/// <summary>
        /// Start doing whatever is needed for the supported type of action.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>'true' if the caller expects the main window to be shown, otherwise 'false'.</returns>
        public void StartWorking(Dictionary <string, string> commandLineArgs)
            // "obtain"; // -p <$fwroot>
            _pathToRepository = commandLineArgs[CommandLineProcessor.projDir];
            CloneResult result;

            using (var form = new Form())
                var getSharedProjectModel = new GetSharedProjectModel();
                result = getSharedProjectModel.GetSharedProjectUsing(form, _pathToRepository, null, ProjectFilter,
                                                                     ChorusHubQuery, _pathToRepository, Utilities.OtherRepositories,

            if (result == null ||          // Not sure it can be null, but I (RBR) have a null ref crash report (LT-15094)
                string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result.ActualLocation) ||                  // Not sure it can be null, but I (RBR) have a null ref crash report (LT-15094)
                result.CloneStatus != CloneStatus.Created)

            _currentStrategy = GetCurrentStrategy(result.ActualLocation);
            //If the repository has 0 commits neither the Project or Lift filters will identify it and the strategy will be null
            if (_currentStrategy == null || _currentStrategy.IsRepositoryEmpty(result.ActualLocation))
                Directory.Delete(result.ActualLocation, true);                 // Don't want the newly created empty folder to hang around and mess us up!
                MessageBox.Show(CommonResources.kEmptyRepoMsg, CommonResources.kRepoProblem);

            _currentStrategy.FinishCloning(commandLineArgs, result.ActualLocation, null);
		/// <summary>
		/// Start doing whatever is needed for the supported type of action.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>'true' if the caller expects the main window to be shown, otherwise 'false'.</returns>
		public void StartWorking(Dictionary<string, string> commandLineArgs)
			// "obtain"; // -p <$fwroot>
			_pathToRepository = commandLineArgs[CommandLineProcessor.projDir];
			CloneResult result;
			using (var form = new Form())
				var getSharedProjectModel = new GetSharedProjectModel();
				result = getSharedProjectModel.GetSharedProjectUsing(form, _pathToRepository, null, ProjectFilter,
					ChorusHubQuery, _pathToRepository, Utilities.OtherRepositories,

			if (result == null // Not sure it can be null, but I (RBR) have a null ref crash report (LT-15094)
				|| string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result.ActualLocation)  // Not sure it can be null, but I (RBR) have a null ref crash report (LT-15094)
				|| result.CloneStatus != CloneStatus.Created)

			_currentStrategy = GetCurrentStrategy(result.ActualLocation);
			//If the repository has 0 commits neither the Project or Lift filters will identify it and the strategy will be null
			if (_currentStrategy == null || _currentStrategy.IsRepositoryEmpty(result.ActualLocation))
				Directory.Delete(result.ActualLocation, true); // Don't want the newly created empty folder to hang around and mess us up!
				MessageBox.Show(CommonResources.kEmptyRepoMsg, CommonResources.kRepoProblem);

			_currentStrategy.FinishCloning(commandLineArgs, result.ActualLocation, null);