Ejemplo n.º 1
 public (IAction?, Player) Perform(Player player, Player active, IProvinces provinces)
     if (player == active && player.Id == Debtor)
         int next_debt = Debt + (int)Math.Ceiling(Debt * settings.Interest);
         if (next_debt <= player.Money)
             return(null, player.ChangeMoney(-next_debt));
         return(new Loan(Debtor, next_debt - player.Money, settings), player.ChangeMoney(-player.Money));
     return(this, player);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //enum Relation { Enemy, Ally, Empty }
        //class PInfo
        //    public Relation Relation;
        //    public int Soldiers, Enemies, Coming;
        //    public PInfo(int soldiers, int enemies, int coming, Relation relation)
        //    {
        //        Soldiers = soldiers;
        //        Enemies = enemies;
        //        Coming = coming;
        //        Relation = relation;
        //    }
        //    public int SoldiersNext => Soldiers + Coming;
        //    public int Bilance => SoldiersNext - Enemies;
        //static int Min(int a, int b) => a > b ? b : a;
        //static int Max(int a, int b) => a > b ? a : b;
        //IEnumerable<Province> NeighborEnemies(IProvinces provinces, Province prov) => provinces.NeighborsOf(prov.Id).Where(neighbor => !neighbor.IsControlledBy(Id) && neighbor.Occupied);
        //int EnemiesCount(IProvinces provinces, Province prov) => NeighborEnemies(provinces, prov).Sum(neighbor => neighbor.Soldiers);
        //Relation GetRelationTo(Province prov) => prov.IsControlledBy(Id) ? Relation.Ally : prov.Occupied ? Relation.Enemy : Relation.Empty;
        //void Recruit(List<Dynamics.ICommand> result, ref int spent, Land land, PInfo[] info, int count)
        //    info[land.Id].Coming += count;
        //    result.Add(new Recruitment(Id, land.Id, new PlayerArmy(this, count)));
        //    spent += count;
        //void DefensiveRecruitments(List<Dynamics.ICommand> result, ref int spent, PInfo[] info, Land[] my)
        //    foreach (Land l in my)
        //    {
        //        if (info[l.Id].Bilance < 0 && info[l.Id].Bilance + Money - spent >= 0)
        //        {
        //            Recruit(result, ref spent, l, info, -info[l.Id].Bilance);
        //        }
        //    }
        //void StabilisatingRecruitments(List<Dynamics.ICommand> result, ref int spent, PInfo[] info, Land[] my)
        //    foreach (Land l in my)
        //    {
        //        if (Money == spent)
        //        {
        //            break;
        //        }
        //        if (info[l.Id].SoldiersNext < 80)
        //        {
        //            Recruit(result, ref spent, l, info, Min(Money - spent, 80 - info[l.Id].SoldiersNext));
        //        }
        //    }
        //void Recruitments(List<Dynamics.ICommand> result, IProvinces provinces, PInfo[] info, int[] my)
        //    int spent = 0;
        //    var lands = my.Select(i => provinces[i] as Land).NotNull().ToArray();
        //    DefensiveRecruitments(result, ref spent, info, lands);
        //    StabilisatingRecruitments(result, ref spent, info, lands);
        //    if (Money - spent > 0 && lands.Any())
        //    {
        //        Recruit(result, ref spent, lands.MinBy(prov => prov.Soldiers), info, Money - spent);
        //    }
        //static bool RevengeDoesNotMatter(IProvinces provinces, int from, int to) => provinces.NeighborsOf(from).Concat(provinces.NeighborsOf(to)).All(n => !n.Occupied || n.IsAllyOf(provinces[to]) || n.IsAllyOf(provinces[from]));
        //static bool CanConquerProvince(PInfo from, PInfo to) => from.Soldiers > to.Soldiers;
        //static bool CanKeepConqueredProvince(PInfo from, PInfo to) => from.Soldiers >= to.Soldiers + to.Enemies;
        //static bool CanKeepAttackStartProvinceAfterAttack(IProvinces provinces, int from, int to, PInfo[] info) => info[from].Bilance > (RevengeDoesNotMatter(provinces, from, to) ? 0 : info[to].Enemies) + (info[to].Relation == Relation.Empty ? 0 : info[to].Soldiers);
        //static bool CanAttackSuccesfully(IProvinces provinces, int from, int to, PInfo[] info) => CanConquerProvince(info[from], info[to]) && (CanKeepConqueredProvince(info[from], info[to]) || RevengeDoesNotMatter(provinces, from, to)) && CanKeepAttackStartProvinceAfterAttack(provinces, from, to, info);
        //static bool ShouldAttack(IProvinces provinces, int from, int to, PInfo[] info) => info[to].Relation != Relation.Ally && CanAttackSuccesfully(provinces, from, to, info);
        //void Attack(List<Dynamics.ICommand> result, IProvinces provinces, PInfo[] info, int from, int to, int count)
        //    result.Add(new Attack(Id, from, provinces[to], new PlayerArmy(this, count)));
        //    info[from].Soldiers -= count;
        //    if (provinces[from].Occupied && count >= provinces[to].Soldiers)
        //    {
        //        foreach (var neighbor in provinces.NeighborsOf(to).Where(n => n.IsControlledBy(Id)))
        //        {
        //            info[neighbor.Id].Enemies -= provinces[to].Soldiers;
        //        }
        //    }
        //void Attacks(List<Dynamics.ICommand> result, IProvinces provinces, PInfo[] info, int[] my)
        //    foreach (int from in my)
        //    {
        //        foreach (var to in provinces.NeighborsOf(from).Where(to => ShouldAttack(provinces, from, to.Id, info)))
        //        {
        //            Attack(result, provinces, info, from, to.Id, Min(Min(info[from].Soldiers, provinces[from].CanMoveTo(to)), to.Soldiers + info[to.Id].Enemies + 1));
        //        }
        //    }
        //static int MultiAttackSoldiers(IProvinces provinces, PInfo[] info, int from, int to) => Min(info[from].Bilance + provinces[to].Soldiers, info[from].Soldiers);
        //void MultiAttacks(List<Dynamics.ICommand> result, IProvinces provinces, PInfo[] info, int[] my)
        //    foreach (int to in my.SelectMany(i => provinces.NeighborsOf(i).Where(p => p.Occupied && !p.IsControlledBy(Id)).Select(p => p.Id)).Distinct())
        //    {
        //        var starts = provinces.NeighborsOf(to).Where(n => n.IsControlledBy(Id) && info[n.Id].Bilance + provinces[to].Soldiers > 0);
        //        int bilance = starts.Sum(n => MultiAttackSoldiers(provinces, info, n.Id, to));
        //        if (bilance > info[to].Soldiers + (starts.All(n => RevengeDoesNotMatter(provinces, n.Id, to)) ? 0 : info[to].Enemies))
        //        {
        //            foreach (var from in starts)
        //            {
        //                Attack(result, provinces, info, from.Id, to, MultiAttackSoldiers(provinces, info, from.Id, to));
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //void Transport(List<Dynamics.ICommand> result, PInfo[] info, int from, Province to, int count)
        //    result.Add(new Reinforcement(Id, from, to, new PlayerArmy(this, count)));
        //    info[from].Soldiers -= count;
        //    info[to.Id].Coming += count;
        //void SpreadSoldiers(List<Dynamics.ICommand> result, IProvinces provinces, PInfo[] info, int[] my)
        //    foreach (int from in my)
        //    {
        //        foreach (var dest in provinces.NeighborsOf(from).Where(n => n.IsControlledBy(Id)).OrderBy(n => info[n.Id].Bilance))
        //        {
        //            if (info[from].Enemies <= 0 && info[dest.Id].Enemies > 0)
        //            {
        //                Transport(result, info, from, dest, info[from].Soldiers);
        //            }
        //            else if (info[from].Enemies <= 0 && info[dest.Id].Enemies <= 0)
        //            {
        //                Transport(result, info, from, dest, info[from].Soldiers / Max(provinces.NeighborCount(from) - 1, 1));
        //            }
        //            else if (info[from].Bilance > 0 && info[from].Bilance >= info[dest.Id].Bilance)
        //            {
        //                Transport(result, info, from, dest, Min(info[from].Bilance, info[from].Soldiers));
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        public List <Dynamics.ICommand> Think(IProvinces provinces)
            //var my = provinces.Where(p => p.IsControlledBy(Id)).Select(p => p.Id).ToArray();
            //var info = provinces.Select(prov => new PInfo(prov.Soldiers, EnemiesCount(provinces, prov), 0, GetRelationTo(prov))).ToArray();

            //var result = new List<Dynamics.ICommand>();
            //Recruitments(result, provinces, info, my);
            //Attacks(result, provinces, info, my);
            //MultiAttacks(result, provinces, info, my);
            //SpreadSoldiers(result, provinces, info, my);
            //return result;
            return(Money + provinces.Count > 0 ? new List <Dynamics.ICommand>() : new List <Dynamics.ICommand>());
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public bool Allowed(IReadOnlyList <Player> players, IProvinces provinces)
     return(provinces[Land].IsAllyOf(Player) && players[Player].Money >= Army.Price && Army.AnySoldiers);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public (IAction?, Player) Perform(Player player, IProvinces provinces)
     return(player.Id == Player ? (new Actions.Reinforcement(Land, Army), player.ChangeMoney(-Army.Price)) : (null, player));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public bool Allowed(IReadOnlyList <Player> players, IProvinces provinces)
 => provinces[From].IsControlledBy(Player) && Army.Soldiers.CanMove(provinces, From, To.Id);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public bool Allowed(IReadOnlyList <Player> players, IProvinces provinces)
 => players[Player.Id].Money >= Price && provinces.NeighborsOf(Land).Any(prov => prov is Land land && land.IsControlledBy(Player.Id));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public (IAction?, Player) Perform(Player player, IProvinces provinces)
     return(null, player.Id == Player ? player.ChangeMoney(-Amount) : player.Id == Recipient ? player.ChangeMoney(Amount) : player);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public bool Allowed(IReadOnlyList <Player> players, IProvinces provinces) => players[Player].Money >= Amount && Amount > 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public (IAction?, Player) Perform(Player player, IProvinces provinces)
     return(player.Id == Player ? (new Actions.Loan(Player, Amount, settings), player.ChangeMoney(Amount)) : (null, player));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public override bool Allowed(IReadOnlyList <Player> players, IProvinces provinces) => Army.AttackPower > 0 && base.Allowed(players, provinces);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public virtual bool Allowed(IReadOnlyList <Player> players, IProvinces provinces)
     return(provinces[From].IsAllyOf(Player) && Army.CanMove(provinces, From, To.Id) && provinces[To.Id].Subtract(Army.Soldiers).CanSoldiersSurvive);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public (IAction?, Player) Perform(Player player, Player active, IProvinces provinces)
     return(this, player == active ? player.ChangeMoney(provinces.ControlledBy(player.Id).Sum(p => p.Earnings)) : player);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public (IAction[], Player) Perform(Player player, Player active, IProvinces provinces)
     return(new[] { this }, provinces.Any(prov => prov.IsControlledBy(player.Id)) ? player : player.Die());
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public override int CanMove(IProvinces provinces, int from, int to)
     return(provinces[from] is Land && provinces[to] is Land && provinces.Passable(from, to) ? Weight : 0);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public (IAction?, Player) Perform(Player player, Player active, IProvinces provinces)
     return(this, provinces.Any(prov => prov.IsAllyOf(player.Id)) ? player : player.Die());
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public bool CanMove(IProvinces provinces, int from, int to) => Soldiers.CanMove(provinces, from, to);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public bool Allowed(IReadOnlyList <Player> players, IProvinces provinces)
     return(Amount <= settings.DebtLimit && Amount > 0);