public static string ToLdapQuery(this ILdapAccountEntry accountEntry)
            var ldapQuery = new LdapQueryCondition()
                ConditionType = LdapQueryConditionTypes.And

            // Get the type of the result object
            Type ldapAccountEntryType = accountEntry.GetType();

            // Get a list of all of the properties we need to bind to
            var propertiesWithMyAttribute = ldapAccountEntryType.GetPropertiesWithAttribute <LdapPropertyAttribute>(true);

            foreach (var tp in propertiesWithMyAttribute)
                var attr = tp.GetAttributeOfType <LdapPropertyAttribute>().First();

                if (attr.Name == "*")
                    continue;                                   // skip the wildcard as we cannot use it in a query
                var value = tp.GetValue(accountEntry);
                if (value != null)
                    Type vt = value.GetType();

                    if (value is string && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.ToString()))
                        ldapQuery.EqualTo(attr.Name, value);
                    else if ((vt is IEnumerable) || (vt.IsGenericType && vt.GetGenericTypeDefinition().GetInterfaces().Any(x => x.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(IEnumerable)))))
                        var lq = ldapQuery.Or();

                        foreach (var v in value as IEnumerable)
                            lq.EqualTo(attr.Name, v);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts to accountentry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="de">The de.</param>
        /// <returns>LdapAccountEntry.</returns>
        public static ILdapAccountEntry ToAccountEntry(this DirectoryEntry de)
            if (de == null)

            // Get the result object
            ILdapAccountEntry result = Invisionware.IoC.Resolver.IsSet && Invisionware.IoC.Resolver.IsRegistered <ILdapAccountEntry>() ? Invisionware.IoC.Resolver.Resolve <ILdapAccountEntry>() : new LdapAccountEntry();

            // Get the type of the result object
            Type ldapAccountEntryType = result.GetType();

            // Get a list of all of the properties we need to bind to
            var propertiesWithMyAttribute = ldapAccountEntryType.GetPropertiesWithAttribute <LdapPropertyAttribute>(true);

            foreach (var tp in propertiesWithMyAttribute)
                var attr = tp.GetAttributeOfType <LdapPropertyAttribute>().First();

                if (attr.Name == "*")
                    continue;                                   // skip the wildcard catch all as we handle it later
                if (de.Properties.Contains(attr.Name))
                    var deValue = de.Properties[attr.Name];

                    if (attr is LdapCollectionPropertyAttribute)
                        object cln = tp.GetValue(result);

                        var m = tp.PropertyType.GetMethod("Add") ?? tp.PropertyType.GetMethod("Insert");
                        foreach (var v in deValue)
                            var p = m.Name == "Insert" ? new[] { 0, Convert.ChangeType(v, ((LdapCollectionPropertyAttribute)attr).ElementType) } : new[] { Convert.ChangeType(v, ((LdapCollectionPropertyAttribute)attr).ElementType) };

                            m.Invoke(cln, p);
                    else if (attr is LdapDictionaryPropertyAttribute)
                        object dct = tp.GetValue(result);

                        tp.PropertyType.GetMethod("Add").Invoke(dct, new[] { deValue.PropertyName, Convert.ChangeType(deValue.Value, ((LdapCollectionPropertyAttribute)attr).ElementType) });
                        tp.SetValue(result, deValue.Value);

            var propertyAllValues = propertiesWithMyAttribute.Where(x => x.GetAttributeOfType <LdapDictionaryPropertyAttribute>()?.Any(y => y.Name == "*") == true);

            if (propertyAllValues != null)
                var  pc    = propertyAllValues.First();
                Type tColl = typeof(IDictionary <,>);
                if (pc.PropertyType.IsGenericType && tColl.IsAssignableFrom(pc.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition()) || pc.PropertyType.GetInterfaces().Any(x => x.IsGenericType && x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == tColl))
                    object cln = pc.GetValue(result);

                    foreach (PropertyValueCollection pvc in de.Properties)
                        pc.PropertyType.GetMethod("Add").Invoke(cln, new[] { pvc.PropertyName, pvc.Value });
