Ejemplo n.º 1
 // Token: 0x0600035C RID: 860 RVA: 0x00010C94 File Offset: 0x0000EE94
 public void PoisonCall(EmergencyKit kit, TryDelegate dangerousCall)
     PoisonControl.< > c__DisplayClass1 CS$ < > 8__locals1 = new PoisonControl.< > c__DisplayClass1();
     CS$ < > 8__locals1.kit         = kit;
     CS$ < > 8__locals1.< > 4__this = this;
     ILUtil.DoTryFilterCatch(dangerousCall, new FilterDelegate(CS$ < > 8__locals1, (UIntPtr)ldftn(< PoisonCall > b__0)), null);
 public bool TryExecute(TryDelegate task)
     TransientExceptionHandler.< > c__DisplayClass1 CS$ < > 8__locals1 = new TransientExceptionHandler.< > c__DisplayClass1();
     CS$ < > 8__locals1.< > 4__this = this;
     ArgumentValidator.ThrowIfNull("task", task);
     CS$ < > 8__locals1.exception   = null;
     CS$ < > 8__locals1.needToRetry = false;
     ILUtil.DoTryFilterCatch(task, this.transientExceptionFilter, new CatchDelegate(CS$ < > 8__locals1, (UIntPtr)ldftn(< TryExecute > b__0)));
     if (!CS$ < > 8__locals1.needToRetry)
         this.TransientExceptionCount = 0;
         this.tracer.TraceDebug((long)this.GetHashCode(), "TransientExceptionHandler.TryExecute: Task completed successfully and the retry count has beeen restarted.");