UI Events // ================================================================= private void ButtonConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var sd = ServersConfig.GetInstance().GetSelected(); if (sd == null) { return; } if (rm == null) { RemoteManager rmm = RemoteManager.GetInstance(); rm = rmm.Connect(sd); if (rm.IsConnected()) { st = rm.GetStream(); ButtonConnect.Text = "Disconnect"; } return; } if (rm.IsConnected()) { rm.Disconnect(); rm = null; st = null; ButtonConnect.Text = "Connect"; } }
public NetworkTableConnectionListenerAdapter(IRemote ir, IRemoteConnectionListener ircl) { base.\u002Ector(); NetworkTableConnectionListenerAdapter connectionListenerAdapter = this; this.targetSource = ir; this.targetListener = ircl; }
public void Connected(IRemote remote, ConnectionInfo info) { ConsoleManager.Instance.AppendInfo( $"Network tables connected at {info.RemoteIp}. Protocol version: {info.ProtocolVersion}.", Color.Green); parent.SetRioStatusLight(true); }
public StatusCommand( ICacheManager cacheManager, IRemote remote, string[] args) { if (args.Length > 1) throw new ArgumentException(); if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0] == ShowRemoteArgument) { _shouldShowRemote = true; } else { throw new ArgumentException("status command only has one valid option: " + ShowRemoteArgument); } } _cacheManager = cacheManager; _remote = remote; _filesInLocalCache = _cacheManager.ListFiles(); }
/// <summary> /// Resolve a channel substring to an exact channel, or print out potential names if more than one, or none, match. /// </summary> /// <param name="remote">Remote for retrieving channels</param> /// <param name="desiredChannel">Desired channel</param> /// <returns>Channel, or null if no channel was matched.</returns> public static async Task <Channel> ResolveSingleChannel(IRemote remote, string desiredChannel) { // Retrieve the channel by name, matching substring. If more than one channel // matches, then let the user know they need to be more specific IEnumerable <Channel> channels = (await remote.GetChannelsAsync()); IEnumerable <Channel> matchingChannels = channels.Where(c => c.Name.Contains(desiredChannel, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (!matchingChannels.Any()) { Console.WriteLine($"No channels found with name containing '{desiredChannel}'"); Console.WriteLine("Available channels:"); foreach (Channel channel in channels) { Console.WriteLine($" {channel.Name}"); } return(null); } else if (matchingChannels.Count() != 1) { Console.WriteLine($"Multiple channels found with name containing '{desiredChannel}', please select one"); foreach (Channel channel in matchingChannels) { Console.WriteLine($" {channel.Name}"); } return(null); } else { return(matchingChannels.Single()); } }
/// <summary> /// Verify that a branch exists in the specified repo and contains a version details file. /// If it does not, optionally prompt the user to confirm that they wish to continue. /// </summary> /// <param name="remote">Remote</param> /// <param name="repo">Repository that the branch should be in</param> /// <param name="branch">Branch to check the existence of</param> /// <param name="prompt">Prompt the user to verify that they want to continue</param> /// <returns>True if the branch exists, prompting is not desired, or if the user confirms that they want to continue. False otherwise.</returns> public static async Task <bool> VerifyAndConfirmBranchExistsAsync(IRemote remote, string repo, string branch, bool prompt) { const string regexPrefix = "-regex:"; // IRemote doesn't currently provide a way for enumerating all branches in a repo, and the purpose of supporting regex is to allow new ones to match // So in this case we'll just prompt if (branch.StartsWith(regexPrefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { Console.WriteLine($"Warning: Regular expression '{branch.Substring(regexPrefix.Length)}' will be used to match on branches in '{repo}'."); Console.WriteLine("To ensure dependency updates (where desired), please verify all branches matching this pattern contain an eng/Version.Details.xml file."); return(!prompt || PromptForYesNo("Continue?")); } try { branch = GitHelpers.NormalizeBranchName(branch); await remote.GetDependenciesAsync(repo, branch); } catch (DependencyFileNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine($"Warning: Could not find an eng/Version.Details.xml at '{repo}@{branch}'. Dependency updates may not happen as expected."); if (prompt) { return(PromptForYesNo("Continue?")); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new channel with the specified name. /// </summary> /// <returns>Process exit code.</returns> public override async Task <int> ExecuteAsync() { try { IRemote remote = RemoteFactory.GetBarOnlyRemote(_options, Logger); // If the user tried to mark as internal, indicate that this is currently // unsupported. if (_options.Internal) { Logger.LogError("Cannot currently mark channels as internal."); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } Channel newChannelInfo = await remote.CreateChannelAsync(_options.Name, _options.Classification); Console.WriteLine($"Successfully created new channel with name '{_options.Name}'."); return(Constants.SuccessCode); } catch (RestApiException e) when(e.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Conflict) { Logger.LogError($"An existing channel with name '{_options.Name}' already exists"); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError(e, "Error: Failed to create new channel."); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } }
public StatusCommand( ICacheManager cacheManager, IRemote remote, string[] args) { if (args.Length > 1) { throw new ArgumentException(); } if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0] == ShowRemoteArgument) { _shouldShowRemote = true; } else { throw new ArgumentException("status command only has one valid option: " + ShowRemoteArgument); } } _cacheManager = cacheManager; _remote = remote; _filesInLocalCache = _cacheManager.ListFiles(); }
public async override Task <int> ExecuteAsync() { if (!(_options.Released ^ _options.NotReleased)) { Console.WriteLine("Please specify either --released or --not-released."); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } try { IRemote remote = RemoteFactory.GetBarOnlyRemote(_options, Logger); Build updatedBuild = await remote.UpdateBuildAsync(_options.Id, new BuildUpdate { Released = _options.Released }); Console.WriteLine($"Updated build {_options.Id} with new information."); Console.WriteLine(UxHelpers.GetTextBuildDescription(updatedBuild)); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError(e, $"Error: Failed to update build with id '{_options.Id}'"); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } return(Constants.SuccessCode); }
public override async Task <int> ExecuteAsync() { try { IRemote remote = RemoteFactory.GetRemote(_options, _options.Repository, Logger); _options.Branch = GitHelpers.NormalizeBranchName(_options.Branch); if (!(await UxHelpers.VerifyAndConfirmBranchExistsAsync(remote, _options.Repository, _options.Branch, !_options.NoConfirmation))) { Console.WriteLine("Aborting default channel creation."); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } await remote.AddDefaultChannelAsync(_options.Repository, _options.Branch, _options.Channel); return(Constants.SuccessCode); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError(e, "Error: Failed to add a new default channel association."); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieve information about the default association between builds of a specific branch/repo /// and a channel. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override async Task <int> ExecuteAsync() { try { IRemote remote = RemoteFactory.GetBarOnlyRemote(_options, Logger); IEnumerable <DefaultChannel> defaultChannels = (await remote.GetDefaultChannelsAsync()).Where(defaultChannel => { return((string.IsNullOrEmpty(_options.SourceRepository) || defaultChannel.Repository.Contains(_options.SourceRepository, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_options.Branch) || defaultChannel.Branch.Contains(_options.Branch, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_options.Channel) || defaultChannel.Channel.Name.Contains(_options.Channel, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); }); if (defaultChannels.Count() == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No matching channels were found."); } // Write out a simple list of each channel's name foreach (DefaultChannel defaultChannel in defaultChannels) { Console.WriteLine(OutputHelpers.GetDefaultChannelDescriptionString(defaultChannel)); } return(Constants.SuccessCode); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError(e, "Error: Failed to retrieve default channel information."); return(Constants.ErrorCode); } }
public void Disconnected(IRemote remote, ConnectionInfo info) { ConsoleManager.Instance.AppendError( $"Network tables disconnected from {info.RemoteIp}. Protocol version: {info.ProtocolVersion}."); parent.SetRioStatusLight(false); parent.SetNtRelayStatusLight(false); }
private static void TestConnect(IRemote re) { re.UID = connectCount; re.OnDisConnect += (er) => { Console.WriteLine($"连接断开{re.UID}"); }; }
private static async Task TestLazySendAsync(IRemote remote) { await SafeRpcSendAsync(remote); await SafeRpcSendAsyncTimeOut(remote); await SafeRpcSendAsyncTypeError(remote); //await Task.Delay(-1); }
public void AddRouting(int key, Guid srcUuid, IRemote routeTo) { Dictionary<Guid, IRemote> subcriptions = null; if (!keyTobackendSubcriptions.TryGetValue(key, out subcriptions)) { subcriptions = keyTobackendSubcriptions[key] = new Dictionary<Guid, IRemote>(); } subcriptions[srcUuid] = routeTo; }
public SmudgeCommand( ICacheManager cacheManager, IRemote remote, string[] args) { if (args.Length != 0) throw new ArgumentException(); _cacheManager = cacheManager; _remote = remote; }
public object Invoke(IRemote remoteObject, string methodName, object[] methodParameters) { try { //Indirectly call the remote interface return remoteObject.Invoke(methodName, methodParameters); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("(InvocationManager.Invoke) Couldn't invoke '" + methodName + "' method:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString()); } }
public object Invoke(IRemote remoteObject, string methodName, object[] methodParameters) { try { //Indirectly call the remote interface //return remoteObject.Invoke(methodName, methodParameters); return remoteContainer.Invoke(methodName, methodParameters); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Couldn't invoke " + methodName + " because:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString()); } }
private void OnFrontendMessageReceived(IRemote conn, Message msg) { Console.WriteLine("OnFrontendMessageReceived id:{0} ip:{1} port:{2}", conn.Id, conn.RemoteIp, conn.RemotePort); Console.WriteLine("OnFrontendMessageReceived msgLen:{0}", msg.Buffer.Length); // forward frontend msg to backend, // which is based on uuid associated with the msg var stream = new MemoryStream(msg.Buffer); var br = new BinaryReader(stream); var msgType = (GateMessage)br.ReadByte(); Console.WriteLine("OnFrontendMessageReceived msgType:{0}", msgType); switch (msgType) { case GateMessage.Send: { var uuid = new Guid(br.ReadBytes(UuidLen)); var key = br.ReadInt32(); Console.WriteLine("OnFrontendMessageReceived key:{0} uuid:{1}", key, uuid); broker.RouteData(key, uuid, msg.Buffer, msg.Buffer.Length - 17, 17); } break; case GateMessage.Handshake: { var uuid = new Guid(br.ReadBytes(UuidLen)); Console.WriteLine("OnFrontendMessageReceived uuid:{0}", uuid); uuidToClients[uuid] = conn; // send back a ack } break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
public static void PushReceivedMessage(IRemote remote, byte[] data, int len, int offset) { if (!remote.Connected) { return; } remote.PushBegin(receivedBuffer.Length + len); remote.PushMore(receivedBuffer, receivedBuffer.Length, 0); remote.PushMore(data, len, offset); }
private void OnBackendMessageReceived(IRemote conn, Message msg) { Console.WriteLine("OnBackendMessageReceived id:{0} ip:{1} port:{2}", conn.Id, conn.RemoteIp, conn.RemotePort); Console.WriteLine("OnBackendMessageReceived msgLen:{0}", msg.Buffer.Length); // forward backend msg to frontend, // which is based on forwardId associated with the msg var stream = new MemoryStream(msg.Buffer); var br = new BinaryReader(stream); var msgType = (GateMessage)br.ReadByte(); Console.WriteLine("OnBackendMessageReceived msgType:{0}", msgType); switch (msgType) { #region Broker Component case GateMessage.Subscribe: { var key = br.ReadInt32(); var uuid = new Guid(br.ReadBytes(UuidLen)); Console.WriteLine("OnBackendMessageReceived key:{0} uuid:{1}", key, uuid); broker.AddRouting(key, uuid, conn); } break; case GateMessage.Unicast: { var uuid = new Guid(br.ReadBytes(UuidLen)); Console.WriteLine("OnBackendMessageReceived uuid:{0}", uuid); // uuid to client IRemote IRemote remote = null; if (!uuidToClients.TryGetValue(uuid, out remote)) { return; } PushReceivedMessage(remote, msg.Buffer, msg.Buffer.Length - UuidLen - 1, UuidLen + 1); } break; #endregion #region Forward Component case GateMessage.AddForward: case GateMessage.RemoveForward: { var uuid = new Guid(br.ReadBytes(UuidLen)); var forwardId = br.ReadInt32(); Console.WriteLine("OnBackendMessageReceived uuid:{0} forwardId:{1}", uuid, forwardId); // todo // what if backend control forward first, // then client handshake? switch (msgType) { case GateMessage.AddForward: forwardManager.AddForward(uuid, forwardId); break; case GateMessage.RemoveForward: forwardManager.RemoveForward(uuid, forwardId); break; } } break; case GateMessage.Multicast: { var forwardId = br.ReadInt32(); Console.WriteLine("OnBackendMessageReceived forwardId:{0}", forwardId); // forwardId to client IRemotes foreach (var uuid in forwardManager.GetForwardGroup(forwardId)) { IRemote remote = null; if (uuidToClients.TryGetValue(uuid, out remote)) { PushReceivedMessage(remote, msg.Buffer, msg.Buffer.Length - 4 - 1, 4 + 1); } } } break; #endregion } }
public virtual void disconnected(IRemote ir) { this.targetListener.disconnected(this.targetSource); }
public PacketDisconnect(IRemote remote) :base(remote) { }
public void Disconnected(IRemote remote, ConnectionInfo info) { DisconnectedRemote = remote; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PacketReader"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="c">The remote.</param> public PacketReader ( IRemote c ) { mReader = new BinaryReader( c.NetworkStream ); this.remote = c; options = c.PacketOptions; }
protected override void OnClientDisconnected(IRemote client, string message) { ((Client) client).OnDisconnect(message); }
public PacketLogin(IRemote remote) : base(remote) { }
public PacketPing(IRemote remote) :base(remote) { }
public Packet(IRemote remote) { this.remote = remote; }
public PacketInvalid(IRemote remote) :base(remote) { }
public PacketHandShake(IRemote remote) :base(remote) { }
private void OnBackendDisconnected(IRemote conn) { Console.WriteLine("OnBackendDisconnected id:{0} ip:{1} port:{2}", conn.Id, conn.RemoteIp, conn.RemotePort); }
public PacketMessage(IRemote remote) :base(remote) { }
protected override void ProcessCommand(System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream nstm, char tag) { int len; switch (tag) { case 'R': // Remote! { string classname = XContent.ReceiveXString(nstm, buf); string xlibfn = CreateXlibFileName("remote"); { buf = XContent.ReceiveXBytes(nstm, out len, buf); if (0 != len) { System.IO.FileStream stm = System.IO.File.Create(xlibfn); stm.Write(buf, 0, len); stm.Close(); } } string dllfn = CreateDllFileName("remote"); { buf = XContent.ReceiveXBytes(nstm, out len, buf); System.IO.FileStream stm = System.IO.File.Create(dllfn); stm.Write(buf, 0, len); stm.Close(); } if (XLog.logging) { string xclassname = classname; if (null == xclassname) { xclassname = "<null>"; } XLog.log("Loading IRemote plugin named " + xclassname + " for remote: " + dllfn); } rem = LoadRemotePlugin(dllfn, classname); #if DEBUG try { rem.OnRemote(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new UserException(e); } #else rem.OnRemote(); #endif } break; case 'O': //Query DGlobals { int byteCount = DGlobalsM.ToBytes(ref buf); XContent.SendXContent(nstm, buf, byteCount); } break; case 'r': { buf = XContent.ReceiveXBytes(nstm, out len, buf); int n = Entry.BytesToInt(buf); int count = 0; if (null != rem) { List<long> appendsizes = new List<long>(); try { count = rem.GetOutputFileCount(n, appendsizes); } catch(Exception e) { throw new DistributedObjectsSlave.DistObjectAbortException(e); } if (buf.Length < 4 + 8 * appendsizes.Count) { buf = new byte[Entry.Round2Power(4 + 8 * appendsizes.Count)]; } Entry.ToBytes(count, buf, 0); int offset = 4; for (int i = 0; i < appendsizes.Count; i++, offset += 8) { Entry.LongToBytes(appendsizes[i], buf, offset); } XContent.SendXContent(nstm, buf, 4 + 8 * appendsizes.Count); break; // ! } Entry.ToBytes(count, buf, 0); XContent.SendXContent(nstm, buf, 4); } break; default: base.ProcessCommand(nstm, tag); break; } }
public virtual void disconnected(IRemote remote) { if (this.connected) { this.connected = false; if (!this.firstRun) SwingUtilities.invokeLater(this.repainter); } this.firstRun = false; }
public override void SendMessage(INetworkMessage message, IRemote recipient, DeliveryMethod method, int sequenceChannel) { var client = ((Client) recipient).Connection; Peer.SendMessage(PrepareMessage(message), client, (NetDeliveryMethod) method, sequenceChannel); }