Ejemplo n.º 1
        public OverlayTool[] ToolList; // is filled in the constructor

        public PdfOverlayModel(IPdfOverlayView View, IOverlayShapeFactory ShapeFactory)
            this.View         = View;
            this.ShapeFactory = ShapeFactory;
            _DisplayTree      = new TikzDisplayTree(p => TikzToScreen(p, false));

            // initialize tools
            selectionTool = new SelectionTool(this);

            // must be in the same order as the ToolType enum
            ToolList = new OverlayTool[] { selectionTool, new NodeTool(this), new EdgeTool(this), new PathTool(this), new SmoothCurveTool(this),
                                           new BezierTool(this), new RectangleTool(this), new EllipseTool(this), new GridTool(this), new ArcTool(this), new ArcEditTool(this) };
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public OverlayTool[] ToolList; // is filled in the constructor

        public PdfOverlayModel(IPdfOverlayView View, IOverlayShapeFactory ShapeFactory)
            this.View         = View;
            this.ShapeFactory = ShapeFactory;

            // initialize tools
            selectionTool = new SelectionTool(this);

            // must be in the order of ToolType
            ////ToolList = new OverlayTool[] { selectionTool, nodeTool, edgeTool, pathTool, smoothCurveTool, bezierTool, rectangleTool, ellipseTool, gridTool, arcTool, arcEditTool };
            ToolList = new OverlayTool[] { selectionTool, new NodeTool(this), new EdgeTool(this), new PathTool(this), new SmoothCurveTool(this),
                                           new BezierTool(this), new RectangleTool(this), new EllipseTool(this), new GridTool(this), new ArcTool(this), new ArcEditTool(this) };
            ////foreach (OverlayTool t in ToolList)
            ////    t.overlay = this;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public OverlayTool[] ToolList; // is filled in the constructor

        public PdfOverlayModel(IPdfOverlayView View, IOverlayShapeFactory ShapeFactory)
            this.View = View;
            this.ShapeFactory = ShapeFactory;

            // initialize tools
            selectionTool = new SelectionTool(this);

            // must be in the order of ToolType
            ////ToolList = new OverlayTool[] { selectionTool, nodeTool, edgeTool, pathTool, smoothCurveTool, bezierTool, rectangleTool, ellipseTool, gridTool, arcTool, arcEditTool };
            ToolList = new OverlayTool[] { selectionTool, new NodeTool(this), new EdgeTool(this), new PathTool(this), new SmoothCurveTool(this),
                                           new BezierTool(this), new RectangleTool(this), new EllipseTool(this), new GridTool(this), new ArcTool(this), new ArcEditTool(this) };
            ////foreach (OverlayTool t in ToolList)
            ////    t.overlay = this;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public OverlayTool[] ToolList; // is filled in the constructor

        public PdfOverlayModel(IPdfOverlayView View, IOverlayShapeFactory ShapeFactory)
            this.View = View;
            this.ShapeFactory = ShapeFactory;
            _DisplayTree = new TikzDisplayTree( p => TikzToScreen(p, false) );

            // initialize tools
            selectionTool = new SelectionTool(this);

            // must be in the same order as the ToolType enum
            ToolList = new OverlayTool[] { selectionTool, new NodeTool(this), new EdgeTool(this), new PathTool(this), new SmoothCurveTool(this),
                                           new BezierTool(this), new RectangleTool(this), new EllipseTool(this), new GridTool(this), new ArcTool(this), new ArcEditTool(this) };