private void DrawContact(Graphics g)
            String Text    = pcbi_parent.GetJobName();// "";
            SizeF  strSize = g.MeasureString(Text, new Font("Arial", 40));
            Brush  TextB   = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(180, 255, 250, 230));

            g.FillRectangle(TextB, 0, 5, strSize.Width, strSize.Height);
            g.DrawString(Text, new Font("Arial", 40), Brushes.DarkBlue, new PointF(0, 5));
        public string FileSaveDialog(IPCBIWindow parent)
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();

            saveFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = parent.GetODBJobDirectory();
            saveFileDialog1.FileName         = parent.GetJobName();
            saveFileDialog1.Title            = "Save Seica Files";
            saveFileDialog1.CheckFileExists  = false;
            saveFileDialog1.OverwritePrompt  = true;
            saveFileDialog1.CheckPathExists  = true;
            saveFileDialog1.DefaultExt       = "par";
            saveFileDialog1.Filter           = "PAR files (*.par)|*.par|All files (*.*)|*.*";
            saveFileDialog1.FilterIndex      = 2;
            saveFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true;

            if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private DialogResult MakeWorkingCopy()
            DialogResult res               = DialogResult.Abort;
            string       stepName          = this.Parent.GetCurrentStep().Name;
            string       pathForWorkingODB = Path.GetTempPath() + "NBI\\" + Parent.GetJobName() + "_" + stepName + DateTime.Now.Ticks + "\\";

            if (Directory.Exists(pathForWorkingODB))
                Directory.Delete(pathForWorkingODB, true);
            Parent.SaveJob(pathForWorkingODB, false);

            if (!Parent.LoadODBJob(pathForWorkingODB))
                MessageBox.Show("Can't create a temporary working copy of ODB-Data.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                //res = MessageBox.Show("Continue", "Workingcopy is loaded", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
        public void Execute(IPCBIWindow parent)
            //your code here
            if (parent == null)
            System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo nfi = new System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo();
            nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
            nfi.NumberGroupSeparator   = "";
            IStep         step       = parent.GetCurrentStep();
            IFilter       filter     = new IFilter(parent);
            StringBuilder sb         = new StringBuilder();
            IMatrix       m          = parent.GetMatrix();
            List <int>    netnumbers = step.GetAllNetNrs();

            Dictionary <int, List <PCBIObject> > allNetNrsWithItems = PCBI.Automation.NetCreation.NetCreator.CreateGlobalNet(step, m, true);

            foreach (int netlist in allNetNrsWithItems.Keys)
                foreach (PCBIObject oObject in allNetNrsWithItems[netlist])
                    oObject.iObj.PcbNetNumber = oObject.NetNrGlobal;
            List <string> names = step.GetAllLayerNames();

            foreach (string layername in names)
                if (step.GetLayer(layername).GetType() == typeof(IODBLayer))
                    IODBLayer layer = (IODBLayer)step.GetLayer(layername);
                    if (m.GetMatrixLayerType(layername) == MatrixLayerType.Signal || m.GetMatrixLayerType(layername) == MatrixLayerType.Rout || m.GetMatrixLayerType(layername) == MatrixLayerType.Drill || m.GetMatrixLayerType(layername) == MatrixLayerType.Mask)
                        foreach (IODBObject obj in layer.GetAllLayerObjects())
                            int PCB_NetNum  = obj.PcbNetNumber;
                            int LayerNetNum = obj.LayerNetNumber;
                            obj.FreeText = PCB_NetNum.ToString();
                            //sb.Append("P: " + PCB_NetNum.ToString() + "L: " + LayerNetNum.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
            sb.Append("P VER IPC D 356" + Environment.NewLine);
            sb.Append("P IMAGE PRIMARY" + Environment.NewLine);
            sb.Append("C Created with PCB-Investigator" + Environment.NewLine);
            sb.Append("P Creation date:" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + Environment.NewLine);
            sb.Append("C " + step.Name + "  " + parent.GetJobName() + Environment.NewLine);
            sb.Append("C" + Environment.NewLine);
            sb.Append("P CUST 0" + Environment.NewLine);
            #region descriptions
            //            Units of measurement :
            //SI Metric
            //CUST 0 or CUST Inches and degrees
            //CUST 1 Millimeters and degrees
            //CUST 2 Inches and radians

            //ALLOWED OPERATION CODES (columns 1-3)
            //317 Through hole. Alternatively it can represent a feature and through hole at a point.
            //017 Continuation record that defines a through hole associated with the previous record
            //367 Non-plated tooling hole
            //327 Surface mount feature
            //027 Continuation record that defines a through hole associated with the previous record
            //099 Test point location of the feature described in the previous record
            //088 Solder mask clearance of the feature described in the previous record
            //307 Blind or buried via
            //309 Image 2 through NNNN offset data
            //370 In-board resistor, capacitor or inductor
            //070 Continuation of In-board resistor, capacitor or inductor
            //378 Conductor segment data
            //078 Continuation record of conductor segment data
            //379 Adjacency data record
            //079 Continuation of adjacency data record
            //380 On-board resistor, capacitor or inductor
            //080 Continuation of on-board resistor, capacitor or inductor
            //389 Board, panel or sub-panel , scoring or other fabrication outline data
            //089 Continuation of outline data
            //390 Non-test feature such as fiducials , targets , test status marking location , etc …
            //090 Reference for high-voltage isolation , impedance and other specified tests
            //999 End of Job data file
            List <string> drillNames = m.GetAllDrillLayerNames();
            foreach (string drilName in drillNames)
                IODBLayer layer       = (IODBLayer)step.GetLayer(drilName);
                string    LayerNumber = m.GetRawIndexByName(layer.LayerName).ToString();
                foreach (IODBObject via in layer.GetAllLayerObjects())
                    string           NetName = via.PcbNetNumber.ToString();;
                    IObjectSpecifics viaSpec = via.GetSpecifics();
                    if (viaSpec.GetType() == typeof(IPadSpecifics))
                        float  x           = ((IPadSpecifics)viaSpec).Location.X;
                        float  y           = ((IPadSpecifics)viaSpec).Location.Y;
                        double diameter    = ((IPadSpecifics)viaSpec).Diameter;
                        string currentLine = new string(' ', 255);
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(0, "317");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(4, NetName);
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(21, "VIA");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(27, "-");
                        //currentLine = currentLine.Insert(28, LayerNumber);
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(33, "D");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(34, diameter.ToString("N2", nfi));
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(38, "P   ");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(42, "X");
                        if (Math.Sign(x) == 1)
                            currentLine = currentLine.Insert(43, "+");
                            currentLine = currentLine.Insert(43, "-");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(44, x.ToString("N2", nfi));
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(50, "Y");
                        if (Math.Sign(y) == 1)
                            currentLine = currentLine.Insert(51, "+");
                            currentLine = currentLine.Insert(51, "-");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(52, y.ToString("N2", nfi));

                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(58, "X");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(59, diameter.ToString("N2", nfi));

                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(63, "Y");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(64, diameter.ToString("N2", nfi));
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(73, "S");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(74, "3");
                        sb.Append(currentLine + Environment.NewLine);
            IODBLayer LayerPTop = (IODBLayer)step.GetLayer(m.GetTopSignalLayer());
            if (LayerPTop != null)
                string LayerNumber = m.GetRawIndexByName(LayerPTop.LayerName).ToString();
                foreach (IODBObject padTop in LayerPTop.GetAllLayerObjects())
                    string           NetName = padTop.PcbNetNumber.ToString();;
                    IObjectSpecifics os      = padTop.GetSpecifics();
                    if (os.GetType() == typeof(IPadSpecifics))
                        IPadSpecifics oPad        = (IPadSpecifics)os;
                        PointF        PadMidPoint = new PointF(padTop.GetBounds().X + padTop.GetBounds().Width / 2, padTop.GetBounds().Y + padTop.GetBounds().Height / 2);
                        string        currentLine = new string(' ', 255);
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(0, "327");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(4, NetName);
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(21, "PAD");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(27, " ");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(28, LayerNumber);
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(33, "D");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(34, padTop.GetBounds().Width.ToString("N2", nfi));
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(38, "P   ");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(42, "X");
                        if (Math.Sign(PadMidPoint.X) == 1)
                            currentLine = currentLine.Insert(43, "+");
                            currentLine = currentLine.Insert(43, "-");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(44, PadMidPoint.X.ToString("N2", nfi));
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(50, "Y");
                        if (Math.Sign(PadMidPoint.Y) == 1)
                            currentLine = currentLine.Insert(51, "+");
                            currentLine = currentLine.Insert(51, "-");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(52, PadMidPoint.Y.ToString("N2", nfi));

                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(58, "W");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(59, padTop.GetBounds().Width.ToString("N2", nfi));

                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(63, "H");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(64, padTop.GetBounds().Height.ToString("N2", nfi));
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(73, "S");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(74, "1");
                        sb.Append(currentLine + Environment.NewLine);
            IODBLayer LayerPBot = (IODBLayer)step.GetLayer(m.GetBotSignalLayer());
            if (LayerPBot != null)
                string LayerNumber = m.GetRawIndexByName(LayerPBot.LayerName).ToString();
                foreach (IODBObject padBot in LayerPBot.GetAllLayerObjects())
                    string           NetName = padBot.PcbNetNumber.ToString();;
                    IObjectSpecifics os      = padBot.GetSpecifics();
                    if (os.GetType() == typeof(IPadSpecifics))
                        IPadSpecifics oPad        = (IPadSpecifics)os;
                        PointF        PadMidPoint = new PointF(padBot.GetBounds().X + padBot.GetBounds().Width / 2, padBot.GetBounds().Y + padBot.GetBounds().Height / 2);
                        string        currentLine = new string(' ', 255);
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(0, "327");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(4, NetName);
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(21, "PAD");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(27, " ");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(28, LayerNumber);
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(33, "D");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(34, padBot.GetBounds().Width.ToString("N2", nfi));
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(38, "P   ");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(42, "X");
                        if (Math.Sign(PadMidPoint.X) == 1)
                            currentLine = currentLine.Insert(43, "+");
                            currentLine = currentLine.Insert(43, "-");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(44, PadMidPoint.X.ToString("N2", nfi));
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(50, "Y");
                        if (Math.Sign(PadMidPoint.Y) == 1)
                            currentLine = currentLine.Insert(51, "+");
                            currentLine = currentLine.Insert(51, "-");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(52, PadMidPoint.Y.ToString("N2", nfi));

                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(58, "W");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(59, padBot.GetBounds().Width.ToString("N2", nfi));

                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(63, "H");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(64, padBot.GetBounds().Height.ToString("N2", nfi));
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(73, "S");
                        currentLine = currentLine.Insert(74, "1");
                        sb.Append(currentLine + Environment.NewLine);
            sb.Append("999" + Environment.NewLine); // End of File

            string text = sb.ToString();
            Directory.CreateDirectory(parent.GetODBJobDirectory() + "\\user\\");
            FileStream   fs = new FileStream(parent.GetODBJobDirectory() + "\\user\\IPC356.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
            StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void Execute(IPCBIWindow parent)
            //set all signal layers in one image
            string Rows = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("How many rows do you wish?", "Setup", "2");
            int    rows = 2;

                rows = int.Parse(Rows);
            catch (Exception re)
                MessageBox.Show("Please provide a number\n" + re.ToString());

            string pathForImage = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + "imageComplete.png"; //output somewhere

            stopImaging = false;                                                      //internal bool to use cancel button
            float DPI        = 1000;                                                  //in pixel foreach layer
            int   maxWidtBMP = 40000;                                                 //image class is dangerous for big RAM usage!

            int     countImagesEachLine           = rows;                             //maximum of image in one line
            bool    AddDrillsToImage              = true;                             //see where are the connections to other layers
            bool    AddCompToImageAsSeperateLayer = true;                             //see where are the connections to other layers
            IStep   step   = parent.GetCurrentStep();
            IMatrix matrix = parent.GetMatrix();

            if (step == null || matrix == null)
            PCB_Investigator.PCBIWindows.PCBIWorkingDialog working = null;
                working = new PCB_Investigator.PCBIWindows.PCBIWorkingDialog(); //show waiting dialog, because for some projects it is very slow
                working.CancelPressed += working_CancelPressed;
                int curValPercentage = 0;

                List <string> allSignalLayerNames = matrix.GetAllSignalLayerNames();
                if (!AddCompToImageAsSeperateLayer)
                    allSignalLayerNames.Insert(0, matrix.GetTopComponentLayer());
                List <ILayer> activeLayerList = step.GetActiveLayerList(); //remember active layer list to set them later back

                int   maxHeight     = 0;
                int   maxWidth      = 0;
                int   completeWidth = 0;
                int   lines         = 1;
                bool  setBackHatch  = parent.IColorsetting.UseHatchMode;
                Color setBackColor  = parent.IColorsetting.SelectionColor;

                parent.IColorsetting.SelectionColor = Color.White; //highlight selection better with plane color
                parent.IColorsetting.UseHatchMode   = false;

                RectangleF boundsStep = step.GetBounds();
                boundsStep.Inflate(20, 20);

                int height = (int)(boundsStep.Height * DPI / 1000);
                int width  = (int)(boundsStep.Width * DPI / 1000); //set the step bounds with DPI
                if (height > maxHeight)
                    maxHeight = height;

                curValPercentage = 10;

                Dictionary <string, System.Drawing.Bitmap> allLayerImages = new Dictionary <string, System.Drawing.Bitmap>();
                int counterLayers = 0;
                foreach (string layername in allSignalLayerNames)
                    if (stopImaging)
                    working.SetStatusText("working on " + layername);
                    curValPercentage += 80 / allSignalLayerNames.Count; //we want only the part in the middle of the progress bar...
                    Bitmap resultImage;
                    if (step.GetLayer(layername) is IODBLayer)
                        IODBLayer signalLayer = (IODBLayer)step.GetLayer(layername);
                        if (AddDrillsToImage)
                            List <ILayer> drawList = new List <ILayer>();
                            foreach (string layerDrillName in matrix.GetAllDrillLayersForThisLayer(layername))
                            if (AddCompToImageAsSeperateLayer)
                                if (matrix.GetTopSignalLayer() == layername)
                                    ILayer layer = step.GetLayer(matrix.GetTopComponentLayer());
                                    if (layer != null)
                                if (matrix.GetBotSignalLayer() == layername)
                                    ILayer layer = step.GetLayer(matrix.GetBotComponentLayer());
                                    if (layer != null)
                            resultImage = step.GetBitmap(drawList, boundsStep, width, height, true, false, false, false);
                            // public Bitmap GetBitmap(	List<ILayer> Layers,RectangleF DetailRectangle,	int Width,	int Height,	bool DrawPCBOutline,	bool FillBoardOutline,	bool ShowComponentDetails,	bool IgnoreSelection,	bool DrawOnlySelection,	out RectangleF DrawnRectangle

                            Bitmap copyBitmap = new Bitmap(resultImage); //do copy the image before the old one will be disposed

                            resultImage = copyBitmap;
                            resultImage = step.GetBitmap(new List <ILayer>()
                            }, boundsStep, width, height, true, false, false, false);
                        if (resultImage != null)
                            allLayerImages.Add(layername, resultImage); //remember the layer image later
                    else if (!AddCompToImageAsSeperateLayer && step.GetLayer(layername) is ICMPLayer)
                        ICMPLayer cmpLayer = (ICMPLayer)step.GetLayer(layername);
                        resultImage = step.GetBitmap(new List <ILayer>()
                        }, boundsStep, width, height, true, false, true, false);

                        allLayerImages.Add(layername, resultImage); //remember the layer image later

                    if (completeWidth + width > maxWidtBMP || counterLayers > countImagesEachLine) //max image size
                        completeWidth = width;
                        counterLayers = 1;
                        completeWidth += width;

                    if (completeWidth > maxWidth)
                        maxWidth = completeWidth;
                working.SetStatusText("built new image...");

                Bitmap bitComplete   = null;
                bool   needDownScale = false;

                    bitComplete = new Bitmap(maxWidth, lines * (maxHeight + 100) + 60); //depending on your design this constructor sometimes throw an exception
                    bitComplete   = new Bitmap(maxWidth / 10, lines * (maxHeight + 1000) / 10 + 60);
                    needDownScale = true; //depending on your machine settings and RAM it can make problems by creating big images.

                parent.IColorsetting.UseHatchMode   = setBackHatch;
                parent.IColorsetting.SelectionColor = setBackColor;

                Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitComplete);
                int Xoff = 0;
                int Yoff = 0;
                working.SetStatusText("set images in one... ");

                Font f = new Font("Arial", needDownScale ? 20 : 40); //we need a font to write layernames
                int  counterImagesInLine = 0;
                foreach (string layer in allLayerImages.Keys)
                    if (needDownScale && (Xoff + allLayerImages[layer].Width / 10 > bitComplete.Width || counterImagesInLine > countImagesEachLine))
                        Yoff += maxHeight / 10 + 100; //space for text
                        Xoff  = 0;
                        counterImagesInLine = 1;
                    else if (Xoff + allLayerImages[layer].Width > maxWidtBMP || counterImagesInLine > countImagesEachLine)
                        Yoff += maxHeight + 100; //space for text
                        Xoff  = 0;
                        counterImagesInLine = 1;
                    if (needDownScale)
                        g.DrawImage(allLayerImages[layer], new RectangleF(Xoff, Yoff + 100, width / 10, height / 10), new RectangleF(0, 0, allLayerImages[layer].Width, allLayerImages[layer].Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                        g.DrawImage(allLayerImages[layer], new Point(Xoff, Yoff + 100));

                    g.DrawString(layer, f, Brushes.Red, new PointF(Xoff + 50, Yoff + 30)); //name of layer

                    if (needDownScale)
                        Xoff += allLayerImages[layer].Width / 10;
                        Xoff += allLayerImages[layer].Width;
                string textForFooter = parent.GetJobName() + " - creation date: " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "";

                SizeF size = g.MeasureString(textForFooter, f);

                g.DrawString(textForFooter, f, Brushes.White, new PointF((bitComplete.Width - size.Width) / 2, bitComplete.Height - 60)); //name of layer


                foreach (ILayer layerActive in activeLayerList)

                    working.SetStatusText("saving result...");
                    bitComplete.Save(pathForImage, ImageFormat.Png);

                    //open image with standard viewer
                { }
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (working != null)

                MessageBox.Show("Can't create image, because " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);