Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        IWeaponAnimation  weaponAnimation = new WeaponAnimationInfo(weaponAnimations.OnEquipTime, weaponAnimations.UnequipTime);
        List <ISlashInfo> slashes         = new List <ISlashInfo>();

        for (int i = 0; i < meleeAttacks.Slashes.Count; i++)
        ISlashLogic slashLogic = new SlashLogic(meleeAttacks.TimeToWait, ref slashes);

        IRangedWeaponInfo weaponInfo = new RangedWeaponInfo
            rangedWeaponInfo.WeaponName, rangedWeaponInfo.Damage,
            rangedWeaponInfo.NumberOfAmmoInMagazine, rangedWeaponInfo.MaximumMagazineSize,
            rangedWeaponInfo.ReloadTime, rangedWeaponInfo.ShootDurationTime,
            rangedWeaponInfo.WeaponType, slashLogic,
            bulletSpawn, rangedWeaponInfo.DamagableLayer

        IWeaponPlace weaponPlace = new WeaponPlaces(ref idle, ref use);

        this.rangedWeapon = new RangedWeapon(ref weaponAnimation, ref weaponInfo, ref weaponPlace, this.transform);
        this.weaponRenderer = GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 // If you have melee and ranged weapon
 public EquippedWeapon(IWeapon meleeWeapon, IWeapon rangedWeapon)
     this.meleeWeapon  = meleeWeapon;
     this.rangedWeapon = (rangedWeapon is IRangedWeapon) ? (IRangedWeapon)rangedWeapon : null;
     if (this.rangedWeapon == null)
         throw new System.Exception("Not a ranged weapon added");
Ejemplo n.º 3
    void LoadItemInfo(GameObject itemObj, IItem itemInfo)
        //TODO: This can maybe use the item tag system?
        if (itemInfo is IConsumable)
            useButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate { UseItem(itemObj); });
            ToggleButton(useButtonObj, true);
        else if (itemInfo is IEquipment)
            equipButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate { EquipItem(itemObj); });
            ToggleButton(equipButtonObj, true);
        else if (itemInfo is IWeapon)
            equipButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate { EquipWeapon(itemObj, true); });
            IRangedWeapon rangedWeapon = itemObj.GetComponent <IRangedWeapon>();
            if (rangedWeapon.Modifiable())
                modifyButtonObj.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(delegate { ToggleWeaponModifyCanvas(itemObj); });
                ToggleButton(modifyButtonObj, true);
            ToggleButton(equipButtonObj, true);
        else if (itemInfo is IBag)
            //GameObject obj = (GameObject)Resources.Load(item.ID);
            //IBag bag = obj.GetComponent<IBag>();
            equipButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate { EquipBag(itemObj); });
            ToggleButton(equipButtonObj, true);

        itemDescription.text = itemInfo.FlavourText + "\n" + getTagList(itemInfo.Tags);
        itemImage.sprite     = itemInfo.ItemImage;

        dropButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate { DropItem(itemObj); });
        ToggleButton(dropButtonObj, true);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public void RebuildTooltipDescription(UIMouseEvents sender)
        UITooltip.Text = "";

        int senderIndex = System.Array.FindIndex(armorSlots, x => x.gameObject == sender.gameObject);

        if (senderIndex != -1 && armorTarget != null)
            if (armorTarget.Armor[senderIndex] != null && armorTarget.Armor[senderIndex].ItemPrefab != null)
                IItem item = armorTarget.Armor[senderIndex].ItemPrefab.GetComponent <IItem>();
                if (item != null)
                    Armor a = armorTarget.Armor[senderIndex];

                    UITooltip.Text += "<size=12>";
                    UITooltip.Text += "<color=#" + item.Quality.ToColor().ToHexStringRGBA() + ">" + item.Name;
                    UITooltip.Text += "</color>";
                    UITooltip.Text += "</size>\n";
                    UITooltip.Text += "<color=yellow><size=7><i>";
                    UITooltip.Text += item.Description;
                    UITooltip.Text += "</i></size></color>\n\n";

                    UITooltip.Text += a.Type.ToString() + " armor\n";
                    UITooltip.Text += "Armor value : " + a.ArmorValue + "\n";

                    if (a.Stats != 0)
                        UITooltip.Text += "<color=green>";
                        if (a.Stats.Strength != 0)
                            UITooltip.Text += "Strength +" + a.Stats.Strength + "\n";
                        if (a.Stats.Stamina != 0)
                            UITooltip.Text += "Stamina +" + a.Stats.Stamina + "\n";
                        if (a.Stats.Defense != 0)
                            UITooltip.Text += "Defense +" + a.Stats.Defense + "\n";
                        if (a.Stats.Energy != 0)
                            UITooltip.Text += "Energy +" + a.Stats.Energy + "\n";
                        UITooltip.Text += "</color>";

                    UITooltip.Text += "\n<color=green><i>Right click to Unequip</i></color>";
        else if (senderIndex == -1 && weapTarget != null)
            IWeapon           weapon = null;
            IRangedWeaponAmmo ammo   = null;
            if (sender == mainHandSlot.GetComponent <UIMouseEvents>())
                weapon = weapTarget.MainHandWeapon;
            else if (sender == offHandSlot.GetComponent <UIMouseEvents>())
                weapon = weapTarget.OffHandWeapon;
            else if (sender == ammoSlot.GetComponent <UIMouseEvents>())
                ammo = weapTarget.CurrentAmmos;

            if (weapon != null)
                IItem item = weapon.InventoryItemPrefab != null?weapon.InventoryItemPrefab.GetComponent <IItem>() : null;

                if (item != null)
                    UITooltip.Text += "<size=12>";
                    UITooltip.Text += "<color=#" + item.Quality.ToColor().ToHexStringRGBA() + ">" + item.Name;
                    UITooltip.Text += "</color>";
                    UITooltip.Text += "</size>\n";
                    UITooltip.Text += "<color=yellow><size=7><i>";
                    UITooltip.Text += item.Description;
                    UITooltip.Text += "</i></size></color>\n\n";

                    if (weapon.WeaponRestrictions != WeaponRestriction.Both)
                        UITooltip.Text += "Only usable on " + (weapon.WeaponRestrictions == WeaponRestriction.MainHand ? "main hand." : "offhand.") + "\n";

                    UITooltip.Text += (weapon.WeaponHand == WeaponHand.OneHanded ? "One Handed " : "Two Handed ") + weapon.WeaponType.ToString() + "\n";

                    if (weapon is IPhysicalWeapon)
                        IPhysicalWeapon physWeap = weapon as IPhysicalWeapon;
                        UITooltip.Text += "Damages : " + physWeap.MinDamages + " - " + physWeap.MaxDamages + "\n";
                        UITooltip.Text += "Attack speed : " + physWeap.AttackSpeed + "\n";
                    else if (weapon is IMagicalWeapon)
                        UITooltip.Text += weapon.GetInventoryDescription() + "\n";
                    else if (weapon is IRangedWeapon)
                        IRangedWeapon rweap = weapon as IRangedWeapon;
                        UITooltip.Text += "Base damages : " + rweap.BaseDamages + " X" + rweap.ProjectilePerShot + "\n";
                        UITooltip.Text += "Consumed ammo per shot : " + rweap.ConsumedAmmoPerShot + "\n";
                        UITooltip.Text += "Projectile deviation : " + rweap.ProjectileDeviation + "\n";

                    if (weapon.GearStats != 0)
                        UITooltip.Text += "<color=green>";
                        if (weapon.GearStats.Strength != 0)
                            UITooltip.Text += "Strength +" + weapon.GearStats.Strength + "\n";
                        if (weapon.GearStats.Stamina != 0)
                            UITooltip.Text += "Stamina +" + weapon.GearStats.Stamina + "\n";
                        if (weapon.GearStats.Defense != 0)
                            UITooltip.Text += "Defense +" + weapon.GearStats.Defense + "\n";
                        if (weapon.GearStats.Energy != 0)
                            UITooltip.Text += "Energy +" + weapon.GearStats.Energy + "\n";
                        UITooltip.Text += "</color>";

                    UITooltip.Text += "<color=green><i>Right click to Unequip</i></color>";
            else if (ammo != null)
                ItemAmmo item = ammo.ItemPrefab as ItemAmmo;
                UITooltip.Text += "<size=12>";
                UITooltip.Text += "<color=#" + item.Quality.ToColor().ToHexStringRGBA() + ">" + item.Name;
                UITooltip.Text += "</color>";
                UITooltip.Text += "</size>\n";
                UITooltip.Text += "<color=yellow><size=7><i>";
                UITooltip.Text += item.RealDescription;
                UITooltip.Text += "</i></size></color>\n\n";

                UITooltip.Text += "Added damages : " + ammo.AddedDamages + "\n";

                UITooltip.Text += "Ammo left : " + ammo.AmmoLeft + "\n";

                UITooltip.Text += "\n<color=green><i>Right click to Unequip</i></color>";
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void Initialize(IRangedWeapon weapon)
     this.weapon = weapon;
     direction   = transform.forward;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 // Only ranged or melee weapon
 public EquippedWeapon(IWeapon weapon)
     meleeWeapon  = weapon;
     rangedWeapon = (weapon is IRangedWeapon) ? (IRangedWeapon)weapon : null;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public EquippedWeapon()
     this.rangedWeapon = null;
     this.meleeWeapon  = null;