public ICodeIssueComputer CheckCondition(IDocument before, IDocument after, IManualRefactoring input)
     return CheckCondition(before, after, (IManualExtractMethodRefactoring)input);
Ejemplo n.º 2
                public bool HasRefactoring()
                    // Get the first invocation of callee in the caller method body.
                    var invocation = ASTUtil.GetAllInvocationsInMethod(callerAfter, calleeAfter, treeAfter).First();

                    // Precondition
                    Contract.Requires(invocation != null);

                    /* Flatten the caller after by replacing callee invocation with the code in the calle method body. */
                    String callerAfterFlattenned = ASTUtil.FlattenMethodInvocation(callerAfter, calleeAfter, invocation);

                    // logger.Info("Caller Before:\n" + callerBefore.GetText());
                    // logger.Info("Caller After:\n" + callerAfter.GetText());
                    // logger.Info("Callee after:\n" + calleeAfter.GetText());
                    // logger.Info("Flattened Caller:\n" + callerAfterFlattenned);

                    var beforeWithoutSpace = callerBefore.GetFullText().Replace(" ", "");

                    // The distance between flattened caller after and the caller before.
                    int dis1 = StringUtil.GetStringDistance(callerAfterFlattenned.Replace(" ", ""), beforeWithoutSpace);

                    // The distance between caller after and the caller before.
                    int dis2 = StringUtil.GetStringDistance(callerAfter.GetFullText().Replace(" ", ""), beforeWithoutSpace);
                    logger.Info("Distance Gain by Flattening:" + (dis2 - dis1));

                    // Check whether the distance is shortened by flatten.
                    if (dis2 > dis1)
                        // If similar enough, a manual refactoring instance is likely to be detected and created.
                        var analyzer = RefactoringAnalyzerFactory.CreateManualExtractMethodAnalyzer();

                        // If the analyzer can get a refactoring from the given information, get the refactoring
                        // and return true.
                        if (analyzer.CanGetRefactoring())
                            refactoring = analyzer.GetRefactoring();
                            return true;
                    return false;
 public ICodeIssueComputer CheckCondition(IDocument before, IDocument after, IManualRefactoring input)
     var signatureRefactoring = (IChangeMethodSignatureRefactoring) input;
     return new UnchangedMethodInvocationComputer(((IChangeMethodSignatureRefactoring) input).ChangedMethodDeclaration
         , signatureRefactoring.ParametersMap.AsEnumerable());
            public bool HasRefactoring()
                // Mapping parameters in before and after version, for example, f(int a, int b) and f(int b, int a)
                // 's mapper shall be <0,1><1,0>>
                var parametersMap = new List<Tuple<int, int>>();

                // Combine the RefactoringType of parameters in before and after method declaration as a string.
                var typeStringBefore = GetParameterTypeCombined(beforeMethod);
                var typeStringAfter = GetParameterTypeCombined(afterMethod);

                // If the strings are not equal, compiler warnings are enough to detect unchanged method signatures.
                    // Get indexes for parameters in the before and after version.
                    var beforeParaUsageIndexes = GetParameterUsagesIndexes(beforeMethod);
                    var afterParaUsageIndexes = GetParameterUsagesIndexes(afterMethod);

                    // Iterate usages for each parameter in the after version
                    for (int i = 0; i < afterParaUsageIndexes.Count(); i++ )
                        // Retrieve the usage indexes for this parameter.
                        var afterIndex = afterParaUsageIndexes.ElementAt(i);

                        // Iterate usages for each parameter in the before version.
                        for (int j = 0; j < beforeParaUsageIndexes.Count(); j++)
                            // Retrieve the usage indexes for current parameter.
                            var beforeIndex = beforeParaUsageIndexes.ElementAt(j);

                            // If all the indexes are equal, finding a map.
                            if(AreAllElemenetsEqual(afterIndex, beforeIndex))
                                logger.Info("Para " + j + " in before version's usage indexes:" +
                                    StringUtil.ConcatenateAll(",", beforeIndex.Select(integer => integer.ToString())));
                                logger.Info("Para " + i + " in after version's usage indexes:" +
                                    StringUtil.ConcatenateAll(",", afterIndex.Select(integer => integer.ToString())));
                                logger.Info("Parameter mapping: " + j + "=>" + i);
                                parametersMap.Add(Tuple.Create(j, i));

                    // Search for all the tuples in the map.
                    foreach (var pair in parametersMap)
                        // If a tuple has values that are different, positions of parameters are changed.
                        if (pair.Item1 != pair.Item2)
                            // Order the map by indexes in before versions.
                            var orderedList = new List<Tuple<int,int>>();
                            orderedList.AddRange(parametersMap.OrderBy(t => t.Item1));
                            refactoring = ManualRefactoringFactory.
                                CreateManualChangeMethodSignatureRefactoring(afterMethod, orderedList);
                            return true;

                return false;
        /* Handle a detected refactoring by saveing it at an independent file. */
        private string HandleDetectedRefactoring(string before, string after, IManualRefactoring refactoring)
            // Get the folder and the file name for this detected refactoring.
            string refactoringDirectory = DETECTED_REFACTORINGS_ROOT + solutionName + "/" + GetRefactoringType(refactoring);
            string refactoringFilePath = refactoringDirectory + "/" + fileName + refactoringsCount + ".txt";

            // If the directory does not exist, create it.

            // Streaming all the needed information to the file.
            var stream = File.CreateText(refactoringFilePath);
            stream.WriteLine("Source Before:");
            stream.WriteLine("Source After:");
            stream.WriteLine("Detected Refactoring:");

            // Return the saved refactoring file path.
            return refactoringFilePath;
 private string GetRefactoringType(IManualRefactoring refactoring)
     var converter = new RefactoringType2StringConverter();
     return (string)converter.Convert(refactoring.RefactoringType, null, null, null);
 public void CheckRefactoringCondition(ICodeHistoryRecord before, ICodeHistoryRecord after, IManualRefactoring refactoring)
     Enqueue(new ConditionCheckWorkItem(before, after, refactoring));
 public ConditionCheckWorkItem(ICodeHistoryRecord before, ICodeHistoryRecord after, IManualRefactoring refactoring)
     this.before = before.Convert2Document();
     this.after = after.Convert2Document();
     this.DocumentKey = before.GetKey();
     this.refactoring = refactoring;
     logger = NLoggerUtil.GetNLogger(typeof(ConditionCheckWorkItem));