Ejemplo n.º 1
		public void Print(LNode node, StringBuilder target, IMessageSink sink = null, ParsingMode mode = null, ILNodePrinterOptions options = null)
			if (_usePlainCsPrinter)
				EcsNodePrinter.PrintPlainCSharp(node, target, sink, mode, options);
				EcsNodePrinter.PrintECSharp(node, target, sink, mode, options);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public Les2PrinterOptions(ILNodePrinterOptions options)
     if (options != null)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>Prints an LNode as LESv3 with HTML syntax highlighting elements.</summary>
        /// <param name="nodes">Syntax trees to print.</param>
        /// <param name="output">Output StringBuilder for HTML code.</param>
        /// <param name="addPreCode">Whether to wrap the output in "&lt;pre class='highlight'>&lt;code>" tags.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options to control the style for code printing.</param>
        /// <returns>The output StringBuilder</returns>
        public static StringBuilder PrintToHtml(
            IEnumerable <ILNode> nodes, StringBuilder output = null,
            bool addPreCode = true, IMessageSink sink = null,
            ILNodePrinterOptions options = null)
            var pp = new Les3PrettyPrinter(sink, options);

            return(pp.PrintToHtml(nodes, output, addPreCode));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public Les3PrinterOptions(ILNodePrinterOptions options)
     WarnAboutUnprintableLiterals = true;
     SpaceAfterComma          = true;
     ForcedLineBreakThreshold = 120;
     if (options != null)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void CopyFrom(ILNodePrinterOptions original)
     AllowChangeParentheses = original.AllowChangeParentheses;
     OmitComments           = original.OmitComments;
     OmitUnknownTrivia      = original.OmitUnknownTrivia;
     PrintTriviaExplicitly  = original.PrintTriviaExplicitly;
     CompatibilityMode      = original.CompatibilityMode;
     CompactMode            = original.CompactMode;
     IndentString           = original.IndentString;
     NewlineString          = original.NewlineString;
Ejemplo n.º 6
		/// <summary>Converts a sequences of LNodes to strings, adding a line separator between each.</summary>
		/// <param name="printer">Printer to be used for each single LNode.</param>
		/// <remarks>The newline between two nodes is suppressed if the second 
		/// node has a <c>#trivia_appendStatement</c> attribute.</remarks>
		public static StringBuilder PrintMultiple(ILNodePrinter printer, IEnumerable<LNode> nodes, StringBuilder sb, IMessageSink sink, ParsingMode mode, ILNodePrinterOptions options)
			sb = sb ?? new StringBuilder();
			var lineSeparator = (options != null ? options.NewlineString : null) ?? "\n";
			bool first = true;
			foreach (LNode node in nodes) {
				if (!first)
					sb.Append(node.AttrNamed(CodeSymbols.TriviaAppendStatement) == null ? lineSeparator : " ");
				printer.Print(node, sb, sink, mode, options);
				first = false;
			return sb;
Ejemplo n.º 7
		public void CopyFrom(ILNodePrinterOptions original)
			AllowChangeParentheses = original.AllowChangeParentheses;
			OmitComments = original.OmitComments;
			OmitUnknownTrivia = original.OmitUnknownTrivia;
			PrintTriviaExplicitly = original.PrintTriviaExplicitly;
			CompatibilityMode = original.CompatibilityMode;
			CompactMode = original.CompactMode;
			IndentString = original.IndentString;
			NewlineString = original.NewlineString;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>Creates an instance of this class, which produces plain LES
 /// augmented with control codes.</summary>
 public Les3PrettyPrinter(IMessageSink sink = null, ILNodePrinterOptions options = null) : this(null, sink, options)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>Creates an instance of this class, which produces plain LES
 /// augmented with control codes.</summary>
 public Les3PrettyPrinter(StringBuilder target, IMessageSink sink, ILNodePrinterOptions options) : base(target, sink, options)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void Print(ILNode node, StringBuilder target, IMessageSink sink = null, ParsingMode mode = null, ILNodePrinterOptions options = null)
     Les2Printer.Print(node, target, sink, mode, options);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public string Print(ILNode node, IMessageSink sink = null, ParsingMode mode = null, ILNodePrinterOptions options = null)
            StringBuilder target = new StringBuilder();

            Print(node, target, sink, mode, options);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void Print(IEnumerable <ILNode> nodes, StringBuilder target, IMessageSink sink = null, ParsingMode mode = null, ILNodePrinterOptions options = null)
            CheckParam.IsNotNull("target", target);
            var p = new Les3Printer(target, sink, options);

Ejemplo n.º 13
 void ILNodePrinter.Print(LNode node, StringBuilder target, IMessageSink sink, ParsingMode mode, ILNodePrinterOptions options)
     Print((ILNode)node, target, sink, mode, options);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void SetOptions(ILNodePrinterOptions options)
     _o = options as Les2PrinterOptions ?? new Les2PrinterOptions(options);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 internal Les2Printer(StringBuilder target, ILNodePrinterOptions options = null)
     Writer = new Les2PrinterWriter(target, _o.IndentString ?? "\t", _o.NewlineString ?? "\n");
Ejemplo n.º 16
		/// <summary>Serializes a list of syntax trees to a string in the 
		/// syntax supported by the specified <see cref="ILNodePrinter"/>.</summary>
		public static string Print(this ILNodePrinter printer, IEnumerable<LNode> nodes, IMessageSink sink = null, ParsingMode mode = null, ILNodePrinterOptions options = null)
			StringBuilder target = new StringBuilder();
			printer.Print(nodes, target, sink, mode, options);
			return target.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public void Print(LNode node, StringBuilder target, IMessageSink sink = null, ParsingMode mode = null, ILNodePrinterOptions options = null)
     if (_usePlainCsPrinter)
         EcsNodePrinter.PrintPlainCSharp(node, target, sink, mode, options);
         EcsNodePrinter.PrintECSharp(node, target, sink, mode, options);
Ejemplo n.º 18
		/// <summary>Creates an instance of this class, which produces plain LES 
		/// augmented with control codes.</summary>
		public Les3PrettyPrinter(StringBuilder target, IMessageSink sink, ILNodePrinterOptions options) : base(target, sink, options)
Ejemplo n.º 19
		/// <summary>Creates an instance of this class, which produces plain LES 
		/// augmented with control codes.</summary>
		public Les3PrettyPrinter(IMessageSink sink = null, ILNodePrinterOptions options = null) : this(null, sink, options) { }
Ejemplo n.º 20
		/// <summary>Prints an LNode as LESv3 with HTML syntax highlighting elements.</summary>
		/// <param name="nodes">Syntax trees to print.</param>
		/// <param name="output">Output StringBuilder for HTML code.</param>
		/// <param name="addPreCode">Whether to wrap the output in "&lt;pre class='highlight'>&lt;code>" tags.</param>
		/// <param name="options">Options to control the style for code printing.</param>
		/// <returns>The output StringBuilder</returns>
		public static StringBuilder PrintToHtml(
				IEnumerable<ILNode> nodes, StringBuilder output = null, 
				bool addPreCode = true, IMessageSink sink = null,
				ILNodePrinterOptions options = null)
			var pp = new Les3PrettyPrinter(sink, options);
			return pp.PrintToHtml(nodes, output, addPreCode);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>Serializes a list of syntax trees to a string in the
        /// syntax supported by the specified <see cref="ILNodePrinter"/>.</summary>
        public static string Print(this ILNodePrinter printer, IEnumerable <LNode> nodes, IMessageSink sink = null, ParsingMode mode = null, ILNodePrinterOptions options = null)
            StringBuilder target = new StringBuilder();

            printer.Print(nodes, target, sink, mode, options);
Ejemplo n.º 22
		public void Print(IEnumerable<ILNode> nodes, StringBuilder target, IMessageSink sink = null, ParsingMode mode = null, ILNodePrinterOptions options = null)
			CheckParam.IsNotNull("target", target);
			var p = new Les3Printer(target, sink, options);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>Converts a sequences of LNodes to strings, adding a line separator between each.</summary>
        /// <param name="printer">Printer to be used for each single LNode.</param>
        /// <remarks>The newline between two nodes is suppressed if the second
        /// node has a <c>%appendStatement</c> attribute.</remarks>
        public static StringBuilder PrintMultiple(ILNodePrinter printer, IEnumerable <LNode> nodes, StringBuilder sb, IMessageSink sink, ParsingMode mode, ILNodePrinterOptions options)
            sb = sb ?? new StringBuilder();
            var  lineSeparator = (options != null ? options.NewlineString : null) ?? "\n";
            bool first         = true;

            foreach (LNode node in nodes)
                if (!first)
                    sb.Append(node.AttrNamed(CodeSymbols.TriviaAppendStatement) == null ? lineSeparator : " ");
                printer.Print(node, sb, sink, mode, options);
                first = false;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 void ILNodePrinter.Print(IEnumerable <LNode> nodes, StringBuilder target, IMessageSink sink, ParsingMode mode, ILNodePrinterOptions options)
     Print(nodes.Upcast <ILNode, LNode>(), target, sink, mode, options);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public void Print(IEnumerable <LNode> nodes, StringBuilder target, IMessageSink sink = null, ParsingMode mode = null, ILNodePrinterOptions options = null)
     LNodePrinter.PrintMultiple(this, nodes, target, sink, mode, options);
Ejemplo n.º 26
		void ILNodePrinter.Print(LNode node, StringBuilder target, IMessageSink sink, ParsingMode mode, ILNodePrinterOptions options)
			Print((ILNode)node, target, sink, mode, options);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        internal static void Print(ILNode node, StringBuilder target, IMessageSink sink, ParsingMode mode, ILNodePrinterOptions options = null)
            var p          = _printer = _printer ?? new Les2Printer(TextWriter.Null, null);
            var oldOptions = p._o;
            var oldWriter  = p.Writer;
            var oldSink    = p.ErrorSink;

            p.ErrorSink = sink;
            p.Writer = new Les2PrinterWriter(target, p.Options.IndentString ?? "\t", p.Options.NewlineString ?? "\n");

            if (mode == ParsingMode.Expressions)
                p.Print(node, StartStmt, "");
                p.Print(node, StartStmt, ";");

            p.Writer    = oldWriter;
            p._o        = oldOptions;
            p.ErrorSink = oldSink;
Ejemplo n.º 28
		public void Print(ILNode node, StringBuilder target, IMessageSink sink = null, ParsingMode mode = null, ILNodePrinterOptions options = null)
			Les2Printer.Print(node, target, sink, mode, options);
Ejemplo n.º 29
		public void Print(IEnumerable<LNode> nodes, StringBuilder target, IMessageSink msgs = null, ParsingMode mode = null, ILNodePrinterOptions options = null)
			LNodePrinter.PrintMultiple(this, nodes, target, msgs, mode, options);
Ejemplo n.º 30
		void ILNodePrinter.Print(IEnumerable<LNode> nodes, StringBuilder target, IMessageSink sink, ParsingMode mode, ILNodePrinterOptions options)
			Print(nodes.Upcast<ILNode, LNode>(), target, sink, mode, options);