Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates all pools for the spawner.
        /// </summary>
        void Start()

            _obstacleFactory = gameObject.GetComponent <IObstacleFactory>();

            if (_obstacleFactory == null)
                throw new Exception("Error: Obstacle factory not found! You must provide a script that inherits after IObstacleFactory!");

            var newPool = new ObstaclesPool(ObstacleTypeEnum.EnergyBlock, _obstacleFactory, _maxObstaclesPerPool, _startingObstaclesPerPool);

            _enemiesPools.Add(ObstacleTypeEnum.EnergyBlock, newPool);
            newPool = new ObstaclesPool(ObstacleTypeEnum.PhysicalBlock, _obstacleFactory, _maxObstaclesPerPool, _startingObstaclesPerPool);
            _enemiesPools.Add(ObstacleTypeEnum.PhysicalBlock, newPool);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates new obstacles pool. If maxObstacles is smaller than startingObstaclesAmount - the latter will
        /// have assigned the value of the first one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obstacleTypeEnum">Type of the obstacle that this pool will be storing.</param>
        /// <param name="obstacleFactory">Factory used to create  the obstacles.</param>
        /// <param name="maxObstacles">Maximal amount of obstacles this pool can store.</param>
        /// <param name="startingObstaclesAmount">Starting amount of obstacles that will be instantly ready.</param>
        public ObstaclesPool(ObstacleTypeEnum obstacleTypeEnum, IObstacleFactory obstacleFactory, int maxObstacles,
                             int startingObstaclesAmount)
            if (maxObstacles < startingObstaclesAmount)
                startingObstaclesAmount = maxObstacles;

            StoredObstaclesType = obstacleTypeEnum;
            _obstacleFactory    = obstacleFactory;
            MaxObstacles        = maxObstacles;
            BeginningObstacles  = startingObstaclesAmount;

            int beginningObstaclesCount = MaxObstacles > BeginningObstacles ? BeginningObstacles : MaxObstacles;
            var obstacleData            = new ObstacleIniData();

            for (int i = 0; i < beginningObstaclesCount; i++)