Ejemplo n.º 1
        void DoEdge1()
            graph   = new StdGraph();
            actions = new edge1Actions(graph);
            procEnv = new LGSPGraphProcessingEnvironment(graph, actions);

            // use graph rewrite sequence

            Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.MatchesFound + " matches found.");
            Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.RewritesPerformed + " rewrites performed.");

            // use old inexact interface
            IMatches matches = actions.GetAction("findTripleCircle").Match(procEnv, 0, null);

            Console.WriteLine(matches.Count + " matches found.");

            // use new exact interface
            IMatchesExact <Rule_findTripleCircle.IMatch_findTripleCircle> matchesExact =
                actions.findTripleCircle.Match(procEnv, 0);

            Console.WriteLine(matchesExact.Count + " matches found.");
            actions.findTripleCircle.Modify(procEnv, matchesExact.FirstExact); // rewrite first match (largely nop, as findTripleCircle is a test)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void DoIt()
            graph   = new LGSPGraph(new ProgramGraphsOriginalGraphModel());
            actions = new ProgramGraphsOriginalActions(graph);
            procEnv = new LGSPGraphProcessingEnvironment(graph, actions);

            // use new exact 2.5 interface
            IClass      cls     = null;
            IMethodBody mb      = null;
            bool        success = actions.createProgramGraphPullUp.Apply(procEnv, ref cls, ref mb);
            IMatchesExact <Rule_pullUpMethod.IMatch_pullUpMethod> matchesExact =
                actions.pullUpMethod.Match(procEnv, 0, cls, mb);

            Console.WriteLine(matchesExact.Count + " matches found.");


            // and again with old inexact interface
            IMatches matchesInexact;

            object[] returns;

            Action_createProgramGraphPullUp createProgramGraph = Action_createProgramGraphPullUp.Instance;

            matchesInexact = createProgramGraph.Match(procEnv, 0);
            returns        = createProgramGraph.Modify(procEnv, matchesInexact.First);
            IGraphElement[] param = new LGSPNode[2];
            param[0]       = (Class)returns[0];
            param[1]       = (MethodBody)returns[1];
            matchesInexact = actions.GetAction("pullUpMethod").Match(procEnv, 0, param);
            Console.WriteLine(matchesInexact.Count + " matches found.");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void DoIter()
            graph   = new LGSPGraph(new StdGraphModel());
            actions = new spanningTreeActions(graph);
            procEnv = new LGSPGraphProcessingEnvironment(graph, actions);

            IAction_initUndirected init = actions.initUndirected;
            IMatchesExact <Rule_initUndirected.IMatch_initUndirected> matchesInitUndirected = init.Match(procEnv, 0);
            INode root;

            init.Modify(procEnv, matchesInitUndirected.FirstExact, out root);

            IMatchesExact <Rule_spanningTree.IMatch_spanningTree> matchesSpanningTree = actions.spanningTree.Match(procEnv, 0, root);

            actions.spanningTree.Modify(procEnv, matchesSpanningTree.FirstExact);
            Console.WriteLine(matchesSpanningTree.Count + " matches found.");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        void DoFPE()
            graph   = new FunctionsProceduresExampleGraph();
            actions = new FunctionsProceduresExampleActions(graph);
            procEnv = new LGSPGraphProcessingEnvironment(graph, actions);

            // use graph rewrite sequence

            Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.MatchesFound + " matches found.");
            Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.RewritesPerformed + " rewrites performed.");

            // use new 2.5 exact interface
            IMatchesExact <Rule_r.IMatch_r> matchesExact = actions.r.Match(procEnv, 0);

            Console.WriteLine(matchesExact.Count + " matches found.");
            actions.r.Modify(procEnv, matchesExact.FirstExact);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Have a look at the .gm + .grg, the ExternalFiltersAndSequencesActionsExternalFunctions.cs,
        // and the ExternalFiltersAndSequencesActionsExternalFunctionsImpl.cs files.
        // They show how to declare external match filters and external sequences in the rules file,
        // and how to use them in the sequences in the rule file or the shell script file.
        // The generated XXXExternalFunctions.cs file contains the partial classes of the filters and sequences
        // and the manually coded XXXExternalFunctionsImpl.cs file exemplifies how to implement these external functions.
        void DoEFS()
            graph   = new ExternalFiltersAndSequencesGraph();
            actions = new ExternalFiltersAndSequencesActions(graph);
            procEnv = new LGSPGraphProcessingEnvironment(graph, actions);

            // use graph rewrite sequence

            Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.MatchesFound + " matches found.");
            Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.RewritesPerformed + " rewrites performed.");

            // use new 2.5 exact interface
            IMatchesExact <Rule_r.IMatch_r> matchesExact = actions.r.Match(procEnv, 0);

            Console.WriteLine(matchesExact.Count + " matches found.");
            actions.r.Modify(procEnv, matchesExact.FirstExact);

            procEnv.ApplyGraphRewriteSequence("(::x,::y,::z,::u,::v)=foo(42, 3.141, Enu::hurz, \"S21-heiteitei\", true)");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        void DoTNT()
            graph   = new LGSPGraph(new TNTGraphModel());
            actions = new TNTActions(graph);
            procEnv = new LGSPGraphProcessingEnvironment(graph, actions);

            // use graph rewrite sequence

            Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.MatchesFound + " matches found.");
            Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.RewritesPerformed + " rewrites performed.");

            // use old inexact interface
            IMatches matchesInexact = actions.GetAction("TNT").Match(procEnv, 0, null);

            Console.WriteLine(matchesInexact.Count + " matches found.");

            // use new 2.5 exact interface
            IMatchesExact <Rule_ToluolCore.IMatch_ToluolCore> matchesExact = actions.ToluolCore.Match(procEnv, 0);

            Console.WriteLine(matchesExact.Count + " matches found.");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        void DoAlt()
            graph   = new LGSPGraph(new AlternativesGraphModel());
            actions = new AlternativesActions(graph);
            procEnv = new LGSPGraphProcessingEnvironment(graph, actions);

            // use graph rewrite sequence

            Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.MatchesFound + " matches found.");
            Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.RewritesPerformed + " rewrites performed.");

            // use old inexact interface
            IMatches matches = actions.GetAction("Complex").Match(procEnv, 0, null);

            Console.WriteLine(matches.Count + " Complex matches found.");

            // use new 2.5 exact interface
            IMatchesExact <Rule_ComplexMax.IMatch_ComplexMax> matchesExact = actions.ComplexMax.Match(procEnv, 0);

            Console.WriteLine(matchesExact.Count + " ComplexMax matches found.");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        void DoIdpt()
            graph   = new LGSPGraph(new IndependentGraphModel());
            actions = new IndependentActions(graph);
            procEnv = new LGSPGraphProcessingEnvironment(graph, actions);


            Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.MatchesFound + " matches found.");
            Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.RewritesPerformed + " rewrites performed.");

            IMatches matches = actions.GetAction("findIndependent").Match(procEnv, 0, null);

            Console.WriteLine(matches.Count + " matches found.");



            Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.MatchesFound + " matches found.");
            Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.RewritesPerformed + " rewrites performed.");

            IAction_createIterated createIterated = actions.createIterated;
            IMatchesExact <Rule_createIterated.IMatch_createIterated> matchesCreateIterated =
                createIterated.Match(procEnv, 0);
            IintNode beg;
            INode    end;

            createIterated.Modify(procEnv, matchesCreateIterated.FirstExact, out beg, out end);

            IMatchesExact <Rule_findChainPlusChainToIntIndependent.IMatch_findChainPlusChainToIntIndependent> matchesFindChain =
                actions.findChainPlusChainToIntIndependent.Match(procEnv, 0, beg, end);

            Console.WriteLine(matchesFindChain.Count + " matches found.");
        void DoIt()
            // create the LibGr Search Plan backend we want to use
            LGSPBackend backend = LGSPBackend.Instance;

            // the graph model we'll use
            JavaProgramGraphsGraphModel model = new JavaProgramGraphsGraphModel();

            // the actions object for the rules we'll to use
            IActions ba;

            // import the instance graph we created with gxl2grs, using the the .gm we created by hand
            // (can't use import gxl for the program graph, because the given .gxl is severly rotten)
            // we throw away the named graph cause we don't need names here and they require about the same amount of memory as the graph itself;
            INamedGraph importedNamedGraph = (INamedGraph)Porter.Import("InstanceGraph.grs", backend, model, out ba);
            LGSPGraph   graph = new LGSPGraph((LGSPNamedGraph)importedNamedGraph, "unnamed");

            importedNamedGraph = null;

            // get the actions object for the rules we want to use
            JavaProgramGraphsActions actions = ba != null ? (JavaProgramGraphsActions)ba : new JavaProgramGraphsActions(graph);

            // the graph processing environment we'll use
            LGSPGraphProcessingEnvironment procEnv = new LGSPGraphProcessingEnvironment(graph, actions);

            // the instance graph script uses variables to build up the graph,
            // we query some of them here, to get the elements to refactor
            // (instead of variables one could use the element names)
            Class src = (Class)procEnv.GetNodeVarValue("I176");          // class Node
            Class tgt = (Class)procEnv.GetNodeVarValue("I194");          // class Packet - use if parameter is used in moving method
            //Class tgt = (Class)graph.GetNodeVarValue("I617"); // class String - use if instance variable is used in moving method
            MethodBody mb = (MethodBody)procEnv.GetNodeVarValue("I409"); // method body of send

            // get operation for method body by:
            // get action, match action pattern with given parameters, apply rewrite filling given out parameters
            IMatchesExact <Rule_getOperation.IMatch_getOperation> matches = actions.getOperation.Match(procEnv, 1, mb);
            IOperation op;

            actions.getOperation.Modify(procEnv, matches.FirstExact, out op);

            // iterated application of action marking the body of the expression
            // (shows second way of getting action)
            int visitedFlagId = graph.AllocateVisitedFlag();

            Debug.Assert(visitedFlagId == 0);
            IGraphElement[] param = new LGSPNode[1];
            param[0] = mb;
            IMatches matchesInexact;

            while ((matchesInexact = actions.GetAction("markExpressionOfBody").Match(procEnv, 1, param)).Count == 1)
                actions.GetAction("markExpressionOfBody").Modify(procEnv, matchesInexact.First);

            // application of a graph rewrite sequence
            procEnv.SetVariableValue("src", src);
            procEnv.SetVariableValue("tgt", tgt);
            procEnv.SetVariableValue("mb", mb);
            procEnv.SetVariableValue("op", op);
                    && !callToSuperExists && !isStatic(mb) && !methodNameExists(mb,tgt) 
                    && (!thisIsAccessed || thisIsAccessed && (srcparam)=addSourceParameter(op,src) && useSourceParameter(srcparam)*) 
                    && relinkOperationAndMethodBody(op,mb,src,tgt) 
                    && ( (call,pe)=getUnprocessedCallWithActualParameter(op,p) 
                         && ((def(srcparam) && addSourceToCall(call,srcparam)) || true) 
                         && (replaceAccess_Parameter_AccessWithoutLink(c,pe) || replaceAccess_Parameter_AccessWithLinkToExpression(c,pe)) 

            Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.MatchesFound + " matches found.");

            // unmark the body of the expression by searching all occurences and modifying them
            actions.unmarkExpression.ApplyAll(0, procEnv);

            // export changed graph (alternatively you may export it as InstanceGraphAfter.gxl)
            // if we'd use a NamedGraph we'd get the graph exported with its persistent names; so we get it exported with some hash names
            List <String> exportParameters = new List <string>();

            Porter.Export(graph, exportParameters);