static void Main(string[] _)
            const string newsHeadlinesEndpoint = "";

                // Create the platform session.
                using (ISession session = Configuration.Sessions.GetSession())
                    // Open the session

                    // Create a QueueManager to actively manage our queues
                    IQueueManager manager = DeliveryFactory.CreateQueueManager(new QueueManager.Params().Session(session)
                                                                               .OnError((qm, err) => Console.WriteLine(err)));

                    // First, check to see if we have any news headline queues active in the cloud...
                    List <IQueue> queues = manager.GetAllQueues();

                    // Check the error property to determine the result of the last request
                    if (manager.Error == null)
                        // Determine if we retrieved an active headline queue...create one if not.
                        IQueue queue;
                        if (queues.Count > 0)
                            queue = queues[0];
                            queue = CreateQueue(manager, "AA");      // Create a Queue with the new query expression ("AA" - alerts only)
                        // Ensure our queue is created
                        if (queue != null)
                            Console.WriteLine($"{Environment.NewLine}{(queues.Count > 0 ? "Using existing" : "Created a new")} queue.  Waiting for headlines...");

                            // Subscribe to the queue.
                            // Note: The subscriber interface has 2 mechanisms to retrieve data from the queue.  The first mechanism is to selectively
                            //       poll the queue for new messages.  The second mechanism is to define a callback/lambda expression and notify the
                            //       the subscriber to poll for messages as they come in - this mechansim provides a near realtime result.
                            // The following example demonstrates the first mechanism.
                            IQueueSubscriber subscriber = DeliveryFactory.CreateQueueSubscriber(new AWSQueueSubscriber.Params().Queue(queue));

                            // Poll the queue until we hit any key on the keyboard.
                            // Each poll will timeout after 5 seconds.
                            while (!Console.KeyAvailable)
                                IQueueResponse result = subscriber.GetNextMessage(5);
                                if (result.IsSuccess)

                            // Prompt the user to delete the queue
                            Console.Write("\nDelete the queue (Y/N) [N]: ");
                            var delete = Console.ReadLine();
                            if (delete?.ToUpper() == "Y")
                                if (manager.DeleteQueue(queue))
                                    Console.WriteLine("Successfully deleted queue.");
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Issues deleting queue {manager.Error}");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"\n**************\nFailed to execute: {e.Message}\n{e.InnerException}\n***************");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] _)
            const string researchEndpoint = "";

                using (ISession session = Configuration.Sessions.GetSession())
                    if (session.Open() == Session.State.Opened)
                        // Create a QueueManager to actively manage our queues
                        IQueueManager manager = DeliveryFactory.CreateQueueManager(new QueueManager.Params().Session(session)
                                                                                   .OnError((qm, err) => Console.WriteLine(err)));

                        // First, check to see if we have any news headline queues active in the cloud...
                        List <IQueue> queues = manager.GetAllQueues();

                        // Check the error property to determine the result of the last request
                        if (manager.Error == null)
                            // Prepare Research criteria if we plan to create a new AWS queue - we must supply a research ID.
                            JObject criteria = new JObject()
                                ["transport"] = new JObject()
                                    ["transportType"] = "AWS-SQS"
                                ["payloadVersion"] = "2.0",
                                ["userID"]         = Configuration.Credentials.ResearchID

                            // If no existing queue exists, create one.
                            IQueue queue = (queues.Count > 0 ? queues[0] : manager.CreateQueue(criteria));

                            if (queue != null)
                                Console.WriteLine($"{Environment.NewLine}{(queues.Count > 0 ? "Using existing" : "Created a new")} queue...");

                                // Subscribe to the queue.
                                // Note: The subscriber interface has 2 mechanisms to retrieve data from the queue.  The first mechanism is to selectively
                                //       poll the queue for new messages.  The second mechanism is to define a callback/lambda expression and notify the
                                //       the subscriber to poll for messages as they come in - this mechansim provides a near realtime result.
                                // The following example demonstrates the first mechanism.
                                IQueueSubscriber subscriber = DeliveryFactory.CreateQueueSubscriber(new AWSQueueSubscriber.Params().Queue(queue));

                                Console.WriteLine("Attempt to retrieve research messages.  Hit any key to interrupt fetching...");

                                // Instead of defining a lambda callback, we manually poll the queue until we hit any key on the keyboard.
                                // Each poll will timeout after 5 seconds.
                                bool noMsgAvailable = false;
                                while (!Console.KeyAvailable)
                                    IQueueResponse result = subscriber.GetNextMessage(5);
                                    if (result.IsSuccess)
                                        if (result.IsMessageAvailable)
                                            Console.Write(noMsgAvailable ? "." : "No Message available from GetNextMessage");
                                        noMsgAvailable = !result.IsMessageAvailable;

                                // Prompt the user to delete the queue
                                Console.Write("\nDelete the queue (Y/N) [N]: ");
                                var delete = Console.ReadLine();
                                if (delete?.ToUpper() == "Y")
                                    if (manager.DeleteQueue(queue))
                                        Console.WriteLine("Successfully deleted queue.");
                                        Console.WriteLine($"Issues deleting queue {manager.Error}");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"\n**************\nFailed to execute: {e.Message}\n{e.InnerException}\n***************");