Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void SplitNode(QuadTreeNode node)
            // Quadrants are arranged as +X+Y, -X+Y, -X-Y, +X-Y
            node.Quadrants = new QuadTreeNode[4];

            var centerX = (node.BoundingMin.X + node.BoundingMax.X) / 2;
            var centerY = (node.BoundingMin.Y + node.BoundingMax.Y) / 2;

            node.Quadrants[0] = new QuadTreeNode(new Vector3(centerX, centerY, 0),
                                                 new Vector3(node.BoundingMax.X, node.BoundingMax.Y, 0));
            node.Quadrants[1] = new QuadTreeNode(new Vector3(node.BoundingMin.X, centerY, 0),
                                                 new Vector3(centerX, node.BoundingMax.Y, 0));
            node.Quadrants[2] = new QuadTreeNode(new Vector3(node.BoundingMin.X, node.BoundingMin.Y, 0),
                                                 new Vector3(centerX, centerY, 0));
            node.Quadrants[3] = new QuadTreeNode(new Vector3(centerX, node.BoundingMin.Y, 0),
                                                 new Vector3(node.BoundingMax.X, centerY, 0));

            var segmentIds = node.SegmentIds;

            node.SegmentIds = null;

            // Simply re-insert all the segments once more after the child nodes have been created
            foreach (var segId in segmentIds)
                InsertSegment(node, _network.GetSegmentById(segId));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void GoToStation(int stationId, TrainStatus trainStatus)
            // find destination station
            var station = _network.GetStationById(stationId);

            _log.Feed(_infoPin, $"Planning route to station {station.Name}");

            // FIXME: wrong! correct to set this _only_ after arrival confirmation!
            _lastStationGoneTo = stationId;

            // FIXME: at the moment, this will only try the first stop of the station
            foreach (var stop in station.Stops)
                int   destinationSegmentId = stop.SegmentId;
                float destinationT         = stop.T;

                var result = _routePlanner.PlanRoute(trainStatus.SegmentId, trainStatus.T, trainStatus.Dir, destinationSegmentId, destinationT);

                if (result != null)
                    var currentSegmentLength = _network.GetSegmentById(trainStatus.SegmentId).GetLength();

                    _currentPlanForStationId = stationId;
                    _currentPlanCommand      = new TractionControllerCommand {
                        segmentsToFollow = new (int, SegmentEndpoint, float, float)[1 + result.route.Length]
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static void DrawLinks(INetworkDatabase ndb, Context cr, PointD center, double scale)
            foreach (var link in ndb.EnumerateSegmentLinks())
                var pos = ndb.GetSegmentById(link.Segment1).GetEndpoint(link.Ep1);

                var c = aluminium6;
                c.A = 0.1;
                var pt = SimToCanvasSpace(new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, 0), center, scale);

                cr.Arc(pt.X, pt.Y, 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public RoutePlan?PlanRoute(int originSegmentId, float originT, SegmentEndpoint originDirection,
                                   int destinationSegmentId, float destinationT)
            // TODO: handle degenerate case where origin == destination

            int MAX_ITERATIONS = 1_000;

            Console.WriteLine($"PlanRoute(({originSegmentId},{originT}->{originDirection}) ==> ({destinationSegmentId}, {destinationT}))");

            Segment originSegment = _network.GetSegmentById(originSegmentId);


            Segment destinationSegment = _network.GetSegmentById(destinationSegmentId);
            var     destinationPoint   = destinationSegment.GetPoint(destinationT);

            // Create priority queue for A* algorithm
            var queue = new SimplePriorityQueue <RoutePoint>();
            var added = new HashSet <(int, SegmentEndpoint)>();

            // Find and insert segments connected directly to origin segment

            float initialCost   = originSegment.DistanceToEndpoint(originT, originDirection);
            float heuristicCost = (originSegment.GetEndpoint(originDirection) - destinationPoint).Length();

            var candidates = _network.FindConnectingSegments(originSegmentId, originDirection);

            foreach (var c in candidates)
                if (c.Segment1 != originSegmentId)
                    queue.Enqueue(new RoutePoint {
                        Previous  = null, ChainLength = 1,
                        SegmentId = c.Segment1, EntryEp = c.Ep1, CostToReach = initialCost
                    }, initialCost + heuristicCost);
                    added.Add((c.Segment1, c.Ep1));
                    queue.Enqueue(new RoutePoint {
                        Previous  = null, ChainLength = 1,
                        SegmentId = c.Segment2, EntryEp = c.Ep2, CostToReach = initialCost
                    }, initialCost + heuristicCost);
                    added.Add((c.Segment2, c.Ep2));

            // Now descend into the priority queue and look for a way towards the goal

            for (int iteration = 0; queue.Count != 0; iteration++)
                var candidate = queue.Dequeue();
                var segment   = _network.GetSegmentById(candidate.SegmentId);

                if (!segment.CanEnterFrom(candidate.EntryEp))

                candidate.segmentLength = segment.GetLength();
                //Console.WriteLine($"Try ({candidate.SegmentId}, {candidate.EntryEp})");

                if (candidate.SegmentId == destinationSegmentId)
                    // Found a path
                    float totalCost = candidate.CostToReach + segment.DistanceToEndpoint(destinationT, candidate.EntryEp);

                    if (ExtraVerbosity)
                        Console.WriteLine($"PlanRoute finished after {iteration} iterations");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Now displaying {candidate.ChainLength}-element path starting from (Segment={originSegmentId} Pos={originSegment.GetPoint(originT)})");
                        Console.WriteLine($" - {originSegment.DistanceToEndpoint(originT, originDirection),6:F2}m in origin segment {originSegmentId} from t={originT} to {originDirection}");


                        Console.WriteLine($" - {segment.DistanceToEndpoint(destinationT, candidate.EntryEp),6:F2}m in destination segment {destinationSegmentId} from {candidate.EntryEp} to t={destinationT}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Total cost: {totalCost}");

                    var plan = new RoutePlan {
                        route = new (int, SegmentEndpoint, float, float)[candidate.ChainLength], totalCost = totalCost
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static void RenderToContext(SimulationCoordinateSpace coordinateSpace,
                                            INetworkDatabase ndb,
                                            IUnitDatabase units,
                                            IDictionary <int, TrainControlStateSummary>?controllerMap,
                                            Context cr,
                                            PointD center,
                                            double scale, int fontSize)
            //Console.WriteLine("RenderFullView start");


//            cr.MoveTo(0, h);
//            cr.ShowText($"Scale: full width = {(w / scale)} meters");

            // Draw quadtree
            var maybeQuadTree = ndb.GetQuadTreeIfYouHaveOne();

            if (maybeQuadTree is {} quadTree)
                DrawQuadTreeNode(quadTree.Root, cr, center, scale);

            // Draw rail links
            DrawLinks(ndb, cr, center, scale);

            // Draw railway
            foreach (var seg in ndb.EnumerateSegments())
                Trace.Assert(seg.ControlPoints.Length == 2);

                var start = SimToCanvasSpace(seg.ControlPoints[0], center, scale);
                var end   = SimToCanvasSpace(seg.ControlPoints[1], center, scale);

                cr.LineWidth = railLineWidth;
                cr.SetSourceColor(seg.Oneway == false ? aluminium6 : aluminium5);

//                DrawTextRegular(cr, $"{seg.Id}", new PointD((start.X + end.X) / 2, (start.Y + end.Y) / 2), 9);

            // Draw stations
            foreach (var station in ndb.EnumerateStations())
                PointD pos0 = new PointD();

                foreach (var stop in station.Stops)
                    var pos = ndb.GetSegmentById(stop.SegmentId).GetPoint(stop.T);

                    var posCS = SimToCanvasSpace(pos, center, scale);
                    pos0 = posCS;

                    cr.LineWidth = 0.5;
                    DrawCrosshair(cr, posCS, 5);

                DrawTextRegular(cr, station.Name, pos0, fontSize);

            // Draw trains
            int unitIndex = 0;

            foreach (var unit in units.EnumerateUnits())
                var pos  = unit.Pos;
                var head = unit.Pos + Vector3.Transform(new Vector3((float)(5 / scale), 0, 0), unit.Orientation);

                var posCS  = SimToCanvasSpace(pos, center, scale);
                var headCS = SimToCanvasSpace(head, center, scale);

                var info = $"{unit.Class.Name}\n{unit.Velocity.Length() * 3.6:F1} km/h";
                if (controllerMap != null && controllerMap.ContainsKey(unitIndex))
                    info += "\n" + controllerMap[unitIndex].SchedulerState;

                    var route = controllerMap[unitIndex].SegmentsToFollow;

                    if (route != null)
                        foreach (var entry in route)
                            // try {
                            // Console.WriteLine($"Segment => {entry.SegmentId}");
                            var seg = ndb.GetSegmentById(entry.SegmentId);
                            Trace.Assert(seg.ControlPoints.Length == 2);

                            var startXyz = seg.GetEndpoint(entry.EntryEp);
                            var endXyz   = entry.GoalT >= 0 ? seg.GetPoint(entry.GoalT) : seg.GetEndpoint(entry.EntryEp.Other());

                            var start = SimToCanvasSpace(startXyz, center, scale);
                            var end   = SimToCanvasSpace(endXyz, center, scale);

                            cr.LineWidth = railLineWidth * 2;
                            // }
                            // catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex) {
                            // }

                cr.LineWidth = railLineWidth * 2;
                cr.MoveTo(posCS.X * 2 - headCS.X, posCS.Y * 2 - headCS.Y);

                DrawTextBold(cr, info, posCS, fontSize);


            // Draw info about agents
            // if (agents != null)
            // {
            //     int i = 0;

            //     foreach (var agent in agents)
            //     {
            //         DrawTextRegular(cr, agent.ToString(), new PointD(0, i * 10), 9);
            //         i++;
            //     }
            // }

            cr.LineWidth = 1;
            DrawCrosshair(cr, center, 10);

            //Console.WriteLine("RenderFullView done");