Ejemplo n.º 1
 public DDSTexture(Image image, int mipMapCount, IMGPixelFormat pixelFormat, bool unkBool1)
     this.MipMapCount = mipMapCount;
     this.PixelFormat = pixelFormat;
     this.Size = image.Size;
     this.ChangeImageProbably(image, mipMapCount, pixelFormat, unkBool1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public DDSTexture(Image image, int mipMapCount, IMGPixelFormat pixelFormat, bool unkBool1)
     this.MipMapCount = mipMapCount;
     this.PixelFormat = pixelFormat;
     this.Size        = image.Size;
     this.ChangeImageProbably(image, mipMapCount, pixelFormat, unkBool1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ChangeImageProbably(Image image_0, int int_2, IMGPixelFormat imgpixelFormat_1, bool bool_0)
            MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
            BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream);

            for (int i = 0; i < int_2; i++)
                Bitmap bitmap = KeyGenerator.ScaleImageFixedRatio(image_0, Math.Max(1, image_0.Width >> i), Math.Max(1, image_0.Height >> i));
                if (imgpixelFormat_1 == IMGPixelFormat.Bgra32)
                    BitmapData bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bitmap.PixelFormat);
                    byte[]     array      = new byte[bitmapData.Stride * bitmap.Height];
                    Marshal.Copy(bitmapData.Scan0, array, 0, array.Length);
                    zzTextureClass.smethod_16(bitmap, binaryWriter, imgpixelFormat_1, bool_0);
            this.MipMapCount = int_2;
            this.PixelFormat = imgpixelFormat_1;
            this.data        = memoryStream.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void method_1(int int_0, Image image_0, IMGPixelFormat imgpixelFormat_0)
            TextureMetadata @class = this.textureList[int_0];

            @class.Height = (short)image_0.Height;
            @class.Width  = (short)image_0.Width;
            @class.Data   = new DDSTexture(image_0, (int)@class.MipMapCount, imgpixelFormat_0).ToByteArray();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void smethod_16(Bitmap bitmap_0, BinaryWriter binaryWriter_0, IMGPixelFormat imgpixelFormat_0, bool bool_1)
            int height = bitmap_0.Height;
            int width  = bitmap_0.Width;

            if (!zzTextureClass.bool_0)
            for (int i = 0; i < height; i += 4)
                for (int j = 0; j < width; j += 4)
                    Color[] array = new Color[16];
                    int     num   = 0;
                    for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                        for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
                            if (j + l < width && i + k < height)
                                array[num++] = bitmap_0.GetPixel(j + l, i + k);
                    if (imgpixelFormat_0 == IMGPixelFormat.Dxt3)
                    else if (imgpixelFormat_0 == IMGPixelFormat.Dxt5)
                    zzTextureClass.smethod_12(array, bool_1).method_0(binaryWriter_0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static void smethod_16(Bitmap bitmap_0, BinaryWriter binaryWriter_0, IMGPixelFormat imgpixelFormat_0, bool bool_1)
     int height = bitmap_0.Height;
     int width = bitmap_0.Width;
     if (!zzTextureClass.bool_0)
     for (int i = 0; i < height; i += 4)
         for (int j = 0; j < width; j += 4)
             Color[] array = new Color[16];
             int num = 0;
             for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                 for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
                     if (j + l < width && i + k < height)
                         array[num++] = bitmap_0.GetPixel(j + l, i + k);
             if (imgpixelFormat_0 == IMGPixelFormat.Dxt3)
             else if (imgpixelFormat_0 == IMGPixelFormat.Dxt5)
             zzTextureClass.smethod_12(array, bool_1).method_0(binaryWriter_0);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void ChangeImageProbably(Image image_0, int int_2, IMGPixelFormat imgpixelFormat_1, bool bool_0)
     MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
     BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream);
     for (int i = 0; i < int_2; i++)
         Bitmap bitmap = KeyGenerator.ScaleImageFixedRatio(image_0, Math.Max(1, image_0.Width >> i), Math.Max(1, image_0.Height >> i));
         if (imgpixelFormat_1 == IMGPixelFormat.Bgra32)
             BitmapData bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bitmap.PixelFormat);
             byte[] array = new byte[bitmapData.Stride * bitmap.Height];
             Marshal.Copy(bitmapData.Scan0, array, 0, array.Length);
             zzTextureClass.smethod_16(bitmap, binaryWriter, imgpixelFormat_1, bool_0);
     this.MipMapCount = int_2;
     this.PixelFormat = imgpixelFormat_1;
     this.data = memoryStream.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void ImgList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.ImgList.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                DDSTexture texture = _texFile[this.ImgList.SelectedIndex];
                _currentTexturePixelFormat = texture.PixelFormat;
                BPPTxt.Text    = string.Concat(texture.BPP);
                FormatTxt.Text = ((texture.PixelFormat == IMGPixelFormat.Dxt1) ? "DXT1" : ((texture.PixelFormat == IMGPixelFormat.Dxt3) ? "DXT3" : ((texture.PixelFormat == IMGPixelFormat.Dxt5) ? "DXT5" : "A8R8G8B8")));
                MipMapTxt.Text = string.Concat(texture.MipMapCount);
                WidthTxt.Text  = string.Concat(texture.Size.Width);
                HeightTxt.Text = string.Concat(texture.Size.Height);

                Image image = texture.GetImage();
                this.size_0 = image.Size;
                if (image.Width > this.ImagePreviewBox.Width || image.Height > this.ImagePreviewBox.Height)
                    image = KeyGenerator.ScaleImageFixedRatio(image, ImagePreviewBox.Size);
                this.ImagePreviewBox.Image = image;
                this.ImageInfoBox.Enabled  = true;
            this.ImageInfoBox.Enabled = false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void method_1(int int_0, Image image_0, IMGPixelFormat imgpixelFormat_0)
     TextureMetadata @class = this.textureList[int_0];
     @class.Height = (short)image_0.Height;
     @class.Width = (short)image_0.Width;
     @class.Data = new DDSTexture(image_0, (int)@class.MipMapCount, imgpixelFormat_0).ToByteArray();
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void ImgList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.ImgList.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                DDSTexture texture = _texFile[this.ImgList.SelectedIndex];
                _currentTexturePixelFormat = texture.PixelFormat;
                BPPTxt.Text = string.Concat(texture.BPP);
                FormatTxt.Text = ((texture.PixelFormat == IMGPixelFormat.Dxt1) ? "DXT1" : ((texture.PixelFormat == IMGPixelFormat.Dxt3) ? "DXT3" : ((texture.PixelFormat == IMGPixelFormat.Dxt5) ? "DXT5" : "A8R8G8B8")));
                MipMapTxt.Text = string.Concat(texture.MipMapCount);
                WidthTxt.Text = string.Concat(texture.Size.Width);
                HeightTxt.Text = string.Concat(texture.Size.Height);

                Image image = texture.GetImage();
                this.size_0 = image.Size;
                if (image.Width > this.ImagePreviewBox.Width || image.Height > this.ImagePreviewBox.Height)
                    image = KeyGenerator.ScaleImageFixedRatio(image, ImagePreviewBox.Size);
                this.ImagePreviewBox.Image = image;
                this.ImageInfoBox.Enabled = true;
            this.ImageInfoBox.Enabled = false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static void smethod_17(BinaryReader binaryReader_0, Class219 class219_0, IMGPixelFormat imgpixelFormat_0)
            zzTextureClass.Tom[] array = new zzTextureClass.Tom[16];
            int num  = class219_0.method_1();
            int num2 = class219_0.method_0();

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i += 4)
                for (int j = 0; j < num2; j += 4)
                    if (imgpixelFormat_0 == IMGPixelFormat.Dxt3)
                        ushort[] array2 = new ushort[4];
                        for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                            for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
                                if (l == 0)
                                    array2[k] = binaryReader_0.ReadUInt16();
                                array[k * 4 + l].float_0 = (float)(array2[k] & 15) / 15f;
                                ushort[] expr_74_cp_0 = array2;
                                int      expr_74_cp_1 = k;
                                expr_74_cp_0[expr_74_cp_1] = (ushort)(expr_74_cp_0[expr_74_cp_1] >> 4);
                    else if (imgpixelFormat_0 == IMGPixelFormat.Dxt5)
                        byte[]  array3 = binaryReader_0.ReadBytes(2);
                        byte[]  array4 = binaryReader_0.ReadBytes(6);
                        float[] array5 = new float[8];
                        array5[0] = (float)array3[0] / 255f;
                        array5[1] = (float)array3[1] / 255f;
                        int num3 = 4;
                        if (array3[0] > array3[1])
                            num3 = 6;
                            array5[6] = 0f;
                            array5[7] = 1f;
                        float num4 = 1f / (float)(num3 + 1);
                        for (int m = 0; m < num3; m++)
                            float num5 = (float)(num3 - m) * num4;
                            float num6 = (float)(m + 1) * num4;
                            array5[m + 2] = num5 * (float)array3[0] + num6 * (float)array3[1];
                        for (int n = 0; n < 16; n++)
                            int  div = (n * 3) / 8;
                            int  rem = (n * 3) % 8;
                            byte b   = (byte)((array4[div] >> rem) & 7);
                            if (rem > 5)
                                byte b2 = (byte)((array4[div + 1] << (8 - rem)) & 0xFF);
                                b |= (byte)(b2 & 7);
                            array[n].float_0 = array5[b];
                    zzTextureClass.Jerry @struct = zzTextureClass.Jerry.smethod_0(binaryReader_0);
                    zzTextureClass.Tom[] array6  = new zzTextureClass.Tom[4];
                    array6[0].float_1 = (float)((@struct.ushort_0 & 63488) >> 11) / 31f;
                    array6[0].float_2 = (float)((@struct.ushort_0 & 2016) >> 5) / 63f;
                    array6[0].float_3 = (float)(@struct.ushort_0 & 31) / 31f;
                    array6[1].float_1 = (float)((@struct.ushort_1 & 63488) >> 11) / 31f;
                    array6[1].float_2 = (float)((@struct.ushort_1 & 2016) >> 5) / 63f;
                    array6[1].float_3 = (float)(@struct.ushort_1 & 31) / 31f;
                    if (imgpixelFormat_0 == IMGPixelFormat.Dxt1 && @struct.ushort_0 <= @struct.ushort_1)
                        array6[2] = zzTextureClass.Tom.smethod_1(zzTextureClass.Tom.smethod_2(array6[0], array6[1]), 0.5f);
                        array6[3] = default(zzTextureClass.Tom);
                        array6[2] = zzTextureClass.Tom.smethod_1(zzTextureClass.Tom.smethod_2(zzTextureClass.Tom.smethod_0(2f, array6[0]), array6[1]), 0.333333343f);
                        array6[3] = zzTextureClass.Tom.smethod_1(zzTextureClass.Tom.smethod_2(array6[0], zzTextureClass.Tom.smethod_0(2f, array6[1])), 0.333333343f);
                    for (int num9 = 0; num9 < 4; num9++)
                        for (int num10 = 0; num10 < 4; num10++)
                            if (j + num10 < num2 && i + num9 < num)
                                Point point_ = new Point(j + num10, i + num9);
                                uint  num11  = @struct.uint_0 & 3u;
                                if (imgpixelFormat_0 == IMGPixelFormat.Dxt1)
                                    class219_0.method_6(point_, Color.FromArgb((int)((byte)(array6[(int)((UIntPtr)num11)].float_0 * 255f)), (int)((byte)(array6[(int)((UIntPtr)num11)].float_1 * 255f)), (int)((byte)(array6[(int)((UIntPtr)num11)].float_2 * 255f)), (int)((byte)(array6[(int)((UIntPtr)num11)].float_3 * 255f))));
                                    class219_0.method_6(point_, Color.FromArgb((int)((byte)(array[num9 * 4 + num10].float_0 * 255f)), (int)((byte)(array6[(int)((UIntPtr)num11)].float_1 * 255f)), (int)((byte)(array6[(int)((UIntPtr)num11)].float_2 * 255f)), (int)((byte)(array6[(int)((UIntPtr)num11)].float_3 * 255f))));
                            @struct.uint_0 >>= 2;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public static void smethod_17(BinaryReader binaryReader_0, Class219 class219_0, IMGPixelFormat imgpixelFormat_0)
     zzTextureClass.Tom[] array = new zzTextureClass.Tom[16];
     int num = class219_0.method_1();
     int num2 = class219_0.method_0();
     for (int i = 0; i < num; i += 4)
         for (int j = 0; j < num2; j += 4)
             if (imgpixelFormat_0 == IMGPixelFormat.Dxt3)
                 ushort[] array2 = new ushort[4];
                 for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                     for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
                         if (l == 0)
                             array2[k] = binaryReader_0.ReadUInt16();
                         array[k * 4 + l].float_0 = (float)(array2[k] & 15) / 15f;
                         ushort[] expr_74_cp_0 = array2;
                         int expr_74_cp_1 = k;
                         expr_74_cp_0[expr_74_cp_1] = (ushort)(expr_74_cp_0[expr_74_cp_1] >> 4);
             else if (imgpixelFormat_0 == IMGPixelFormat.Dxt5)
                 byte[] array3 = binaryReader_0.ReadBytes(2);
                 byte[] array4 = binaryReader_0.ReadBytes(6);
                 float[] array5 = new float[8];
                 array5[0] = (float)array3[0] / 255f;
                 array5[1] = (float)array3[1] / 255f;
                 int num3 = 4;
                 if (array3[0] > array3[1])
                     num3 = 6;
                     array5[6] = 0f;
                     array5[7] = 1f;
                 float num4 = 1f / (float)(num3 + 1);
                 for (int m = 0; m < num3; m++)
                     float num5 = (float)(num3 - m) * num4;
                     float num6 = (float)(m + 1) * num4;
                     array5[m + 2] = num5 * (float)array3[0] + num6 * (float)array3[1];
                 for (int n = 0; n < 16; n++)
                     int div = (n * 3) / 8;
                     int rem = (n * 3) % 8;
                     byte b = (byte)((array4[div] >> rem) & 7);
                     if (rem > 5)
                         byte b2 = (byte)((array4[div + 1] << (8 - rem)) & 0xFF);
                         b |= (byte)(b2 & 7);
                     array[n].float_0 = array5[b];
             zzTextureClass.Jerry @struct = zzTextureClass.Jerry.smethod_0(binaryReader_0);
             zzTextureClass.Tom[] array6 = new zzTextureClass.Tom[4];
             array6[0].float_1 = (float)((@struct.ushort_0 & 63488) >> 11) / 31f;
             array6[0].float_2 = (float)((@struct.ushort_0 & 2016) >> 5) / 63f;
             array6[0].float_3 = (float)(@struct.ushort_0 & 31) / 31f;
             array6[1].float_1 = (float)((@struct.ushort_1 & 63488) >> 11) / 31f;
             array6[1].float_2 = (float)((@struct.ushort_1 & 2016) >> 5) / 63f;
             array6[1].float_3 = (float)(@struct.ushort_1 & 31) / 31f;
             if (imgpixelFormat_0 == IMGPixelFormat.Dxt1 && @struct.ushort_0 <= @struct.ushort_1)
                 array6[2] = zzTextureClass.Tom.smethod_1(zzTextureClass.Tom.smethod_2(array6[0], array6[1]), 0.5f);
                 array6[3] = default(zzTextureClass.Tom);
                 array6[2] = zzTextureClass.Tom.smethod_1(zzTextureClass.Tom.smethod_2(zzTextureClass.Tom.smethod_0(2f, array6[0]), array6[1]), 0.333333343f);
                 array6[3] = zzTextureClass.Tom.smethod_1(zzTextureClass.Tom.smethod_2(array6[0], zzTextureClass.Tom.smethod_0(2f, array6[1])), 0.333333343f);
             for (int num9 = 0; num9 < 4; num9++)
                 for (int num10 = 0; num10 < 4; num10++)
                     if (j + num10 < num2 && i + num9 < num)
                         Point point_ = new Point(j + num10, i + num9);
                         uint num11 = @struct.uint_0 & 3u;
                         if (imgpixelFormat_0 == IMGPixelFormat.Dxt1)
                             class219_0.method_6(point_, Color.FromArgb((int)((byte)(array6[(int)((UIntPtr)num11)].float_0 * 255f)), (int)((byte)(array6[(int)((UIntPtr)num11)].float_1 * 255f)), (int)((byte)(array6[(int)((UIntPtr)num11)].float_2 * 255f)), (int)((byte)(array6[(int)((UIntPtr)num11)].float_3 * 255f))));
                             class219_0.method_6(point_, Color.FromArgb((int)((byte)(array[num9 * 4 + num10].float_0 * 255f)), (int)((byte)(array6[(int)((UIntPtr)num11)].float_1 * 255f)), (int)((byte)(array6[(int)((UIntPtr)num11)].float_2 * 255f)), (int)((byte)(array6[(int)((UIntPtr)num11)].float_3 * 255f))));
                     @struct.uint_0 >>= 2;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public DDSTexture(Image image_0, int int_2, IMGPixelFormat imgpixelFormat_1)
     : this(image_0, int_2, imgpixelFormat_1, true)
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void Load(Stream stream, bool leaveOpen)
            BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(stream);
            if (new string(binaryReader.ReadChars(4)) != "DDS ")
                throw new FileLoadException("Invalid DDS file");
            DDSTexture.DDSHeader header;
            header.size = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.flags = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.height = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.width = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.pitchOrLinearSize = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.depth = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.mipMapCount = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();

            header.pixelFormat.size = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.pixelFormat.flags = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.pixelFormat.fourCC = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.pixelFormat.rgbBitCount = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.pixelFormat.redBitMask = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.pixelFormat.greenBitMask = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.pixelFormat.BlueBitMask = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.pixelFormat.AlphaBitMask = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.unk1 = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.unk2 = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();

            if (header.size == 124u)
                if (header.pixelFormat.size == 32u)
                    if ((header.flags & 131072u) != 0u)
                        this.MipMapCount = (int)header.mipMapCount;
                        this.MipMapCount = 1;
                    this.Size = new Size((int)header.width, (int)header.height);
                    if ((header.pixelFormat.flags & 4u) != 0u)
                        uint uint_ = header.pixelFormat.fourCC;
                        if (uint_ > 116u)
                            if (uint_ <= 844388420u)
                                if (uint_ == 827611204u)
                                    this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Dxt1;
                                    this.BPP = 8;
                                    goto IL_3BE;
                                if (uint_ != 844388420u)
                                    goto IL_2D5;
                            else if (uint_ != 861165636u)
                                if (uint_ != 877942852u && uint_ != 894720068u)
                                    goto IL_2D5;
                                this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Dxt5;
                                this.BPP = 16;
                                goto IL_3BE;
                            this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Dxt3;
                            this.BPP = 16;
                            goto IL_3BE;
                        if (uint_ <= 28u)
                            switch (uint_)
                            case 20u:
                                this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Bgr24;
                                this.BPP = 3;
                                goto IL_3BE;
                            case 21u:
                                this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Bgra32;
                                this.BPP = 4;
                                goto IL_3BE;
                            case 22u:
                            case 23u:
                                this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Bgr16;
                                this.BPP = 2;
                                goto IL_3BE;
                                if (uint_ == 28u)
                                    this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Alpha8;
                                    this.BPP = 1;
                                    goto IL_3BE;
                            if (uint_ == 50u)
                                this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Luminance8;
                                this.BPP = 1;
                                goto IL_3BE;
                            if (uint_ == 113u)
                                this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Rgba64Float;
                                this.BPP = 8;
                                goto IL_3BE;
                            if (uint_ == 116u)
                                this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Rgba128Float;
                                this.BPP = 16;
                                goto IL_3BE;
                        this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Bgra32;
                        this.BPP = 4;
                        if (header.pixelFormat.rgbBitCount == 8u && header.pixelFormat.AlphaBitMask == 255u)
                            this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Alpha8;
                            this.BPP = 1;
                        if (header.pixelFormat.rgbBitCount == 32u && header.pixelFormat.redBitMask == 16711680u && header.pixelFormat.greenBitMask == 65280u && header.pixelFormat.BlueBitMask == 255u && header.pixelFormat.AlphaBitMask == 4278190080u)
                            this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Bgra32;
                            this.BPP = 4;
                        if (this.BPP == 0)
                            throw new FileLoadException("Invalid Texture Format");
                    byte[] array = new byte[header.width * header.height * (uint)this.BPP];
                    stream.Read(array, 0, array.Length);
                    this.data = array;
                    if (leaveOpen)
            throw new FileLoadException("Unable to read DDS file: wrong format");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private void Load(Stream stream, bool leaveOpen)
            BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(stream);

            if (new string(binaryReader.ReadChars(4)) != "DDS ")
                throw new FileLoadException("Invalid DDS file");
            DDSTexture.DDSHeader header;
            header.size              = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.flags             = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.height            = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.width             = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.pitchOrLinearSize = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.depth             = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.mipMapCount       = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();

            header.pixelFormat.size         = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.pixelFormat.flags        = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.pixelFormat.fourCC       = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.pixelFormat.rgbBitCount  = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.pixelFormat.redBitMask   = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.pixelFormat.greenBitMask = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.pixelFormat.BlueBitMask  = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.pixelFormat.AlphaBitMask = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.unk1 = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
            header.unk2 = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();

            if (header.size == 124u)
                if (header.pixelFormat.size == 32u)
                    if ((header.flags & 131072u) != 0u)
                        this.MipMapCount = (int)header.mipMapCount;
                        this.MipMapCount = 1;
                    this.Size = new Size((int)header.width, (int)header.height);
                    if ((header.pixelFormat.flags & 4u) != 0u)
                        uint uint_ = header.pixelFormat.fourCC;
                        if (uint_ > 116u)
                            if (uint_ <= 844388420u)
                                if (uint_ == 827611204u)
                                    this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Dxt1;
                                    this.BPP         = 8;
                                    goto IL_3BE;
                                if (uint_ != 844388420u)
                                    goto IL_2D5;
                            else if (uint_ != 861165636u)
                                if (uint_ != 877942852u && uint_ != 894720068u)
                                    goto IL_2D5;
                                this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Dxt5;
                                this.BPP         = 16;
                                goto IL_3BE;
                            this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Dxt3;
                            this.BPP         = 16;
                            goto IL_3BE;
                        if (uint_ <= 28u)
                            switch (uint_)
                            case 20u:
                                this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Bgr24;
                                this.BPP         = 3;
                                goto IL_3BE;

                            case 21u:
                                this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Bgra32;
                                this.BPP         = 4;
                                goto IL_3BE;

                            case 22u:

                            case 23u:
                                this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Bgr16;
                                this.BPP         = 2;
                                goto IL_3BE;

                                if (uint_ == 28u)
                                    this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Alpha8;
                                    this.BPP         = 1;
                                    goto IL_3BE;
                            if (uint_ == 50u)
                                this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Luminance8;
                                this.BPP         = 1;
                                goto IL_3BE;
                            if (uint_ == 113u)
                                this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Rgba64Float;
                                this.BPP         = 8;
                                goto IL_3BE;
                            if (uint_ == 116u)
                                this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Rgba128Float;
                                this.BPP         = 16;
                                goto IL_3BE;
                        this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Bgra32;
                        this.BPP         = 4;
                        if (header.pixelFormat.rgbBitCount == 8u && header.pixelFormat.AlphaBitMask == 255u)
                            this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Alpha8;
                            this.BPP         = 1;
                        if (header.pixelFormat.rgbBitCount == 32u && header.pixelFormat.redBitMask == 16711680u && header.pixelFormat.greenBitMask == 65280u && header.pixelFormat.BlueBitMask == 255u && header.pixelFormat.AlphaBitMask == 4278190080u)
                            this.PixelFormat = IMGPixelFormat.Bgra32;
                            this.BPP         = 4;
                        if (this.BPP == 0)
                            throw new FileLoadException("Invalid Texture Format");
                    byte[] array = new byte[header.width * header.height * (uint)this.BPP];
                    stream.Read(array, 0, array.Length);
                    this.data = array;
                    if (leaveOpen)
            throw new FileLoadException("Unable to read DDS file: wrong format");
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public DDSTexture(Image image_0, int int_2, IMGPixelFormat imgpixelFormat_1) : this(image_0, int_2, imgpixelFormat_1, true)