Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void showPrintDialog(string sPrinterName)
            //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("OOPS!!!! Keith , I found a bug here  at the last minute.Go to File --> Print to print. Sorry.", "OOPS!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

            //// create and show...

            IMxDocument pMxDoc = (IMxDocument)this.App.Document;
            IPage       pPage  = (IPage)pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page;

            CSpatialSubs   oSpatialSubs = new CSpatialSubs();
            IMxApplication pMxApp       = (IMxApplication)this.App;

            ESRI.ArcGIS.Output.IPrinter pPrinter = pMxApp.Printer;
            ESRI.ArcGIS.Output.IPaper   pPaper   = pPrinter.Paper;

            int iPageFormID = 0;   // see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms776398(VS.85).aspx for IPaper::FormID constants

            pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page.Orientation = 2;
            pPaper.Orientation = 2;

            ESRI.ArcGIS.OutputUI.IPrintDialog dialog = new ESRI.ArcGIS.OutputUI.PrintDialogClass();
            dialog.PageLayout = pMxDoc.PageLayout;
            dialog.Printer    = pMxApp.Printer;
            dialog.DoModal(0, pPage);

            //dialog.Printer.Paper.PrinterName = sPrinterName;
            //dialog.Printer.Paper.FormID = (short)iPageFormID;

            //switch (this.cboMapSize.SelectedItem.ToString())
            //    case "34 x 44": //34 x 44
            //        if (pPrinter.DriverName.ToUpper().Contains("DESIGNJET"))
            //            iPageFormID = oSpatialSubs.getPaperFormID(pPaper, "34 x 44");
            //        else
            //            iPageFormID = 26;
            //        break;
            //    case "17 x 22": // 17 x 22
            //        if (pPrinter.DriverName.ToUpper().Contains("DESIGNJET"))
            //            iPageFormID = oSpatialSubs.getPaperFormID(pPaper, "17 x 22");
            //        else
            //            iPageFormID = 24;
            //        break;
            //    case "11 x 17": // 11 x 22
            //        if (pPrinter.DriverName.ToUpper().Contains("DESIGNJET"))
            //            iPageFormID = oSpatialSubs.getPaperFormID(pPaper, "11 x 17");
            //        else
            //            iPageFormID = 17;
            //        break;
            //    case "8.5 x 11": // 8.5 x 11
            //        if (pPrinter.DriverName.ToUpper().Contains("DESIGNJET"))
            //            iPageFormID = oSpatialSubs.getPaperFormID(pPaper, "8.5 x 11");
            //        else
            //            iPageFormID = 1;
            //        break;
		public override void OnCreate(object hook)
			if (hook != null)
				if ((hook) is IMxApplication)
					m_application = (IMxApplication)hook;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public VisibilitySessionsController(IMxDocument mapDocument, IMxApplication application)
            VisibilityManager.OnGenerationStarted += UpdateVisibilitySessionsList;
            this.mapDocument = mapDocument;
            this.application = application;

            _calcTypes = LocalizationContext.Instance.CalcTypeLocalisationShort;
            _states    = LocalizationContext.Instance.CalculationStates;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Startup(ref object initializationData)
            IApplication pApp2;

                if ((initializationData is IMxApplication) || (initializationData is IMxApplication2))
                    m_pApplication = (IMxApplication)initializationData;
                            pApp2 = (IApplication)m_pApplication;
                        catch (Exception EX)
                            if (!EventLog.SourceExists(m_sEventSource))
                                EventLog.CreateEventSource(m_sEventSource, m_sEventLog);
                            EventLog.WriteEntry(m_sEventSource, "Error wirring Events:" + EX.Message);
                    catch (Exception EX)
                            if (!EventLog.SourceExists(m_sEventSource))
                                EventLog.CreateEventSource(m_sEventSource, m_sEventLog);
                            EventLog.WriteEntry(m_sEventSource, "Error creating Performance Counter Category:" + EX.Message);
            catch (Exception EX)
                    if (!EventLog.SourceExists(m_sEventSource))
                        EventLog.CreateEventSource(m_sEventSource, m_sEventLog);
                    EventLog.WriteEntry(m_sEventSource, "Error creating Performance Counter Category:" + EX.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the editor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mxApplication"></param>
        /// <returns>the editor</returns>
        public IEditor3 GetEditorFromArcMap(IMxApplication mxApplication)
            if (mxApplication == null)
            ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.UID uid = new ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.UIDClass();
            uid.Value = "{F8842F20-BB23-11D0-802B-0000F8037368}";
            ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IApplication application = mxApplication as ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IApplication; // Dynamic Cast
            ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IExtension  extension   = application.FindExtensionByCLSID(uid);
            ESRI.ArcGIS.Editor.IEditor3        editor3     = extension as ESRI.ArcGIS.Editor.IEditor3;            // Dynamic Cast

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override void doPrintSetup(IPageLayout2 pPageLayout)
            //IMxApplication pMxApp = (IMxApplication)this.App;
            //IMxDocument pMxDoc = (IMxDocument)this.App.Document;
            //ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IEnumNamedID pEnumNamedID = (ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IEnumNamedID)pMxApp.Printer.Paper.Forms;

            //IPrinter pPrinter = null;
            //IPaper pPaper = null;
            //IPage pPage = null;
            //IActiveView pActiveView = null;

            //short shPageForm = 0;  // see ms-help://ESRI.EDNv9.2/esricarto/html/esriPaperFormID.htm for IPrinter::FormID constants

            CSpatialSubs   oSpatialSubs = new CSpatialSubs();
            IMxApplication pMxApp       = (IMxApplication)ArcMap.ThisApplication;
            IMxDocument    pMxDoc       = (IMxDocument)ArcMap.Document;
            esriPageFormID pFormID      = esriPageFormID.esriPageFormLetter;

            IPrinter pPrinter = pMxApp.Printer;
            IPaper   pPaper   = pPrinter.Paper;

            int iPageFormID = 0;   // see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms776398(VS.85).aspx for IPaper::FormID constants

                pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page.Orientation = 2;
                pPaper.Orientation = 2;

                switch (base.MapSize)
                case "34 x 44":     //34 x 44
                    if (pPrinter.DriverName.ToUpper().Contains("DESIGNJET"))
                        iPageFormID = oSpatialSubs.getPaperFormID(pPaper, "34 x 44");
                        iPageFormID = 26;
                    pFormID      = esriPageFormID.esriPageFormE;
                    base.XFactor = 4;
                    base.YFactor = 4;

                case "17 x 22":     // 17 x 22
                    if (pPrinter.DriverName.ToUpper().Contains("DESIGNJET"))
                        iPageFormID = oSpatialSubs.getPaperFormID(pPaper, "17 x 22");
                        iPageFormID = 24;
                    pFormID      = esriPageFormID.esriPageFormD;
                    base.XFactor = 2;
                    base.YFactor = 2;

                case "11 x 17":     // 11 x 22
                    if (pPrinter.DriverName.ToUpper().Contains("DESIGNJET"))
                        iPageFormID = oSpatialSubs.getPaperFormID(pPaper, "11 x 17");
                        iPageFormID = 17;
                    pFormID      = esriPageFormID.esriPageFormLegal;
                    base.XFactor = 1.5455;       //1.5455;
                    base.YFactor = 1.2941;       //1.2941;

                case "8.5 x 11":     // 8.5 x 11
                    if (pPrinter.DriverName.ToUpper().Contains("DESIGNJET"))
                        iPageFormID = oSpatialSubs.getPaperFormID(pPaper, "8.5 x 11");
                        iPageFormID = 1;
                    pFormID      = esriPageFormID.esriPageFormLetter;
                    base.XFactor = 1;
                    base.YFactor = 1;

                pPaper.PrinterName = base.PrinterName;
                pPaper.FormID      = (short)iPageFormID;

                double dblWidth  = 0;
                double dblHeight = 0;
                pPaper.QueryPaperSize(out dblWidth, out dblHeight);

                pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page.PutCustomSize(dblWidth, dblHeight);
                //pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page.FormID = (esriPageFormID)Enum.Parse(typeof(esriPageFormID), iPageFormID.ToString());

                pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page.FormID = pFormID;

                IPage pPage = pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page;
                pPage.Orientation = 2;
                pPage.FormID      = esriPageFormID.esriPageFormSameAsPrinter;


                ////Set the printer paper size and orientation.
                //pPrinter = pMxApp.Printer;
                //pPrinter.Paper.PrinterName = base.PrinterName;
                //pPrinter.Paper.FormID = shPageForm;
                //pPrinter.Paper.Orientation = 2;

                //pPaper = pMxApp.Paper;
                //pPaper.Orientation = 2;
                //pPaper.FormID = (short)iPaperFormID;

                //pPaper.PrinterName = base.PrinterName;


                ////Set the layout page size and orientation.
                //pPage = pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page;
                //pPage.Orientation = 1;

                //double dblWidth = 0; double dblHeight = 0;
                //pPaper.QueryPaperSize(out dblWidth, out dblHeight);

                //pPage.PutCustomSize(dblWidth, dblHeight);

                ////pPage.FormID = esriPaperFormID.esriPageFormSameAsPrinter; // (esriPaperFormID)Enum.Parse(typeof(esriPaperFormID), shPageForm.ToString());
                ////pPage.PageToPrinterMapping = esriPageToPrinterMapping.esriPageMappingScale;


                //pMxApp.Printer = pPrinter;
                ////pMxDoc.PageLayout = (IPageLayout)pPage.;

                //pActiveView = (IActiveView)pMxDoc.ActiveView;
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Errors: CLandscapeLayout:doPrintSetup()\r\n" + ex.Message, "Errors occurred", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                pMxDoc   = null;
                pPrinter = null;
                pPaper   = null;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public override void doPrintSetup(IPageLayout2 pPageLayout)
            CSpatialSubs oSpatialSubs = new CSpatialSubs();

            //short shPageForm = 0;  // see ms-help://ESRI.EDNv9.2/esricarto/html/esriPageFormID.htm for IPrinter::FormID constants
            int iPageFormID = 0;   // see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms776398(VS.85).aspx for IPaper::FormID constants
            //double dblPageWidth = 0;
            //double dblPageHeight = 0;

            IMxApplication pMxApp = (IMxApplication)this.App;
            IMxDocument    pMxDoc = (IMxDocument)this.App.Document;

            IPrinter pPrinter = pMxApp.Printer;
            IPaper   pPaper   = pPrinter.Paper;

                pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page.Orientation = 1;
                pPaper.Orientation = 1;

                switch (this.MapSize)
                case "34 x 44":
                    //shPageForm = 5; // esriPageFormID.esriPageFormE;

                    base.XFactor = 4;
                    base.YFactor = 4;

                    if (pPrinter.DriverName.ToUpper().Contains("DESIGNJET"))
                        iPageFormID = oSpatialSubs.getPaperFormID(pPaper, "34 x 44");
                        iPageFormID = 26;


                case "17 x 22":
                    //shPageForm = 3; // esriPageFormID.esriPageFormC;

                    base.XFactor = 2;
                    base.YFactor = 2;

                    if (pPrinter.DriverName.ToUpper().Contains("DESIGNJET"))
                        iPageFormID = oSpatialSubs.getPaperFormID(pPaper, "17 x 22");
                        iPageFormID = 24;


                case "11 x 17":
                    //shPageForm = 2; // esriPageFormID.esriPageFormTabloid;

                    base.XFactor = 1.3;      //1.2941
                    base.YFactor = 1.5455;   //1.5455

                    if (pPrinter.DriverName.ToUpper().Contains("DESIGNJET"))
                        iPageFormID = oSpatialSubs.getPaperFormID(pPaper, "11 x 17");
                        iPageFormID = 17;


                case "8.5 x 11":
                    //shPageForm = 0; // esriPageFormID.esriPageFormLetter;

                    base.XFactor = 1;
                    base.YFactor = 1;

                    if (pPrinter.DriverName.ToUpper().Contains("DESIGNJET"))
                        iPageFormID = oSpatialSubs.getPaperFormID(pPaper, "8.5 x 11 ");
                        iPageFormID = 1;

                pPaper.PrinterName = base.PrinterName;
                pPaper.FormID      = (short)iPageFormID;

                double dblWidth  = 0;
                double dblHeight = 0;
                pPaper.QueryPaperSize(out dblWidth, out dblHeight);

                pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page.PutCustomSize(dblWidth, dblHeight);
                pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page.FormID = (esriPageFormID)Enum.Parse(typeof(esriPageFormID), iPageFormID.ToString());


                //////Set the layout page size and orientation.
                //pPage = pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page;
                //pPage.Orientation = 1;
                //pPage.FormID = (esriPageFormID)Enum.Parse(typeof(esriPageFormID), iPageFormID.ToString());

                ////Set the printer paper size and orientation.
                //pPrinter = pMxApp.Printer;
                //pPrinter.Paper.PrinterName = base.PrinterName;
                //pPrinter.Paper.FormID = shPageForm;
                //pPrinter.Paper.Orientation = 1;

                //// deal with the paper
                //pPaper = pMxApp.Paper;
                //pPaper.Orientation = 1;
                //pPaper.FormID = (short)iPageFormID;
                //pPaper.PrinterName = base.PrinterName;


                ////////Set the layout page size and orientation.
                ////pPage = pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page;
                ////pPage.Orientation = 1;
                ////pPage.FormID = esriPageFormID.esriPageFormCUSTOM;
                ////pPage.PutCustomSize(dblPageWidth + .1, dblPageHeight + .1);

                ////double dblWidth = 0; double dblHeight = 0;
                ////pPaper.QueryPaperSize(out dblWidth, out dblHeight);

                ////pPage.PutCustomSize(dblWidth, dblHeight);   //(dblWidth, dblHeight);
                ////pPage.FormID = esriPageFormID.esriPageFormCUSTOM;

                ////pPage.PutCustomSize(dblWidth, dblHeight);
                ////pPage.PageToPrinterMapping = esriPageToPrinterMapping.esriPageMappingTile;

                //pMxApp.Printer = pPrinter;
                ////pMxDoc.PageLayout = (IPageLayout)pPage;
                //pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page.PutCustomSize(dblPageWidth - 1.8, dblPageHeight - 1.8);
                //pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page.FormID = esriPageFormID.esriPageFormSameAsPrinter;

                //pActiveView = (IActiveView)pMxDoc.ActiveView;

                //pMxApp.Printer.Paper.PrinterName = base.PrinterName;
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Errors: CPortraitLayout:doPrintSetup()\r\n" + ex.Message, "Errors occurred", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                pMxDoc   = null;
                pPrinter = null;
                pPaper   = null;
        private static string GetFormattedString(string strTextContent, string strFontName, Single sngFontSizeInPoints, double sngMaxWidthInPoints, long hanging)
            System.Array           varWordArray;
            IMxApplication         pMxApp          = ArcMap.Application as IMxApplication;
            IAppDisplay            pAppDisplay     = pMxApp.Display;
            IDisplayTransformation pTransformation = pAppDisplay.DisplayTransformation;
            IFontDisp   pTextFont   = new stdole.StdFontClass() as IFontDisp;
            ITextSymbol pTextSymbol = new TextSymbolClass();
            double      dblXSize;
            double      dblYSize;
            string      strGoodWidth   = "";
            string      strFinalString = "";
            string      strTestString  = "";
            int         i;

            // Split the string into an array of words
            varWordArray = strTextContent.Split(' ') as System.Array;

            // Set up the Font
            pTextFont.Name = strFontName;
            pTextFont.Size = decimal.Parse(sngFontSizeInPoints.ToString());

            // Setup the Text Symbol
            pTextSymbol.Font = pTextFont;

            // Add each word into the test string and test for width
            pAppDisplay.StartDrawing(pAppDisplay.hDC, 0);
            long linesAdded = 0;

            for (i = 0; i <= (int)varWordArray.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                if (strGoodWidth != "")
                    strTestString = strGoodWidth + " " + varWordArray.GetValue(i);
                    strTestString = varWordArray.GetValue(i).ToString();

                // Get the TextSize
                pTextSymbol.GetTextSize(pAppDisplay.hDC, pTransformation, strTestString, out dblXSize, out dblYSize);

                // If the word added is < max width keep adding to the line, else make a new one
                if (dblXSize < sngMaxWidthInPoints)
                    strGoodWidth = strTestString;
                    if (linesAdded == 0)
                        strFinalString = strGoodWidth;
                        strFinalString = strFinalString + Environment.NewLine + strGoodWidth;
                    linesAdded   = linesAdded + 1;
                    strGoodWidth = varWordArray.GetValue(i).ToString();

            strFinalString = strFinalString + Environment.NewLine + strGoodWidth;

Ejemplo n.º 9
        protected override void OnMouseDown(ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool.MouseEventArgs arg)
            int            X      = arg.X;
            int            Y      = arg.Y;
            IMxApplication pMxApp = null;
            IMxDocument    pMxDoc = null;

            pMxApp = (IMxApplication)ArcMap.Application;
            pMxDoc = (IMxDocument)ArcMap.Application.Document;

            // calculate tolerance rectangle to identify features inside it
            int Tolerance = 0;

            Tolerance = pMxDoc.SearchTolerancePixels;

            IDisplayTransformation pDispTrans = null;

            pDispTrans = pMxApp.Display.DisplayTransformation;
            tagRECT pToleranceRect = new tagRECT();

            pToleranceRect.left   = X - Tolerance;
            pToleranceRect.right  = X + Tolerance;
            pToleranceRect.top    = Y - Tolerance;
            pToleranceRect.bottom = Y + Tolerance;

            IEnvelope pSearchEnvelope = null;

            pSearchEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass();
            pDispTrans.TransformRect(pSearchEnvelope, ref pToleranceRect, (int)(esriDisplayTransformationEnum.esriTransformPosition | esriDisplayTransformationEnum.esriTransformToMap));

            // identify feature points of measurement
            IBasicDocument pBasicDoc = null;

            pBasicDoc = (IBasicDocument)ArcMap.Application.Document;
            pSearchEnvelope.SpatialReference = pMxDoc.ActiveView.FocusMap.SpatialReference;

            IIdentify pIdentify = null;

            pIdentify = (IIdentify)pMxDoc.FocusMap.get_Layer(0);
            if (pIdentify == null)
                MessageBox.Show("No layer");

            IArray pIDArray = null;

            pIDArray = pIdentify.Identify(pSearchEnvelope);

            // get object from feature point
            IIdentifyObj pIDObj = null;

            if (pIDArray != null)
                pIDObj = (IIdentifyObj)pIDArray.get_Element(0);

            if (pIDObj == null)
                MessageBox.Show("No feature was identified");

            // get the name of the layer containing feature points
            ILayer pLayer = null;

            pLayer = pMxDoc.FocusMap.get_Layer(0);

            string layerName = null;

            layerName = pLayer.Name;

            // get primary display field for measurement values and set names of a date/time field and gage ID field
            IFeatureLayer pFeatLayer = null;

            pFeatLayer = (IFeatureLayer)pLayer;
            string dataFldName   = null;
            string timefldName   = null;
            string gageIDFldName = null;

            dataFldName   = "TSValue";
            timefldName   = "TSDateTime"; // substitute data/time field name for different dataset
            gageIDFldName = "Name";       // substitute gage ID field name for different dataset

            // get display table from layer
            ITable        pTable        = null;
            IDisplayTable pDisplayTable = null;

            pDisplayTable = (IDisplayTable)pLayer;
            if (pDisplayTable != null)
                pTable = pDisplayTable.DisplayTable;
                if (pTable == null)
                    goto THEEND;

            // get fields from display table
            IFields pFields = null;

            pFields = pTable.Fields;
            long fldCount = 0;

            fldCount = pFields.FieldCount;

            // create WHERE clause from identified objects of measurement points
            int gageIDFldIdx = 0;

            gageIDFldIdx = pFields.FindField(gageIDFldName);

            IRowIdentifyObject pRowIDObj = null;

            pRowIDObj = (IRowIdentifyObject)pIDObj;

            string gageID = null;

            gageID = (string)pRowIDObj.Row.get_Value(gageIDFldIdx);

            IFeatureLayerDefinition pFeatureLayerDef = null;

            pFeatureLayerDef = (IFeatureLayerDefinition)pLayer;
            string definitionExpression = null;

            definitionExpression = pFeatureLayerDef.DefinitionExpression;

            string whereClause = null;

            if (definitionExpression == "")
                whereClause = "[" + gageIDFldName + "] = '" + gageID + "'";
                whereClause = "[" + gageIDFldName + "] = '" + gageID + "' AND " + definitionExpression;

            //find color for the identified object from feature layer's renderer
            IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoFeatureLayer = null;

            pGeoFeatureLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pLayer;

            ILookupSymbol pLookupSymbol = null;

            pLookupSymbol = (ILookupSymbol)pGeoFeatureLayer.Renderer;

            IFeature pFeature = null;

            pFeature = (IFeature)pRowIDObj.Row;

            IMarkerSymbol pSymbol = null;

            pSymbol = (IMarkerSymbol)pLookupSymbol.LookupSymbol(false, pFeature);

            // Find an opened GraphWindow
            IDataGraphBase    pDataGraphBase = null;
            IDataGraphT       pDataGraphT    = null;
            IDataGraphWindow2 pDGWin         = null;

            IDataGraphCollection pDataGraphs = null;

            pDataGraphs = (IDataGraphCollection)pMxDoc;
            int grfCount = 0;

            grfCount = pDataGraphs.DataGraphCount;
            for (int i = 0; i < grfCount; i++)
                pDataGraphBase = pDataGraphs.get_DataGraph(i);
                pDGWin         = FindGraphWindow(ref pDataGraphBase);
                if (pDGWin != null)

            // if there is not an opened graph window - create a new graph for
            if (pDGWin == null)
                // create graph
                pDataGraphT    = new DataGraphTClass();
                pDataGraphBase = (IDataGraphBase)pDataGraphT;

                // load template from <ARCGISHOME>\GraphTemplates\
                string strPath = null;
                strPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ARCGISHOME");
                    pDataGraphT.LoadTemplate(strPath + @"GraphTemplates\timeseries.tee");
                { }

                // graph, axis and legend titles. Substitute them for different input layer
                pDataGraphT.GeneralProperties.Title           = "Daily Streamflow for Guadalupe Basin in 1999";
                pDataGraphT.LegendProperties.Title            = "Monitoring Point";
                pDataGraphT.get_AxisProperties(0).Title       = "Streamflow (cfs)";
                pDataGraphT.get_AxisProperties(0).Logarithmic = true;
                pDataGraphT.get_AxisProperties(2).Title       = "Date";
                pDataGraphBase.Name = layerName;
            else // get graph from the opened window
                pDataGraphT = (IDataGraphT)pDataGraphBase;

            // create vertical line series for all measurements for the identified gage
            ISeriesProperties pSP = null;

            pSP             = pDataGraphT.AddSeries("line:vertical");
            pSP.ColorType   = esriGraphColorType.esriGraphColorCustomAll;
            pSP.CustomColor = pSymbol.Color.RGB;
            pSP.WhereClause = whereClause;
            pSP.InLegend    = true;
            pSP.Name        = gageID;

            pSP.SourceData = pLayer;
            pSP.SetField(0, timefldName);
            pSP.SetField(1, dataFldName);
            IDataSortSeriesProperties pSortFlds = null;

            pSortFlds = (IDataSortSeriesProperties)pSP;
            int idx = 0;

            pSortFlds.AddSortingField(timefldName, true, ref idx);

            pDataGraphBase.UseSelectedSet = true;

            ITrackCancel pCancelTracker = null;

            pCancelTracker = new CancelTracker();

            // create data graph window if there is not any opened one
            if (pDGWin == null)
                pDGWin = new DataGraphWindowClass();
                pDGWin.DataGraphBase = pDataGraphBase;
                pDGWin.Application   = ArcMap.Application;



        protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs arg)
            // Did they click the left mouse button?
            if (arg.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left)
                // Get some application environment variables set
                IMxApplication mxApp = (IMxApplication)ArcMap.Application;

                // Get the clicked location in map units
                IPoint clickedPoint = mxApp.Display.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(arg.Location.X, arg.Location.Y);

                // If this is the first click on the map...
                switch (numberOfClicks)
                case 0:
                    // This is the first click, giving the location of the measurement.
                    measurementLocationX = clickedPoint.X;
                    measurementLocationY = clickedPoint.Y;

                    // Increment the click counter
                    numberOfClicks = 1;

                    // Change the cursor
                    System.Windows.Forms.Cursor firstCursor = new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(GetType(), "Cursors.firstPointCursor.cur");
                    Cursor = firstCursor;


                case 1:
                    // This is the second click, giving the first end of the strike line, according to right-hand rule.
                    firstEndX = clickedPoint.X;
                    firstEndY = clickedPoint.Y;

                    // Increment the click counter
                    numberOfClicks = 2;

                    // Change the cursor
                    System.Windows.Forms.Cursor secondCursor = new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(GetType(), "Cursors.SecondPointCursor.cur");
                    Cursor = secondCursor;


                case 2:
                    // This is the third click, giving the second end of the strike line, according to right-hand rule.
                    secondEndX = clickedPoint.X;
                    secondEndY = clickedPoint.Y;

                    // Increment the click counter
                    numberOfClicks = 3;

                    // Change the cursor
                    //base.m_cursor = Properties.Resources.GetDipCursor;

                    // Calculate the Strike from the two collected points
                    int theStrike = GetStrike(firstEndX, firstEndY, secondEndX, secondEndY);

                    // Get the dip input
                    int    theDip;
                    string inputValue = "";

                    if (genericForms.InputBox("Digitize Structure Points", "Please enter the dip value", ref inputValue) == DialogResult.OK)
                        // Make sure they entered a valid dip value
                        int  dipValue;
                        bool result = int.TryParse(inputValue, out dipValue);

                        if (result == true)
                            // inputValue is an integer
                            if (dipValue >= -90)
                                if (dipValue <= 90)
                                    // inputValue is in the appropriate range
                                    theDip = int.Parse(inputValue);
                                    goto getDipValue;
                                goto getDipValue;
                            goto getDipValue;
                        // In this case, the action was canceled during the dip input. Reset the counter, cursor, and exit the routine.
                        numberOfClicks = 0;
                        //base.m_cursor = Properties.Resources.firstPointCursor;

                    // Now we need to create the feature. First we'll find the current FeatureTemplate
                    IEditor3      templateEditor     = (IEditor3)ArcMap.Editor;
                    IEditTemplate theCurrentTemplate = templateEditor.CurrentTemplate;

                    // If they didn't select a template, they'll need to
                    if (theCurrentTemplate == null)
                        MessageBox.Show("Please select a feature template for the type of measurement that you're digitizing", "NCGMP Tools");
                        numberOfClicks = 0;
                        System.Windows.Forms.Cursor locCursor = new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(GetType(), "Cursors.StationLocCursor.cur");
                        Cursor = locCursor;

                    // Make sure that the template puts features into the OrientationPoints FeatureClass
                    IFeatureClass templateFC = ((IFeatureLayer)theCurrentTemplate.Layer).FeatureClass;
                    if (templateFC.Equals(commonFunctions.OpenFeatureClass(ArcMap.Editor.EditWorkspace, "OrientationPoints")))
                            // Create a dummy feature and read in values from the feature template
                            IFeature tempFeature = templateFC.CreateFeature();

                            // Grab values from the dummy feature - the code is actually cleaner than grabbing the values from the FeatureTemplate
                            string StationID = "";
                            string Type      = tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("Type")).ToString();
                            string IDConf    = tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("IdentityConfidence")).ToString();
                            string Label     = tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("Label")).ToString();
                            string Notes     = tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("Notes")).ToString();

                            int  Plot;
                            bool result = int.TryParse(tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("PlotAtScale")).ToString(), out Plot);

                            double OrientConf;
                            result = double.TryParse(tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("OrientationConfidenceDegrees")).ToString(), out OrientConf);

                            int RuleID;
                            result = int.TryParse(tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("RuleID")).ToString(), out RuleID);

                            string DataSourceID = commonFunctions.GetCurrentDataSourceID();

                            int SymbolRot = 360 - theStrike;

                            IPoint Shape = new PointClass();
                            Shape.X = measurementLocationX;
                            Shape.Y = measurementLocationY;

                            // Remove the temporary Feature

                            // Create the new feature
                            OrientationPointsAccess OdpAccess = new OrientationPointsAccess(ArcMap.Editor.EditWorkspace);
                            OdpAccess.NewOrientationPoint(StationID, Type, IDConf, Label, Plot, (double)theStrike, (double)theDip, OrientConf, Notes, DataSourceID, SymbolRot, RuleID, Shape);

                            // Refresh the Active View
                            ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, theCurrentTemplate.Layer, null);
                            MessageBox.Show("Create feature didn't work.", "NCGMP Tools");
                            numberOfClicks = 0;
                            System.Windows.Forms.Cursor locCursor = new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(GetType(), "Cursors.StationLocCursor.cur");
                            Cursor = locCursor;
                        // User needs to select a relevant feature template
                        MessageBox.Show("Please select a valid feature template to digitize structural measurements.", "NCGMP Tools");

                    // Finished successfully, reset the counter and cursor
                    numberOfClicks = 0;
                    System.Windows.Forms.Cursor theLocCursor = new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(GetType(), "Cursors.StationLocCursor.cur");
                    Cursor = theLocCursor;

                    // Don't do anything here, preventing any more input before the dip is entered and the counter resets
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void CalculatePingsNPoints(string sSounderLayer, string sSedCoreLayer, string strDepthValField, long numpoints, double dblIterationRange)
                IMxApplication pMxApp      = ArcMap.Application  as IMxApplication;
                IMxDocument    pmxdoc      = ArcMap.Document as IMxDocument;
                IMap           pmap        = pmxdoc.FocusMap;
                IActiveView    pActiveView = pmap as IActiveView;

                //clear any previous selections so they wont interfere

                IFeatureLayer     pSounderLayer    = FindLayer(pmap, sSounderLayer) as IFeatureLayer;
                IFeatureSelection pSounderLayerSel = pSounderLayer as IFeatureSelection;

                IFeatureLayer     pSedCoreLayer    = FindLayer(pmap, sSedCoreLayer) as IFeatureLayer;
                IFeatureSelection pSedCoreLayerSel = pSedCoreLayer as IFeatureSelection;

                //Add fields to hold the data if they do not exist already.
                string strAvgfld = "Avg_" + strDepthValField;

                if (strAvgfld.Length > 9)
                    strAvgfld = strAvgfld.Substring(0, 8);
                    strAvgfld = AddField(pSedCoreLayer, strAvgfld);
                    strAvgfld = AddField(pSedCoreLayer, strAvgfld);

                string strStdFld = "Std_" + strDepthValField;

                if (strStdFld.Length > 9)
                    strStdFld = strStdFld.Substring(0, 8);
                    strStdFld = AddField(pSedCoreLayer, strStdFld);
                    strStdFld = AddField(pSedCoreLayer, strStdFld);

                string strSampFld = AddField(pSedCoreLayer, "Samp_Size");

                //Get a cursor from the sample layer
                IFeatureCursor pFCur    = pSedCoreLayer.Search(null, false);
                IFeature       pFeature = pFCur.NextFeature();

                int iPointProgress = 1;
                IProgressDialog2 pProgressDialog = ShowProgressIndicator("Calculating...", pSedCoreLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(null), 1);
                pProgressDialog.Description = "Processing Point: " + iPointProgress + " of " + pSedCoreLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(null).ToString();

                //Each point will be buffered at "dblRange" until the desired amount of points are collected.
                double dblRange        = dblIterationRange;
                long   lngFeatureCount = 0;

                while (pFeature != null)
                    //loop thru the featureclass, selecting each feature at a time.
                    SelectFeatures(pSedCoreLayer, pSedCoreLayer.FeatureClass.OIDFieldName + " = " + pFeature.OID);

                    //Select Depth features within the range of the previously selected Sample point features
                    lngFeatureCount = SpatialSelect(sSounderLayer, sSedCoreLayer, dblRange, pmap.MapUnits);

                    //If we reach the user-entered point threshold, stop and calculate.
                    if (lngFeatureCount >= numpoints)
                        IStatisticsResults pStats = GetDataStatistics(pSounderLayer, strDepthValField);
                        pFeature.set_Value(pFeature.Fields.FindField(strAvgfld), pStats.Mean);
                        pFeature.set_Value(pFeature.Fields.FindField(strStdFld), pStats.StandardDeviation);
                        pFeature.set_Value(pFeature.Fields.FindField(strSampFld), lngFeatureCount);

                        dblRange = .1;
                        pFeature = pFCur.NextFeature();
                        pProgressDialog.Description = "Processing Point: " + iPointProgress + " of " + pSedCoreLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(null).ToString();
                        dblRange = dblRange + dblIterationRange;


                pActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeoSelection, null, null);

            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void CalculatePingsWithDistance(string sSounderLayer, string sSedCoreLayer, string strDepthField, double dblRange, string strUnits)
                IMxApplication pMxApp      = ArcMap.Application  as IMxApplication;
                IMxDocument    pmxdoc      = ArcMap.Document as IMxDocument;
                IMap           pmap        = pmxdoc.FocusMap;
                IActiveView    pActiveView = pmap as IActiveView;


                IFeatureLayer     pSounderLayer    = FindLayer(pmap, sSounderLayer) as IFeatureLayer;
                IFeatureSelection pSounderLayerSel = pSounderLayer as IFeatureSelection;

                IFeatureLayer     pSedCoreLayer    = FindLayer(pmap, sSedCoreLayer) as IFeatureLayer;
                IFeatureSelection pSedCoreLayerSel = pSedCoreLayer as IFeatureSelection;
                //Add fields to hold the data if they do not exist already.
                string strAvgfld = "Avg_" + strDepthField;

                if (strAvgfld.Length > 9)
                    strAvgfld = strAvgfld.Substring(0, 8);
                    strAvgfld = AddField(pSedCoreLayer, strAvgfld);
                    strAvgfld = AddField(pSedCoreLayer, strAvgfld);

                string strStdFld = "Std_" + strDepthField;

                if (strStdFld.Length > 9)
                    strStdFld = strStdFld.Substring(0, 8);
                    strStdFld = AddField(pSedCoreLayer, strStdFld);
                    strStdFld = AddField(pSedCoreLayer, strStdFld);

                string strSampFld = AddField(pSedCoreLayer, "Samp_Size");

                esriUnits eEsriUnitsContant = 0;

                //set the units
                switch (strUnits)
                case "Feet":
                    eEsriUnitsContant = esriUnits.esriFeet;

                case "Meters":
                    eEsriUnitsContant = esriUnits.esriMeters;

                case "Kilometers":
                    eEsriUnitsContant = esriUnits.esriKilometers;

                IFeatureCursor pFCur    = pSedCoreLayer.Search(null, false);
                IFeature       pFeature = pFCur.NextFeature();

                int iPointProgress = 1;
                IProgressDialog2 pProgressDialog = ShowProgressIndicator("Calculating...", pSedCoreLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(null), 1);
                pProgressDialog.Description = "Processing Point: " + iPointProgress + " of " + pSedCoreLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(null).ToString();

                long lFeatureCount = 0;
                while (pFeature != null)
                    pProgressDialog.Description = "Processing Point: " + iPointProgress + " of " + pSedCoreLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(null).ToString();
                    //loop thru the featureclass, selecting each feature at a time.
                    SelectFeatures(pSedCoreLayer, pSedCoreLayer.FeatureClass.OIDFieldName + " = " + pFeature.OID);

                    //Select Depth features within the range of the previously selected Sample point features
                    lFeatureCount = SpatialSelect(sSounderLayer, sSedCoreLayer, dblRange, eEsriUnitsContant);

                    IStatisticsResults pStats = GetDataStatistics(pSounderLayer, strDepthField);
                    pFeature.set_Value(pFeature.Fields.FindField(strAvgfld), pStats.Mean);
                    pFeature.set_Value(pFeature.Fields.FindField(strStdFld), pStats.StandardDeviation);
                    pFeature.set_Value(pFeature.Fields.FindField(strSampFld), lFeatureCount);
                    pFeature = pFCur.NextFeature();

                pActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeoSelection, null, null);

            catch (Exception ex)