Ejemplo n.º 1
 public NaniteBeaconDeconstruct(IMyFunctionalBlock beaconBlock) : base(beaconBlock)
     if (Sync.IsClient)
         m_effects.Add(new NaniteBeaconEffect((MyCubeBlock)m_beaconBlock, Vector3.Zero, new Vector4(0.55f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.75f)));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void Init(MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase objectBuilder)
            m_objectBuilder   = objectBuilder;
            m_gasGenerator    = Entity as IMyGasGenerator;
            m_terminalBlock   = Entity as IMyTerminalBlock;
            m_functionalBlock = Container.Entity as IMyFunctionalBlock;
            m_inventory       = (MyInventory)(Container.Entity as VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity).GetInventoryBase();
            var subtype = m_functionalBlock.BlockDefinition.SubtypeId;

            if (m_functionalBlock.CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Small)
                m_sizeFactor = SmallShipRate;
                m_sizeFactor = LargeShipRate;

            var ramscoopDefinition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetDefinition(new MyDefinitionId(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_OxygenGenerator), (Container.Entity as IMyFunctionalBlock).BlockDefinition.SubtypeId)) as MyOxygenGeneratorDefinition;

            m_IceToGasRatio = ramscoopDefinition.ProducedGases[0].IceToGasRatio;

            m_terminalBlock.AppendingCustomInfo += AppendingCustomInfo;
            NeedsUpdate |= MyEntityUpdateEnum.EACH_100TH_FRAME;
Ejemplo n.º 3
		public GuidedMissileLauncher(WeaponTargeting weapon)
			m_weaponTarget = weapon;
			FuncBlock = CubeBlock as IMyFunctionalBlock;
			myLogger = new Logger("GuidedMissileLauncher", CubeBlock);

			var defn = CubeBlock.GetCubeBlockDefinition();

			Vector3[] points = new Vector3[3];
			Vector3 forwardAdjust = Vector3.Forward * WeaponDescription.GetFor(CubeBlock).MissileSpawnForward;
			points[0] = CubeBlock.LocalAABB.Min + forwardAdjust;
			points[1] = CubeBlock.LocalAABB.Max + forwardAdjust;
			points[2] = CubeBlock.LocalAABB.Min + Vector3.Up * CubeBlock.GetCubeBlockDefinition().Size.Y * CubeBlock.CubeGrid.GridSize + forwardAdjust;

			MissileSpawnBox = BoundingBox.CreateFromPoints(points);
			if (m_weaponTarget.myTurret != null)
				myLogger.debugLog("original box: " + MissileSpawnBox, "GuidedMissileLauncher()");
				MissileSpawnBox.Inflate(CubeBlock.CubeGrid.GridSize * 2f);

			myLogger.debugLog("MissileSpawnBox: " + MissileSpawnBox, "GuidedMissileLauncher()");

			myInventory = (CubeBlock as Interfaces.IMyInventoryOwner).GetInventory(0);

			Registrar.Add(weapon.FuncBlock, this);
			m_weaponTarget.GuidedLauncher = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void AddBlocksFromIds(long[] blockIds)
            foreach (long blockId in blockIds)
                VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity ent = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntityById(blockId);

                if (ent == null)
                    Log.Write("problem finding entity with Id");

                IMyFunctionalBlock block = ent as IMyFunctionalBlock;

                if (block == null)
                    Log.Write("the block isn't a functional one");

                if (block != null && !_blocks.Contains(block))
                    block.EnabledChanged += AssertValidActive;
                    _blocks.Add(ent as IMyFunctionalBlock);
                    Log.Write("added block successfully!");
                    Log.Write("the block is already there");
        public NaniteOreDetector(IMyFunctionalBlock entity)
            m_block             = entity as IMyOreDetector;
            m_lastUpdate        = DateTime.MinValue;
            m_scanStart         = DateTime.MinValue;
            m_scanEnd           = DateTime.MinValue;
            m_lock              = new FastResourceLock();
            m_oreListCache      = new StringBuilder();
            m_detectorState     = DetectorStates.Disabled;
            m_lastDetectorState = DetectorStates.Disabled;

            m_block.Components.TryGet(out Sink);
            ResourceInfo = new MyResourceSinkInfo()
                ResourceTypeId    = MyResourceDistributorComponent.ElectricityId,
                MaxRequiredInput  = 0f,
                RequiredInputFunc = () => (m_block.Enabled && m_block.IsFunctional) ? _power : 0f
            Sink.RemoveType(ref ResourceInfo.ResourceTypeId);
            Sink.Init(MyStringHash.GetOrCompute("Utility"), ResourceInfo);
            Sink.AddType(ref ResourceInfo);

            m_effects.Add(new OreDetectorEffect((MyCubeBlock)m_block));

            if (!NaniteConstructionManager.OreDetectors.ContainsKey(entity.EntityId))
                NaniteConstructionManager.OreDetectors.Add(entity.EntityId, this);
Ejemplo n.º 6
            public override void SetBlock(SuperBlock block)
                IMyTerminalBlock tblock = block.TBlock;

                this.block = block;

                if (tblock.ResourceSink != null || tblock is IMyPowerProducer || tblock is IMyFunctionalBlock)
                    resourceId = MyDefinitionId.FromContent(block.TBlock.SlimBlock.GetObjectBuilder());

                    sink            = tblock.ResourceSink;
                    powerProducer   = tblock as IMyPowerProducer;
                    functionalBlock = tblock as IMyFunctionalBlock;

                    if (sink != null || powerProducer != null)
                        SubtypeId |= TBlockSubtypes.Powered;

                    if (functionalBlock != null)
                        SubtypeId |= TBlockSubtypes.Functional;

                    block.SubtypeId |= SubtypeId;
 public LargeNaniteOreDetector(IMyFunctionalBlock block) : base(block)
     supportFilter    = true;
     maxScanningLevel = 2;
     minRange         = 50f;
     basePower        = 0.5f;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private Action TurnBlockOn(long blockID)
            return(() => {
//                ModLog.Info("TurnBlockOn(" + blockID + ")");
//                ModLog.Info(cachedTerminalBlocks.Count.ToString() + " Cached Blocks");
                foreach (IMyTerminalBlock tb in cachedTerminalBlocks)
                    if (tb.EntityId == blockID)
                        IMyFunctionalBlock fb = tb as IMyFunctionalBlock;
                        if (fb != null)
                            fb.Enabled = true;
                        if (fb is IMySoundBlock)
                            // if it's a sound block, start it playing
                            var sb = fb as IMySoundBlock;
//                        ModLog.Info("Found");
                        break; // we found the only one
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static DefenseShieldsEnforcement LoadEnforcement(IMyFunctionalBlock shield)
            if (shield.Storage == null)

            string rawData;

            if (shield.Storage.TryGetValue(Session.Instance.ControllerEnforceGuid, out rawData))
                DefenseShieldsEnforcement loadedEnforce = null;
                var base64 = Convert.FromBase64String(rawData);
                loadedEnforce = MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeFromBinary <DefenseShieldsEnforcement>(base64);

                if (Session.Enforced.Debug == 3)
                    Log.Line($"Enforcement Loaded {loadedEnforce != null} - Version:{loadedEnforce?.Version} - ShieldId [{shield.EntityId}]");
                if (loadedEnforce != null)
                    if (Session.Instance.Settings != null)
                        Session.Instance.Settings.ClientWaiting = false;

 public override void Init(MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase objectBuilder)
     // WARNING: this cast will fail and prevent the block from spawning if the block does not have the on/off capability.
     // Cockpits/cryo/RC can use power but can't be turned off, for example.
     // If you do have such a block, replace IMyFunctionalBlock with IMyCubeBlock in both places and remove the Block.Enabled condition in the power method.
     Block       = (IMyFunctionalBlock)Entity;
     NeedsUpdate = MyEntityUpdateEnum.BEFORE_NEXT_FRAME;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private void OpenClose(string action, IMyFunctionalBlock door1, IMyFunctionalBlock door2 = null)
     (door1 as IMyDoor).ApplyAction(action);
     if (door2 != null)
         (door2 as IMyDoor).ApplyAction(action);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public override void Init(MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase objectBuilder)
     if (MyAPIGateway.Session.IsServer)
         oxygenFarm  = Entity as IMyFunctionalBlock;
         NeedsUpdate = MyEntityUpdateEnum.EACH_100TH_FRAME;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void AddBlock(IMyFunctionalBlock block)
     if (!_blocks.Contains(block))
         block.EnabledChanged += AssertValidActive;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public BlockState(MyCubeBlock cubeBlock, uint startTick, uint endTick)
     CubeBlock   = cubeBlock;
     StartTick   = startTick;
     Endtick     = endTick;
     FunctBlock  = cubeBlock as IMyFunctionalBlock;
     EnableState = ((IMyFunctionalBlock)cubeBlock).Enabled;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public override void Init(MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase objectBuilder)
     JumpGateLink = Container.Entity as IMyFunctionalBlock;
     Entity.NeedsUpdate   |= MyEntityUpdateEnum.EACH_100TH_FRAME;
     JumpGateLink.OnClose += OnClose;
     StaticLinkModCoreblock.stJumpGateLink = Entity;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public override void Reset()
     resourceId      = default(MyDefinitionId);
     sink            = null;
     powerProducer   = null;
     functionalBlock = null;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private void AssertValidActive(IMyTerminalBlock block)
            IMyFunctionalBlock test = block as IMyFunctionalBlock;;

            if (test != null)
                test.Enabled = _isActive;
        internal static void SetPowerRequirements(IMyFunctionalBlock block, Func <float> requiredInputFunc)
            var resourceSink = block.Components.Get <MyResourceSinkComponent>();

            if (resourceSink != null)
                resourceSink.SetRequiredInputFuncByType(new MyDefinitionId(typeof(VRage.Game.ObjectBuilders.Definitions.MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties), "Electricity"), requiredInputFunc);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all valid connected grids, and floating objects or players.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ftl"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static HashSet <IMyEntity> GetAllValidObjects(this IMyFunctionalBlock ftl)

            var objects      = ftl.GetConnectedGrids();
            var floatingobjs = new HashSet <IMyEntity>();

            foreach (var entity in objects)
                var collisions                = new List <IMyEntity>();
                var uniqueEntities            = new HashSet <IMyEntity>();
                VRageMath.BoundingBoxD shipBB = entity.PositionComp.WorldAABB;

                // Get a list of entities nearby
                collisions = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntitiesInAABB(ref shipBB);
                // The collision list will contain every block on a entity
                // So we need to reduce it down to just the entities themselves
                foreach (var col in collisions)
                    if (col == null)

                    if (col.GetTopMostParent() is IMyCubeGrid)
                        if (!uniqueEntities.Contains(col.GetTopMostParent()))
                Logger.Instance.LogDebug("uniqueEntities: " + uniqueEntities.Count);

                foreach (var unique in uniqueEntities)
                    if (!IsEntityValid(unique))

                    // Check if the two entities actually intersect, otherwise we don't want to jump it
                    if (!floatingobjs.Contains(unique.GetTopMostParent()) && shipBB.Intersects(unique.GetTopMostParent().PositionComp.WorldAABB))

Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// This gets the FTL strData for a specific entity.
        /// If it doesn't exist, one is added and returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static FTLData GetFTLData(this IMyFunctionalBlock ftl)
            var gamelogic = ftl.GameLogic.GetAs <FTLBase>();

            if (gamelogic.m_ftld == null)
            return(gamelogic.m_ftld);                      // Grab the strData that corresponds to the DHD
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public NaniteBeacon(IMyFunctionalBlock beaconBlock)
            m_beaconBlock = beaconBlock;
            m_effects     = new List <NaniteBlockEffectBase>();

            if (!NaniteConstructionManager.BeaconList.ContainsKey(m_beaconBlock.EntityId))
                NaniteConstructionManager.BeaconList.Add(m_beaconBlock.EntityId, this);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public CommonInfo(IMyFunctionalBlock block, int index = 0)
     Index         = index;
     Name          = block.CustomName;
     SubtypeId     = block.BlockDefinition.SubtypeId;
     IsBeingHacked = block.IsBeingHacked;
     IsFunctional  = block.IsFunctional;
     IsWorking     = block.IsWorking;
     IsEnabled     = block.Enabled;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private void CreateTool(MyCubeSize size, string toolBuilderText)
            var toolObject = toolBuilderText;

            if (size == MyCubeSize.Large)
                toolObject = string.Format(toolObject, "Small");
                toolObject = string.Format(toolObject, "Tiny");

            MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid cubeGrid = MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeFromXML <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid>(toolObject);

            foreach (var item in cubeGrid.CubeBlocks)
                item.Owner = m_constructionBlock.ConstructionBlock.OwnerId;

            m_toolEntity = MyAPIGateway.Entities.CreateFromObjectBuilder(cubeGrid);
            m_toolEntity.PositionComp.Scale = 0.001f;
            m_toolEntity.Physics.Enabled = false;
            m_toolEntity.Save            = false;

            var toolGrid = (MyCubeGrid)m_toolEntity;

            toolGrid.IsSplit   = true;
            toolGrid.IsPreview = true;

            List <IMySlimBlock> blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>();

            foreach (var slimBlock in blocks)
                if (slimBlock.FatBlock == null)

                var block = slimBlock.FatBlock;
                if (block is Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyShipWelder || block is Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyShipGrinder)
                    MyCubeBlock toolBlock = (MyCubeBlock)block;
                    toolBlock.IDModule.ShareMode = MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.Faction;
                    IMyFunctionalBlock tool = (IMyFunctionalBlock)block;
                    m_tool = tool;

Ejemplo n.º 24
        public static List <IMySlimBlock> GetFTLDrives(this IMyFunctionalBlock ftl)
            List <IMySlimBlock> ftlDrives = new List <IMySlimBlock>();

            (ftl.CubeGrid as IMyCubeGrid).GetBlocks(ftlDrives,
                                                    (x) => x.FatBlock != null &&
                                                    x.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock &&
                                                    (x.FatBlock as IMyFunctionalBlock).IsFTL());

        internal static bool HasRequiredPower(IMyFunctionalBlock constructionBlock, float powerRequired)
            var resourceSink = constructionBlock.Components.Get <MyResourceSinkComponent>();

            if (resourceSink != null)
                return(resourceSink.IsPowerAvailable(new MyDefinitionId(typeof(VRage.Game.ObjectBuilders.Definitions.MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties), "Electricity"), powerRequired));

Ejemplo n.º 26
        public BaseEntity(IMyFunctionalBlock block)
            Ini = new MyIni();

            MyIniParseResult result;

            if (!Ini.TryParse(block.CustomData, out result))
                throw new Exception(result.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 27
 void blocksToggleOnOff(List <IMyTerminalBlock> blocks)
     foreach (var b in blocks)
         IMyFunctionalBlock f = b as IMyFunctionalBlock;
         if (f == null)
         f.Enabled = !f.Enabled;
        internal static bool HasRequiredPowerForCurrentTarget(IMyFunctionalBlock constructionBlock)
            if (!NaniteConstructionManager.NaniteBlocks.ContainsKey(constructionBlock.EntityId))

            NaniteConstructionBlock block = NaniteConstructionManager.NaniteBlocks[constructionBlock.EntityId];
            var powerRequired             = block.Targets.Sum(x => x.TargetList.Count * x.GetPowerUsage());

            return(HasRequiredPower(constructionBlock, powerRequired));
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * This will cause CHAOS!
  * void groupApplyAction(string sGroup, string sAction)
  * {
  *  List<IMyBlockGroup> groups = new List<IMyBlockGroup>(); GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockGroups(groups); for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < groups.Count; groupIndex++)
  *  {
  *      if (groups[groupIndex].Name == sGroup)
  *      {
  *          List<IMyTerminalBlock> theBlocks = null;
  *          groups[groupIndex].GetBlocks(theBlocks, (x1 => x1.CubeGrid == Me.CubeGrid));
  *          ; for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < theBlocks.Count; iIndex++)
  *          { theBlocks[iIndex].ApplyAction(sAction); }
  *          return;
  *      }
  *  }
  *  return;
  * }
  * void listSetValueFloat(List<IMyTerminalBlock> theBlocks, string sProperty, float fValue)
  * {
  *  for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < theBlocks.Count; iIndex++)
  *  {
  *      if (theBlocks[iIndex].CubeGrid == Me.CubeGrid)
  *          theBlocks[iIndex].SetValueFloat(sProperty, fValue);
  *  }
  *  return;
  * }
  * void blockApplyAction(string sBlock, string sAction)
  * {
  *  List<IMyTerminalBlock> blocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
  *  blocks = GetBlocksNamed<IMyTerminalBlock>(sBlock);
  *  blockApplyAction(blocks, sAction);
  * }
  * void blockApplyAction(IMyTerminalBlock sBlock, string sAction)
  * {
  *  ITerminalAction ita; ita = sBlock.GetActionWithName(sAction);
  *  if (ita != null)
  *      ita.Apply(sBlock);
  *  else
  *      Echo("Unsupported action:" + sAction);
  * }
  * void blockApplyAction(List<IMyTerminalBlock> lBlock, string sAction)
  * {
  *  if (lBlock.Count > 0)
  *  {
  *      for (int i = 0; i < lBlock.Count; i++)
  *      {
  *          ITerminalAction ita;
  *          ita = lBlock[i].GetActionWithName(sAction);
  *          if (ita != null)
  *              ita.Apply(lBlock[i]);
  *          else
  *              Echo("Unsupported action:" + sAction);
  *      }
  *  }
  * }
 void blocksOnOff(List <IMyTerminalBlock> blocks, bool bOn = true)
     foreach (var b in blocks)
         IMyFunctionalBlock f = b as IMyFunctionalBlock;
         if (f == null)
         f.Enabled = bOn;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public override void Init(MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase objectBuilder)
            this.NeedsUpdate = MyEntityUpdateEnum.EACH_100TH_FRAME;
            IMyFunctionalBlock FBlock = Entity as IMyFunctionalBlock;

            Pair.Block = Entity as IMyFunctionalBlock;
            FBlock.OwnershipChanged += Lock;
            FBlock.IsWorkingChanged += Lock;
            //FBlock.PropertiesChanged += PropertiesChanged;
            FBlock.AppendingCustomInfo += AppInfo;
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the best reference orientation to use for jump drive coordinates.
        /// It will try one of several things:
        /// 1) Find a cockpit or RC block grouped to the FTL. If it find any, it will use the 'Main Cockpit', if set, otherwise random.
        /// 2) Search for a non-grouped cockpit or remote control block. If it finds only one, it uses that
        /// 3) If there are multiple, and one has 'FTL' in the name, it uses the first one found.
        /// 4) If there are multiple, and not named, it finds the first one with 'Main Cockpit' set
        /// 4) If there are multiple, and not named, it finds the first one with 'Control Thrusters' set
        /// 5) If there are no cockpits, it uses the original entity reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Worldmatrix of entity to use for reference</returns>
        public static VRageMath.MatrixD GetShipReference(this IMyFunctionalBlock ftl)
            VRageMath.MatrixD reference = ftl.GetTopMostParent().PositionComp.WorldMatrix;
            var controller = GetShipController(ftl);

            if (controller != null)
                reference = controller.WorldMatrix;

Ejemplo n.º 32
        public GuidedMissileLauncher(FixedWeapon weapon)
            myFixed = weapon;
            FuncBlock = CubeBlock as IMyFunctionalBlock;
            myLogger = new Logger("GuidedMissileLauncher", CubeBlock);

            MissileSpawnBox = CubeBlock.LocalAABB;

            // might need this again for shorter range missiles
            //MissileSpawnBox = MissileSpawnBox.Include(MissileSpawnBox.Min + CubeBlock.LocalMatrix.Forward * 10f);
            //MissileSpawnBox = MissileSpawnBox.Include(MissileSpawnBox.Max + CubeBlock.LocalMatrix.Forward * 10f);

            myLogger.debugLog("MissileSpawnBox: " + MissileSpawnBox, "GuidedMissileLauncher()");

            myInventory = (CubeBlock as Interfaces.IMyInventoryOwner).GetInventory(0);

            myFixed.AllowedState = WeaponTargeting.State.GetOptions;
            Registrar.Add(weapon.FuncBlock, this);
Ejemplo n.º 33
        public TargetingBase(IMyEntity entity, IMyCubeBlock controllingBlock)
            if (entity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");
            if (controllingBlock == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("controllingBlock");

            myLogger = new Logger("TargetingBase", entity);
            MyEntity = entity;
            CubeBlock = controllingBlock;
            FuncBlock = controllingBlock as IMyFunctionalBlock;

            myTarget = NoTarget.Instance;
            CurrentTarget = myTarget;
            Options = new TargetingOptions();
            entity.OnClose += obj => {
                if (WeaponsTargetingProjectile != null)
                    CurrentTarget = null;

            //myLogger.debugLog("entity: " + MyEntity.getBestName() + ", block: " + CubeBlock.getBestName(), "TargetingBase()");
Ejemplo n.º 34
        public override void Init(MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase objectBuilder)
                m_objectBuilder = objectBuilder;

                m_block = Entity as IMyFunctionalBlock;

                if (m_block.BlockDefinition.SubtypeId == "LargeBlockBeaconSecurity" || m_block.BlockDefinition.SubtypeId == "SmallBlockBeaconSecurity"
                    || m_block.BlockDefinition.SubtypeId == "LargeBlockBeaconSecurityCustom" || m_block.BlockDefinition.SubtypeId == "SmallBlockBeaconSecurityCustom")
                    Entity.NeedsUpdate |= MyEntityUpdateEnum.EACH_10TH_FRAME;
                    IsBeaconSecurity = true;
                    IsMoving = false;
                    Frame = frameShift++; //each other BS uses shifted frame, for balancing
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 35
	static void ToggleOn(IMyFunctionalBlock block) {
		if (block == null) throw new Exception(" ToggleOn(IMyFunctionalBlock): block is null");
Ejemplo n.º 36
 public static void ToggleOff(IMyFunctionalBlock block) {