Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Use this for initialization
        protected override void Init()

            if (m_arrayExtracted == null)
                m_arrayExtracted = new IMLSerialVector();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates Feature values
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public object UpdateFeature()
            float[] valueToOutput = GetInputValue <float[]>("inputSerialVector", this.inputSerialVector);

            if (m_arrayExtracted == null)
                m_arrayExtracted = new IMLSerialVector();


Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates Feature values
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public object UpdateFeature()
            //Debug.Log("Extracting Velocity...");
            // The velocity extractor expects any other feature extracted to make calculations
            FeatureToInput = GetInputValue <Node>("FeatureToInput");
            // If we managed to get the input
            if (FeatureToInput != null)
                // We check that it is an IML Feature
                var featureToUse = (FeatureToInput as IFeatureIML).FeatureValues;
                if (featureToUse != null)
                    // Calculate the velocity arrays size
                    //m_CurrentVelocity = new float[featureToUse.Values.Length];

                    // If the velocity hasn't been updated yet... (unlocked externally in the IML Component)
                    if (!isUpdated)
                        // We check in case the input feature length changed
                        if (m_CurrentVelocity == null || m_CurrentVelocity.Length != featureToUse.Values.Length)
                            // If it did, we resize the current vel vector and lastframe vector
                            m_CurrentVelocity       = new float[featureToUse.Values.Length];
                            m_LastFrameFeatureValue = null;

                        if (m_LastFrameFeatureValue == null || m_LastFrameFeatureValue.Length != m_CurrentVelocity.Length)
                            if (m_CurrentVelocity == null)
                                Debug.Log("Current Velocity is null");
                            m_LastFrameFeatureValue = new float[m_CurrentVelocity.Length];

                        // Calculate velocity itself
                        for (int i = 0; i < m_CurrentVelocity.Length; i++)
                            m_CurrentVelocity[i] = (featureToUse.Values[i] - m_LastFrameFeatureValue[i]) / Time.smoothDeltaTime;
                            //  Debug.Log(i + " " + m_CurrentVelocity[i]);

                            // Store last known feature values for next frame
                            //m_LastFrameFeatureValue[i] = featureToUse.Values[i];

                        // We make sure that the velocity extracted serial vector is not null
                        if (m_VelocityExtracted == null)
                            m_VelocityExtracted = new IMLSerialVector(m_CurrentVelocity);

                        // Set values for velocity extracted and for last frame feature value

                        featureToUse.Values.CopyTo(m_LastFrameFeatureValue, 0);

                        //for (int i = 0; i < m_CurrentVelocity.Length; i++)
                        //    //Debug.Log(i + " = " + m_CurrentVelocity[i]);

                        //    // Store last known feature values for next frame
                        //    //m_LastFrameFeatureValue[i] = featureToUse.Values[i];

                        // Make sure to mark the feature as updated to avoid calculating twice
                        isUpdated = true;

                    //// Dispose of arrays to avoid carrying on any configs
                    //m_CurrentVelocity = null;
                    //m_LastFrameFeatureValue = null;

            // If we couldn't get an input, we return null
                //// Dispose of arrays to avoid carrying on any configs
                //m_CurrentVelocity = null;
                //m_LastFrameFeatureValue = null;

        public object UpdateFeature()
            // This extractor expects any other feature extracted to make calculations
            FirstInput  = GetInputValue <Node>("FeatureToInput");
            SecondInput = GetInputValues <Node>("FeaturesToMeasureDistanceToFirst").ToList();

            if (!isUpdated)
                // If we managed to get the input
                if (FirstInput != null && SecondInput != null)
                    // We check that it is an IML feature
                    var featureToUseIML = (FirstInput as IFeatureIML).FeatureValues;
                    if (featureToUseIML != null)
                        // Clear distances vector
                        m_DistancesToFirstInput = new float[SecondInput.Count];

                        // We check that the features to measure the distance to the first are IML features
                        for (int i = 0; i < SecondInput.Count; i++)
                            //Debug.Log("Calculating distance iteration: " + i);
                            var feautureToMeasure = SecondInput[i];
                            var featureMeasureIML = (feautureToMeasure as IFeatureIML).FeatureValues;
                            // We check that the second inputs are also iml features
                            if (featureMeasureIML != null)
                                // Then we calculate the distance to the first feature

                                // We make sure that the features to calculate are the same
                                if (featureToUseIML.DataType == featureMeasureIML.DataType)
                                    // Calculate distance between each of the entries in the values vector
                                    float[] distancesEachFeature = new float[featureToUseIML.Values.Length];
                                    for (int j = 0; j < featureToUseIML.Values.Length; j++)
                                        distancesEachFeature[j] = (featureMeasureIML.Values[j] - featureToUseIML.Values[j]);
                                    // Follow the euclidean formula for distance: square and add together all distances
                                    for (int j = 0; j < featureToUseIML.Values.Length; j++)
                                        m_DistancesToFirstInput[i] += (distancesEachFeature[j] * distancesEachFeature[j]);

                                    // We make sure that the extracted serial vector is not null
                                    if (m_DistancesExtracted == null)
                                        m_DistancesExtracted = new IMLSerialVector(m_DistancesToFirstInput);

                                    // Set values for velocity extracted and for last frame feature value

                                    // Make sure to mark the feature as updated to avoid calculating twice
                                    isUpdated = true;
                                    Debug.LogError("Features Types to measure distance are different!");
                            // If we couldn't get an input (in the second input), we return null
                                Debug.LogError("Could not get second input " + i + " when measuring distance!");

                    // If we couldn't get an input (in the first input), we return null
                        Debug.LogError("Could not get first input when measuring distance!");
                // If we couldn't get an input (at all), we return null
            // Avoid calculating again and return the feature