private void InitializeBlinkIdScanner()
            var microblinkFactory = DependencyService.Get <IMicroblinkScannerFactory>();

            string licenseKey = string.Empty;

            if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS)
                licenseKey = "sRwAAAEQY29tLmNobWwuaXQuY2Nmc0iUtoUk/ef1YJ5j3+j5toBM9aJu3EN0SDbB/mPKFx+V0MNFRZwwmNkzl1VU8JhdIYmouNK1poJKQCdOpB6MZ7W1x/pIarGykttt1FFrEHkvAE0NW8NEmidSg8mY+FCvJWVAiQlOHsSXw5YbyjtZv1lGDrU6zai0qefO7+VpwI3w2Q4GwlVybN7SlkSoU1vb8zh0y5Gc2eC5vVDyi7XoSZY/L1lUD1VsBWya5RBti4r7QzPEPy9M/WZp8TNJrw==";
                licenseKey = "sRwAAAAeY29tLm1pY3JvYmxpbmsueGFtYXJpbi5ibGlua2lke7qv4oIhH4ywlU8/Zqc2tpXY3x6Jq4MYktFtYaRbzI3x0Qxrr0NeFEjL6qt8Qcz144x2F5LGg1bHXgkRXbt37saoFv1HJUiJ50Y4YHglH8SqhyfSzsT/C/vQEAKXgZBQuNeeCTY6RttMciEbHHHj7nybEz9+aOoBXfx0+XXx3cU4L6Wbmf/5EAXokQXtEkL3mCR8VC/51ohQVyRIgItohusasIcfe8B+UjUMCZU9v1B0bvHcUKZH6g==";

            blinkID        = microblinkFactory.CreateMicroblinkScanner(licenseKey);
            mrtdRecognizer = DependencyService.Get <IMrtdRecognizer>();
            mrtdRecognizer.ReturnFullDocumentImage = true;

            mrtdSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer = DependencyService.Get <ISuccessFrameGrabberRecognizerFactory>().CreateSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer(mrtdRecognizer);

            // subscribe to scanning done message
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <Microblink.Forms.Core.Messages.ScanningDoneMessage>(this, Microblink.Forms.Core.Messages.ScanningDoneMessageId, (sender) =>
                string stringResult = "No valid results.";

                // if user cancelled scanning, sender.ScanningCancelled will be true
                if (sender.ScanningCancelled)
                    stringResult = "Scanning cancelled";
                    // if specific recognizer's result's state is Valid, then it contains data recognized from image
                    if (mrtdRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                        var result = mrtdRecognizer.Result;

                        ScanResult       = result.MrzResult;
                        SelectedIDMethod = Constants.IdentificationMethods.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code == "2");

                        if (result.MrzResult.Gender == "F")
                            SelectedGender = Constants.Genders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Gender == "Female");
                            SelectedGender = Constants.Genders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Gender == "Male");

                        IsVisibleGuestInformation = true;
                        IsVisibleHint             = false;
                        IsVisiblePage             = true;

                        IsVisibleIndicator = false;
                        IsRunningIndicator = false;

                        //FullDocumentImge = result.FullDocumentImage;
                        //FrameImageSource = mrtdSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer.Result.SuccessFrame;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public BlinkIDPage()

            // before obtaining any of the recognizer's implementations from DependencyService, it is required
            // to obtain instance of IMicroblinkScanner and set the license key.
            // Failure to do so will crash your app.
            var microblinkFactory = DependencyService.Get <IMicroblinkScannerFactory>();

            // license keys are different for iOS and Android and depend on iOS bundleID/Android application ID
            // in your app, you may obtain the correct license key for your platform via DependencyService from
            // your Droid/iOS projects
            string licenseKey;

            // both these license keys are demo license keys for bundleID/applicationID com.microblink.xamarin.blinkid
            if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS)
                licenseKey = "sRwAAAEeY29tLm1pY3JvYmxpbmsueGFtYXJpbi5ibGlua2lks3unDF2B9jpa6FeAx5h89osjSFXqQRtWjes0WSEXe3rubgFApHsFdSF2oJZL0MhSL18AgbaLmPiOT3RFu+lqtKtpsjqRfxEVmc9cU98GnjciEeAOC331OUeT5R1p7zKqsenX/3IytQJuMG4ruEaRXc5746y/Kv8ch0XDgv/nRu4siNlvpkjsUjkeyokbUUwi+uzL6t2G4V/sX0SXTMWPjG7zjtW4ovwpGs6fct/dpBJQfzRQNCn9kg==";
                licenseKey = "sRwAAAAeY29tLm1pY3JvYmxpbmsueGFtYXJpbi5ibGlua2lke7qv4oIhH4ywlU8/ZIc8ttT74daTKaSlmN1khLj7e+CR+5SB1pjJQuNbEIlPAVl67d85JYqkRXxuWzKbaSWuPI7MzpKrXphakcSuyLYATcHaZMHh2rJvFFfYWXEWz6GZJSRk4TZmdqWBsjdNEJBe2F8hb/CEuKgkZkoESgLsCEYWf6Se+IkRBhRcmmOrcqJAf5YzhNbhlClR7GmNEPZheayI+i784TvIAnHFGloQF52KSF8YFm3dTw==";

            // since DependencyService requires implementations to have default constructor, a factory is needed
            // to construct implementation of IMicroblinkScanner with given license key
            blinkID = microblinkFactory.CreateMicroblinkScanner(licenseKey);

            // license keys must be set before creating Recognizer, othervise InvalidLicenseKeyException will be thrown

            // the following code creates and sets up implementation of MrtdRecognizer
            mrtdRecognizer = DependencyService.Get <IMrtdRecognizer>();
            mrtdRecognizer.ReturnFullDocumentImage = true;

            // success frame grabber recognizer must be constructed with reference to its slave recognizer,
            // so we need to use factory to avoid DependencyService's limitations
            mrtdSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer = DependencyService.Get <ISuccessFrameGrabberRecognizerFactory>().CreateSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer(mrtdRecognizer);

            // the following code creates and sets up implementation of UsdlRecognizer
            usdlRecognizer = DependencyService.Get <IUsdlRecognizer>();

            // success frame grabber recognizer must be constructed with reference to its slave recognizer,
            // so we need to use factory to avoid DependencyService's limitations
            usdlSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer = DependencyService.Get <ISuccessFrameGrabberRecognizerFactory>().CreateSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer(usdlRecognizer);

            // the following code creates and sets up implementation of EudlRecognizer
            eudlRecognizer = DependencyService.Get <IEudlRecognizer>();
            eudlRecognizer.ReturnFaceImage         = true;
            eudlRecognizer.ReturnFullDocumentImage = true;

            // success frame grabber recognizer must be constructed with reference to its slave recognizer,
            // so we need to use factory to avoid DependencyService's limitations
            eudlSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer = DependencyService.Get <ISuccessFrameGrabberRecognizerFactory>().CreateSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer(eudlRecognizer);

            // subscribe to scanning done message
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <Messages.ScanningDoneMessage> (this, Messages.ScanningDoneMessageId, (sender) => {
                ImageSource faceImageSource         = null;
                ImageSource fullDocumentImageSource = null;
                ImageSource successFrameImageSource = null;

                string stringResult = "No valid results.";

                // if user cancelled scanning, sender.ScanningCancelled will be true
                if (sender.ScanningCancelled)
                    stringResult = "Scanning cancelled";
                    // otherwise, one or more recognizers used in RecognizerCollection (see StartScan method below)
                    // will contain result

                    // if specific recognizer's result's state is Valid, then it contains data recognized from image
                    if (mrtdRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                        var result   = mrtdRecognizer.Result;
                        stringResult = "PrimaryID: " + result.MrzResult.PrimaryId + "\n" +
                                       "SecondaryID: " + result.MrzResult.SecondaryId + "\n" +
                                       "Nationality: " + result.MrzResult.Nationality + "\n" +
                                       "Gender: " + result.MrzResult.Gender + "\n" +
                                       "Date of birth: " + result.MrzResult.DateOfBirth.Day + "." + result.MrzResult.DateOfBirth.Month + "." + result.MrzResult.DateOfBirth.Year + ".";

                        fullDocumentImageSource = result.FullDocumentImage;
                        successFrameImageSource = mrtdSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer.Result.SuccessFrame;

                    // similarly, we can check for results of other recognizers
                    if (usdlRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                        var result   = usdlRecognizer.Result;
                        stringResult =
                            "USDL version: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.StandardVersionNumber) + "\n" +
                            "Family name: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerFamilyName) + "\n" +
                            "First name: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerFirstName) + "\n" +
                            "Date of birth: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DateOfBirth) + "\n" +
                            "Sex: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.Sex) + "\n" +
                            "Eye color: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.EyeColor) + "\n" +
                            "Height: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.Height) + "\n" +
                            "Street: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressStreet) + "\n" +
                            "City: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressCity) + "\n" +
                            "Jurisdiction: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressJurisdictionCode) + "\n" +
                            "Postal code: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressPostalCode) + "\n" +
                            // License information
                            "Issue date: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DocumentIssueDate) + "\n" +
                            "Expiration date: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DocumentExpirationDate) + "\n" +
                            "Issuer ID: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.IssuerIdentificationNumber) + "\n" +
                            "Jurisdiction version: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionVersionNumber) + "\n" +
                            "Vehicle class: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionVehicleClass) + "\n" +
                            "Restrictions: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionRestrictionCodes) + "\n" +
                            "Endorsments: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionEndorsementCodes) + "\n" +
                            "Customer ID: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerIdNumber);

                        successFrameImageSource = usdlSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer.Result.SuccessFrame;

                    if (eudlRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                        var result   = eudlRecognizer.Result;
                        stringResult =
                            "First name: " + result.FirstName + "\n" +
                            "Last name: " + result.LastName + "\n" +
                            "Address: " + result.Address + "\n" +
                            "Personal number: " + result.PersonalNumber + "\n" +
                            "Driver number: " + result.DriverNumber;
                        successFrameImageSource = eudlSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer.Result.SuccessFrame;
                        faceImageSource         = result.FaceImage;
                        fullDocumentImageSource = result.FullDocumentImage;

                // updating the UI must be performed on main thread
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                    resultsEditor.Text       = stringResult;
                    fullDocumentImage.Source = fullDocumentImageSource;
                    successScanImage.Source  = successFrameImageSource;
                    faceImage.Source         = faceImageSource;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// USDL recognizer will be used for scanning barcode from back side of United States' driver's licenses.
        /// </summary>
        //IUsdlRecognizer usdlRecognizer;

        /// <summary>
        /// This success frame grabber recognizer will wrap usdlRecognizer and will contain camera frame of the moment
        /// when wrapped recognizer finished its recognition.
        /// </summary>
        //ISuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer usdlSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer;

        public BlinkIDPage()

            // before obtaining any of the recognizer's implementations from DependencyService, it is required
            // to obtain instance of IMicroblinkScanner and set the license key.
            // Failure to do so will crash your app.
            var microblinkFactory = DependencyService.Get <IMicroblinkScannerFactory>();

            // license keys are different for iOS and Android and depend on iOS bundleID/Android application ID
            // in your app, you may obtain the correct license key for your platform via DependencyService from
            // your Droid/iOS projects
            string licenseKey;

            // both these license keys are demo license keys for bundleID/applicationID com.microblink.xamarin.blinkid
            if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS)
                licenseKey = "sRwAAAEeY29tLm1pY3JvYmxpbmsueGFtYXJpbi5ibGlua2lks3unDL+B9jpa6FeAx7x69Nn9VVTofYT2ZAb8+dDWUdwnBje1AqOjCH2Ckp78A0XKEBbg91lC3vJyWALjcuZHPeESnd+JI2IzBQbP/32HhRBLJaXyZxbOtTwNFBnadltFIf2AGL+FDIFJz3bc6VWOEA3ImT7S02gnAaYMS3Gy7PnIYJr33JHe+qOKzSUtESQLVIbMQp1+ubP7hh+/g3z2Vb8LRA0i2n/x/YRcqmA0bDe5oA3Ww39I/6O2PNGX/PNhLDkaVpbX3RYof5cx";
                licenseKey = "sRwAAAAeY29tLm1pY3JvYmxpbmsueGFtYXJpbi5ibGlua2lke7qv4mAhH4ywlU8/ZLMbELfv07jxSZleylhrg1TGwLmMBn5fZzgRlTqfMhHKbgNdNH8IJHQ1mGk1G8abt0/uz7tlBNYzwc4XRcsyzkY7MlR5ZDN3TyjzwprvDNDO7CVGeB4712YCJ/Khbn8wpymaHZwKXSjq8BkkdKfJWD5sE0/eauWRH/SQ1HVZ0SIbNs/Z5lwyXcPIFCFRLKIMUb/fxFsg8bcP5W8WdIPEP+t7PzWiMcEFPgpcqAmp395nooYWCQt8W7yqOGX4WAY4";

            // since DependencyService requires implementations to have default constructor, a factory is needed
            // to construct implementation of IMicroblinkScanner with given license key
            blinkID = microblinkFactory.CreateMicroblinkScanner(licenseKey);

            // subscribe to scanning done message
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <Messages.ScanningDoneMessage> (this, Messages.ScanningDoneMessageId, (sender) => {
                ImageSource faceImageSource = null;
                ImageSource fullDocumentFrontImageSource = null;
                ImageSource fullDocumentBackImageSource  = null;
                ImageSource successFrameImageSource      = null;

                string stringResult = "No valid results.";

                // if user cancelled scanning, sender.ScanningCancelled will be true
                if (sender.ScanningCancelled)
                    stringResult = "Scanning cancelled";
                    // otherwise, one or more recognizers used in RecognizerCollection (see StartScan method below)
                    // will contain result

                    // if specific recognizer's result's state is Valid, then it contains data recognized from image
                    if (blinkidRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                        var blinkidResult = blinkidRecognizer.Result;
                        stringResult      =
                            "BlinkID recognizer result:\n" +
                            "FirstName: " + blinkidResult.FirstName + "\n" +
                            "LastName: " + blinkidResult.LastName + "\n" +
                            "Address: " + blinkidResult.Address + "\n" +
                            "DocumentNumber: " + blinkidResult.DocumentNumber + "\n" +
                            "Sex: " + blinkidResult.Sex + "\n";
                        var dob = blinkidResult.DateOfBirth;
                        if (dob != null)
                            stringResult +=
                                "DateOfBirth: " + dob.Day + "." +
                                dob.Month + "." +
                                dob.Year + ".\n";
                        var doi = blinkidResult.DateOfIssue;
                        if (doi != null)
                            stringResult +=
                                "DateOfIssue: " + doi.Day + "." +
                                doi.Month + "." +
                                doi.Year + ".\n";
                        var doe = blinkidResult.DateOfExpiry;
                        if (doe != null)
                            stringResult +=
                                "DateOfExpiry: " + doe.Day + "." +
                                doe.Month + "." +
                                doe.Year + ".\n";
                        // there are other fields to extract

                        fullDocumentFrontImageSource = blinkidResult.FullDocumentFrontImage;
                        fullDocumentBackImageSource  = blinkidResult.FullDocumentBackImage;

                    // similarly, we can check for results of other recognizers
                    //if (usdlRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                    //    var result = usdlRecognizer.Result;
                    //    stringResult =
                    //        "USDL version: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.StandardVersionNumber) + "\n" +
                    //        "Family name: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerFamilyName) + "\n" +
                    //        "First name: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerFirstName) + "\n" +
                    //        "Date of birth: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DateOfBirth) + "\n" +
                    //        "Sex: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.Sex) + "\n" +
                    //        "Eye color: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.EyeColor) + "\n" +
                    //        "Height: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.Height) + "\n" +
                    //        "Street: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressStreet) + "\n" +
                    //        "City: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressCity) + "\n" +
                    //        "Jurisdiction: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressJurisdictionCode) + "\n" +
                    //        "Postal code: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressPostalCode) + "\n" +
                    //          // License information
                    //          "Issue date: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DocumentIssueDate) + "\n" +
                    //          "Expiration date: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DocumentExpirationDate) + "\n" +
                    //          "Issuer ID: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.IssuerIdentificationNumber) + "\n" +
                    //          "Jurisdiction version: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionVersionNumber) + "\n" +
                    //          "Vehicle class: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionVehicleClass) + "\n" +
                    //          "Restrictions: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionRestrictionCodes) + "\n" +
                    //          "Endorsments: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionEndorsementCodes) + "\n" +
                    //          "Customer ID: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerIdNumber);

                    //    successFrameImageSource = usdlSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer.Result.SuccessFrame;

                // updating the UI must be performed on main thread
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                    resultsEditor.Text            = stringResult;
                    fullDocumentFrontImage.Source = fullDocumentFrontImageSource;
                    fullDocumentBackImage.Source  = fullDocumentBackImageSource;
                    successScanImage.Source       = successFrameImageSource;
                    faceImage.Source = faceImageSource;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// USDL recognizer will be used for scanning barcode from back side of United States' driver's licenses.
        /// </summary>
        //IUsdlRecognizer usdlRecognizer;

        /// <summary>
        /// This success frame grabber recognizer will wrap usdlRecognizer and will contain camera frame of the moment
        /// when wrapped recognizer finished its recognition.
        /// </summary>
        //ISuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer usdlSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer;

        public BlinkIDPage()

            // before obtaining any of the recognizer's implementations from DependencyService, it is required
            // to obtain instance of IMicroblinkScanner and set the license key.
            // Failure to do so will crash your app.
            var microblinkFactory = DependencyService.Get <IMicroblinkScannerFactory>();

            // license keys are different for iOS and Android and depend on iOS bundleID/Android application ID
            // in your app, you may obtain the correct license key for your platform via DependencyService from
            // your Droid/iOS projects
            string licenseKey;

            // both these license keys are demo license keys for bundleID/applicationID com.microblink.xamarin.blinkid
            if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS)
                licenseKey = "sRwAAAEeY29tLm1pY3JvYmxpbmsueGFtYXJpbi5ibGlua2lks3unDL+B9jpa6FeAwozaXbqHSjMIKiqr4gD/bDmTXR0NcEQJxc98SUF7C/K1YYrbRc9ZVNfHdRwd2qQ35aa2PuyWiKisBm8am48D1N18uu0lylVoMkeqYf9Z/ggNP8nZkVRfY1y9egl01baFvPskSw4/5vt7fodsrK3XDMu+HUmeWVDqizB0jRwzh4Yu40AqOUTMYWVN3WgfSLQdWHlYKu2CFVTj83CYvNeGMQs+KTTEXvKiKmHSzhNeER9CVfoDC/qgXJV0kvdLO5+q0c4i";
                licenseKey = "sRwAAAAeY29tLm1pY3JvYmxpbmsueGFtYXJpbi5ibGlua2lke7qv4mAhH4ywlU8/YXsbFGl/R9gKNbvPnYoH1UX6O/hI3oLNiy4HIncKKDbS2x/l1A/Gb6pcfI7q5tlKQjCdzNCT3N4k+7tbrzymTAS1Zsaud8FHo4c/U11A1UWQyB3CYLSRABio1yxxPF0XdbWwoLxXoURaXNBBQCXR5lGdBt8hugsuNWjDq2mzNMhJYPs13jJpcHj96xSQPKCuvqyal8IojhkPMAJrwLdcgXvTSDTbVVmbpfJK4UXeH1YNPa12bFqRDYf31hwx9YS6x9YB";

            // since DependencyService requires implementations to have default constructor, a factory is needed
            // to construct implementation of IMicroblinkScanner with given license key
            blinkID = microblinkFactory.CreateMicroblinkScanner(licenseKey);

            // subscribe to scanning done message
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <Messages.ScanningDoneMessage> (this, Messages.ScanningDoneMessageId, (sender) => {
                ImageSource faceImageSource = null;
                ImageSource fullDocumentFrontImageSource = null;
                ImageSource fullDocumentBackImageSource  = null;
                ImageSource successFrameImageSource      = null;

                string stringResult = "No valid results.";

                // if user cancelled scanning, sender.ScanningCancelled will be true
                if (sender.ScanningCancelled)
                    stringResult = "Scanning cancelled";
                    // otherwise, one or more recognizers used in RecognizerCollection (see StartScan method below)
                    // will contain result

                    // if specific recognizer's result's state is Valid, then it contains data recognized from image
                    if (blinkidRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                        var blinkidResult = blinkidRecognizer.Result;
                        stringResult      =
                            "BlinkID recognizer result:\n" +
                            "FirstName: " + blinkidResult.FirstName + "\n" +
                            "LastName: " + blinkidResult.LastName + "\n" +
                            "Address: " + blinkidResult.Address + "\n" +
                            "DocumentNumber: " + blinkidResult.DocumentNumber + "\n" +
                            "Sex: " + blinkidResult.Sex + "\n";
                        var dob = blinkidResult.DateOfBirth;
                        if (dob != null)
                            stringResult +=
                                "DateOfBirth: " + dob.Day + "." +
                                dob.Month + "." +
                                dob.Year + ".\n";
                        var doi = blinkidResult.DateOfIssue;
                        if (doi != null)
                            stringResult +=
                                "DateOfIssue: " + doi.Day + "." +
                                doi.Month + "." +
                                doi.Year + ".\n";
                        var doe = blinkidResult.DateOfExpiry;
                        if (doe != null)
                            stringResult +=
                                "DateOfExpiry: " + doe.Day + "." +
                                doe.Month + "." +
                                doe.Year + ".\n";
                        // there are other fields to extract

                        fullDocumentFrontImageSource = blinkidResult.FullDocumentFrontImage;
                        fullDocumentBackImageSource  = blinkidResult.FullDocumentBackImage;

                    // similarly, we can check for results of other recognizers
                    //if (usdlRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                    //    var result = usdlRecognizer.Result;
                    //    stringResult =
                    //        "USDL version: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.StandardVersionNumber) + "\n" +
                    //        "Family name: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerFamilyName) + "\n" +
                    //        "First name: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerFirstName) + "\n" +
                    //        "Date of birth: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DateOfBirth) + "\n" +
                    //        "Sex: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.Sex) + "\n" +
                    //        "Eye color: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.EyeColor) + "\n" +
                    //        "Height: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.Height) + "\n" +
                    //        "Street: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressStreet) + "\n" +
                    //        "City: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressCity) + "\n" +
                    //        "Jurisdiction: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressJurisdictionCode) + "\n" +
                    //        "Postal code: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressPostalCode) + "\n" +
                    //          // License information
                    //          "Issue date: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DocumentIssueDate) + "\n" +
                    //          "Expiration date: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DocumentExpirationDate) + "\n" +
                    //          "Issuer ID: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.IssuerIdentificationNumber) + "\n" +
                    //          "Jurisdiction version: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionVersionNumber) + "\n" +
                    //          "Vehicle class: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionVehicleClass) + "\n" +
                    //          "Restrictions: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionRestrictionCodes) + "\n" +
                    //          "Endorsments: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionEndorsementCodes) + "\n" +
                    //          "Customer ID: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerIdNumber);

                    //    successFrameImageSource = usdlSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer.Result.SuccessFrame;

                // updating the UI must be performed on main thread
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                    resultsEditor.Text            = stringResult;
                    fullDocumentFrontImage.Source = fullDocumentFrontImageSource;
                    fullDocumentBackImage.Source  = fullDocumentBackImageSource;
                    successScanImage.Source       = successFrameImageSource;
                    faceImage.Source = faceImageSource;
        public BlinkIDPage()

            // before obtaining any of the recognizer's implementations from DependencyService, it is required
            // to obtain instance of IMicroblinkScanner and set the license key.
            // Failure to do so will crash your app.
            var microblinkFactory = DependencyService.Get <IMicroblinkScannerFactory>();

            // license keys are different for iOS and Android and depend on iOS bundleID/Android application ID
            // in your app, you may obtain the correct license key for your platform via DependencyService from
            // your Droid/iOS projects
            string licenseKey;

            // both these license keys are demo license keys for bundleID/applicationID com.microblink.xamarin.blinkid
            if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS)
                licenseKey = "sRwAAAEeY29tLm1pY3JvYmxpbmsueGFtYXJpbi5ibGlua2lks3unDL+B9jpa6FeAwCB68F5GmyjOoTBeIV5sKcvJJBquml9J7/y9U/vJu4mzhLUXs1iRDyIO2u+oQPeM9hSt+FmDxgVgj8ajVU9dHSlyINcsnrj27p75PHrFGCK0dMVnKzWDEjIZUcQfphQ8z8L4+ovU2x9LkQpCU44RxQi6aL8wFvotax8Xeq/Q8fuEK5wkVFQ6SInQnvjBrMaTP2Z+6o4ZMcpkdqq0BYeCKi4XArDIQn/lEOLm8WwpNYSt";
                licenseKey = "sRwAAAAeY29tLm1pY3JvYmxpbmsueGFtYXJpbi5ibGlua2lke7qv4mAhH4ywlU8/Y6+eF1yoJj1Zazxmto8UxOc1IuQn/4Mvhg/nYz3rwYyhvNGBj94j9qaGGaQt0vlE4+wLdr4TSE8kcv2chQQpqjanzq+kDyo6P2Of+3JXcCRh/Cb+G75ADO3b3xm58r+eOS8nf3bN3sKgYH9maZMKhq8EGwW7HG6WPQNSXGOWYy9hrwcBCRrlEsXNDM/EfhPZGJjFXpwlD/fr8dl5ZFqSbo7lD7eXk2SBSqka3GBu7zbc";

            // since DependencyService requires implementations to have default constructor, a factory is needed
            // to construct implementation of IMicroblinkScanner with given license key
            blinkID = microblinkFactory.CreateMicroblinkScanner(licenseKey);

            // subscribe to scanning done message
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <Messages.ScanningDoneMessage> (this, Messages.ScanningDoneMessageId, (sender) => {
                ImageSource faceImageSource         = null;
                ImageSource fullDocumentImageSource = null;
                ImageSource successFrameImageSource = null;

                string stringResult = "No valid results.";

                // if user cancelled scanning, sender.ScanningCancelled will be true
                if (sender.ScanningCancelled)
                    stringResult = "Scanning cancelled";
                    // otherwise, one or more recognizers used in RecognizerCollection (see StartScan method below)
                    // will contain result

                    // if specific recognizer's result's state is Valid, then it contains data recognized from image
                    if (mrtdRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                        var result   = mrtdRecognizer.Result;
                        stringResult = "PrimaryID: " + result.MrzResult.PrimaryId + "\n" +
                                       "SecondaryID: " + result.MrzResult.SecondaryId + "\n" +
                                       "Nationality: " + result.MrzResult.Nationality + "\n" +
                                       "Gender: " + result.MrzResult.Gender + "\n" +
                                       "Date of birth: " + result.MrzResult.DateOfBirth.Day + "." + result.MrzResult.DateOfBirth.Month + "." + result.MrzResult.DateOfBirth.Year + ".";

                        fullDocumentImageSource = result.FullDocumentImage;
                        successFrameImageSource = mrtdSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer.Result.SuccessFrame;

                    // similarly, we can check for results of other recognizers
                    if (usdlRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                        var result   = usdlRecognizer.Result;
                        stringResult =
                            "USDL version: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.StandardVersionNumber) + "\n" +
                            "Family name: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerFamilyName) + "\n" +
                            "First name: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerFirstName) + "\n" +
                            "Date of birth: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DateOfBirth) + "\n" +
                            "Sex: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.Sex) + "\n" +
                            "Eye color: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.EyeColor) + "\n" +
                            "Height: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.Height) + "\n" +
                            "Street: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressStreet) + "\n" +
                            "City: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressCity) + "\n" +
                            "Jurisdiction: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressJurisdictionCode) + "\n" +
                            "Postal code: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressPostalCode) + "\n" +
                            // License information
                            "Issue date: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DocumentIssueDate) + "\n" +
                            "Expiration date: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DocumentExpirationDate) + "\n" +
                            "Issuer ID: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.IssuerIdentificationNumber) + "\n" +
                            "Jurisdiction version: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionVersionNumber) + "\n" +
                            "Vehicle class: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionVehicleClass) + "\n" +
                            "Restrictions: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionRestrictionCodes) + "\n" +
                            "Endorsments: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionEndorsementCodes) + "\n" +
                            "Customer ID: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerIdNumber);

                        successFrameImageSource = usdlSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer.Result.SuccessFrame;

                    if (eudlRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                        var result   = eudlRecognizer.Result;
                        stringResult =
                            "First name: " + result.FirstName + "\n" +
                            "Last name: " + result.LastName + "\n" +
                            "Address: " + result.Address + "\n" +
                            "Personal number: " + result.PersonalNumber + "\n" +
                            "Driver number: " + result.DriverNumber;
                        successFrameImageSource = eudlSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer.Result.SuccessFrame;
                        faceImageSource         = result.FaceImage;
                        fullDocumentImageSource = result.FullDocumentImage;

                // updating the UI must be performed on main thread
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                    resultsEditor.Text       = stringResult;
                    fullDocumentImage.Source = fullDocumentImageSource;
                    successScanImage.Source  = successFrameImageSource;
                    faceImage.Source         = faceImageSource;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public BlinkIDPage()

            // before obtaining any of the recognizer's implementations from DependencyService, it is required
            // to obtain instance of IMicroblinkScanner and set the license key.
            // Failure to do so will crash your app.
            var microblinkFactory = DependencyService.Get <IMicroblinkScannerFactory>();

            // license keys are different for iOS and Android and depend on iOS bundleID/Android application ID
            // in your app, you may obtain the correct license key for your platform via DependencyService from
            // your Droid/iOS projects
            string licenseKey;

            // both these license keys are demo license keys for bundleID/applicationID com.microblink.xamarin.blinkid
            if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS)
                licenseKey = "sRwAAAEeY29tLm1pY3JvYmxpbmsueGFtYXJpbi5ibGlua2lks3unDL+B9jpa6FcAxRB59KP5uKHx3yK5i71SaHBhxP57cZUJAlNPBDUgzhrOUQdf7HIZk5yAOu2VV3dhk9+ZC9/rCR+Ob2psUpvm7GwgguVcn6byvrscHvxIjTisV1GyZ+Zhr5kjGhLvlToSWQ8kFkm+IVEmMXAJ/JWnHt8DESn0KTenlhpMKjhoPr5pAxOGLVSgqhoigoIOwmXwoL+e6SxfdH+yEQqsoSdVaTuIaojpMcmCtPDg2bHBZfot2QfDzEE=";
                licenseKey = "sRwAAAAeY29tLm1pY3JvYmxpbmsueGFtYXJpbi5ibGlua2lke7qv4mAhH4ywlU+/Zv8cEFJpkZtmqlysrWqktGZQ//Gs2MfTBoDAn5ug+aVBeaGW1fZbtks5QPvB0GHCyGe3ifl5FszmWiUzgJVOHuQ5I1P+81ya5Th79vsb6uIfy+tdcZDfEeNUX7ql0Bffa9UU9CgaJYIDIK9xHQPew3WbhQVvjbztHOuYhMtyo7NGCeLPc3zfbX3gkb3+wy9UzBVTeBb/VEyDgjvX4vn8ZlhBKH1NFUCXbDnTDhb9eh5/Utu19HQ=";

            // since DependencyService requires implementations to have default constructor, a factory is needed
            // to construct implementation of IMicroblinkScanner with given license key
            blinkID = microblinkFactory.CreateMicroblinkScanner(licenseKey);

            // subscribe to scanning done message
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <Messages.ScanningDoneMessage> (this, Messages.ScanningDoneMessageId, (sender) => {
                ImageSource faceImageSource         = null;
                ImageSource fullDocumentImageSource = null;
                ImageSource successFrameImageSource = null;

                string stringResult = "No valid results.";

                // if user cancelled scanning, sender.ScanningCancelled will be true
                if (sender.ScanningCancelled)
                    stringResult = "Scanning cancelled";
                    // otherwise, one or more recognizers used in RecognizerCollection (see StartScan method below)
                    // will contain result

                    // if specific recognizer's result's state is Valid, then it contains data recognized from image
                    if (mrtdRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                        var result   = mrtdRecognizer.Result;
                        stringResult = "PrimaryID: " + result.MrzResult.PrimaryId + "\n" +
                                       "SecondaryID: " + result.MrzResult.SecondaryId + "\n" +
                                       "Nationality: " + result.MrzResult.Nationality + "\n" +
                                       "Gender: " + result.MrzResult.Gender + "\n" +
                                       "Date of birth: " + result.MrzResult.DateOfBirth.Day + "." + result.MrzResult.DateOfBirth.Month + "." + result.MrzResult.DateOfBirth.Year + ".";

                        fullDocumentImageSource = result.FullDocumentImage;
                        successFrameImageSource = mrtdSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer.Result.SuccessFrame;

                    // similarly, we can check for results of other recognizers
                    if (usdlRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                        var result   = usdlRecognizer.Result;
                        stringResult =
                            "USDL version: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.StandardVersionNumber) + "\n" +
                            "Family name: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerFamilyName) + "\n" +
                            "First name: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerFirstName) + "\n" +
                            "Date of birth: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DateOfBirth) + "\n" +
                            "Sex: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.Sex) + "\n" +
                            "Eye color: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.EyeColor) + "\n" +
                            "Height: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.Height) + "\n" +
                            "Street: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressStreet) + "\n" +
                            "City: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressCity) + "\n" +
                            "Jurisdiction: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressJurisdictionCode) + "\n" +
                            "Postal code: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressPostalCode) + "\n" +
                            // License information
                            "Issue date: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DocumentIssueDate) + "\n" +
                            "Expiration date: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DocumentExpirationDate) + "\n" +
                            "Issuer ID: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.IssuerIdentificationNumber) + "\n" +
                            "Jurisdiction version: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionVersionNumber) + "\n" +
                            "Vehicle class: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionVehicleClass) + "\n" +
                            "Restrictions: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionRestrictionCodes) + "\n" +
                            "Endorsments: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionEndorsementCodes) + "\n" +
                            "Customer ID: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerIdNumber);

                        successFrameImageSource = usdlSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer.Result.SuccessFrame;

                    if (eudlRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                        var result   = eudlRecognizer.Result;
                        stringResult =
                            "First name: " + result.FirstName + "\n" +
                            "Last name: " + result.LastName + "\n" +
                            "Address: " + result.Address + "\n" +
                            "Personal number: " + result.PersonalNumber + "\n" +
                            "Driver number: " + result.DriverNumber;
                        successFrameImageSource = eudlSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer.Result.SuccessFrame;
                        faceImageSource         = result.FaceImage;
                        fullDocumentImageSource = result.FullDocumentImage;

                // updating the UI must be performed on main thread
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                    resultsEditor.Text       = stringResult;
                    fullDocumentImage.Source = fullDocumentImageSource;
                    successScanImage.Source  = successFrameImageSource;
                    faceImage.Source         = faceImageSource;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// USDL recognizer will be used for scanning barcode from back side of United States' driver's licenses.
        /// </summary>
        //IUsdlRecognizer usdlRecognizer;

        /// <summary>
        /// This success frame grabber recognizer will wrap usdlRecognizer and will contain camera frame of the moment
        /// when wrapped recognizer finished its recognition.
        /// </summary>
        //ISuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer usdlSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer;

        public BlinkIDPage()

            // before obtaining any of the recognizer's implementations from DependencyService, it is required
            // to obtain instance of IMicroblinkScanner and set the license key.
            // Failure to do so will crash your app.
            var microblinkFactory = DependencyService.Get <IMicroblinkScannerFactory>();

            // license keys are different for iOS and Android and depend on iOS bundleID/Android application ID
            // in your app, you may obtain the correct license key for your platform via DependencyService from
            // your Droid/iOS projects
            string licenseKey;

            // both these license keys are demo license keys for bundleID/applicationID com.microblink.sample
            if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS)
                licenseKey = "sRwAAAEVY29tLm1pY3JvYmxpbmsuc2FtcGxl1BIcP+dpSuS/38JVP6aKNaBKXyOa0lx8FMppKnmLvzN4FxHDuhb/iU7ojs9ZV2HHMGkgO+lMeHXvwTM9jNX3cTyExpXVaxJ06Ki8O5II97dgREuRvs8ZoV7qGSMhZtLe9b4wPe69vbvgkmGrUPLzNGJX8uxTtpRgLOtFSpNXshQZ/nnRhxi/F2d9sY7sYI1jTYAMoacu0AWrciTcSFTYe57lLkTFH6wtJTmGzzPF18NqhltfO7+5Bwk5/9AQ9blIOOBFr5s=";
                licenseKey = "sRwAAAAVY29tLm1pY3JvYmxpbmsuc2FtcGxlU9kJdf5ZkGlTu9U3P8tqz/OQlP4WPMiRjJ8ogPx3I/XahwQ+FZH+4q0sbbRGfo1IDXwYR6Cdy7o6IZeOzT2iRIZT7eW+Cqk65y1ngxGxk5caaR7WSyCGCe/yQqSjp1fxerQaVWUL0uK7s0xfv8EtVTqz7hocOKoqeC4c2m0L+WeEc7kAHGuYjoIMVm2BOmEtCOR4grLQUmrz5ojA8fFjuknxBnEGkFWdJNT0evkrH/BgcnM9S+CH2018twWbYYV8ggqaD8DB";

            // since DependencyService requires implementations to have default constructor, a factory is needed
            // to construct implementation of IMicroblinkScanner with given license key
            blinkID = microblinkFactory.CreateMicroblinkScanner(licenseKey);

            // subscribe to scanning done message
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <Messages.ScanningDoneMessage> (this, Messages.ScanningDoneMessageId, (sender) => {
                ImageSource faceImageSource = null;
                ImageSource fullDocumentFrontImageSource = null;
                ImageSource fullDocumentBackImageSource  = null;
                ImageSource successFrameImageSource      = null;

                string stringResult = "No valid results.";

                // if user cancelled scanning, sender.ScanningCancelled will be true
                if (sender.ScanningCancelled)
                    stringResult = "Scanning cancelled";
                    // otherwise, one or more recognizers used in RecognizerCollection (see StartScan method below)
                    // will contain result

                    // if specific recognizer's result's state is Valid, then it contains data recognized from image
                    if (blinkidRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                        var blinkidResult = blinkidRecognizer.Result;
                        stringResult      =
                            "BlinkID recognizer result:\n" +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.FirstName, "First name") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.LastName, "Last name") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.FullName, "Full name") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.LocalizedName, "Localized name") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.AdditionalNameInformation, "Additional name info") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.Address, "Address") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.AdditionalAddressInformation, "Additional address info") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.DocumentNumber, "Document number") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.DocumentAdditionalNumber, "Additional document number") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.Sex, "Sex") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.IssuingAuthority, "Issuing authority") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.Nationality, "Nationality") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.DateOfBirth, "DateOfBirth") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.Age, "Age") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.DateOfIssue, "Date of issue") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.DateOfExpiry, "Date of expiry") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.DateOfExpiryPermanent, "Date of expiry permanent") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.MaritalStatus, "Martial status") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.PersonalIdNumber, "Personal Id Number") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.Profession, "Profession") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.Race, "Race") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.Religion, "Religion") +
                            BuildResult(blinkidResult.ResidentialStatus, "Residential Status");

                        IDriverLicenseDetailedInfo licenceInfo = blinkidResult.DriverLicenseDetailedInfo;
                        if (licenceInfo != null)
                            stringResult +=
                                BuildResult(licenceInfo.Restrictions, "Restrictions") +
                                BuildResult(licenceInfo.Endorsements, "Endorsements") +
                                BuildResult(licenceInfo.VehicleClass, "Vehicle class") +
                                BuildResult(licenceInfo.Conditions, "Conditions");

                        fullDocumentFrontImageSource = blinkidResult.FullDocumentFrontImage;
                        fullDocumentBackImageSource  = blinkidResult.FullDocumentBackImage;

                    // similarly, we can check for results of other recognizers
                    //if (usdlRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                    //    var result = usdlRecognizer.Result;
                    //    stringResult =
                    //        "USDL version: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.StandardVersionNumber) + "\n" +
                    //        "Family name: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerFamilyName) + "\n" +
                    //        "First name: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerFirstName) + "\n" +
                    //        "Date of birth: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DateOfBirth) + "\n" +
                    //        "Sex: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.Sex) + "\n" +
                    //        "Eye color: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.EyeColor) + "\n" +
                    //        "Height: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.Height) + "\n" +
                    //        "Street: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressStreet) + "\n" +
                    //        "City: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressCity) + "\n" +
                    //        "Jurisdiction: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressJurisdictionCode) + "\n" +
                    //        "Postal code: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressPostalCode) + "\n" +
                    //          // License information
                    //          "Issue date: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DocumentIssueDate) + "\n" +
                    //          "Expiration date: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DocumentExpirationDate) + "\n" +
                    //          "Issuer ID: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.IssuerIdentificationNumber) + "\n" +
                    //          "Jurisdiction version: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionVersionNumber) + "\n" +
                    //          "Vehicle class: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionVehicleClass) + "\n" +
                    //          "Restrictions: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionRestrictionCodes) + "\n" +
                    //          "Endorsments: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionEndorsementCodes) + "\n" +
                    //          "Customer ID: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerIdNumber);

                    //    successFrameImageSource = usdlSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer.Result.SuccessFrame;

                // updating the UI must be performed on main thread
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                    resultsEditor.Text            = stringResult;
                    fullDocumentFrontImage.Source = fullDocumentFrontImageSource;
                    fullDocumentBackImage.Source  = fullDocumentBackImageSource;
                    successScanImage.Source       = successFrameImageSource;
                    faceImage.Source = faceImageSource;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void InitBlinkID()
            // before obtaining any of the recognizer's implementations from DependencyService, it is required
            // to obtain instance of IMicroblinkScanner and set the license key.
            // Failure to do so will crash your app.
            var microblinkFactory = DependencyService.Get <IMicroblinkScannerFactory>();

            // license keys are different for iOS and Android and depend on iOS bundleID/Android application ID
            // in your app, you may obtain the correct license key for your platform via DependencyService from
            // your Droid/iOS projects
            string licenseKey;

            // both these license keys are demo license keys for bundleID/applicationID com.microblink.xamarin.blinkid
            if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS)
                //licenseKey = @"sRwAAAEQY29tLmNobWwuaXQuY2Nmc0iUtoUk/ef1YJ5jX+o5uIzyxuRON+o5AprGt1y0HRXyOS3r7Xn/J8u2qeYccWpDTk0d8mdaDPrcaJjP7EUTBVG7BwPOlZfYAd4bPftj+19de9RS9WPc8U+nSNUgG39oaeL7cG4/J8B6V13gvRYYCDRAQh8EUDUy7R77C7WcuFQ4UMs2c7MkJxwFuxtX0k2W5TvMANrFRd31HhWVGYl8v1QsBgD2qxPBDq1QIXNdmmfHd0PCavSzTUVXE0tuTGjm7ZiY";
                licenseKey = @"sRwAAAETY29tLmNobWwuaXQuY2hlY2tpbgGm5r7k3Ek2zECA87ExzLf1KJZaW29XBS/9dg+G7MK6iq76H9mvl6iZWyFCQIZkJDJtfeI4Ojyvaa33CV/GUaGfjAeT/gbPdEECFLJdiJzYEAFGXlwFYpkfb4wDuHefL7y+R4dJFOdoCKFTG78XSRWoeIMReXDXzayIXHmSn09Fw9fzpkcM3eDNmtxnza4a6M07yoU=";
                //licenseKey = "sRwAAAEQY29tLmNobWwuaXQuY2Nmc0iUtoUk/ef1YJ5jX+o5uIzyxuRON+o5AprGt1y0HRXyOS3r7Xn/J8u2qeYccWpDTk0d8mdaDPrcaJjP7EUTBVG7BwPOlZfYAd4bPftj+19de9RS9WPc8U+nSNUgG39oaeL7cG4/J8B6V13gvRYYCDRAQh8EUDUy7R77C7WcuFQ4UMs2c7MkJxwFuxtX0k2W5TvMANrFRd31HhWVGYl8v1QsBgD2qxPBDq1QIXNdmmfHd0PCavSzTUVXE0tuTGjm7ZiY";
                licenseKey = "sRwAAAATY29tLmNobWwuaXQuY2hlY2tpbtRm4Sqvhw507E+XVCNTtcxAXSpC2KKosWxzcIjD++kxxsJIOUU4a8rhxtQ3g30tGeoYbJOCycdV/DSfLEmiz1E2g4PgA53THm1J2IyLsczXEmhqqAAEO3wmKSIwi2jgO8MHZvu35bDgH9/EV34AuKVxE97kdVh4LIIxmbaOcJFMzH9syNrE8Qfano3mAP8O4zxg0/c=";

            // since DependencyService requires implementations to have default constructor, a factory is needed
            // to construct implementation of IMicroblinkScanner with given license key
            blinkID = microblinkFactory.CreateMicroblinkScanner(licenseKey);

            // subscribe to scanning done message
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <ScanningDoneMessage>(this, ScanningDoneMessageId, async(sender) => {

                    ImageSource fullDocumentImageSource = null;
                    ImageSource successFrameImageSource = null;

                    string stringResult = "No valid results.";

                    // if user cancelled scanning, sender.ScanningCancelled will be true
                    if (sender.ScanningCancelled)
                        stringResult = "Scanning cancelled";
                        // otherwise, one or more recognizers used in RecognizerCollection (see StartScan method below)
                        // will contain result

                        // if specific recognizer's result's state is Valid, then it contains data recognized from image
                        if (mrtdRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                            var result = mrtdRecognizer.Result;

                            lname           = result.MrzResult.PrimaryId;
                            fname           = result.MrzResult.SecondaryId;
                            nationality     = result.MrzResult.Nationality;
                            gender          = result.MrzResult.Gender;
                            PassportNumber  = Regex.Replace(result.MrzResult.DocumentNumber, "[^A-Za-z0-9 _]", "");
                            dateOfExpiry    = $"{result.MrzResult.DateOfExpiry.Day}-{result.MrzResult.DateOfExpiry.Month}-{result.MrzResult.DateOfExpiry.Year}";
                            dateOfBirthPass = $"{result.MrzResult.DateOfBirth.Day}-{result.MrzResult.DateOfBirth.Month}-{result.MrzResult.DateOfBirth.Year}";

                            //List of identification methods from dictionary
                            var nameToAlpha2FromAlpha3 = CountryDictionary.listAlpha3To();
                            //Getting Key Value from Dictoinary by passing the THREE Letter code
                            nationality = nameToAlpha2FromAlpha3.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == nationality).Value;

                            //Extracting document Images
                            fullDocumentImageSource = result.FullDocumentImage;
                            successFrameImageSource = mrtdSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer.Result.SuccessFrame;
                            //Set Image to Globals
                            Constants.PassportCopy = fullDocumentImageSource;

                            await existingGuestDetailsFromDatabses(2, PassportNumber);

                            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                                GuestFisrtName.Text = fname;
                                GuestLastName.Text  = lname;
                                PassportExpiry.Date = DateTime.ParseExact(dateOfExpiry, "d-M-yyyy", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                                DateOfBirth.Date = DateTime.ParseExact(dateOfBirthPass, "d-M-yyyy", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                catch (Exception)
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        guestEntryDetails(guestNumber.Text, PassportNumber, fname, lname, "", "", "", "", "");
                        PassportExpiry.Date = DateTime.ParseExact(dateOfExpiry, "d-M-yyyy", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                        DateOfBirth.Date    = DateTime.ParseExact(dateOfBirthPass, "d-M-yyyy", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                        Visitperhotel       = "00";
                        Totalvisit          = "00";
                        RevenueTotal        = "0.00";
                        RevenueRoom         = "0.00";
                        RevenueFnb          = "0.00";
                        RevenueOther        = "0.00";

                        DisplayAlert(Constants._headerMessage, Constants._noDetails, Constants._buttonOkay);
        public BlinkIDPage()

            // before obtaining any of the recognizer's implementations from DependencyService, it is required
            // to obtain instance of IMicroblinkScanner and set the license key.
            // Failure to do so will crash your app.
            var microblinkFactory = DependencyService.Get <IMicroblinkScannerFactory>();

            // license keys are different for iOS and Android and depend on iOS bundleID/Android application ID
            // in your app, you may obtain the correct license key for your platform via DependencyService from
            // your Droid/iOS projects
            string licenseKey;

            // both these license keys are demo license keys for bundleID/applicationID com.microblink.xamarin.blinkid
            if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS)
                licenseKey = "sRwAAAEeY29tLm1pY3JvYmxpbmsueGFtYXJpbi5ibGlua2lks3unDF2B9jpa6FeAxSjaWUg1ROYBfuTUj5ciQyp9KpRtdClsjclAqYTT1BA7QMj6tUv6yIwdGZNSUhiR253O9Zugyv6tsc8hB9XvpMvDAHOiAmgzkj5SacPTjp5C4xZwKCmER2NUf4YSDddznrI7btd5cNnr0Bc5lT0wNHzlN7Z6r04dqoI+jzrCW65IgF8DrA/t4C6O0/lxthm+IfAmobL0kfI0ui6/fy3m8OZ31AacLKO1qb4T0A==";
                licenseKey = "sRwAAAAeY29tLm1pY3JvYmxpbmsueGFtYXJpbi5ibGlua2lke7qv4oIhH4ywlU8/Zqc2tpXY3x6Jq4MYktFtYaRbzI3x0Qxrr0NeFEjL6qt8Qcz144x2F5LGg1bHXgkRXbt37saoFv1HJUiJ50Y4YHglH8SqhyfSzsT/C/vQEAKXgZBQuNeeCTY6RttMciEbHHHj7nybEz9+aOoBXfx0+XXx3cU4L6Wbmf/5EAXokQXtEkL3mCR8VC/51ohQVyRIgItohusasIcfe8B+UjUMCZU9v1B0bvHcUKZH6g==";

            // since DependencyService requires implementations to have default constructor, a factory is needed
            // to construct implementation of IMicroblinkScanner with given license key
            blinkID = microblinkFactory.CreateMicroblinkScanner(licenseKey);

            // license keys must be set before creating Recognizer, othervise InvalidLicenseKeyException will be thrown

            // the following code creates and sets up implementation of MrtdRecognizer
            mrtdRecognizer = DependencyService.Get <IMrtdRecognizer>();
            mrtdRecognizer.ReturnFullDocumentImage = true;

            // success frame grabber recognizer must be constructed with reference to its slave recognizer,
            // so we need to use factory to avoid DependencyService's limitations
            mrtdSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer = DependencyService.Get <ISuccessFrameGrabberRecognizerFactory>().CreateSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer(mrtdRecognizer);

            // the following code creates and sets up implementation of UsdlRecognizer
            usdlRecognizer = DependencyService.Get <IUsdlRecognizer>();

            // success frame grabber recognizer must be constructed with reference to its slave recognizer,
            // so we need to use factory to avoid DependencyService's limitations
            usdlSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer = DependencyService.Get <ISuccessFrameGrabberRecognizerFactory>().CreateSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer(usdlRecognizer);

            // the following code creates and sets up implementation of EudlRecognizer
            eudlRecognizer = DependencyService.Get <IEudlRecognizer>();
            eudlRecognizer.ReturnFaceImage         = true;
            eudlRecognizer.ReturnFullDocumentImage = true;

            // success frame grabber recognizer must be constructed with reference to its slave recognizer,
            // so we need to use factory to avoid DependencyService's limitations
            eudlSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer = DependencyService.Get <ISuccessFrameGrabberRecognizerFactory>().CreateSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer(eudlRecognizer);

            // subscribe to scanning done message
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <Messages.ScanningDoneMessage> (this, Messages.ScanningDoneMessageId, (sender) => {
                ImageSource faceImageSource         = null;
                ImageSource fullDocumentImageSource = null;
                ImageSource successFrameImageSource = null;

                string stringResult = "No valid results.";

                // if user cancelled scanning, sender.ScanningCancelled will be true
                if (sender.ScanningCancelled)
                    stringResult = "Scanning cancelled";
                    // otherwise, one or more recognizers used in RecognizerCollection (see StartScan method below)
                    // will contain result

                    // if specific recognizer's result's state is Valid, then it contains data recognized from image
                    if (mrtdRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                        var result   = mrtdRecognizer.Result;
                        stringResult = "PrimaryID: " + result.MrzResult.PrimaryId + "\n" +
                                       "SecondaryID: " + result.MrzResult.SecondaryId + "\n" +
                                       "Nationality: " + result.MrzResult.Nationality + "\n" +
                                       "Gender: " + result.MrzResult.Gender + "\n" +
                                       "Date of birth: " + result.MrzResult.DateOfBirth.Day + "." + result.MrzResult.DateOfBirth.Month + "." + result.MrzResult.DateOfBirth.Year + ".";

                        fullDocumentImageSource = result.FullDocumentImage;
                        successFrameImageSource = mrtdSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer.Result.SuccessFrame;

                    // similarly, we can check for results of other recognizers
                    if (usdlRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                        var result   = usdlRecognizer.Result;
                        stringResult =
                            "USDL version: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.StandardVersionNumber) + "\n" +
                            "Family name: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerFamilyName) + "\n" +
                            "First name: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerFirstName) + "\n" +
                            "Date of birth: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DateOfBirth) + "\n" +
                            "Sex: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.Sex) + "\n" +
                            "Eye color: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.EyeColor) + "\n" +
                            "Height: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.Height) + "\n" +
                            "Street: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressStreet) + "\n" +
                            "City: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressCity) + "\n" +
                            "Jurisdiction: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressJurisdictionCode) + "\n" +
                            "Postal code: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.AddressPostalCode) + "\n" +
                            // License information
                            "Issue date: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DocumentIssueDate) + "\n" +
                            "Expiration date: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.DocumentExpirationDate) + "\n" +
                            "Issuer ID: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.IssuerIdentificationNumber) + "\n" +
                            "Jurisdiction version: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionVersionNumber) + "\n" +
                            "Vehicle class: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionVehicleClass) + "\n" +
                            "Restrictions: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionRestrictionCodes) + "\n" +
                            "Endorsments: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.JurisdictionEndorsementCodes) + "\n" +
                            "Customer ID: " + result.GetField(UsdlKeys.CustomerIdNumber);

                        successFrameImageSource = usdlSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer.Result.SuccessFrame;

                    if (eudlRecognizer.Result.ResultState == RecognizerResultState.Valid)
                        var result   = eudlRecognizer.Result;
                        stringResult =
                            "First name: " + result.FirstName + "\n" +
                            "Last name: " + result.LastName + "\n" +
                            "Address: " + result.Address + "\n" +
                            "Personal number: " + result.PersonalNumber + "\n" +
                            "Driver number: " + result.DriverNumber;
                        successFrameImageSource = eudlSuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer.Result.SuccessFrame;
                        faceImageSource         = result.FaceImage;
                        fullDocumentImageSource = result.FullDocumentImage;

                // updating the UI must be performed on main thread
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                    resultsEditor.Text       = stringResult;
                    fullDocumentImage.Source = fullDocumentImageSource;
                    successScanImage.Source  = successFrameImageSource;
                    faceImage.Source         = faceImageSource;