Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void InitializePump(IEditorPlugIn plugIn, IDevice deviceSymbol)
            IPage        gradientPage;
            IDeviceModel deviceModel = plugIn.DeviceModels.Add(deviceSymbol, DeviceIcon.Pump);

            IPumpDescription description = plugIn.System.PumpSubsystem.CreatePumpDescription(deviceSymbol);


            ISymbol curveSymbol = deviceSymbol.Children["Curve"];

            if (curveSymbol != null)
                PumpGradientPage gradientPageControl = new PumpGradientPage(description);
                gradientPageControl.AllowEmptyGradientCells = false;
                gradientPage = deviceModel.CreatePage(gradientPageControl, "Gradient", deviceSymbol);
                gradientPage = deviceModel.CreatePage(new PumpGradientPlotPage(description), "Gradient", deviceSymbol);

            gradientPage.Description = deviceSymbol.Name + " Gradient";
            IPage pumpPage = deviceModel.CreatePage(new PumpFlowPage(gradientPage, description), "Flow", deviceSymbol);

            pumpPage.Description = deviceSymbol.Name + " Flow";

            IEditorDeviceView view = deviceModel.EditorDeviceViews.Add(EditorViewOrder.PumpViews);


            deviceModel.WizardPages.Add(pumpPage, WizardPageOrder.PumpPages);
            deviceModel.WizardPages.Add(gradientPage, WizardPageOrder.PumpPages);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <seealso cref="IInitEditorPlugIn.Initialize"/>
        public void Initialize(IEditorPlugIn plugIn)
            IDeviceModel deviceModel = plugIn.DeviceModels.Add(plugIn.Symbol, DeviceIcon.Pump);

            // Create gradient page for TimeTableDriver.
            //Information like flow symbol and solvent symbols are stored in IPumpDescription.
            //See CM7 DDK V2 help for further information.
            IPumpDescription pumpDescription = plugIn.System.PumpSubsystem.CreatePumpDescription(plugIn.Symbol as IDevice);

            IPage iGradientPage = deviceModel.CreatePage(new PumpGradientPage(pumpDescription), "Gradient Settings", plugIn.Symbol);

            //Add iGradientPage to Wizard page collection. Set order to OvenPages .
            deviceModel.WizardPages.Add(iGradientPage, WizardPageOrder.PumpPages);
            //Add iGradientPage page to Editor page collection.
            IEditorDeviceView deviceEditorView = deviceModel.EditorDeviceViews.Add(EditorViewOrder.PumpViews);


            // Create time grid page for TimeTableDriver.
            IPage iValvePage = deviceModel.CreatePage(new TimeGridPage(), "Valve Settings", plugIn.Symbol);

            //Add iTempCtrlPage to Wizard page collection. Set order to OvenPages .
            deviceModel.WizardPages.Add(iValvePage, WizardPageOrder.PumpPages);
            //Add TempCtrl page to Editor page collection.
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <seealso cref="IInitEditorPlugIn.Initialize"/>
        public void Initialize(IEditorPlugIn plugIn)
            IDeviceModel deviceModel = plugIn.DeviceModels.Add(plugIn.Symbol, DeviceIcon.LcSystem);

            IEditorDeviceView editorView = null;

            // We would like to have a page for each device. Therefore the symbol for each device needs
            // to be identified.

            //Find the pump device symbol
            var pumpDeviceSymbol = FindPump(plugIn.Symbol);

            if (pumpDeviceSymbol != null)
                //Create pages for pump device.
                var   pumpPage  = new PumpGeneralPage();
                IPage iPumpPage = deviceModel.CreatePage(pumpPage, "LC System Pump Settings", pumpDeviceSymbol);
                //Add iPumpPage to Wizard page collection. Set order for pump.
                deviceModel.WizardPages.Add(iPumpPage, WizardPageOrder.PumpPages);
                //Create and add pump page to Editor page collection.
                editorView = deviceModel.EditorDeviceViews.Add(EditorViewOrder.LCSystemViews);

                //Add pump gradient page.

                //The IPumpDescription object holds all relevant information of the pump which are needed by the component PumpGradientPage.
                //Information like flow symbol and solvent symbols are stored in IPumpDescription.
                //Notice: for using the IPumpDescription the pump symbol and its child need a defined structure.
                //See CM7 DDK V2 help for further information.
                IPumpDescription pumpDescription = plugIn.System.PumpSubsystem.CreatePumpDescription(pumpDeviceSymbol as IDevice);
                //Inform the system that this page handles a pump.
                //Now create the gradient page which consists of a plot component for displaying the flow and solvent gradients
                //and a grid for defining time actions.

                iPumpPage = deviceModel.CreatePage(new PumpGradientPage(pumpDescription), "LC System Pump Gradient Settings", pumpDeviceSymbol);
                //Add iPumpPage to Wizard page collection. Set order for pump.
                deviceModel.WizardPages.Add(iPumpPage, WizardPageOrder.PumpPages);
                //Add pump page to Editor page collection.

            //Find the detector device symbol
            var detectorDeviceSymbol = FindDetector(plugIn.Symbol);

            if (detectorDeviceSymbol != null)
                //Create page for detector device.
                var   detectorPage  = new DetectorPage(detectorDeviceSymbol, plugIn);
                IPage iDetectorPage = deviceModel.CreatePage(detectorPage, "LC System Detector Settings", detectorDeviceSymbol);
                //Add iDetectorPage to Wizard page collection. Set order for UV VIS detectors.
                deviceModel.WizardPages.Add(iDetectorPage, WizardPageOrder.UVDetectorPages);
                //Create and add detector page to Editor page collection.
                if (editorView == null)
                    editorView = deviceModel.EditorDeviceViews.Add(EditorViewOrder.LCSystemViews);

            //Since there are no settings for the sampler, we do not create a dedicated page.
            //Nevertheless an inject command and a Wait.Ready statement must be created.
            //This will be done by using the BasicInjectorComponent.
            var samplerDevice = FindSampler(plugIn.Symbol);

            if (samplerDevice != null)
                new BasicInjectorComponent(deviceModel, samplerDevice);