void ApplyOnTest(IEnumerable<Image> test, Stopwatch sw, IOracle oracle, string resultFile) { Console.WriteLine("Begin predicting on TEST ... elapsed time (in s):" + sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); int nbTest = test.Count(); List<int> result = new List<int>(nbTest); int count = 0; foreach (Image t in test) { int predict = oracle.Predict(t); //t.ToImage(count.ToString() + ".bmp"); //Console.WriteLine(count.ToString() + " = predict => " + predict); result.Add(predict); count++; if (count % 1000 == 0) { Console.WriteLine("at count=" + count); Console.WriteLine("elapsed time (in s):" + sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); } } using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(resultFile)) { foreach (int res in result) writer.WriteLine(res); } Console.WriteLine("elapsed time (in s):" + sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); }
public SegmentTreeNaive(int n, IOracle <TMonoid> oracle) { _n = n; _data = new TMonoid[n]; _oracle = oracle; _id = _oracle.MonoidIdentity; }
public Oracle(string serverName) { var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient(); client.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); client.BaseAddress = new Uri(serverName); _remote = Refit.RestService.For <IOracle>(client); }
public Team(List <Player> players, string name) { Captain = null; TeamMembers = players; Name = name; Rating = 0; _oracle = Container.Resolve <IOracle>(); }
public GreedyCooperativeSolver(bool[,,] whatToFill, bool[,,] state, IOracle oracle, ICandidatesOrdering candidatesOrdering = null) { this.whatToFill = whatToFill; this.state = state; this.oracle = oracle; this.candidatesOrdering = candidatesOrdering ?? new BuildAllStayingStill(); R = whatToFill.GetLength(0); }
public Solver(Phrases phrases, IFinder finder, IOracle oracle, int bestSugessionsCount = 20, double metricEpsilon = 1) { this.phrases = phrases; Finder = finder; Oracle = oracle; this.bestSugessionsCount = bestSugessionsCount; this.metricEpsilon = metricEpsilon; Name = oracle.GetType().Name + "-" + finder.GetType().Name; }
static void InfoAboutTrainingSet(List<Person> ps, IOracle oracle = null) { double nbSurvived = ps.Count( p => oracle == null ? p.Survived : oracle.Predict(p) ); double nbTotal = ps.Count(); double rate = nbSurvived / nbTotal; Console.WriteLine("NbSurvived:{0};NbTotal:{1};SurvivalRate:{2}", nbSurvived, nbTotal, rate); }
public GreedyParallel(Matrix whatToFill, Vec pos, IOracle oracle, ICandidatesOrdering candidatesOrdering = null) { this.whatToFill = whatToFill; bots = new Dictionary <int, BotState>(); bots[0] = new BotState { Position = pos }; this.oracle = oracle; this.candidatesOrdering = candidatesOrdering ?? new BuildAllStayingStill(); R = whatToFill.R; filled = new Matrix(R); blockedBefore = new Matrix <int>(R); }
public SegmentTree(IReadOnlyCollection <TMonoid> source, IOracle <TMonoid> oracle) : this(source.Count, oracle) { var idx = _dataSize; foreach (var value in source) { _data[idx++] = value; } for (var i = _dataSize - 1; i >= 1; i--) { Update(i); } }
public SegmentTree(int length, IOracle <TMonoid> oracle) { if (length < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(length)); } Length = length; _oracle = oracle; while (1 << _log < Length) { _log++; } _dataSize = 1 << _log; _data = new TMonoid[_dataSize << 1]; Array.Fill(_data, oracle.MonoidIdentity); }
public SegmentTree(IEnumerable <TMonoid> data, IOracle <TMonoid> oracle) { var d = data.ToArray(); _length = d.Length; _oracle = oracle; _monoidId = oracle.MonoidIdentity; while (1 << _log < _length) { _log++; } _size = 1 << _log; _data = new TMonoid[_size << 1]; Array.Fill(_data, _monoidId); d.CopyTo(_data, _size); for (var i = _size - 1; i >= 1; i--) { Update(i); } }
void ApplyOnValidation(IEnumerable<Image> validation, Stopwatch sw, IOracle oracle) { int nbTotal = 0; int nbCorrect = 0; Console.WriteLine("Begin predicting ...Elapsed time (in s):" + sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (Image v in validation) { nbTotal++; if (nbTotal % 50 == 0) { Console.WriteLine("at nbTotal=" + nbTotal + ". Elapsed time (in s):" + sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); } int predict = oracle.Predict(v); if (predict == v.Label) nbCorrect++; } Console.WriteLine("nbTotal:" + nbTotal); Console.WriteLine("nbCorrect:" + nbCorrect); Console.WriteLine("elapsed time (in s):" + sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); }
public SegmentTree(int length, IOracle <TMonoid> oracle) : this(Enumerable.Repeat(oracle.MonoidIdentity, length), oracle) { }
static void WriteToTestResult(IOracle forest) { List<Person> test = ImportFromCsv.GetDataSet(__dataFolder + "originalTest.csv", train: false); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(__dataFolder + "originalTest.csv")) // Just to take the csv header ... using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(__dataFolder + "/result.csv")) { writer.Write("survived,"); writer.WriteLine(reader.ReadLine()); foreach (var p in test) { bool predict = forest.Predict(p); writer.Write(predict ? "1," : "0,"); writer.WriteLine(reader.ReadLine()); } } }
static double MesureModelOnValidation(List<Person> valid, IOracle oracle) { // Mesrue forest's Performance on Validation int nbErrorOnValidation = 0; foreach (var v in valid) { bool predict = oracle.Predict(v); if (predict != v.Survived) nbErrorOnValidation++; } double percent = (nbErrorOnValidation + 0.00) / valid.Count * 100; return percent; }
private Solver BuildSolver(IOracle mephalaOracle) { return new Solver(phrases, finder, mephalaOracle); }
public void ChangeOracle(IOracle oracle) { _oracle = oracle; }
public Paginaweb(IBasededatos factory) { Ioracle = factory.GetOracle(); Iseversql = factory.GetSqlServer(); Ipostgresql = factory.GetPostgreSQL(); }
private double Score(IEnumerable<Image> valid, IOracle oracle) { double nbImage = 0; double correct = 0; foreach (Image image in valid) { nbImage++; int predict = oracle.Predict(image); if (predict == image.Label) { correct++; } } return correct / nbImage; }
public GreedyFill(DeluxeState state, Bot bot, IOracle oracle, ICandidatesOrdering candidatesOrdering = null) : base(state, bot) { this.oracle = oracle; this.candidatesOrdering = candidatesOrdering ?? new BuildAllStayingStill(); }
public GreedyPartialSolver(Matrix targetMatrix, IOracle oracle, ICandidatesOrdering candidatesOrdering = null) : this(targetMatrix.Voxels, new bool[targetMatrix.R, targetMatrix.R, targetMatrix.R], Vec.Zero, oracle, candidatesOrdering) { }
public void AddChild(object modality, IOracle dn) { _children.Add(modality, dn); }
public GreedyPartialSolver(Matrix targetMatrix, Matrix sourceMatrix, IOracle oracle, ICandidatesOrdering candidatesOrdering = null) : this(targetMatrix.Voxels, sourceMatrix.Voxels, Vec.Zero, oracle, candidatesOrdering) { }