Ejemplo n.º 1
        async Task <(string[] files, long rows, ByteSize size)> CopyInto(ILoggedConnection <IDbConnection> db, string table, StageTableCfg t)
            var startTime = await db.ExecuteScalar <string>("current time", "select current_timestamp()::string");

            var(stage, path) = t.StoreType switch {
                DataStoreType.Db => (Cfg.Stage, StorageCfg.DbPath),
                DataStoreType.Private => (Cfg.Private, null),
                _ => throw new InvalidOperationException($"No warehouse stage for store type {t.StoreType}")

            var sql = $"copy into {table} from @{new[] {stage, path}.Concat(t.Dir.Tokens).NotNull().Join(" / ")}/ file_format=(type=json)";
            await db.Execute("copy into", sql);

            // sf should return this info form copy_into (its in their UI, but not in .net or jdbc drivers)
            // the int that is return is the # of rows form the first file loaded. So we go get this ourselves
            var copyResults = await db.Query <(string fileName, long rows, long size)>("copy results",
                                                                                       "select file_name, row_count, file_size " +
                                                                                       $"from table(information_schema.copy_history(table_name=>'{table}', start_time=>'{startTime}'::timestamp_ltz))");

            var res = (copyResults.Select(r => r.fileName).ToArray(), copyResults.Sum(r => r.rows), copyResults.Sum(r => r.size).Bytes());

Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static async Task <DateTime?> LatestTimestamp(this StageTableCfg t, ILoggedConnection <IDbConnection> db) =>
 await db.ExecuteScalar <DateTime?>("latest timestamp", $"select max(v:{t.TsCol ?? "Updated"}::timestamp_ntz) from {t.Table}");