Ejemplo n.º 1
    private void SolveStep()
        for (int p = 0; p < points.Length; p++)

        for (int fr = 0; fr < forwardRoots.Length; fr++)
            IKRoot fwd = forwardRoots[fr];
            points[fwd.p].pos = fwd.pos;

        //fabrik forward, repeat till we have found nothing to do

        bool done = false;

        while (!done)
            done = true;

            for (int p = 0; p < points.Length; p++)
                IKPoint pt = points[p];
                if (pt.propogatedToSiblings.Count < pt.siblingDistance.Count)
                    done = false;

                    //all children have reported:
                    if (pt.childAccumulator.Count() == pt.childDistance.Count)
                        foreach (var kv in pt.siblingDistance)
                            int s = kv.Key;

                            if (!pt.propogatedToSiblings.Contains(s))
                                IKPoint sibling = points[s];

                                //all its children have reported too
                                if (sibling.childAccumulator.Count() == sibling.childDistance.Count)
                                    Vector3 us   = pt.GetChildAccumulation();
                                    Vector3 them = sibling.GetChildAccumulation();

                                    Vector3 us2them  = them - us;
                                    Vector3 midpoint = 0.5f * (us + them);

                                    //add our thing to their accumulator
                                    sibling.siblingAccumulator.Add(midpoint + (0.5f * kv.Value * us2them.normalized));

                if (!pt.propogatedToParent)
                    done = false;

                    //all children and siblings have reported
                    if (pt.childAccumulator.Count() == pt.childDistance.Count && pt.siblingAccumulator.Count() == pt.siblingDistance.Count)
                        pt.propogatedToParent = true;

                        if (pt.parent != -1)
                            IKPoint parent = points[pt.parent];

                            //update pos except if we are the root
                            pt.pos = pt.GetSiblingAccumulation();
                            Vector3 us2them = parent.pos - pt.pos;

                            parent.childAccumulator.Add(pt.pos + (pt.parentDistance * us2them.normalized));

        //do finger constraints - move tip into plane defined by joints
        for (int h = 0; h < 2; h++)
            int idx = pidTranslation[h, HandState.POINT_KNUCKLE[0]];
            if (idx == -1)

            for (int f = 0; f < 5; f++)
                Vector3 knuckle = points[pidTranslation[h, HandState.POINT_KNUCKLE[f]]].pos;
                Vector3 v1      = points[pidTranslation[h, HandState.POINT_LOJOINT[f]]].pos - knuckle;
                Vector3 v2      = points[pidTranslation[h, HandState.POINT_TIP[f]]].pos - knuckle;

                Vector3 pn = Vector3.Cross(v1.normalized, v2.normalized);

                if (pn.sqrMagnitude < 0.001)
                    fingerPlanes[h, f] = Vector3.zero;

                fingerPlanes[h, f] = pn.normalized;

        //do backward
        done = false;
        while (!done)
            done = true;

            for (int p = 0; p < points.Length; p++)
                IKPoint pt = points[p];

                if (!pt.didBackward)
                    done = false;

                    IKPoint parent = points[pt.parent];

                    if (parent.didBackward)
                        Vector3 planeConstraint = Vector3.zero;
                        if (pt.outputH != -1 && pt.outputP != -1 && pt.outputP < 20 && pt.outputP % 4 > 0)
                            planeConstraint = fingerPlanes[pt.outputH, pt.outputP / 4];

                        Vector3 them2us = pt.pos - parent.pos;

                        if (planeConstraint.sqrMagnitude > 0.99f)
                            Debug.Assert(planeConstraint.sqrMagnitude < 1.01f);
                            them2us -= Vector3.Dot(them2us, planeConstraint) * planeConstraint;

                        pt.pos         = parent.pos + (pt.parentDistance * them2us.normalized);
                        pt.didBackward = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    IKRoot[] forwardRoots; //world space constraints

    private FABRIK(HandState[] states, IKPointTarget[] pointTargets, IKGapTarget[] gapTargets)
        int activeHands = (states[0].active ? 1 : 0) + (states[1].active ? 1 : 0);

        Debug.Assert(activeHands > 0);

        int totalPoints = activeHands * HandState.NUM_POINTS + pointTargets.Length + gapTargets.Length * 2;

        points = new IKPoint[totalPoints];

        pidTranslation = new int[2, HandState.NUM_POINTS];
        fingerPlanes   = new Vector3[2, 5];
        for (int h = 0; h < 2; h++)
            for (int ip = 0; ip < HandState.NUM_POINTS; ip++)
                pidTranslation[h, ip] = -1;
            for (int f = 0; f < 5; f++)
                fingerPlanes[h, f] = Vector3.zero;

        int p = 0;

        for (int h = 0; h < 2; h++)
            HandState state = states[h];
            if (state.active)
                for (int ip = 0; ip < HandState.NUM_POINTS; ip++)
                    IKPoint pt = points[p] = new IKPoint();
                    pidTranslation[h, ip] = p;
                    pt.pos     = state.points[ip];
                    pt.outputH = h;
                    pt.outputP = ip;

                for (int ip = 0; ip < HandState.NUM_POINTS; ip++)
                    if (HandState.POINT_PARENT[ip] != -1)
                        points[pidTranslation[h, ip]].parent = pidTranslation[h, HandState.POINT_PARENT[ip]];

        forwardRoots = new IKRoot[pointTargets.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < pointTargets.Length; i++)
            IKPointTarget targ = pointTargets[i];


            forwardRoots[i] = new IKRoot(p, targ.worldTargetPos);

            //anchor for the root
            IKPoint pt = points[p] = new IKPoint();
            pt.parent = pidTranslation[targ.h, HandState.POINT_PARENT[targ.b]];

            //put it in the local pos for initial distance constraints, the roots will move it later
            pt.pos = states[targ.h].LocalToWorld(targ.b, targ.localPos);


        for (int i = 0; i < gapTargets.Length; i++)
            IKGapTarget targ = gapTargets[i];


            //anchor for the root
            IKPoint pt = points[p] = new IKPoint();
            pt.parent = pidTranslation[targ.h1, HandState.POINT_PARENT[targ.b1]];
            pt.pos    = states[targ.h1].LocalToWorld(targ.b1, targ.localPos1);

            pt.siblingDistance[p + 1] = targ.dist;


            pt        = points[p] = new IKPoint();
            pt.parent = pidTranslation[targ.h2, HandState.POINT_PARENT[targ.b2]];
            pt.pos    = states[targ.h2].LocalToWorld(targ.b2, targ.localPos2);

            pt.siblingDistance[p - 1] = targ.dist;


        Debug.Assert(p == totalPoints);

        //setup parent/child lengths
        for (p = 0; p < totalPoints; p++)
            IKPoint pt = points[p];
            if (pt.parent != -1)
                IKPoint parent = points[pt.parent];
                pt.parentDistance = Vector3.Distance(pt.pos, parent.pos);
                parent.childDistance.Add(p, pt.parentDistance);

        //setup sibling lengths
        for (p = 0; p < totalPoints; p++)
            IKPoint pt = points[p];
            if (pt.parent != -1)
                IKPoint parent = points[pt.parent];
                foreach (var kv in parent.childDistance)
                    int sibling = kv.Key;
                    if (sibling != p)
                        pt.siblingDistance[sibling] = Vector3.Distance(pt.pos, points[sibling].pos);