Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: Login.cs Proyecto: Hourani/GDS
        private void RegisterRemoting()
                    BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider server_provider = new BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider();
                    server_provider.TypeFilterLevel = System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.TypeFilterLevel.Full;

                    BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider client_provider = new BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider();
                    IDictionary properties = new Hashtable();

                    properties["port"] = "0";

                    TcpChannel channel = new TcpChannel(properties, client_provider, server_provider);
                    ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel, false);

                    user = (IUser)Activator.GetObject(typeof(IUser), "tcp://localhost:9998/UserHandeling");
                    portal = (IPortal)Activator.GetObject(typeof(IPortal), "tcp://localhost:9998/PortalHandeling");
                    ftserver = (IFTserver)Activator.GetObject(typeof(IFTserver), "tcp://localhost:9998/TransferHandeling");
                catch (RemotingException e)
                    MessageBox.Show("Connection Error");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public WebBrowserModule(IApplicationContext container, IPortal portal, IDsConfigurationSection dsconfig, IShell shell, ILoadingManage loadingManage, IDsEnvironment dsEnvironment, IRegionManager regionManager
                                , IEventAggregator eventAggregator, ILoggerFacade logger)
            : base(container, dsconfig)
            AddinPath       = base.AddinInfo.AddinPath.Substring(0, base.AddinInfo.AddinPath.LastIndexOf('\\'));
            EventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            Container       = base.Container;
            UIRegionManager = regionManager;
            MainWindow      = shell;
            portaldata      = portal;
            DsConfiguration = dsconfig;
            Logger          = logger;
            DsEnvironment   = dsEnvironment;
            DsAddinConfig   = base.CurrentAddinConfiguration.GetSection("ds/base") as IDsAddinConfigurationSection;

            string Language    = string.Empty;
            var    LanguagePar = DsConfiguration.Params["Language"];

            if (LanguagePar != null)
                Language = LanguagePar.Value;

            // CefManager.Strat();

            string dxcx = (new DS.AFP.Common.Core.ResManager()).GetResource("DS.AFP.WebBrowser", "Close").ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void AssertPortalJoint(Body enterBody, Body exitBody, IPortal portalEnter)
     Portal.Enter(portalEnter, enterBody);
     Assert.IsTrue((exitBody.Position - enterBody.Position).Length() < Delta);
     Assert.IsTrue((exitBody.LinearVelocity - enterBody.LinearVelocity).Length() < Delta);
     Assert.AreEqual(exitBody.Rotation, enterBody.Rotation, Delta);
     Assert.AreEqual(exitBody.AngularVelocity, enterBody.AngularVelocity, Delta);
Ejemplo n.º 4
		//public ContentForm()
		//    InitializeComponent();

		public ContentForm(IWindowInformation windowInformation, IPortal portal)
			_windowInformation = windowInformation;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// You need to specify an anchor point where they are attached.
        /// The position of the anchor point is important for computing the reaction torque.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentBody">The first body</param>
        /// <param name="childBody">The second body</param>
        /// <param name="anchorA">The first body anchor.</param>
        /// <param name="anchorB">The second body anchor.</param>
        /// <param name="useWorldCoordinates">Set to true if you are using world coordinates as anchors.</param>
        public PortalJoint(Body parentBody, Body childBody, IPortal portalEnter)
            : base(parentBody, childBody)
            JointType = JointType.Portal;

            PortalEnter = portalEnter;
            LocalAnchorA = new Vector2(0, 0);
            LocalAnchorB = new Vector2(0, 0);

            CollideConnected = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void Setup()
            //driver = BuildFireFoxDriver();
            this._driver = BuildChromeDriver();
            // this.portal = new EgifterPortal(driver);
            this._portal = new FakePortal(_driver);
            var session = _sessionsRepository.GetSession();

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static void Enter(IPortal portal, Body body, bool ignorePortalVelocity = false)
            Transform2 transform = new Transform2(body.Position, 1, body.Rotation);
            Transform2 velocity = Transform2.CreateVelocity((Vector2)body.LinearVelocity, body.AngularVelocity);
            velocity = EnterVelocity(portal, 0.5f, velocity, ignorePortalVelocity);
            transform = Enter(portal, transform);
            body.Position = (Xna.Vector2)transform.Position;
            body.Rotation = transform.Rotation;
            body.LinearVelocity = (Xna.Vector2)velocity.Position;
            body.AngularVelocity = velocity.Rotation;

            BodyExt.ScaleFixtures(body, transform.Scale);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public PortalForm(IPortal prtl, Login lgn, IFTserver ftsrvr)
     portal = prtl;
     ftserver = ftsrvr;
     login = lgn;
     //portal.portalEvent += new PortalEvent(HandlePortalEvent);
     SetWindowTheme(treeView1.Handle, "explorer", null);
     SetWindowTheme(listView1.Handle, "explorer", null);
     SetWindowTheme(listView2.Handle, "explorer", null);
     this.treeView1.HotTracking = true;
     this.treeView1.FullRowSelect = true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <param name="depth">Number of iterations.</param>
        /// <param name="clipModels">Adds the ClipModel instances to this list.</param>
        private static List<ClipModel> _getClipModels(IRenderable entity, Model model, IList<IPortal> portalList, Vector2 centerPoint, IPortal portalEnter, Matrix4 modelMatrix, int depth, int count)
            List<ClipModel> clipModels = new List<ClipModel>();
            if (depth <= 0)
                return clipModels;

            List<IPortal> collisions = Portal.GetCollisions(
                entity.GetWorldTransform().GetMatrix() * modelMatrix),

            List<LineF> clipLines = new List<LineF>();
            foreach (IPortal portal in collisions)
                Vector2[] pv = Portal.GetWorldVerts(portal);
                LineF clipLine = new LineF(pv);

                LineF portalLine = new LineF(pv);
                Vector2 normal = portal.WorldTransform.GetRight();
                if (portal.WorldTransform.MirrorX)
                    normal = -normal;

                Vector2 portalNormal = portal.WorldTransform.Position + normal;
                if (portalLine.GetSideOf(centerPoint) != portalLine.GetSideOf(portalNormal))
                    normal *= Portal.EnterMinDistance;
                    clipLine = clipLine.Reverse();
                    normal *= -Portal.EnterMinDistance;

                if (portalEnter == null || portal != portalEnter.Linked)
                    Vector2 centerPointNext = Vector2Ext.Transform(portal.WorldTransform.Position + normal, Portal.GetLinkedMatrix(portal));
                    clipModels.AddRange(_getClipModels(entity, model, portalList, centerPointNext, portal, modelMatrix * Portal.GetLinkedMatrix(portal), depth - 1, count + 1));
            clipModels.Add(new ClipModel(entity, model, clipLines.ToArray(), modelMatrix));
            return clipModels;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static ConsoleText GetItemConsoleText(IRoomObject roomObject)
            return(roomObject switch
                ISankaraStone _ => new ConsoleText("S", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow),
                IDisappearingTrap _ => new ConsoleText("@"),
                IBoobyTrap _ => new ConsoleText("Ο"),
                IKey key => new ConsoleText("K", key.Color),
                IPressurePlate _ => new ConsoleText("T"),
                IPortal _ => new ConsoleText("Π", ConsoleColor.Magenta),
                IConveyorBelt conveyorBelt => new ConsoleText(

                _ => new ConsoleText("?")
        public void OnDisconnectPortal(uint portalID)
            if (portalID <= (uint)connectedPortals.Count)

            // fetch the object from map, close the window, delete object
            IPortal portal = connectedPortals[portalID];

            if (portal is null)

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static void Enter(IPortal portal, IPortalCommon portalable, float intersectT, bool ignorePortalVelocity = false, bool worldOnly = false)
            Transform2 transform = portalable.GetTransform();
            Transform2 velocity = portalable.GetVelocity();

            //Copies are made just for debug purposes.  The originals should not change before the EnterPortal callback.
            Transform2 transformCopy = transform.ShallowClone();
            Transform2 velocityCopy = velocity.ShallowClone();

            IPortalable cast = portalable as IPortalable;
            if (cast != null)
                if (!worldOnly)
                    cast.SetTransform(Enter(portal, transform));
                    cast.SetVelocity(EnterVelocity(portal, intersectT, velocity, ignorePortalVelocity));

            if (portalable.WorldTransform != null)
                portalable.WorldTransform = Enter(portal, portalable.WorldTransform);
                portalable.WorldVelocity = EnterVelocity(portal, intersectT, portalable.WorldVelocity, ignorePortalVelocity);

            //If a static actor enters a portal then it's no longer static.
            Actor actorCast = portalable as Actor;
            if (actorCast != null && actorCast.BodyType == BodyType.Static)

            foreach (IPortalCommon p in portalable.Children)

            Debug.Assert(transform == transformCopy && velocity == velocityCopy);

            if (cast != null)
                cast.EnterPortal?.Invoke(new EnterCallbackData(portal, cast, intersectT), transform, velocity);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        internal static IPortal GetPortal(string providerName)
            IPortal portal = null;

             * if (portals.Count == 0)
             * {
             *  lock (_lockobj)
             *  {
             *      Init();
             *  }
             * }*/

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(providerName))
                providerName = defaultPortalProvider;

            //portals.TryGetValue(providerName, out portal);
            portal = (IPortal)providersCollection[providerName];
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine a position that is sufficiently far away from all portals so that it isn't ambiguous which side of a 
        /// portal the position is at.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="portals"></param>
        /// <param name="portalPrevious">The last portal that was exited.</param>
        /// <param name="transform"></param>
        /// <param name="velocity"></param>
        private static Transform2 AddMargin(IEnumerable<IPortal> portals, IPortal portalPrevious, Transform2 transform, Transform2 velocity)
            transform = transform.ShallowClone();
            foreach (IPortal p in portals)
                if (!Portal.IsValid(p))
                LineF exitLine = new LineF(Portal.GetWorldVerts(p));
                Vector2 position = transform.Position;
                double distanceToPortal = MathExt.PointLineDistance(position, exitLine, true);
                if (distanceToPortal < Portal.EnterMinDistance)
                    Vector2 exitNormal = p.WorldTransform.GetRight();
                    Side sideOf;
                    if (p == portalPrevious)
                        sideOf = exitLine.GetSideOf(position + velocity.Position);
                        sideOf = exitLine.GetSideOf(position - velocity.Position);
                    if (sideOf != exitLine.GetSideOf(exitNormal + p.WorldTransform.Position))
                        exitNormal = -exitNormal;

                    Vector2 pos = exitNormal * (Portal.EnterMinDistance - (float)distanceToPortal);
                    transform.Position += pos;
            return transform;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the portal's vertices in world coordinates.
 /// </summary>
 public static Vector2[] GetWorldVerts(IPortal portal, Transform2 worldTransform)
     return Vector2Ext.Transform(GetVerts(portal), worldTransform.GetMatrix());
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the portal's vertices in world coordinates.
 /// </summary>
 public static Vector2[] GetWorldVerts(IPortal portal)
     return GetWorldVerts(portal, portal.WorldTransform);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns an array of two Vectors defining the Portals local location
 /// </summary>
 public static Vector2[] GetVerts(IPortal portal)
     return new Vector2[] { new Vector2(0, 0.5f), new Vector2(0, -0.5f) };
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public static Transform2 GetLinkedTransform(IPortal portalEnter, IPortal portalExit)
     Transform2 tExit = portalExit.WorldTransform;
     tExit.MirrorX = !tExit.MirrorX;
     Transform2 tEnter = portalEnter.WorldTransform;
     return tEnter.Inverted().Transform(tExit);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public static Transform2 GetLinkedTransform(IPortal portalEnter)
     Debug.Assert(portalEnter.Linked != null, "Portal must be linked to another portal.");
     return GetLinkedTransform(portalEnter, portalEnter.Linked);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>Returns matrix to transform between one portals coordinate space to another.</summary>
 public static Matrix4 GetLinkedMatrix(IPortal portalEnter, IPortal portalExit)
     Transform2 transform = portalExit.WorldTransform;
     transform.MirrorX = !transform.MirrorX;
     Matrix4 m = portalEnter.WorldTransform.GetMatrix();
     return m.Inverted() * transform.GetMatrix();
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public static Matrix4 GetLinkedMatrix(IPortal portalEnter)
     Debug.Assert(portalEnter.Linked != null, "Portal must be linked to another portal.");
     return GetLinkedMatrix(portalEnter, portalEnter.Linked);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public static LineF[] GetFovLines(IPortal portal, Vector2 origin, float distance, Transform2 transform)
     Vector2[] vertices = GetFov(portal, origin, distance);
     LineF[] lines = new LineF[] {
         new LineF(vertices[1], vertices[2]),
         new LineF(vertices[0], vertices[vertices.Length-1])
     return lines;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private static bool CalculatePortalViews(IPortal portal, IPortal portalEnter, IList<IPortal> portals, Matrix4 viewMatrix, Vector2 viewPos, Vector2 viewPosPrevious, PortalView portalView, Matrix4 portalMatrix, List<Func<bool>> actionList)
            const float AREA_EPSILON = 0.0001f;
            Clipper c = new Clipper();
            //The clipper must be set to strictly simple. Otherwise polygons might have duplicate vertices which causes poly2tri to generate incorrect results.
            c.StrictlySimple = true;

            if (!_isPortalValid(portalEnter, portal, viewPos))
                return false;

            Vector2[] fov = Vector2Ext.Transform(Portal.GetFov(portal, viewPos, 500, 3), portalMatrix);
            if (MathExt.GetArea(fov) < AREA_EPSILON)
                return false;
            List<IntPoint> pathFov = ClipperConvert.ToIntPoint(fov);

            var viewNew = new List<List<IntPoint>>();

            c.AddPath(pathFov, PolyType.ptSubject, true);
            c.AddPaths(portalView.Paths, PolyType.ptClip, true);
            c.Execute(ClipType.ctIntersection, viewNew);

            if (viewNew.Count <= 0)
                return false;
            c.AddPaths(viewNew, PolyType.ptSubject, true);
            foreach (IPortal other in portals)
                if (other == portal)
                if (!_isPortalValid(portalEnter, other, viewPos))
                //Skip this portal if it's inside the current portal's FOV.
                LineF portalLine = new LineF(Portal.GetWorldVerts(portal));
                LineF portalOtherLine = new LineF(Portal.GetWorldVerts(other));
                if (portalLine.IsInsideFOV(viewPos, portalOtherLine))
                Vector2[] otherFov = Vector2Ext.Transform(Portal.GetFov(other, viewPos, 500, 3), portalMatrix);
                if (MathExt.GetArea(otherFov) < AREA_EPSILON)
                otherFov = MathExt.SetWinding(otherFov, true);
                List<IntPoint> otherPathFov = ClipperConvert.ToIntPoint(otherFov);
                c.AddPath(otherPathFov, PolyType.ptClip, true);
            var viewNewer = new List<List<IntPoint>>();
            c.Execute(ClipType.ctDifference, viewNewer, PolyFillType.pftNonZero, PolyFillType.pftNonZero);
            if (viewNewer.Count <= 0)
                return false;

            Vector2 viewPosNew = Vector2Ext.Transform(viewPos, Portal.GetLinkedMatrix(portal, portal.Linked));
            Vector2 viewPosPreviousNew = Vector2Ext.Transform(viewPosPrevious, Portal.GetLinkedMatrix(portal, portal.Linked));

            Matrix4 portalMatrixNew = Portal.GetLinkedMatrix(portal.Linked, portal) * portalMatrix;
            Matrix4 viewMatrixNew = portalMatrixNew * viewMatrix;

            LineF[] lines = Portal.GetFovLines(portal, viewPos, 500);
            lines[0] = lines[0].Transform(portalMatrix);
            lines[1] = lines[1].Transform(portalMatrix);
            LineF[] linesPrevious = Portal.GetFovLines(portal, viewPosPrevious, 500);
            linesPrevious[0] = linesPrevious[0].Transform(portalMatrix);
            linesPrevious[1] = linesPrevious[1].Transform(portalMatrix);

            LineF portalWorldLine = new LineF(Portal.GetWorldVerts(portal));
            portalWorldLine = portalWorldLine.Transform(portalMatrix);
            PortalView portalViewNew = new PortalView(portalView, viewMatrixNew, viewNewer, lines, linesPrevious, portalWorldLine);

            foreach (IPortal p in portals)
                actionList.Add(() =>
                    CalculatePortalViews(p, portal, portals, viewMatrix, viewPosNew, viewPosPreviousNew, portalViewNew, portalMatrixNew, actionList)
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns whether a portal can be entered.
 /// </summary>
 public static bool IsValid(IPortal portal)
     return portal.Linked != null &&
         portal.WorldTransform != null &&
         portal.WorldVelocity != null &&
         portal.Linked.WorldTransform != null &&
         portal.Linked.WorldVelocity != null;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the portal's vertices in world coordinates after being scaled.
 /// </summary>
 public static Vector2[] GetWorldVerts(IPortal portal, float scalar)
     return Vector2Ext.Transform(Vector2Ext.Scale(GetVerts(portal), scalar), portal.WorldTransform.GetMatrix());
Ejemplo n.º 26
 private static bool _isPortalValid(IPortal previous, IPortal next, Vector2 viewPos)
     //skip this portal if it isn't linked
     if (!Portal.IsValid(next))
         return false;
     //or it's the exit portal
     if (previous != null && next == previous.Linked)
         return false;
     //or if the portal is one sided and the view point is on the wrong side
     Vector2[] pv2 = Portal.GetWorldVerts(next);
     LineF portalLine = new LineF(pv2);
     if (next.OneSided)
         if (portalLine.GetSideOf(pv2[0] + next.WorldTransform.GetRight()) != portalLine.GetSideOf(viewPos))
             return false;
     //or if this portal isn't inside the fov of the exit portal
     if (previous != null)
         LineF portalEnterLine = new LineF(Portal.GetWorldVerts(previous.Linked));
         if (!portalEnterLine.IsInsideFOV(viewPos, portalLine))
             return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public EnterCallbackData(IPortal entrancePortal, IPortalCommon instance, double portalT)
     EntrancePortal = entrancePortal;
     Instance = instance;
     PortalT = portalT;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public static Transform2 Enter(IPortal portal, Transform2 transform)
     return transform.Transform(GetLinkedTransform(portal, portal.Linked));
Ejemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns new velocity from entering portal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="portal">Portal being entered.</param>
        /// <param name="intersectT">Intersection point on the portal.</param>
        /// <param name="velocity">Velocity before entering.</param>
        public static Transform2 EnterVelocity(IPortal portal, float intersectT, Transform2 velocity, bool ignorePortalVelocity = false)
            Matrix4 matrix = GetLinkedMatrix(portal);
            Vector2 origin = Vector2Ext.Transform(new Vector2(), matrix);
            Transform2 velocityClone = velocity.ShallowClone();

            if (!ignorePortalVelocity)
                velocityClone.Position -= portal.WorldVelocity.Position;
                velocityClone.Rotation -= portal.WorldVelocity.Rotation;
                velocityClone.Position -= GetAngularVelocity(portal, intersectT);
            velocityClone.Position = Vector2Ext.Transform(velocityClone.Position, matrix);
            velocityClone.Position -= origin;

            if (portal.WorldTransform.MirrorX == portal.Linked.WorldTransform.MirrorX)
                velocityClone.Rotation = -velocityClone.Rotation;
            if (!ignorePortalVelocity)
                velocityClone.Position += portal.Linked.WorldVelocity.Position;
                velocityClone.Rotation += portal.Linked.WorldVelocity.Rotation;
                velocityClone.Position += GetAngularVelocity(portal.Linked, intersectT);
            return velocityClone;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public static void SetLinked(IPortal p0, IPortal p1)
     if (p0.Linked != null)
         p0.Linked.Linked = null;
     if (p1.Linked != null)
         p1.Linked.Linked = null;
     p0.Linked = p1;
     p1.Linked = p0;
Ejemplo n.º 31
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a polygon in world space representing the 2D FOV through the portal.  
 /// Polygon is not guaranteed to be non-degenerate which can occur if the viewPoint is edge-on to the portal.
 /// </summary>
 public static Vector2[] GetFov(IPortal portal, Vector2 origin, float distance)
     return GetFov(portal, origin, distance, 10);
Ejemplo n.º 32
 private static Vector2 GetAngularVelocity(IPortal portal, float intersectT)
     Vector2 intersect = new LineF(GetWorldVerts(portal)).Lerp(intersectT);
     return MathExt.AngularVelocity(intersect, portal.WorldTransform.Position, portal.WorldVelocity.Rotation);
Ejemplo n.º 33
 public static Vector2[] GetFov(IPortal portal, Vector2 origin, float distance, int detail)
     return GetFov(portal, origin, distance, detail, portal.WorldTransform);
Ejemplo n.º 34
        public void Walk(Vector2D destination, bool pathfinder = true)
            Logger.Debug($"Walking to {destination.X} {destination.Y}");

            if (!Map.IsWalkable(destination))

            bool positiveX = destination.X > Position.X;
            bool positiveY = destination.Y > Position.Y;

            Vector2D distance = Position.GetDistanceTo(destination);

            int stepX = distance.X > 3 ? 3 : distance.X;
            int stepY = distance.Y > 3 ? 3 : distance.Y;

            short x = (short)(((positiveX ? 1 : -1) * stepX) + Position.X);
            short y = (short)(((positiveY ? 1 : -1) * stepY) + Position.Y);

            var nextPosition = new Vector2D(x, y);

            if (!Map.IsWalkable(nextPosition))
                if (pathfinder)
                    IEnumerable <Vector2D> path = Map.Pathfinder.Find(Position, nextPosition);
                    Walk(path, false);

            Logger.Debug($"Walk to {nextPosition} with speed {Speed}");
            Client.SendPacket($"walk {nextPosition.X} {nextPosition.Y} {(nextPosition.X + nextPosition.Y) % 3 % 2} {Speed}");

            Thread.Sleep((1000 / Speed) * ((stepX + stepY) + 3));

            Position = nextPosition;
            if (!Position.Equals(destination))

            Logger.Debug($"Walked to {Position}");

            IMap    map           = Map;
            IPortal closestPortal = map.Portals.OrderBy(p => p.Position.GetDistance(Position)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (closestPortal == null)

            if (Position.IsInRange(closestPortal.Position, 1))
                Logger.Debug("Character on portal, switching map");
Ejemplo n.º 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a polygon in world space representing the 2D FOV through the portal.  
        /// Polygon is not guaranteed to be non-degenerate which can occur if the viewPoint is edge-on to the portal.
        /// </summary>
        public static Vector2[] GetFov(IPortal portal, Vector2 viewPoint, float distance, int detail, Transform2 transform)
            Matrix4 a = transform.GetMatrix();
            Vector2[] verts = new Vector2[detail + 2];
            Vector2[] portalVerts = Portal.GetVerts(portal);
            for (int i = 0; i < portalVerts.Length; i++)
                Vector4 b = Vector4.Transform(new Vector4(portalVerts[i].X, portalVerts[i].Y, 0, 1), a);
                verts[i] = new Vector2(b.X, b.Y);
            //Minumum distance in order to prevent self intersections.
            const float errorMargin = 0.01f;
            float distanceMin = Math.Max((verts[0] - viewPoint).Length, (verts[1] - viewPoint).Length) + errorMargin;
            distance = Math.Max(distance, distanceMin);
            //get the leftmost and rightmost edges of the FOV
            verts[verts.Length - 1] = (verts[0] - viewPoint).Normalized() * distance + viewPoint;
            verts[2] = (verts[1] - viewPoint).Normalized() * distance + viewPoint;
            //find the angle between the edges of the FOV
            double angle0 = MathExt.AngleLine(verts[verts.Length - 1], viewPoint);
            double angle1 = MathExt.AngleLine(verts[2], viewPoint);
            double diff = MathExt.AngleDiff(angle0, angle1);
            Debug.Assert(diff <= Math.PI + double.Epsilon && diff >= -Math.PI);
            //handle case where lines overlap eachother
            /*const double angleDiffMin = 0.0001f;
            if (Math.Abs(diff) < angleDiffMin)
                return new Vector2[0];

            Matrix2 Rot = Matrix2.CreateRotation((float)diff / (detail - 1));
            for (int i = 3; i < verts.Length - 1; i++)
                verts[i] = Vector2Ext.Transform(verts[i - 1] - viewPoint, Rot) + viewPoint;
            return verts;
Ejemplo n.º 36
        void OnBatteryTimer(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs eea)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, IStructure> str in mStructs)
                if (!str.Value.IsReady)
                if (!str.Value.IsPowered)

                if (str.Value.FuelTank != null)
                    mAPI.Log("Fuel tank capacity: " + str.Value.FuelTank.Capacity +
                             ", Content: " + str.Value.FuelTank.Content);

                //located the battery through a prevous 3d search of
                //the volume of the test base (offset by 128)
                IDevice bat = str.Value.GetDevice <IDevice>(-5, 129, -1);
                if (bat == null)
                    mAPI.Log("Bat null");
                    mAPI.Log("Got device: " + bat);


                IDevicePosList idpl = str.Value.GetDevices("AmmoCntr");
                for (int i = 0; i < idpl.Count; i++)
                    VectorInt3 pos = idpl.GetAt(i);

                    mAPI.Log("Device at pos: " + pos);

                    IContainer con = str.Value.GetDevice <IContainer>(pos);

                    mAPI.Log("Ammo container has " + con.VolumeCapacity + " volume.");

                idpl = str.Value.GetDevices("Container");
                for (int i = 0; i < idpl.Count; i++)
                    VectorInt3 pos = idpl.GetAt(i);

                    mAPI.Log("Device at pos: " + pos);

                    IContainer con = str.Value.GetDevice <IContainer>(pos);

                    mAPI.Log("Container has " + con.VolumeCapacity + " volume.");

                idpl = str.Value.GetDevices("Fridge");
                for (int i = 0; i < idpl.Count; i++)
                    VectorInt3 pos = idpl.GetAt(i);

                    mAPI.Log("Device at pos: " + pos);

                    IContainer con = str.Value.GetDevice <IContainer>(pos);

                    mAPI.Log("Fridge has " + con.VolumeCapacity + " volume.");

                idpl = str.Value.GetDevices("LCD");
                for (int i = 0; i < idpl.Count; i++)
                    VectorInt3 pos = idpl.GetAt(i);

                    mAPI.Log("Device at pos: " + pos);

                    ILcd lcd = str.Value.GetDevice <ILcd>(pos);

                    mAPI.Log("LCD says: " + lcd.GetText());

                idpl = str.Value.GetDevices("Light");
                for (int i = 0; i < idpl.Count; i++)
                    VectorInt3 pos = idpl.GetAt(i);

                    mAPI.Log("Device at pos: " + pos);

                    ILight lt = str.Value.GetDevice <ILight>(pos);

                    mAPI.Log("Light has range: " + lt.GetRange());

                idpl = str.Value.GetDevices("Portal");
                for (int i = 0; i < idpl.Count; i++)
                    VectorInt3 pos = idpl.GetAt(i);

                    mAPI.Log("Device at pos: " + pos);

                    IPortal door = str.Value.GetDevice <IPortal>(pos);

                    mAPI.Log("Door is a door");
Ejemplo n.º 37
 public static LineF[] GetFovLines(IPortal portal, Vector2 origin, float distance)
     return GetFovLines(portal, origin, distance, portal.WorldTransform);