Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var path = File.Exists(ImagePath) ? ImagePath : args[0];

            if (!File.Exists(path))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(path);

            Console.WriteLine($"LoopCount: {LoopCount}");
            var(Width, Height) = path.GetImageSize();
            Console.WriteLine($"ImageSize: W={Width} H={Height}");

            var    times = new List <(string name, double Y, TimeSpan ts)>();
            var    sw    = new Stopwatch();
            double y     = 0d;

            var readers = new IPixelReader[]
                new PixelReaderWpf0(ImagePath), // 基準
                new PixelReaderWpf0(ImagePath), // 基準(2回目の方がちょい早い気がする)
                new PixelReaderWpf1(ImagePath), //
                new PixelReaderWpf0(ImagePath), //
                new PixelReaderWpf1(ImagePath), //
                //new PixelReader1(ImagePath),    //
                new PixelReader2(ImagePath),    // 最速候補
                //new PixelReader3(ImagePath),    // バグってます
                //new PixelReader4(ImagePath),    //
                //new PixelReader5(ImagePath, 2), // core1*80%
                //new PixelReader5(ImagePath, 4), // core1*71%
                //new PixelReader5(ImagePath, 8), // core1*70%

            foreach (var reader in readers)
                Console.WriteLine($"Start: {reader.Name}");
                for (var i = 0; i < LoopCount; i++)
                    y = reader.GetAverageY();
                times.Add((reader.Name, y, sw.Elapsed));

            // 処理時間の出力
            var baseTime = times[1].ts.TotalMilliseconds;   // 2回目基準にする

            foreach (var(name, Y, ts) in times)
                Console.WriteLine($"{name,-35}: Y={Y:f2} Time={ts} Ratio={(ts.TotalMilliseconds / baseTime * 100):f1}%");

        /// <summary>
        /// Initialzies a new instance of the <see cref="DataProviderBase{T}"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="labelFilename">The path to the file containing the labels.</param>
        /// <param name="imageFilename">The path to the file containing the images.</param>
        /// <param name="batchSize">The size of the batch to read.</param>
        protected DataProviderBase(string labelFilename, string imageFilename, int batchSize)
            Contracts.StringNotNullOrEmpty(labelFilename, nameof(labelFilename));
            Contracts.FileExists(labelFilename, nameof(labelFilename));

            Contracts.FileExists(imageFilename, nameof(imageFilename));
            Contracts.StringNotNullOrEmpty(imageFilename, nameof(imageFilename));

            Contracts.ValueGreaterThanZero(batchSize, nameof(batchSize));

            LabelReader    = new LabelReader(labelFilename);
            PixelReader    = new PixelReader(imageFilename);
            _labelFilename = labelFilename;
            _imageFilename = imageFilename;
            _batchSize     = batchSize;