Ejemplo n.º 1
            /// <summary>Load the snapshots section from fsimage.</summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Load the snapshots section from fsimage. Also add snapshottable feature
            /// to snapshottable directories.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
            public void LoadSnapshotSection(InputStream @in)
                SnapshotManager sm = fsn.GetSnapshotManager();

                FsImageProto.SnapshotSection section = FsImageProto.SnapshotSection.ParseDelimitedFrom
                int snum = section.GetNumSnapshots();

                foreach (long sdirId in section.GetSnapshottableDirList())
                    INodeDirectory dir = fsDir.GetInode(sdirId).AsDirectory();
                    if (!dir.IsSnapshottable())
                        // dir is root, and admin set root to snapshottable before
                LoadSnapshots(@in, snum);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <returns>
 /// If there is no corresponding directory diff for the given
 /// snapshot, this means that the current children list should be
 /// returned for the snapshot. Otherwise we calculate the children list
 /// for the snapshot and return it.
 /// </returns>
 public virtual ReadOnlyList <INode> GetChildrenList(INodeDirectory currentINode, int
     DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.DirectoryDiff diff = diffs.GetDiffById(snapshotId);
     return(diff != null?diff.GetChildrenList(currentINode) : currentINode.GetChildrenList
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>Rename the given snapshot</summary>
        /// <param name="oldSnapshotName">Old name of the snapshot</param>
        /// <param name="newSnapshotName">New name of the snapshot</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
        /// Throw IOException when 1) the given path does not lead to an
        /// existing snapshottable directory, and/or 2) the snapshot with the
        /// old name does not exist for the directory, and/or 3) there exists
        /// a snapshot with the new name for the directory
        /// </exception>
        public virtual void RenameSnapshot(INodesInPath iip, string snapshotRoot, string
                                           oldSnapshotName, string newSnapshotName)
            INodeDirectory srcRoot = GetSnapshottableRoot(iip);

            srcRoot.RenameSnapshot(snapshotRoot, oldSnapshotName, newSnapshotName);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>Add a snapshot.</summary>
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Protocol.SnapshotException"/>
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Protocol.QuotaExceededException"/>
        public virtual Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot AddSnapshot
            (INodeDirectory snapshotRoot, int id, string name)
            //check snapshot quota
            int n = GetNumSnapshots();

            if (n + 1 > snapshotQuota)
                throw new SnapshotException("Failed to add snapshot: there are already " + n + " snapshot(s) and the snapshot quota is "
                                            + snapshotQuota);
            Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot s = new Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot
                                                                             (id, name, snapshotRoot);
            byte[] nameBytes = s.GetRoot().GetLocalNameBytes();
            int    i         = SearchSnapshot(nameBytes);

            if (i >= 0)
                throw new SnapshotException("Failed to add snapshot: there is already a " + "snapshot with the same name \""
                                            + Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot.GetSnapshotName(s) +
            DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.DirectoryDiff d = GetDiffs().AddDiff(id, snapshotRoot
            snapshotsByNames.Add(-i - 1, s);
            // set modification time
            long now = Time.Now();

            snapshotRoot.UpdateModificationTime(now, Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot
            s.GetRoot().SetModificationTime(now, Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>Load a node stored in the created list from fsimage.</summary>
        /// <param name="createdNodeName">The name of the created node.</param>
        /// <param name="parent">The directory that the created list belongs to.</param>
        /// <returns>The created node.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public static INode LoadCreated(byte[] createdNodeName, INodeDirectory parent)
            // the INode in the created list should be a reference to another INode
            // in posterior SnapshotDiffs or one of the current children
            foreach (DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.DirectoryDiff postDiff in parent.GetDiffs())
                INode d = postDiff.GetChildrenDiff().Search(Diff.ListType.Deleted, createdNodeName
                if (d != null)
            // else go to the next SnapshotDiff
            // use the current child
            INode currentChild = parent.GetChild(createdNodeName, Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot

            if (currentChild == null)
                throw new IOException("Cannot find an INode associated with the INode " + DFSUtil
                                      .Bytes2String(createdNodeName) + " in created list while loading FSImage.");
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static SnapshottableDirectoryStatus.Bean ToBean(INodeDirectory d)
     return(new SnapshottableDirectoryStatus.Bean(d.GetFullPathName(), d.GetDirectorySnapshottableFeature
                                                      ().GetNumSnapshots(), d.GetDirectorySnapshottableFeature().GetSnapshotQuota(), d
                                                  .GetModificationTime(), short.ValueOf(Sharpen.Extensions.ToOctalString(d.GetFsPermissionShort
                                                                                                                             ())), d.GetUserName(), d.GetGroupName()));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>Set the given snapshottable directory to non-snapshottable.</summary>
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Protocol.SnapshotException">if there are snapshots in the directory.
        ///     </exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual void ResetSnapshottable(string path)
            INodesInPath   iip = fsdir.GetINodesInPath4Write(path);
            INodeDirectory d   = INodeDirectory.ValueOf(iip.GetLastINode(), path);
            DirectorySnapshottableFeature sf = d.GetDirectorySnapshottableFeature();

            if (sf == null)
                // the directory is already non-snapshottable
            if (sf.GetNumSnapshots() > 0)
                throw new SnapshotException("The directory " + path + " has snapshot(s). " + "Please redo the operation after removing all the snapshots."
            if (d == fsdir.GetRoot())
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public virtual void DumpTreeRecursively(INodeDirectory snapshotRoot, PrintWriter
                                         @out, StringBuilder prefix, int snapshot)
     if (snapshot == Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot.CurrentStateId)
         @out.Write("Snapshot of ");
         string name = snapshotRoot.GetLocalName();
         @out.Write(name.IsEmpty() ? "/" : name);
         @out.Write(": quota=");
         int n = 0;
         foreach (DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.DirectoryDiff diff in GetDiffs())
             if (diff.IsSnapshotRoot())
         Preconditions.CheckState(n == snapshotsByNames.Count, "#n=" + n + ", snapshotsByNames.size()="
                                  + snapshotsByNames.Count);
         @out.Write(", #snapshot=");
         INodeDirectory.DumpTreeRecursively(@out, prefix, new _IEnumerable_416(this));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public virtual INode GetChild(INodeDirectory currentINode, byte[] name, int snapshotId
     DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.DirectoryDiff diff = diffs.GetDiffById(snapshotId);
     return(diff != null?diff.GetChild(name, true, currentINode) : currentINode.GetChild
                    (name, Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot.CurrentStateId));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>Remove an inode from parent's children list.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Remove an inode from parent's children list. The caller of this method
        /// needs to make sure that parent is in the given snapshot "latest".
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual bool RemoveChild(INodeDirectory parent, INode child, int latestSnapshotId
            // For a directory that is not a renamed node, if isInLatestSnapshot returns
            // false, the directory is not in the latest snapshot, thus we do not need
            // to record the removed child in any snapshot.
            // For a directory that was moved/renamed, note that if the directory is in
            // any of the previous snapshots, we will create a reference node for the
            // directory while rename, and isInLatestSnapshot will return true in that
            // scenario (if all previous snapshots have been deleted, isInLatestSnapshot
            // still returns false). Thus if isInLatestSnapshot returns false, the
            // directory node cannot be in any snapshot (not in current tree, nor in
            // previous src tree). Thus we do not need to record the removed child in
            // any snapshot.
            DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.ChildrenDiff diff = diffs.CheckAndAddLatestSnapshotDiff
                                                                 (latestSnapshotId, parent).diff;
            Diff.UndoInfo <INode> undoInfo = diff.Delete(child);
            bool removed = parent.RemoveChild(child);

            if (!removed && undoInfo != null)
                // remove failed, undo
                diff.UndoDelete(child, undoInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>Add a dir-diff pair</summary>
 internal virtual void AddDirDiff(INodeDirectory dir, byte[][] relativePath, DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.ChildrenDiff
     dirDiffMap[dir] = diff;
     diffMap[dir]    = relativePath;
     // detect rename
     foreach (INode created in diff.GetList(Diff.ListType.Created))
         if (created.IsReference())
             SnapshotDiffInfo.RenameEntry entry = GetEntry(created.GetId());
             if (entry.GetTargetPath() == null)
                 entry.SetTarget(created, relativePath);
     foreach (INode deleted in diff.GetList(Diff.ListType.Deleted))
         if (deleted is INodeReference.WithName)
             SnapshotDiffInfo.RenameEntry entry = GetEntry(deleted.GetId());
             entry.SetSource(deleted, relativePath);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        internal static void Modify(INode inode, IList <INode> current, Diff <byte[], INode
                                                                              > diff)
            int i = Diff.Search(current, inode.GetKey());

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(i >= 0);
            INodeDirectory oldinode = (INodeDirectory)current[i];
            INodeDirectory newinode = new INodeDirectory(oldinode, false, oldinode.GetFeatures

            newinode.SetModificationTime(oldinode.GetModificationTime() + 1);
            current.Set(i, newinode);
            if (diff != null)
                //test undo with 1/UNDO_TEST_P probability
                bool   testUndo = Random.Next(UndoTestP) == 0;
                string before   = null;
                if (testUndo)
                    before = diff.ToString();
                Diff.UndoInfo <INode> undoInfo = diff.Modify(oldinode, newinode);
                if (testUndo)
                    string after = diff.ToString();
                    diff.UndoModify(oldinode, newinode, undoInfo);
                    AssertDiff(before, diff);
                    diff.Modify(oldinode, newinode);
                    AssertDiff(after, diff);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Test
        /// <see cref="Snapshot.IdComparator"/>
        /// .
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void TestIdCmp()
            PermissionStatus perm = PermissionStatus.CreateImmutable("user", "group", FsPermission
            INodeDirectory snapshottable = new INodeDirectory(0, DFSUtil.String2Bytes("foo"),
                                                              perm, 0L);

            Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot[] snapshots = new Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot
                                                                                   [] { new Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot(1, "s1", snapshottable
                                                                                                                                                     ), new Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot(1, "s1", snapshottable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ), new Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot(2, "s2", snapshottable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ), new Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot(2, "s2", snapshottable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ) };
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot
                                            .IdComparator.Compare(null, null));
            foreach (Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot s in snapshots)
                                              .IdComparator.Compare(null, s) > 0);
                                              .IdComparator.Compare(s, null) < 0);
                foreach (Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot t in snapshots)
                    int expected = string.CompareOrdinal(s.GetRoot().GetLocalName(), t.GetRoot().GetLocalName
                    int computed = Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot.IdComparator
                                   .Compare(s, t);
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(expected > 0, computed > 0);
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(expected == 0, computed == 0);
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(expected < 0, computed < 0);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public virtual ContentSummaryComputationContext ComputeContentSummary(BlockStoragePolicySuite
                                                                       bsps, INodeDirectory snapshotRoot, ContentSummaryComputationContext summary)
     summary.GetCounts().AddContent(Content.Snapshot, snapshotsByNames.Count);
     summary.GetCounts().AddContent(Content.SnapshottableDirectory, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 internal SnapshotDiffInfo(INodeDirectory snapshotRoot, Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot
                           start, Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot end)
     this.snapshotRoot = snapshotRoot;
     this.from         = start;
     this.to           = end;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>Delete a snapshot for a snapshottable directory</summary>
        /// <param name="snapshotName">Name of the snapshot to be deleted</param>
        /// <param name="collectedBlocks">Used to collect information to update blocksMap</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual void DeleteSnapshot(INodesInPath iip, string snapshotName, INode.BlocksMapUpdateInfo
                                           collectedBlocks, IList <INode> removedINodes)
            INodeDirectory srcRoot = GetSnapshottableRoot(iip);

            srcRoot.RemoveSnapshot(fsdir.GetBlockStoragePolicySuite(), snapshotName, collectedBlocks
                                   , removedINodes);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 private void AddToDeletedList(INode dnode, INodeDirectory parent)
     if (dnode.IsFile())
         FSImageFormatPBINode.Loader.UpdateBlocksMap(dnode.AsFile(), fsn.GetBlockManager()
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public virtual void TestClearQuota()
            Path dir = new Path("/TestSnapshot");

            hdfs.SetQuota(dir, HdfsConstants.QuotaDontSet, HdfsConstants.QuotaDontSet);
            INodeDirectory dirNode = fsdir.GetINode4Write(dir.ToString()).AsDirectory();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, dirNode.GetDiffs().AsList().Count);
            hdfs.SetQuota(dir, HdfsConstants.QuotaDontSet - 1, HdfsConstants.QuotaDontSet - 1
            dirNode = fsdir.GetINode4Write(dir.ToString()).AsDirectory();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, dirNode.GetDiffs().AsList().Count);
            hdfs.SetQuota(dir, HdfsConstants.QuotaReset, HdfsConstants.QuotaReset);
            dirNode = fsdir.GetINode4Write(dir.ToString()).AsDirectory();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, dirNode.GetDiffs().AsList().Count);
            // allow snapshot on dir and create snapshot s1
            SnapshotTestHelper.CreateSnapshot(hdfs, dir, "s1");
            // clear quota of dir
            hdfs.SetQuota(dir, HdfsConstants.QuotaReset, HdfsConstants.QuotaReset);
            // dir should still be a snapshottable directory
            dirNode = fsdir.GetINode4Write(dir.ToString()).AsDirectory();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, dirNode.GetDiffs().AsList().Count);
            SnapshottableDirectoryStatus[] status = hdfs.GetSnapshottableDirListing();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, status.Length);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(dir, status[0].GetFullPath());
            Path subDir = new Path(dir, "sub");

            hdfs.CreateSnapshot(dir, "s2");
            Path file = new Path(subDir, "file");

            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file, Blocksize, Replication, seed);
            hdfs.SetQuota(dir, HdfsConstants.QuotaReset, HdfsConstants.QuotaReset);
            INode subNode = fsdir.GetINode4Write(subDir.ToString());

            IList <DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.DirectoryDiff> diffList = subNode.AsDirectory(

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, diffList.Count);
            Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot s2 = dirNode.GetSnapshot
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(s2.GetId(), diffList[0].GetSnapshotId());
            IList <INode> createdList = diffList[0].GetChildrenDiff().GetList(Diff.ListType.Created

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, createdList.Count);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreSame(fsdir.GetINode4Write(file.ToString()), createdList
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public virtual void Clear(BlockStoragePolicySuite bsps, INodeDirectory currentINode
                           , INode.BlocksMapUpdateInfo collectedBlocks, IList <INode> removedINodes)
     // destroy its diff list
     foreach (DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.DirectoryDiff diff in diffs)
         diff.DestroyDiffAndCollectBlocks(bsps, currentINode, collectedBlocks, removedINodes
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the source root directory where the snapshot will be taken
        /// for a given path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Snapshottable directory.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
        /// Throw IOException when the given path does not lead to an
        /// existing snapshottable directory.
        /// </exception>
        public virtual INodeDirectory GetSnapshottableRoot(INodesInPath iip)
            string         path = iip.GetPath();
            INodeDirectory dir  = INodeDirectory.ValueOf(iip.GetLastINode(), path);

            if (!dir.IsSnapshottable())
                throw new SnapshotException("Directory is not a snapshottable directory: " + path
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>Load the created list from fsimage.</summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The directory that the created list belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="in">
        /// The
        /// <see cref="System.IO.DataInput"/>
        /// to read.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The created list.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        private static IList <INode> LoadCreatedList(INodeDirectory parent, DataInput @in)
            // read the size of the created list
            int           createdSize = @in.ReadInt();
            IList <INode> createdList = new AList <INode>(createdSize);

            for (int i = 0; i < createdSize; i++)
                byte[] createdNodeName = FSImageSerialization.ReadLocalName(@in);
                INode  created         = LoadCreated(createdNodeName, parent);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the
        /// <see cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Tools.Snapshot.SnapshotDiff"/>
        /// list for the INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot
        /// directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dir">The snapshottable directory for loading.</param>
        /// <param name="in">
        /// The
        /// <see cref="System.IO.DataInput"/>
        /// instance to read.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="loader">The loader</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public static void LoadDirectoryDiffList(INodeDirectory dir, DataInput @in, FSImageFormat.Loader
            int size = @in.ReadInt();

            if (dir.IsWithSnapshot())
                DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.DirectoryDiffList diffs = dir.GetDiffs();
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    diffs.AddFirst(LoadDirectoryDiff(dir, @in, loader));
Ejemplo n.º 23
            /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
            private void SerializeDirDiffList(INodeDirectory dir, IList <INodeReference> refList
                                              , OutputStream @out)
                DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = dir.GetDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature();

                if (sf != null)
                    IList <DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.DirectoryDiff> diffList = sf.GetDiffs().AsList
                    FsImageProto.SnapshotDiffSection.DiffEntry entry = ((FsImageProto.SnapshotDiffSection.DiffEntry
                    for (int i = diffList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        // reverse order!
                        DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.DirectoryDiff             diff = diffList[i];
                        FsImageProto.SnapshotDiffSection.DirectoryDiff.Builder db   = FsImageProto.SnapshotDiffSection.DirectoryDiff
                        INodeDirectoryAttributes copy = diff.snapshotINode;
                        if (!diff.IsSnapshotRoot() && copy != null)
                                                                                                          (copy, parent.GetSaverContext()));
                        // process created list and deleted list
                        IList <INode> created = diff.GetChildrenDiff().GetList(Diff.ListType.Created);
                        IList <INode> deleted = diff.GetChildrenDiff().GetList(Diff.ListType.Deleted);
                        foreach (INode d in deleted)
                            if (d.IsReference())
                                db.AddDeletedINodeRef(refList.Count - 1);
                        SaveCreatedList(created, @out);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>Test that the global limit on snapshots is honored.</summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestSnapshotLimits()
            // Setup mock objects for SnapshotManager.createSnapshot.
            INodeDirectory  ids   = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <INodeDirectory>();
            FSDirectory     fsdir = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <FSDirectory>();
            INodesInPath    iip   = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <INodesInPath>();
            SnapshotManager sm    = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Spy(new SnapshotManager(fsdir));

            // Create testMaxSnapshotLimit snapshots. These should all succeed.
            for (int i = 0; i < testMaxSnapshotLimit; ++i)
                sm.CreateSnapshot(iip, "dummy", i.ToString());
            // Attempt to create one more snapshot. This should fail due to snapshot
            // ID rollover.
                sm.CreateSnapshot(iip, "dummy", "shouldFailSnapshot");
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("Expected SnapshotException not thrown");
            catch (SnapshotException se)
            // Delete a snapshot to free up a slot.
            sm.DeleteSnapshot(iip, string.Empty, Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <INode.BlocksMapUpdateInfo
                                                                           >(), new AList <INode>());
            // Attempt to create a snapshot again. It should still fail due
            // to snapshot ID rollover.
                sm.CreateSnapshot(iip, "dummy", "shouldFailSnapshot2");
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("Expected SnapshotException not thrown");
            catch (SnapshotException se)
Ejemplo n.º 25
            /// <summary>Load the created list in a DirectoryDiff</summary>
            /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
            private IList <INode> LoadCreatedList(InputStream @in, INodeDirectory dir, int size
                IList <INode> clist = new AList <INode>(size);

                for (long c = 0; c < size; c++)
                    FsImageProto.SnapshotDiffSection.CreatedListEntry entry = FsImageProto.SnapshotDiffSection.CreatedListEntry
                    INode created = SnapshotFSImageFormat.LoadCreated(entry.GetName().ToByteArray(),
Ejemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>Add an inode into parent's children list.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Add an inode into parent's children list. The caller of this method needs
        /// to make sure that parent is in the given snapshot "latest".
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Protocol.QuotaExceededException"/>
        public virtual bool AddChild(INodeDirectory parent, INode inode, bool setModTime,
                                     int latestSnapshotId)
            DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.ChildrenDiff diff = diffs.CheckAndAddLatestSnapshotDiff
                                                                 (latestSnapshotId, parent).diff;
            int  undoInfo = diff.Create(inode);
            bool added    = parent.AddChild(inode, setModTime, Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot

            if (!added)
                diff.UndoCreate(inode, undoInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>Find the snapshot matching the given name.</summary>
 /// <param name="snapshotRoot">The directory where snapshots were taken.</param>
 /// <param name="snapshotName">The name of the snapshot.</param>
 /// <returns>The corresponding snapshot. Null if snapshotName is null or empty.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Protocol.SnapshotException">
 /// If snapshotName is not null or empty, but there
 /// is no snapshot matching the name.
 /// </exception>
 private Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot GetSnapshotByName
     (INodeDirectory snapshotRoot, string snapshotName)
     Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot s = null;
     if (snapshotName != null && !snapshotName.IsEmpty())
         int index = SearchSnapshot(DFSUtil.String2Bytes(snapshotName));
         if (index < 0)
             throw new SnapshotException("Cannot find the snapshot of directory " + snapshotRoot
                                         .GetFullPathName() + " with name " + snapshotName);
         s = snapshotsByNames[index];
        /// <summary>
        /// Test snapshot during file appending, before the corresponding
        /// <see cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.FS.FSDataOutputStream"/>
        /// instance closes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestSnapshotWhileAppending()
            Path file = new Path(dir, "file");

            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file, Blocksize, Replication, seed);
            // 1. append without closing stream --> create snapshot
            HdfsDataOutputStream @out = AppendFileWithoutClosing(file, Blocksize);

            SnapshotTestHelper.CreateSnapshot(hdfs, dir, "s0");
            // check: an INodeFileUnderConstructionWithSnapshot should be stored into s0's
            // deleted list, with size BLOCKSIZE*2
            INodeFile fileNode = (INodeFile)fsdir.GetINode(file.ToString());

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(Blocksize * 2, fileNode.ComputeFileSize());
            INodeDirectory dirNode = fsdir.GetINode(dir.ToString()).AsDirectory();

            DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.DirectoryDiff last = dirNode.GetDiffs().GetLast();
            // 2. append without closing stream
            @out = AppendFileWithoutClosing(file, Blocksize);
            // re-check nodeInDeleted_S0
            dirNode = fsdir.GetINode(dir.ToString()).AsDirectory();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(Blocksize * 2, fileNode.ComputeFileSize(last.GetSnapshotId
            // 3. take snapshot --> close stream
            hdfs.CreateSnapshot(dir, "s1");
            // check: an INodeFileUnderConstructionWithSnapshot with size BLOCKSIZE*3 should
            // have been stored in s1's deleted list
            fileNode = (INodeFile)fsdir.GetINode(file.ToString());
            dirNode  = fsdir.GetINode(dir.ToString()).AsDirectory();
            last     = dirNode.GetDiffs().GetLast();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(Blocksize * 3, fileNode.ComputeFileSize(last.GetSnapshotId
            // 4. modify file --> append without closing stream --> take snapshot -->
            // close stream
            hdfs.SetReplication(file, (short)(Replication - 1));
            @out = AppendFileWithoutClosing(file, Blocksize);
            hdfs.CreateSnapshot(dir, "s2");
            // re-check the size of nodeInDeleted_S1
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(Blocksize * 3, fileNode.ComputeFileSize(last.GetSnapshotId
Ejemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the latest snapshot that 1) covers the given inode (which means the
        /// snapshot was either taken on the inode or taken on an ancestor of the
        /// inode), and 2) was taken before the given snapshot (if the given snapshot
        /// is not null).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inode">the given inode that the returned snapshot needs to cover</param>
        /// <param name="anchor">the returned snapshot should be taken before this given id.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// id of the latest snapshot that covers the given inode and was taken
        /// before the the given snapshot (if it is not null).
        /// </returns>
        public static int FindLatestSnapshot(INode inode, int anchor)
            int latest = NoSnapshotId;

            for (; inode != null; inode = inode.GetParent())
                if (inode.IsDirectory())
                    INodeDirectory dir = inode.AsDirectory();
                    if (dir.IsWithSnapshot())
                        latest = dir.GetDiffs().UpdatePrior(anchor, latest);
Ejemplo n.º 30
 /// <summary>Used to record the modification of a symlink node</summary>
 public virtual INode SaveChild2Snapshot(INodeDirectory currentINode, INode child,
                                         int latestSnapshotId, INode snapshotCopy)
     Preconditions.CheckArgument(!child.IsDirectory(), "child is a directory, child=%s"
                                 , child);
     Preconditions.CheckArgument(latestSnapshotId != Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot
     DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.DirectoryDiff diff = diffs.CheckAndAddLatestSnapshotDiff
                                                           (latestSnapshotId, currentINode);
     if (diff.GetChild(child.GetLocalNameBytes(), false, currentINode) != null)
         // it was already saved in the latest snapshot earlier.
     diff.diff.Modify(snapshotCopy, child);