Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public virtual Task InitializeAsync(ILogger logger, IMetricFactory metricFactory, ProcessorPartitionContext partitionContext)
            Logger = logger;

            using (Logger.BeginScope("Initialize batch processor"))
                Logger.LogInformation("Initializing batch processor for partition {partitionId}", partitionContext.PartitionId);
                MessageCounter = metricFactory.CreateCounter($"hcp-message-count-{partitionContext.PartitionId}", "The number of messages that have been processed by partition {partitionContext.PartitionId}", false, new string[0]);
                ErrorCounter   = metricFactory.CreateCounter($"hcp-error-count-{partitionContext.PartitionId}", "The number of errors that have been processed by partition {partitionContext.PartitionId}", false, new string[0]);

Ejemplo n.º 2
    public MetricsCollector(IMetricFactory metricFactory)
        _totalRequests = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ReverseCallDispatcher total requests");

        _totalFailedRequests = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ReverseCallDispatcher total failed requests");

        _totalRequestTime = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ReverseCallDispatcher total time spent writing request and waiting for response");
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public MetricsCollector(IMetricFactory metricFactory)
        _totalCallbacksRegistered = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "Callbacks total number of registered callbacks");

        _totalCallbacksCalled = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "Callbacks total number of called callbacks");

        _totalCallbackTime = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "Callbacks total time spent calling callbacks");

        _totalCallbacksFailed = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "Callbacks total number of called callbacks that failed");

        _totalCallbacksUnregistered = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "Callbacks total number of unregistered callbacks");

        _totalSchedulesMissed = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "Callbacks total number of missed callback schedules");

        _totalSchedulesMissedTime = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "Callbacks total time delays for missed callback schedules");

        _totalCallbackLoopsFailed = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "Callbacks total number of failed callback loops");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public ThreadPoolStatsCollector(
     IMetricFactory metricFactory,
     ICollectorExceptionHandler errorHandler) : base(errorHandler)
     WorkerActiveThreadCount = metricFactory.CreateGauge(
         "Total number of active worker threads in the thread pool");
     WorkerRetiredThreadCount = metricFactory.CreateGauge(
         "Total number of retired worker threads in the thread pool");
     ThreadPoolWorkerThreadAdjustmentThroughput = metricFactory.CreateGauge(
         "Refers to the collection of information for one sample; that is, a measurement of throughput with a certain concurrency level, in an instant of time.");
     WorkerThreadPoolAdjustmentReasonCount = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
         "Records a change in control, when the thread injection (hill-climbing) algorithm determines that a change in concurrency level is in place.",
     IoThreadCount = metricFactory.CreateGauge(
         "Number of I/O threads in the thread pool, including this one");
     IoRetiredCount = metricFactory.CreateGauge(
         "Number of retired I/O threads.");
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public MetricsCollector(IMetricFactory metricFactory)
        _totalIncomingSubscriptions = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ConsumerService total number of subscription received from other Runtimes");

        _totalRejectedSubscriptions = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ConsumerService total number of rejected subscriptions");

        _totalAcceptedSubscriptions = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ConsumerService total number of accepted subscriptions");
        _totalEventsWrittenToEventHorizon = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ConsumerService total number of events written to event horizon");
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public MetricsCollector(IMetricFactory metricFactory)
        _totalSubscriptionRequests = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "SubscriptionsService total number of subscription requests received from Head");

        _totalRegisteredSubscriptions = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "Subscriptions total number of registered subscriptions");

        _currentConnectedSubscriptions = metricFactory.CreateGauge(
            "Subscription total number of connected subscriptions");

        _totalSubscriptionRequestsWhereAlreadyStarted = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "Subscriptions total number of subscription requests made where subscription was already started");

        _totalSubscriptionsWithMissingProducerMicroserviceAddress = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "Subscriptions total number of subscriptions where producer microservice address configuration was missing");

        _totalSubscriptionsFailedDueToException = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "Subscriptions total number of subscriptions failed due to an exception");

        _totalSubscriptionsFailedDueToReceivingOrWritingEventsCompleted = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "Subscriptions total number of subscriptions failed due to receiving or writing events completed");

        _totalSubscriptionLoops = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "Subscriptions total number of subscriptions loops");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the basic information associated with the instance, including metrics setup
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logger">The logger to write debugging and diagnostics information to</param>
        /// <param name="metricFactory">The metrics factory used to create metrics containers from</param>
        private void ConfigureInstance(ILogger logger, IMetricFactory metricFactory)
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(logger), logger);
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(metricFactory), metricFactory);

            Logger        = logger;
            MetricFactory = metricFactory;

            using (logger.BeginScope("Configuring Instance"))
                Logger.LogInformation("Beginning Configuring instance");
                _testCounter      = metricFactory.CreateCounter("bpm-test-count", "The number of times the poisoned message test has beene executed since the start of the instance.", false, new string[0]);
                _updateCounter    = metricFactory.CreateCounter("bpm-update-count", "The number of times the poisoned message store has been updated since the start of the instance.", false, new string[0]);
                _updateBlobTiming = metricFactory.CreateSummary("bspm-update-timing", "The timing of the calls to the Azure Storage for updating the poisoned message values", 10, false, new string[0]);
                _readBlobTiming   = metricFactory.CreateSummary("bspm-read-timing", "The timing of the calls to the Azure Storage for reading the poisoned message values", 10, false, new string[0]);
                Logger.LogInformation("Finished Configuring instance");
        private void ConfigureInstance(ILogger logger, IMetricFactory metricFactory, FixedProcessorClientOptions options, ILeaseManager leaseManager, ICheckpointManager checkpointManager)
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(logger), logger);
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(leaseManager), leaseManager);
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(checkpointManager), checkpointManager);
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(options), options);
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(metricFactory), metricFactory);

            _leaseManager      = leaseManager;
            _checkpointManager = checkpointManager;
            _options           = options;
            _logger            = logger;
            _metricFactory     = metricFactory;

            _errorCounter                  = _metricFactory.CreateCounter("fpc-processing-error-count", "The number of processing errors raised since the start of the processor.", false, new string[0]);
            _partitionStopProcessing       = _metricFactory.CreateCounter("fpc-partition-stop-count", "The number of processing stop events raised since the start of the processor.", false, new string[0]);
            _partitionInitializeProcessing = _metricFactory.CreateCounter("fpc-partition-init-count", "The number of processing initialization events raised since the start of the processor.", false, new string[0]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logger">The logger to write debugging and diagnostics information to</param>
        /// <param name="metricFactory">The factory to create metrics containers from.</param>
        /// <param name="partitionId">The identifier of the partition that the context represents.</param>
        /// <param name="readLastEnqueuedEventProperties">A function that can be used to read the last enqueued event properties for the partition.</param>
        /// <param name="checkpointManager">The checkpoint manager to used to create the checkpoint</param>
        internal ProcessorPartitionContext(ILogger logger, IMetricFactory metricFactory, string partitionId, LastPropertiesReader readLastEnqueuedEventProperties, ICheckpointManager checkpointManager) : base(partitionId)
            _logger            = logger;
            _checkpointManager = checkpointManager;
            _readLastEnqueuedEventProperties = readLastEnqueuedEventProperties;

            _checkpointCounter = metricFactory.CreateCounter($"ppc-checkpoint-counter-{partitionId}", $"The number of times that the checkpoint has been called for partition {partitionId}", false, new string[0]);
            _checkpointTiming  = metricFactory.CreateSummary($"ppc-checkpoint-timing-{partitionId}", $"The time taken to perform checkpoints for partition {partitionId}", 10, false, new string[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public ExceptionStatsCollector(
     IMetricFactory metricFactory,
     ICollectorExceptionHandler errorHandler) : base(errorHandler)
     ExceptionCount = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
         "Count of exceptions broken down by type",
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the basic information associated with the instance, including metrics setup
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logger">The logger to write debugging and diagnostics information to</param>
        /// <param name="metricFactory">The metrics factory used to create metrics containers from</param>
        private void ConfigureInstance(ILogger logger, IMetricFactory metricFactory)
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(logger), logger);
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(metricFactory), metricFactory);

            Logger        = logger;
            MetricFactory = metricFactory;

            using (logger.BeginScope("Configuring Instance"))
                Logger.LogInformation("Beginning Configuring instance");
                _listCheckpointsCounter  = metricFactory.CreateCounter("bscm-list-count", "The number of times the list of checkpoints has been invoked since the start of the instance.", false, new string[0]);
                _updateCheckpointCounter = metricFactory.CreateCounter("bscm-update-count", "The number of times the update checkpoint has been invoked since the start of the instance.", false, new string[0]);
                _listBlobTiming          = metricFactory.CreateSummary("bscm-list-timing", "The timing of the calls to the Azure Storage for list blob operations", 10, false, new string[0]);
                UpdateBlobTiming         = metricFactory.CreateSummary("bscm-update-timing", "The timing of the calls to the Azure Storage for update blob operations", 10, false, new string[0]);
                Logger.LogInformation("Finished Configuring instance");
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logger">The logger to write debugging and diagnostics information to</param>
        /// <param name="metricFactory">The factory to create metric recorders from</param>
        /// <param name="baseDirectory">The directory that is the root of the epoch store</param>
        /// <param name="ownershipLookup">An instance that can be used to look up ownership of partitions</param>
        public FileCheckpointManager(ILogger logger, IMetricFactory metricFactory, IOwnershipLookup ownershipLookup, string baseDirectory)
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(ownershipLookup), ownershipLookup);
            Guard.NotNullOrWhitespace(nameof(baseDirectory), baseDirectory);
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(logger), logger);
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(metricFactory), metricFactory);

            _logger          = logger;
            _ownershipLookup = ownershipLookup;

            using (_logger.BeginScope("File Checkpoint Manager::ctor"))
                _baseDirectory = baseDirectory;
                _logger.LogInformation("Creating file checkpoint manager at { baseDirectory }", baseDirectory);

                _checkpointReadCounter   = metricFactory.CreateCounter("fcm-checkpoint-read", "The number of times that the file checkpoint manager has read the checkpoint", false, new string[0]);
                _checkpointUpdateCounter = metricFactory.CreateCounter("fcm-checkpoint-update", "The number of times that the file checkpoint manager has updated the checkpoint", false, new string[0]);
                _checkpointErrorCounter  = metricFactory.CreateCounter("fcm-checkpoint-error", "The number of times that the file checkpoint manager has errors raised", false, new string[0]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logger">The logger to write debugging and diagnostics information to</param>
        /// <param name="metricFactory">The factory to create metric recorders from</param>
        /// <param name="storageAccount">The storage account used to access the Azure BLOB store</param>
        /// <param name="containerName">The name of the container that the BLOBs are contained in</param>
        /// <param name="subContainerPrefix">The prefix for the BLOB container</param>
        public AzureStorageCheckpointManager(ILogger logger, IMetricFactory metricFactory, CloudStorageAccount storageAccount, string containerName, string subContainerPrefix)
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(storageAccount), storageAccount);
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(logger), logger);
            AzureBlobCommon.ValidContainerName(nameof(containerName), containerName);

            _logger = logger;

            using (_logger.BeginScope("Azure Storage Checkpoint Manager::ctor"))
                _logger.LogInformation("Creating Azure storage checkpoint manager for container {containerName}", containerName);
                _containerName      = containerName;
                _subContainerPrefix = (subContainerPrefix != null) ? subContainerPrefix.Trim() : "";

                _client = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

                _checkpointReadCounter     = metricFactory.CreateCounter("acm-checkpoint-read", "The number of times that the Azure Storage checkpoint manager has read the checkpoint", false, new string[0]);
                _checkpointUpdateCounter   = metricFactory.CreateCounter("acm-checkpoint-update", "The number of times that the Azure Storage checkpoint manager has updated the checkpoint", false, new string[0]);
                _checkpointErrorCounter    = metricFactory.CreateCounter("acm-checkpoint-error", "The number of times that the Azure Storage checkpoint manager has errors raised", false, new string[0]);
                _storagePerformanceSummary = metricFactory.CreateSummary("acm-storage-timing", "The duration taken to access Azure Storage to perform checkpoint manager operations", 10, false, new string[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public virtual Task <bool> InitializeAsync(ILogger logger, IMetricFactory metricFactory, ProcessorPartitionContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(logger), logger);
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(metricFactory), metricFactory);
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(context), context);

            Logger = logger;

            using (Logger.BeginScope("Initializing Policy Manager"))
                MetricFactory = metricFactory;
                Context       = context;

                Logger.LogInformation("Initializing policy manager {name}", Name);

                _checkpointExecutedCounter  = MetricFactory.CreateCounter("cpol-execution-count", "Counts the number of times a checkpoint has been performed", false, new string[0]);
                _checkpointErrorCounter     = MetricFactory.CreateCounter("cpol-error-count", "Counts the number of times a checkpoint has generated an error", false, new string[0]);
                _checkpointRequestedCounter = MetricFactory.CreateCounter("cpol-requested-count", "Counts the number of times a checkpoint has been requested", false, new string[0]);

Ejemplo n.º 15
    public MetricsCollector(IMetricFactory metricFactory)
        _totalEventHorizonEventsProcessed = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "EventProcessor total number of event horizon events processed");

        _totalEventHorizonEventWritesFailed = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "EventProcessor total number of event horizon event writes failed");

        _totalEventsFetched = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "EventsFromEventHorizonFetcher total number of event horizon events that has been fetched from stream processors");

        _totalStreamProcessorsStarted = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "StreamProcessor total number of stream processors started");

        _totalStreamProcessorStartAttempts = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "StreamProcessor total number of stream processors attempted started");
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public GcStatsCollector(
     IMetricFactory metricFactory,
     IMemoryCache memoryCache,
     ICollectorExceptionHandler errorHandler,
     RuntimeStatCollectorsConfiguration configuration) : base(errorHandler)
     _memoryCache = memoryCache;
     _eventTimer  = new EventTimer(
         x => Convert.ToInt64(x.Payload[0]), "gc");
     GcReasons = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
         "A tally of all the reasons that lead to garbage collections being run",
     GcDuration = metricFactory.CreateHistogram(
         "The amount of time spent running garbage collections",
     GcHeapSizeInBytes = metricFactory.CreateGauge(
         "The current size of all heaps (only updated after a garbage collection)",
     LargeObjectAllocationTypeTrigger = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
         "Objects that triggered Large Object Heap allocation",
        public ContentionStatsCollector(
            IMetricFactory metricFactory,
            ICollectorExceptionHandler errorHandler) : base(errorHandler)
            ContentionSecondsTotal = metricFactory
                "The total amount of time spent contending locks");

            ContentionTotal = metricFactory
                "The number of locks contended");
Ejemplo n.º 18
    public MetricsCollector(IMetricFactory metricFactory)
        _totalConnectionAttempts = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "EventHorizonConnection total number of connection attempts");

        _totalConnectionsFailed = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "EventHorizonConnection total number of failed connections");

        _totalSuccessfulResponses = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "EventHorizonConnection total number of successful connection responses");

        _totalFailureResponses = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "EventHorizonConnection total number of failure connection responses");

        _totalEventHorizonEventsHandled = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "EventHorizonConnection total number of event horizon events handled");

        _totalEventHorizonEventsFailedHandling = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "EventHorizonConnection total number of event horizon events failed handling");

        _totalTimeSpentConnecting = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "EventHorizonConnection total time spent successfully connecting to an event horizon");

        _totalSubscriptionsWithMissingArguments = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "EventHorizonConnection total number of subscriptions failed due to missing request arguments");

        _totalSubscriptionsWithMissingConsent = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "EventHorizonConnection total number of subscriptions failed due to missing consent");
 public ThreadPoolSchedulingStatsCollector(
     IMetricFactory metricFactory,
     IMemoryCache memoryCache,
     ICollectorExceptionHandler errorHandler,
     RuntimeStatCollectorsConfiguration configuration) : base(errorHandler)
     _eventTimer = new EventTimer(
         x => (long)x.Payload[0],
     ScheduledCount = metricFactory.CreateCounter("dotnet_threadpool_scheduled_total", "The total number of items the thread pool has been instructed to execute");
     ScheduleDelay  = metricFactory.CreateHistogram(
         "A breakdown of the latency experienced between an item being scheduled for execution on the thread pool and it starting execution.",
         buckets: configuration.HistogramBuckets);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dependencyService">A service that can be used to retrieve dependencies that were injected</param>
        /// <param name="loggerFactory">A factory that can be used to create loggers</param>
        /// <param name="metricFactory">A factory that can be used to create metrics</param>
        /// <param name="webSocketConfiguration">The configuration of the web socket</param>
        /// <param name="bufferPool">The buffer pool used to retreive arrays</param>
        public WebSocketHandler(IDependencyService dependencyService, IWebSocketConfiguration webSocketConfiguration, IMetricFactory metricFactory, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IBufferPool bufferPool)
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(metricFactory), metricFactory);
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(loggerFactory), loggerFactory);
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(bufferPool), bufferPool);
            Guard.NotNull(nameof(webSocketConfiguration), webSocketConfiguration);

            WebSocketConfiguration = webSocketConfiguration;
            BufferPool             = bufferPool;
            SessionId     = Guid.NewGuid();
            MetricFactory = metricFactory;
            Logger        = loggerFactory.CreateLogger($"Session Handler: {SessionId:N}");

            DependencyService = dependencyService;

            _errorCounter        = metricFactory.CreateCounter("WebSocket error counter", "Tracks the number of errors that have occurred since the start of the service", false, new string[0]);
            _serviceSessionGauge = metricFactory.CreateGauge("WebSocket sessions in progress", "Tracks the number of sessions underway", false, new string[0]);
            _sessionTimes        = metricFactory.CreateSummary("WebSocket session iteration times", "Tracks the time taken to execute an iteration in the session", 10, false, new string[0]);
            _receiveTimes        = metricFactory.CreateSummary("WebSocket message receive time", "Tracks the time taken to receive a message", 10, false, new string[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public WeatherForecastController(ILogger <WeatherForecastController> logger, IMetricFactory metricFactory)
     _logger  = logger;
     _counter = metricFactory.CreateCounter("my_counter", "my_test");
Ejemplo n.º 22
    public MetricsCollector(IMetricFactory metricFactory)
        _totalGet = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionStore total number of Get requests");

        _totalFailedGet = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionStore total number of Get requests that have failed");

        _totalGetAll = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionStore total number of GetAll requests");

        _totalFailedGetAll = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionStore total number of GetAll requests that have failed");

        _totalReplaceAttempts = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionPersister total number of Replace requests");

        _totalCopyStoreReplacements = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionPersister total number of Replace in copy stores that succeeded");

        _totalFailedCopyStoreReplacements = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionPersister total number of Replace in copy stores that failed");

        _totalProjectionStoreReplacements = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionStore total number of Replace requests");

        _totalFailedProjectionStoreReplacements = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionStore total number of Replace requests that have failed");

        _totalRemoveAttempts = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionPersister total number of Remove requests");

        _totalCopyStoreRemovals = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionPersister total number of Remove in copy stores that succeeded");

        _totalFailedCopyStoreRemovals = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionPersister total number of Remove in copy stores that failed");

        _totalProjectionStoreRemovals = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionStore total number of Remove requests");

        _totalFailedProjectionStoreRemovals = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionStore total number of Remove requests that have failed");

        _totalDropAttempts = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionPersister total number of Drop requests");

        _totalCopyStoreDrops = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionPersister total number of Drop in copy stores that succeeded");

        _totalFailedCopyStoreDrops = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionPersister total number of Drop in copy stores that failed");

        _totalProjectionStoreDrops = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionStore total number of Drop requests");

        _totalFailedProjectionStoreDrops = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ProjectionStore total number of Drop requests that have failed");
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public ICounter Creation()
     return(_factory.CreateCounter("counter", string.Empty));
Ejemplo n.º 24
    public MetricsCollector(IMetricFactory metricFactory)
        _currentPendingStreamWrites = metricFactory.CreateGauge(
            "ReverseCall current pending stream writes waiting");

        _totalStreamWrites = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ReverseCall total number of writes to streams");

        _totalStreamWriteBytes = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ReverseCall total number of bytes written to streams");

        _totalStreamWriteWaitTime = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ReverseCall total time spent waiting to write to streams");

        _totalStreamWriteTime = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ReverseCall total time spent writing to streams");

        _totalStreamReads = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ReverseCall total number of reads from streams");

        _totalStreamReadBytes = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ReverseCall total number of bytes read from streams");

        _totalPingsSent = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ReverseCall total number of pings sent");

        _totalPongsReceived = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ReverseCall total number of pongs received");

        _totalKeepaliveResets = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ReverseCall total number of times ping keepalive tokens have been reset");

        _totalKeepaliveTimeouts = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ReverseCall total number of times ping keepalive tokens have timed out");

        _totalFirstMessageWaitTime = metricFactory.CreateCounter(
            "ReverseCall total time spent waiting for first message");
 public CounterController(IMetricFactory metricFactory)
     _counter     = metricFactory.CreateCounter("my_counter", "some help about this");
     _conterLabel = metricFactory.CreateCounter("my_counter_label", "some help about this", ("label1", "label2"));
     _counterTs   = metricFactory.CreateCounter("my_counter_ts", "some help about this", true);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public Worker(ILogger <Worker> logger, IMetricFactory metricFactory)
     _logger  = logger;
     _counter = metricFactory.CreateCounter("my_count", "help text");
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public CounterController(IMetricFactory metricFactory)
     this._counter = metricFactory.CreateCounter("my_counter", "some help about this");
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public DemoProcessor(PartitionContext partitionContext, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IMetricFactory metricFactory)
     _logger           = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("DemoProcessor");
     _processedCounter = metricFactory.CreateCounter("dp_message_count", "The number of messages processed since the processor started", false, new string[0]);
 /// <summary>
 ///     Create Counter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="factory">Metric factory</param>
 /// <param name="name">Name.</param>
 /// <param name="help">Help text.</param>
 /// <param name="labelNames">Array of label names.</param>
 public static IMetricFamily <ICounter> CreateCounter(this IMetricFactory factory, string name, string help, params string[] labelNames)
     return(factory.CreateCounter(name, help, false, labelNames));
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public static IMetricFamily <ICounter, ValueTuple <string> > CreateCounter(this IMetricFactory factory, string name, string help, string labelName, bool includeTimestamp = false)
     return(factory.CreateCounter(name, help, ValueTuple.Create(labelName), includeTimestamp));