Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public bool Start()
            // Sets up the configMgr
            // If a config file path was passed, use it literally.
            // This ensures it's working-directory relative
            // (for people passing config file through the terminal or something).
            // Otherwise use the one next to the executable.
            if (_commandLineArgs?.ConfigFile != null)
                var path = PathHelpers.ExecutableRelativeFile("server_config.toml");
                if (File.Exists(path))

            if (_commandLineArgs != null)

            //Sets up Logging
            _config.RegisterCVar("log.path", "logs", CVar.ARCHIVE);
            _config.RegisterCVar("log.format", "log_%(date)s-%(time)s.txt", CVar.ARCHIVE);
            _config.RegisterCVar("log.level", LogLevel.Info, CVar.ARCHIVE);

            var logPath     = _config.GetCVar <string>("log.path");
            var logFormat   = _config.GetCVar <string>("log.format");
            var logFilename = logFormat.Replace("%(date)s", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))
                              .Replace("%(time)s", DateTime.Now.ToString("hhmmss"));
            var fullPath = Path.Combine(logPath, logFilename);

            if (!Path.IsPathRooted(fullPath))
                logPath = PathHelpers.ExecutableRelativeFile(fullPath);

            fileLogHandler         = new FileLogHandler(logPath);
            _log.RootSawmill.Level = _config.GetCVar <LogLevel>("log.level");

            // Has to be done early because this guy's in charge of the main thread Synchronization Context.


            var netMan = IoCManager.Resolve <IServerNetManager>();

            catch (Exception e)
                var port = netMan.Port;
                    "Unable to setup networking manager. Check port {0} is not already in use and that all binding addresses are correct!\n{1}",
                    port, e);

            var dataDir = _commandLineArgs?.DataDir ?? PathHelpers.ExecutableRelativeFile("data");

            // Set up the VFS

            // Load from the resources dir in the repo root instead.
            // It's a debug build so this is fine.
            var contentRootDir = ProgramShared.FindContentRootDir();
            _resources.MountContentDirectory($@"{contentRootDir}bin/Content.Server/", new ResourcePath("/Assemblies/"));

            // Default to en-US.
            // Perhaps in the future we could make a command line arg or something to change this default.
            _localizationManager.LoadCulture(new CultureInfo("en-US"));

            //identical code in game controller for client
            if (!_modLoader.TryLoadAssembly <GameShared>(_resources, $"Content.Shared"))
                Logger.FatalS("eng", "Could not load any Shared DLL.");

            if (!_modLoader.TryLoadAssembly <GameServer>(_resources, $"Content.Server"))
                Logger.FatalS("eng", "Could not load any Server DLL.");

            // HAS to happen after content gets loaded.
            // Else the content types won't be included.
            // TODO: solve this properly.

            // Initialize Tier 2 services
            IoCManager.Resolve <IGameTiming>().InSimulation = true;

            IoCManager.Resolve <IPlayerManager>().Initialize(MaxPlayers);
            IoCManager.Resolve <IPlacementManager>().Initialize();
            IoCManager.Resolve <IViewVariablesHost>().Initialize();
            IoCManager.Resolve <IDebugDrawingManager>().Initialize();

            // Call Init in game assemblies.

            // because of 'reasons' this has to be called after the last assembly is loaded
            // otherwise the prototypes will be cleared
            var prototypeManager = IoCManager.Resolve <IPrototypeManager>();
            prototypeManager.LoadDirectory(new ResourcePath(@"/Prototypes"));

            IoCManager.Resolve <IConsoleShell>().Initialize();
            IoCManager.Resolve <IConGroupController>().Initialize();


            IoCManager.Resolve <IStatusHost>().Start();

            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += ProcessExiting;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public bool Startup()


            // Figure out user data directory.
            var userDataDir = GetUserDataDir();

            if (LoadConfigAndUserData)
                var configFile = Path.Combine(userDataDir, "client_config.toml");
                if (File.Exists(configFile))
                    // Load config from user data if available.
                    // Else we just use code-defined defaults and let it save to file when the user changes things.

            if (_commandLineArgs != null)


            _resourceCache.Initialize(LoadConfigAndUserData ? userDataDir : null);

            var contentRootDir = ProgramShared.FindContentRootDir();
                                                 new ResourcePath("/Assemblies/"));

            // Default to en-US.
            // Perhaps in the future we could make a command line arg or something to change this default.
            _localizationManager.LoadCulture(new CultureInfo("en-US"));

            // Bring display up as soon as resources are mounted.
            if (!_clyde.Initialize())

            _clyde.SetWindowTitle("Space Station 14");


            //identical code for server in baseserver
            if (!_modLoader.TryLoadAssembly <GameShared>(_resourceManager, $"Content.Shared"))
                Logger.FatalS("eng", "Could not load any Shared DLL.");
                throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot load client without content assembly");

            if (!_modLoader.TryLoadAssembly <GameClient>(_resourceManager, $"Content.Client"))
                Logger.FatalS("eng", "Could not load any Client DLL.");
                throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot load client without content assembly");

            // Call Init in game assemblies.

            _prototypeManager.LoadDirectory(new ResourcePath(@"/Prototypes/"));


            if (_commandLineArgs?.Launcher == true)
                _stateManager.RequestStateChange <LauncherConnecting>();
                _stateManager.RequestStateChange <MainScreen>();

            if (_commandLineArgs?.Username != null)
                _client.PlayerNameOverride = _commandLineArgs.Username;


            if (_commandLineArgs?.Connect == true || _commandLineArgs?.Launcher == true)
                var addr = _commandLineArgs.ConnectAddress;
                if (!addr.Contains("://"))
                    addr = "udp://" + addr;

                var uri = new Uri(addr);

                if (uri.Scheme != "udp")
                    Logger.Warning($"connect-address '{uri}' does not have URI scheme of udp://..");

                _client.ConnectToServer(uri.Host, (ushort)(uri.IsDefaultPort ? 1212 : uri.Port));

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public bool Startup(Func <ILogHandler>?logHandlerFactory = null)

            SetupLogging(_logManager, logHandlerFactory ?? (() => new ConsoleLogHandler()));


            // Figure out user data directory.
            var userDataDir = GetUserDataDir();

            if (LoadConfigAndUserData)
                var configFile = Path.Combine(userDataDir, "client_config.toml");
                if (File.Exists(configFile))
                    // Load config from user data if available.
                    // Else we just use code-defined defaults and let it save to file when the user changes things.


            if (_commandLineArgs != null)


            _resourceCache.Initialize(LoadConfigAndUserData ? userDataDir : null);

            var contentRootDir = ProgramShared.FindContentRootDir();
                                                 new ResourcePath("/Assemblies/"));

            // Bring display up as soon as resources are mounted.
            if (!_clyde.Initialize())

            _clyde.SetWindowTitle("Space Station 14");


            // Disable load context usage on content start.
            // This prevents Content.Client being loaded twice and things like csi blowing up because of it.

            //identical code for server in baseserver
            if (!_modLoader.TryLoadAssembly <GameShared>(_resourceManager, $"Content.Shared"))
                Logger.FatalS("eng", "Could not load any Shared DLL.");
                throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot load client without content assembly");

            if (!_modLoader.TryLoadAssembly <GameClient>(_resourceManager, $"Content.Client"))
                Logger.FatalS("eng", "Could not load any Client DLL.");
                throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot load client without content assembly");

            // Call Init in game assemblies.

            _prototypeManager.LoadDirectory(new ResourcePath(@"/Prototypes/"));


            if (_commandLineArgs?.Username != null)
                _client.PlayerNameOverride = _commandLineArgs.Username;


            if ((_commandLineArgs?.Connect == true || _commandLineArgs?.Launcher == true) &&
                LaunchState.ConnectEndpoint != null)

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Startup()

            var args = GetCommandLineArgs();

            // Set up custom synchronization context.
            // Sorry Godot.

            // Figure out user data directory.
            var userDataDir = _getUserDataDir(args);

            if (LoadConfigAndUserData)
                var configFile = Path.Combine(userDataDir, "client_config.toml");
                if (File.Exists(configFile))
                    // Load config from user data if available.
                    // Else we just use code-defined defaults and let it save to file when the user changes things.


            _resourceCache.Initialize(LoadConfigAndUserData ? userDataDir : null);

            _resourceCache.MountContentDirectory($@"{ContentRootDir}bin/Content.Client/", new ResourcePath("/Assemblies/"));

            // Default to en-US.
            // Perhaps in the future we could make a command line arg or something to change this default.
            _localizationManager.LoadCulture(new CultureInfo("en-US"));

            // Bring display up as soon as resources are mounted.
            _displayManager.SetWindowTitle("Space Station 14");


            //identical code for server in baseserver
            if (!_modLoader.TryLoadAssembly <GameShared>(_resourceManager, $"Content.Shared"))
                Logger.FatalS("eng", "Could not load any Shared DLL.");
                throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot load client without content assembly");

            if (!_modLoader.TryLoadAssembly <GameClient>(_resourceManager, $"Content.Client"))
                Logger.FatalS("eng", "Could not load any Client DLL.");
                throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot load client without content assembly");

            // Call Init in game assemblies.

            _prototypeManager.LoadDirectory(new ResourcePath(@"/Prototypes/"));


            _stateManager.RequestStateChange <MainScreen>();


            if (args.Contains("--connect"))
                _client.ConnectToServer("", 1212);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public bool Start(Func <ILogHandler>?logHandlerFactory = null)
            if (LoadConfigAndUserData)
                // Sets up the configMgr
                // If a config file path was passed, use it literally.
                // This ensures it's working-directory relative
                // (for people passing config file through the terminal or something).
                // Otherwise use the one next to the executable.
                if (_commandLineArgs?.ConfigFile != null)
                    var path = PathHelpers.ExecutableRelativeFile("server_config.toml");
                    if (File.Exists(path))


            if (_commandLineArgs != null)

            //Sets up Logging
            _config.RegisterCVar("log.enabled", true, CVar.ARCHIVE);
            _config.RegisterCVar("log.path", "logs", CVar.ARCHIVE);
            _config.RegisterCVar("log.format", "log_%(date)s-T%(time)s.txt", CVar.ARCHIVE);
            _config.RegisterCVar("log.level", LogLevel.Info, CVar.ARCHIVE);
            _config.RegisterCVar("log.runtimelog", true, CVar.ARCHIVE);

            _logHandlerFactory = logHandlerFactory;

            var logHandler = logHandlerFactory?.Invoke() ?? null;

            var logEnabled = _config.GetCVar <bool>("log.enabled");

            if (logEnabled && logHandler == null)
                var logPath     = _config.GetCVar <string>("log.path");
                var logFormat   = _config.GetCVar <string>("log.format");
                var logFilename = logFormat.Replace("%(date)s", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
                                  .Replace("%(time)s", DateTime.Now.ToString("hh-mm-ss"));
                var fullPath = Path.Combine(logPath, logFilename);

                if (!Path.IsPathRooted(fullPath))
                    logPath = PathHelpers.ExecutableRelativeFile(fullPath);

                logHandler = new FileLogHandler(logPath);

            _log.RootSawmill.Level = _config.GetCVar <LogLevel>("log.level");

            if (logEnabled && logHandler != null)
                _logHandler = logHandler;
                _log.RootSawmill.AddHandler(_logHandler !);

            SelfLog.Enable(s =>
                System.Console.WriteLine("SERILOG ERROR: {0}", s);

            if (!SetupLoki())

            // Has to be done early because this guy's in charge of the main thread Synchronization Context.


            // Load metrics really early so that we can profile startup times in the future maybe.

            var netMan = IoCManager.Resolve <IServerNetManager>();

                netMan.RegisterNetMessage <MsgSetTickRate>(MsgSetTickRate.NAME);
            catch (Exception e)
                var port = netMan.Port;
                    "Unable to setup networking manager. Check port {0} is not already in use and that all binding addresses are correct!\n{1}",
                    port, e);

            var dataDir = LoadConfigAndUserData ?
                          _commandLineArgs?.DataDir ?? PathHelpers.ExecutableRelativeFile("data") :

            // Set up the VFS

            // Load from the resources dir in the repo root instead.
            // It's a debug build so this is fine.
            var contentRootDir = ProgramShared.FindContentRootDir();
            _resources.MountContentDirectory($@"{contentRootDir}bin/Content.Server/", new ResourcePath("/Assemblies/"));


            //identical code in game controller for client
            if (!_modLoader.TryLoadAssembly <GameShared>(_resources, $"Content.Shared"))
                Logger.FatalS("eng", "Could not load any Shared DLL.");

            if (!_modLoader.TryLoadAssembly <GameServer>(_resources, $"Content.Server"))
                Logger.FatalS("eng", "Could not load any Server DLL.");


            // HAS to happen after content gets loaded.
            // Else the content types won't be included.
            // TODO: solve this properly.

            //IoCManager.Resolve<IMapLoader>().LoadedMapData +=
            //    IoCManager.Resolve<IRobustMappedStringSerializer>().AddStrings;
            IoCManager.Resolve <IPrototypeManager>().LoadedData +=
                IoCManager.Resolve <IRobustMappedStringSerializer>().AddStrings;

            // Initialize Tier 2 services
            IoCManager.Resolve <IGameTiming>().InSimulation = true;

            IoCManager.Resolve <IPlayerManager>().Initialize(MaxPlayers);
            IoCManager.Resolve <IPlacementManager>().Initialize();
            IoCManager.Resolve <IViewVariablesHost>().Initialize();
            IoCManager.Resolve <IDebugDrawingManager>().Initialize();

            // Call Init in game assemblies.


            // because of 'reasons' this has to be called after the last assembly is loaded
            // otherwise the prototypes will be cleared
            var prototypeManager = IoCManager.Resolve <IPrototypeManager>();
            prototypeManager.LoadDirectory(new ResourcePath(@"/Prototypes"));

            IoCManager.Resolve <IConsoleShell>().Initialize();
            IoCManager.Resolve <IConGroupController>().Initialize();


            IoCManager.Resolve <IStatusHost>().Start();

            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += ProcessExiting;


Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public bool Start()
            //Sets up the configMgr

            //Sets up Logging
            _config.RegisterCVar("log.path", "logs", CVar.ARCHIVE);
            _config.RegisterCVar("log.format", "log_%(date)s-%(time)s.txt", CVar.ARCHIVE);
            _config.RegisterCVar("log.level", LogLevel.Info, CVar.ARCHIVE);

            var logPath     = _config.GetCVar <string>("log.path");
            var logFormat   = _config.GetCVar <string>("log.format");
            var logFilename = logFormat.Replace("%(date)s", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")).Replace("%(time)s", DateTime.Now.ToString("hhmmss"));
            var fullPath    = Path.Combine(logPath, logFilename);

            if (!Path.IsPathRooted(fullPath))
                logPath = PathHelpers.ExecutableRelativeFile(fullPath);

            fileLogHandler         = new FileLogHandler(logPath);
            _log.RootSawmill.Level = _config.GetCVar <LogLevel>("log.level");

            // Has to be done early because this guy's in charge of the main thread Synchronization Context.


            var netMan = IoCManager.Resolve <IServerNetManager>();

            catch (Exception e)
                var port = netMan.Port;
                Logger.Fatal("Unable to setup networking manager. Check port {0} is not already in use and that all binding addresses are correct!\n{1}", port, e);

            var exeDir = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(exeDir))
                throw new Exception("Unable to locate client exe");

            exeDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(exeDir);
            var dataDir = _commandLine.DataDir;

            // Set up the VFS

            // Load from the resources dir in the repo root instead.
            // It's a debug build so this is fine.
            _resources.MountContentDirectory($@"{ContentRootDir}bin/Content.Server/", new ResourcePath("/Assemblies/"));

            // Default to en-US.
            // Perhaps in the future we could make a command line arg or something to change this default.
            _localizationManager.LoadCulture(new CultureInfo("en-US"));

            //mount the engine content pack
            // _resources.MountContentPack(@"EngineContentPack.zip");

            //mount the default game ContentPack defined in config
            // _resources.MountDefaultContentPack();

            //identical code in game controller for client
            if (!_modLoader.TryLoadAssembly <GameShared>(_resources, $"Content.Shared"))
                Logger.FatalS("eng", "Could not load any Shared DLL.");

            if (!_modLoader.TryLoadAssembly <GameServer>(_resources, $"Content.Server"))
                Logger.FatalS("eng", "Could not load any Server DLL.");

            // HAS to happen after content gets loaded.
            // Else the content types won't be included.
            // TODO: solve this properly.

            // Initialize Tier 2 services
            IoCManager.Resolve <IPlayerManager>().Initialize(MaxPlayers);
            IoCManager.Resolve <IPlacementManager>().Initialize();
            IoCManager.Resolve <IViewVariablesHost>().Initialize();

            // Call Init in game assemblies.

            // because of 'reasons' this has to be called after the last assembly is loaded
            // otherwise the prototypes will be cleared
            var prototypeManager = IoCManager.Resolve <IPrototypeManager>();
            prototypeManager.LoadDirectory(new ResourcePath(@"/Prototypes"));

            IoCManager.Resolve <IConsoleShell>().Initialize();
            IoCManager.Resolve <IConGroupController>().Initialize();


            IoCManager.Resolve <IStatusHost>().Start();
