Ejemplo n.º 1
        private Score InnerSearch(Position position, int depth, bool isIid, Score alpha, Score beta, int ply)
            // do it every 64? hmm..
            if (_enteredCount % 64 == 0 && _timeStrategy.ShouldStop(_statistics))
                return(0); // dummy value won't be used
            // It's important we increment _after_ checking, because if we're stopping, we don't want entered count to be increasing

            // by nature of this being called, we know this is a non-root node

            // Note: we don't return draw on 50 move counter; if the engine doesn't know how to make progress in 50 moves, telling the engine it's about to draw can only induce mistakes.
            if (position.RepetitionNumber >= 3)
                // TODO: contempt
                return(0); // draw

            if (depth <= 0)
                // Note: don't increase ply, as it's evaluating this position (same as current ply)
                // We don't need to count this, as qsearch does its own node counting
                return(_qSearch.Search(position, alpha, beta, ply));

            var moveList = _moveListCache.Get(ply);


            _moveGenerator.Generate(moveList, position);
            var cachedPositionObject = _positionCache.Get(ply);

            if (!_moveGenerator.OnlyLegalMoves)
                // remove all illegal moves
                for (int i = moveList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    var move            = moveList[i];
                    var testingPosition = Position.MakeMove(cachedPositionObject, move, position);
                    if (testingPosition.MovedIntoCheck())

            if (!moveList.Any())

                if (position.InCheck())
                    return(0); // draw; TODO: contempt

            // if depth is 1 or 2, then we'd literally just be searching twice
            if (depth > 1)
                SortWithIid(position, moveList, depth, alpha, beta, ply);

            bool raisedAlpha = false;
            int  moveNumber  = 0;

            foreach (var move in moveList)
                var nextPosition = Position.MakeMove(cachedPositionObject, move, position);


                if (!isIid)
                    _pvTable.Add(move, ply);

                bool lateMove = moveNumber > 5; // TODO: disabled; enable this

                int reduction = lateMove ? 1 : 0;
                var eval      = -InnerSearch(nextPosition, depth - 1 - reduction, isIid, -beta, -alpha, ply + 1);
                if (eval >= beta)
                    _statistics.NormalCutMoveMisses += moveNumber - 1; // don't include the current move in the move misses calculation

                    return(eval);                                      // fail soft, but shouldn't matter for this naive implementation

                if (eval > alpha)
                    raisedAlpha = true;
                    alpha       = eval;
                    if (!isIid)

            if (raisedAlpha)

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public (Move move, Statistics statistics) Search(Position position, ITimeStrategy timeStrategy, Statistics.PrintInfoDelegate printInfoDelegate)
            // setup
            _timeStrategy = timeStrategy;
            _enteredCount = 0;
            _statistics   = new Statistics();
            _statistics.SideCalculating = position.SideToMove;
            _pvTable = new TriangularPVTable(); // TODO: should we be passing this in instead?
            _qSearch.StartSearch(_timeStrategy, _pvTable, _statistics);

            Move bestMove = Move.Null;
            var  moveList = new List <Move>();

            _moveGenerator.Generate(moveList, position);

            var cachedPositionObject = new Position();

            if (!_moveGenerator.OnlyLegalMoves)
                // remove all illegal moves
                for (int i = moveList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    var move            = moveList[i];
                    var testingPosition = Position.MakeMove(cachedPositionObject, move, position);
                    if (testingPosition.MovedIntoCheck())

            var scoredMoveList = new List <ScoredMove>();

            foreach (var move in moveList)
                scoredMoveList.Add(new ScoredMove(move, 0));

            // TODO: instead of looping here, why don't we only loop in InnerSearch and get the best value from the PV table?
            // That would simplify things a lot.
            // However, if we have aspiration windows and we get a beta cutoff, how do we retrieve the best move? Or is that even required?
            // The PV table would probably need to handle that case.
            for (int depth = 1;; depth++)

                Score alpha = Score.MinValue;
                Score beta  = Score.MaxValue;

                for (int i = 0; i < scoredMoveList.Count; i++)
                    var move = scoredMoveList[i].Move;

                    var nextPosition = Position.MakeMove(cachedPositionObject, move, position);
                    _pvTable.Add(move, 0);

                    _statistics.CurrentDepth = depth;
                    var nextEval = -InnerSearch(nextPosition, depth - 1, false, -beta, -alpha, 1);
                    if (nextEval == alpha)
                        nextEval -= 1;

                    scoredMoveList[i] = new ScoredMove(move, nextEval);

                    if (timeStrategy.ShouldStop(_statistics))
                        return(bestMove, _statistics);

                    if (nextEval > alpha)
                        alpha    = nextEval;
                        bestMove = move; // this is safe, because we search the best move from last pass first in the next pass
                        _statistics.BestLine = _pvTable.GetBestLine();
                        if (position.SideToMove == Color.White)
                            _statistics.CurrentScore = alpha;
                            _statistics.CurrentScore = -alpha;


                // if we don't do this, we'll never return from a terminal position (with no moves)
                if (timeStrategy.ShouldStop(_statistics))
                    return(bestMove, _statistics);

                // sort the moves for next pass
                scoredMoveList.Sort((m1, m2) => (int)(m2.Score - m1.Score));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public (Move move, Statistics statistics) Search(Position position, ITimeStrategy timeStrategy, Statistics.PrintInfoDelegate printInfoDelegate)
            // setup
            _timeStrategy = timeStrategy;
            _enteredCount = 0;
            _statistics   = new Statistics();
            _statistics.SideCalculating = position.SideToMove;
            _pvTable = new TriangularPVTable(); // TODO: should we be passing this in instead?
            _qSearch.StartSearch(_timeStrategy, _pvTable, _statistics);

            Move bestMove = Move.Null;
            var  moveList = new List <Move>();

            _moveGenerator.Generate(moveList, position);

            // TODO: instead of looping here, why don't we only loop in InnerSearch and get the best value from the PV table?
            // That would simplify things a lot.
            // However, if we have aspiration windows and we get a beta cutoff, how do we retrieve the best move? Or is that even required?
            // The PV table would probably need to handle that case.
            var tmpBestMove = Move.Null;

            for (int depth = 1;; depth++)

                Score alpha = Score.MinValue;
                Score beta  = Score.MaxValue;

                var cachedPositionObject = new Position();
                foreach (var move in moveList)
                    var nextPosition = Position.MakeMove(cachedPositionObject, move, position);

                    if (!_moveGenerator.OnlyLegalMoves && nextPosition.MovedIntoCheck())

                    _pvTable.Add(move, 0);

                    _statistics.CurrentDepth = depth;
                    var nextEval = -InnerSearch(nextPosition, depth - 1, -beta, -alpha, 1);

                    if (timeStrategy.ShouldStop(_statistics))
                        return(bestMove, _statistics);

                    if (nextEval > alpha)
                        alpha       = nextEval;
                        tmpBestMove = move;

                // only committing best move after a full search
                // TODO: this will go away once we're no longer doing a search at this level
                bestMove             = tmpBestMove;
                _statistics.BestLine = _pvTable.GetBestLine();
                if (position.SideToMove == Color.White)
                    _statistics.CurrentScore = alpha;
                    _statistics.CurrentScore = -alpha;

                // if we don't do this, we'll never return from a terminal position (with no moves)
                if (timeStrategy.ShouldStop(_statistics))
                    return(bestMove, _statistics);

                // if we didn't return, let's print some info!