Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task UpdateChats()
            StorageFolder appStorageFolder = IORecipes.GetAppStorageFolder();
            await IORecipes.DeleteFileInFolder(appStorageFolder, dataFileName);

            string      itemsAsXML = IORecipes.SerializeToString(this.Items);
            StorageFile dataFile   = await IORecipes.CreateFileInFolder(appStorageFolder, dataFileName);

            await IORecipes.WriteStringToFile(dataFile, itemsAsXML);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        }// end RemoveToDoItem(ToDoItemModel toDoItemToRemove)

        public async Task UpdateToDoItems()
            StorageFolder appFolder = IORecipes.GetAppStorageFolder();
            await IORecipes.DeleteFileInFolder(appFolder, DATA_FILE_NAME);

            string      itemsAsXml = IORecipes.SerializeToString(this.Items);
            StorageFile dataFile   = await IORecipes.CreateFileInFolder(appFolder, DATA_FILE_NAME);

            await IORecipes.WriteStringToFile(dataFile, itemsAsXml);
        }//end UpdateToDoItems()
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async void refreshfav()
            int num;

            string[] separators = { "(", " " };
            string[] ph_num     = new string[2];
            bool     contactavailable;

            this.Favcontacts = new ObservableCollection <Favourites>();
            //favDataSource = new List<AlphaKeyGroup<AddressBook>>();
            foreach (Contact c in PhoneContacts)
                foreach (ContactPhoneNumber ph in c.PhoneNumbers)
                    ph_num = ph.ToString().Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    if (ph_num[0].Length >= 10)
                        num       = ph_num[0].Length - 10;
                        ph_num[0] = ph_num[0].Substring(num);

                        contactavailable = await ConnectToWindowsAzure(ph_num[0]);

                        if (contactavailable)
                            Favourites fav = new Favourites()
                                Name            = c.DisplayName,
                                Favouritenumber = ph_num[0]
                            //favSource.Add(new AddressBook(c.DisplayName, ph_num[0]));
            //favDataSource = AlphaKeyGroup<AddressBook>.CreateGroups(favSource,
            //       System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture,
            //       (AddressBook s) => { return s.Name; }, true);
            StorageFolder appStorageFolder = IORecipes.GetAppStorageFolder();
            await IORecipes.DeleteFileInFolder(appStorageFolder, FavContactFileName);

            string      itemsAsXML = IORecipes.SerializeToString(this.Favcontacts);
            StorageFile dataFile   = await IORecipes.CreateFileInFolder(appStorageFolder, FavContactFileName);

            await IORecipes.WriteStringToFile(dataFile, itemsAsXML);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // write entries to log file with IORecipes
        async void writeToLog(String str)
            // check initialization status in case crashing
            if (appInitialized)
                textBox.Text += "\r\n" + str;

            logFile = await logFolder.GetFileAsync("log.txt"); // open file

            // try to get the file 10 times in case crashing
            int i = 0;

            while (!(await IORecipes.WriteStringToFileWithAppendOption(logFile, str + "\r\n", true)) && (i < 10))
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task LoadData()
            //string sentby="";
            //bool found = false;
            //chatsTable = App.MobileService.GetTable<SendData>();
            //MobileServiceCollection<SendData, SendData> store;
            //store = await chatsTable
            //        .Where(x => x.Read == false)
            //        .ToCollectionAsync();
            //foreach(var msg in store)

            //    foreach(var item in Items )
            //    {
            //        if(item.PhoneNumber.ToString() == msg.Sender)
            //        {
            //            found = true;
            //            ChatPage.index = Convert.ToInt16(item.ID);
            //            sentby = item.ContactName;
            //        }
            //    }
            //    if (found == false)
            //        sentby = msg.Sender;
            //    Message message = new Message()
            //    {
            //        Sender = sentby,
            //        Text = msg.Message,
            //        SendingTime = Convert.ToDateTime(msg.Time)
            //    };
            //    Binder.Instance.Messages.Add(message);
            //    App.ViewModel.Items[ChatPage.index].FirstLine = msg.Message;

            bool error = false;

            //this.Items = new ObservableCollection<ChatData>();
            StorageFolder appStorageFolder = IORecipes.GetAppStorageFolder();
            StorageFile   dataFile         = await IORecipes.GetFileInFolder(appStorageFolder, dataFileName);

            if (dataFile != null)
                if (!IsDataLoaded)
                    string itemsAsXML = await IORecipes.ReadStringFromFile(dataFile);

                    this.Items = IORecipes.SerializeFromString <ObservableCollection <ChatData> >(itemsAsXML);
            // Sample data; replace with real data
                if (!IsDataLoaded)
                    Items = CreateSampleItems();
            //await ConnectToWindowsAzure();
            if (AzureConnected)

                TableQuery <SendData>        query        = new TableQuery <SendData>().Where("PartitionKey eq 'default' and Read eq 'false'");
                TableQuerySegment <SendData> querySegment = null;
                var resultlist = new List <SendData>();

                    while (querySegment == null || querySegment.ContinuationToken != null)
                        querySegment = await table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(query, querySegment != null?querySegment.ContinuationToken : null);

                    error = true;
                if (error)
                foreach (SendData s in resultlist)
                    bool    found = false;
                    Message temp  = new Message();
                    temp.Id = s.RowKey;

                    temp.Text        = s.Message;
                    temp.SendingTime = s.Time;
                    foreach (ChatData i in Items)
                        if (i.PhoneNumber.Equals(s.From))
                            found          = true;
                            ChatPage.index = Convert.ToInt16(i.ID);
                    if (!found)
                        string[] separators = { "(", " " };
                        string[] ph_num     = new string[2];
                        int      num;

                        foreach (Contact c in PhoneContacts)
                            foreach (ContactPhoneNumber ph in c.PhoneNumbers)
                                ph_num = ph.ToString().Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                if (ph_num[0].Length >= 10)
                                    num       = ph_num[0].Length - 10;
                                    ph_num[0] = ph_num[0].Substring(num);

                                    if (ph_num[0] == s.From)
                                        AddressBook add = new AddressBook(c.DisplayName, ph_num[0]);
                                        CreateNewChat(add, 0);
                                        temp.Sender    = c.DisplayName;
                                        ChatPage.index = Items.Count - 1;
                                        found          = true;
                            if (found == true)
                        if (!found)
                            ChatData result =
                                new ChatData()
                                ID          = (Items.Count).ToString(),
                                ContactName = s.From,
                                PhoneNumber = s.From
                            ChatPage.index = Items.Count - 1;

                    App.ViewModel.Items[ChatPage.index].FirstLine = s.Message;
                    s.Read = true;
                    await UpdateChat(s);
                if (resultlist.Count > 0)
                    await App.ViewModel.UpdateChats();

            this.IsDataLoaded = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task LoadData()
            //move this to constructor!!!
            this.Items_1 = new ObservableCollection <ToDoItemModel>();
            this.Items_2 = new ObservableCollection <ToDoItemModel>();
            this.Items_3 = new ObservableCollection <ToDoItemModel>();
            this.Items_4 = new ObservableCollection <ToDoItemModel>();

            StorageFolder appFolder = IORecipes.GetAppStorageFolder();
            StorageFile   dataFile  = await IORecipes.GetFileInFolder(appFolder, DATA_FILE_NAME);

            if (dataFile != null)
                if (!isDataLoaded)
                    string itemsAsXml = await IORecipes.ReadStringFromFile(dataFile);

                    this.Items = IORecipes.SerializeFromString <ObservableCollection <ToDoItemModel> >(itemsAsXml);
                if (!isDataLoaded)
                    this.Items = new ObservableCollection <ToDoItemModel>();
                        new ToDoItemModel()
                        ID     = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(),
                        Note   = "This is the First ToDo Description This is the First ToDo Description This is the First ToDo Description This is the First ToDo Description",
                        Title  = "First Thing",
                        tdDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
                        Type   = 1
                        new ToDoItemModel()
                        ID     = (DateTime.Now.Ticks + 1).ToString(),
                        Note   = "This is the Second ToDo Description",
                        Title  = "Second Thing",
                        tdDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2),
                        Type   = 3
                        new ToDoItemModel()
                        ID     = (DateTime.Now.Ticks + 2).ToString(),
                        Note   = "This is the Third ToDo Description",
                        Title  = "Third Thing",
                        tdDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3),
                        Type   = 1
                        new ToDoItemModel()
                        ID     = (DateTime.Now.Ticks + 2).ToString(),
                        Note   = "This is the Third ToDo Description",
                        Title  = "Third Thing",
                        tdDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(4),
                        Type   = 3
                } // end if (!isDataLoaded)
            }     //end if (dataFile != null)
            this.isDataLoaded = true;
        }// end LoadData()