Ejemplo n.º 1
        private IDictionary <string, float[]> GetPredictions(ILearner <TSample> learner)
            var predictions      = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, float[]>();
            var sampleCount      = _positiveSamples.Length + _negativeSamples.Length;
            var samplesProcessed = 0;

            foreach (var config in learner.AllPossibleConfigurations())
                if (config.IndexOfAny(new[] { '>', '?', ':', '\r', '\n' }) > 0)
                    throw new FormatException("Learner configuration cannot contain any of '>', '?', ':', or a line break.");
                predictions.TryAdd(config, new float[sampleCount]);

            Parallel.ForEach(_positiveSamples.Concat(_negativeSamples), s =>
                var localLearner = learner;

                foreach (var config in learner.AllPossibleConfigurations())
                    localLearner = localLearner.WithConfiguration(config);

                    predictions[config][s.Index] = learner.Classify();

                if (_cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)
                if (_progress != null)
                    if (Monitor.TryEnter(_progress))
                            _progress.Report(Tuple.Create("Running learner \"" + learner.UniqueId + "\"", samplesProcessed * 100 / sampleCount));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private LayerHolder OptimizeCoefficients(ILearner <TSample> learner, float[] outputs)
            var positiveWeights = _positiveSamples.Select(s => s.Weight).ToArray();
            var negativeWeights = _negativeSamples.Select(s => s.Weight).ToArray();

            var positiveCorrect = new bool[_positiveSamples.Length];
            var negativeCorrect = new bool[_negativeSamples.Length];

            var perfect = true;
            foreach (var s in _positiveSamples.Concat(_negativeSamples))
// ReSharper disable CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
                if (learner.Classify() != outputs[s.Index])
                    throw new Exception();
                perfect &= s.Actual == outputs[s.Index];
// ReSharper restore CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator

            //Find best bias point, adding one sample at a time to the predicted target set and updating the cost.
            //Note that -cost is the cost of the inverse of the current hypothesis i.e. "all samples are in the target".
            var bestThres = float.PositiveInfinity;
            var bestCost  = float.PositiveInfinity;
            var bestPos   = float.PositiveInfinity;
            var bestNeg   = float.NegativeInfinity;
            var threshold = float.NegativeInfinity;

            while (threshold < float.PositiveInfinity)
                    var i = 0;
                    foreach (var s in _positiveSamples)
                        positiveCorrect[i++] = outputs[s.Index] > threshold;
                    i = 0;
                    foreach (var s in _negativeSamples)
                        negativeCorrect[i++] = outputs[s.Index] <= threshold;

                double sumWeightsPosCorrect   = 0;
                double sumWeightsPosIncorrect = 0;
                double sumWeightsNegCorrect   = 0;
                double sumWeightsNegIncorrect = 0;

                SumWeights(positiveWeights, positiveCorrect, ref sumWeightsPosCorrect, ref sumWeightsPosIncorrect);
                SumWeights(negativeWeights, negativeCorrect, ref sumWeightsNegCorrect, ref sumWeightsNegIncorrect);

                var coefPos = (float)Math.Log(sumWeightsPosCorrect / sumWeightsNegIncorrect) / 2;
                var coefNeg = (float)Math.Log(sumWeightsNegCorrect / sumWeightsPosIncorrect) / -2;

                coefPos = float.IsNaN(coefPos) ? 0 : coefPos;
                coefNeg = float.IsNaN(coefNeg) ? 0 : coefNeg;

                var loss = (float)(sumWeightsPosCorrect * Math.Exp(-coefPos) + sumWeightsNegIncorrect * Math.Exp(coefPos));
                loss += (float)(sumWeightsNegCorrect * Math.Exp(coefNeg) + sumWeightsPosIncorrect * Math.Exp(-coefNeg));

                if (!ApproxEqual((float)(sumWeightsNegCorrect + sumWeightsNegIncorrect + sumWeightsPosCorrect + sumWeightsPosIncorrect), 1))
// ReSharper disable once EmptyStatement
                if (!perfect && (float.IsInfinity(coefNeg) || float.IsInfinity(coefPos)))
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected coefficients");

                //float calcLoss = 0;
                //calcLoss += getLoss(coefPos, coefNeg, positiveSamples.Select(s => s.confidence).Zip(positiveCorrect, (s, c) => new Tuple<float, bool>(s, c)), 1f);
                //calcLoss += getLoss(coefNeg, coefPos, negativeSamples.Select(s => s.confidence).Zip(negativeCorrect, (s, c) => new Tuple<float, bool>(s, c)), -1f);

                if (!float.IsNaN(loss) && loss < bestCost)
                    bestCost  = loss;
                    bestPos   = coefPos;
                    bestNeg   = coefNeg;
                    bestThres = threshold;

                var next = outputs.Aggregate(float.PositiveInfinity, (min, i) => (i > threshold && i < min) ? i : min);
                threshold = next;

            return(new LayerHolder(bestCost, new Layer <TSample>(learner, bestPos, bestNeg, bestThres), outputs));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 internal float Classify(TSample s)
     return(_learner.Classify() > Threshold ? CoefPos : CoefNeg);