Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static T CreateNumberedProjectChild <T>(Project project)
            where T : EntityBase, IAggregateRoot, INumberedProjectChild
            // Initialize the NumberedProjectChild return value
            T newNumberedProjectChild = default(T);

            // Get the correct repository using the Repository Factory
            INumberedProjectChildRepository <T> repository =
                <INumberedProjectChildRepository <T>, T>();

            // Get all of the items in the Aggregate from the FindBy method
            IList <T> numberedProjectChildren = repository.FindBy(project);

            // Use LINQ to get the last numbered item in the list
            // and increment it by 1
            int newNumber = numberedProjectChildren.Last().Number + 1;

            // Create the instance, passing in the projectKey value as well
            // as the new number to the constructor of the INumberedProjectChild
            // instance, and then casting it to the correct type (T)
            newNumberedProjectChild = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T),
                                                               new object[] { project.Key, newNumber }) as T;

            // Return the newly initialized object
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override bool IsSatisfiedBy(TCandidate candidate)
            bool isSatisfiedBy = true;

            // Make sure that the same entity number has not
            // been used for the current project, and that there are no
            // gaps between entity numbers

            // First get the project associated with the entity
            Project project = ProjectService.GetProject(candidate.ProjectKey);

            // Next get the list of items for the project

            // First get the correct Repository
            INumberedProjectChildRepository <TCandidate> repository =
                <INumberedProjectChildRepository <TCandidate>, TCandidate>();

            // Now use the Repository to find all of the items by the Project
            IList <TCandidate> items = repository.FindBy(project);

            // Find out if this is a new Entity or an existing one
            // No need to proceed if it already exists
            if (items.Where(item => item.Key.Equals(candidate.Key)).Count() == 0)
                // Use a LINQ query to determine if the entity number has been
                // used before
                isSatisfiedBy =
                    (items.Where(item => item.Number.Equals(candidate.Number)).Count()
                     < 1);

                // See if the candidate passed the first test
                if (isSatisfiedBy)
                    // First test passed, now use another LINQ query to make sure that
                    // there are no gaps
                    isSatisfiedBy =
                        (candidate.Number - items.Max(item => item.Number) == 1);
