Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override bool Evaluate(IInternalContextAdapter context)
            // get the two args
            Object left = GetChild(0).Value(context);
            Object right = GetChild(1).Value(context);

            // if either is null, lets log and bail
            if (left == null || right == null)
                        "{0} side ({1}) of '>=' operation has null value. Operation not possible. {2} [line {3}, column {4}]",
                        (left == null ? "Left" : "Right"), GetChild((left == null ? 0 : 1)).Literal, context.CurrentTemplateName, Line,
                return false;

                return ObjectComparer.CompareObjects(left, right) >= 0;
            catch(ArgumentException ae)

                return false;
		public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer, INode node)
			if (node.ChildrenCount != 2)
				throw new MonoRailException("#capturefor directive expects an id attribute and a template block");

			var idNode = (ASTWord) node.GetChild(0);
			var bodyNode = (ASTBlock) node.GetChild(1);

			var id = idNode.Literal;

			var buffer = new StringWriter();
			var sb = buffer.GetStringBuilder();

			bodyNode.Render(context, buffer);

			var currentContent = context[id] as string;

			if( currentContent != null )

			context[id] = sb.ToString();

			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
		/// <summary>
		/// Computes the value of the subtraction.
		/// Currently limited to integers.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>Integer(value) or null</returns>
		public override Object Value(IInternalContextAdapter context)
			// get the two args
			Object left = GetChild(0).Value(context);
			Object right = GetChild(1).Value(context);

			// if either is null, lets log and bail
			if (left == null || right == null)
				rsvc.Error((left == null ? "Left" : "Right") + " side (" + GetChild((left == null ? 0 : 1)).Literal +
				           ") of subtraction operation has null value." + " Operation not possible. " + context.CurrentTemplateName +
				           " [line " + Line + ", column " + Column + "]");
				return null;

			Type maxType = MathUtil.ToMaxType(left.GetType(), right.GetType());

			if (maxType == null)
				return null;

			return MathUtil.Sub(maxType, left, right);

			// if not an Integer, not much we can do either
//			if (!(left is Int32) || !(right is Int32))
//			{
//				rsvc.Error((!(left is Int32) ? "Left" : "Right") + " side of subtraction operation is not a valid type. " + "Currently only integers (1,2,3...) and Integer type is supported. " + context.CurrentTemplateName + " [line " + Line + ", column " + Column + "]");
//				return null;
//			}
//			return ((Int32) left) - ((Int32) right);
Ejemplo n.º 4
		/// <summary>
		/// Computes the sum of the two nodes.
		/// Currently only integer operations are supported.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>Integer object with value, or null</returns>
		public override Object Value(IInternalContextAdapter context)
			// get the two addends
			Object left = GetChild(0).Value(context);
			Object right = GetChild(1).Value(context);

			// if either is null, lets log and bail
			if (left == null || right == null)
						"{0} side ({1}) of addition operation has null value. Operation not possible. {2} [line {3}, column {4}]",
						(left == null ? "Left" : "Right"), GetChild((left == null ? 0 : 1)).Literal, context.CurrentTemplateName, Line,
				return null;

			Type maxType = MathUtil.ToMaxType(left.GetType(), right.GetType());

			if (maxType == null)
				return null;

			return MathUtil.Add(maxType, left, right);

			// if not an Integer, not much we can do either
//			if (!(left is Int32) || !(right is Int32))
//			{
//				runtimeServices.Error((!(left is Int32) ? "Left" : "Right") + " side of addition operation is not a valid type. " + "Currently only integers (1,2,3...) and Integer type is supported. " + context.CurrentTemplateName + " [line " + Line + ", column " + Column + "]");
//				return null;
//			}
//			return ((Int32) left) + ((Int32) right);
Ejemplo n.º 5
		public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer)
			// Check if the #if(expression) construct evaluates to true:
			// if so render and leave immediately because there
			// is nothing left to do!
			if (GetChild(0).Evaluate(context))
				GetChild(1).Render(context, writer);
				return true;

			int totalNodes = ChildrenCount;

			// Now check the remaining nodes left in the
			// if construct. The nodes are either elseif
			// nodes or else nodes. Each of these node
			// types knows how to evaluate themselves. If
			// a node evaluates to true then the node will
			// render itself and this method will return
			// as there is nothing left to do.
			for(int i = 2; i < totalNodes; i++)
				if (GetChild(i).Evaluate(context))
					GetChild(i).Render(context, writer);
					return true;

			// This is reached when an ASTIfStatement
			// consists of an if/elseif sequence where
			// none of the nodes evaluate to true.
			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
		/// <summary>
		/// Computes the result of the division. Currently limited to Integers.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>Integer(value) or null</returns>
		public override Object Value(IInternalContextAdapter context)
			// get the two args
			Object left = GetChild(0).Value(context);
			Object right = GetChild(1).Value(context);

			// if either is null, lets log and bail
			if (left == null || right == null)
						"{0} side ({1}) of division operation has null value. Operation not possible. {2} [line {3}, column {4}]",
						(left == null ? "Left" : "Right"), GetChild((left == null ? 0 : 1)).Literal, context.CurrentTemplateName, Line,
				return null;

			Type maxType = MathUtil.ToMaxType(left.GetType(), right.GetType());
			if (maxType == null)
				return null;

				return MathUtil.Div(maxType, left, right);
			catch (DivideByZeroException)
				runtimeServices.Error("Right side of division operation is zero. Must be non-zero. " + context.CurrentTemplateName + " [line " + Line + ", column " + Column + "]");
			return null;
Ejemplo n.º 7
		public override bool Evaluate(IInternalContextAdapter context)
			if (GetChild(0).Evaluate(context))
				return false;
				return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
		public override bool Evaluate(IInternalContextAdapter context)
			// get the two args
			Object left = GetChild(0).Value(context);
			Object right = GetChild(1).Value(context);

			// if either is null, lets log and bail
			if (left == null || right == null)
				rsvc.Error((left == null ? "Left" : "Right") + " side (" + GetChild((left == null ? 0 : 1)).Literal +
				           ") of '>' operation has null value." + " Operation not possible. " + context.CurrentTemplateName +
				           " [line " + Line + ", column " + Column + "]");
				return false;

				return ObjectComparer.CompareObjects(left, right) == ObjectComparer.Greater;
			catch(ArgumentException ae)

				return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
		/// <summary>   puts the value of the RHS into the context under the key of the LHS
		/// </summary>
		public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer)
	    *  get the RHS node, and it's value

			Object value = right.Value(context);

	    * it's an error if we don't have a value of some sort

			if (value == null)
				*  first, are we supposed to say anything anyway?
				if (blather)
					EventCartridge eventCartridge = context.EventCartridge;

					bool doIt = true;

		    *  if we have an EventCartridge...
					if (eventCartridge != null)
						doIt = eventCartridge.ShouldLogOnNullSet(left.Literal, right.Literal);

					if (doIt)
							string.Format("RHS of #set statement is null. Context will not be modified. {0} [line {1}, column {2}]",
							              context.CurrentTemplateName, Line, Column));

				return false;

	    *  if the LHS is simple, just punch the value into the context
	    *  otherwise, use the setValue() method do to it.
	    *  Maybe we should always use setValue()

			if (left.ChildrenCount == 0)
				context.Put(leftReference, value);
				left.SetValue(context, value);

			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
		public override Object Init(IInternalContextAdapter context, Object data)
			Token t = FirstToken;

			text = NodeUtils.tokenLiteral(t);

			return data;
Ejemplo n.º 11
		/// <summary>
		/// How this directive is to be initialized.
		/// </summary>
		public virtual void Init(IRuntimeServices rs, IInternalContextAdapter context, INode node)
			runtimeServices = rs;

//			int i, k = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
//			for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
//				node.jjtGetChild(i).init(context, rs);
Ejemplo n.º 12
		/// <summary>
		/// simple init - init our subtree and get what we can from
		/// the AST
		/// </summary>
		public override Object Init(IInternalContextAdapter context, Object data)
			base.Init(context, data);

			methodName = FirstToken.Image;
			paramCount = ChildrenCount - 1;

			return data;
Ejemplo n.º 13
		/// <summary>
		/// simple init - don't do anything that is context specific.
		/// just get what we need from the AST, which is static.
		/// </summary>
		public override Object Init(IInternalContextAdapter context, Object data)
			base.Init(context, data);

			identifier = FirstToken.Image;

			uberInfo = new Info(context.CurrentTemplateName, Line, Column);
			return data;
Ejemplo n.º 14
		public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer)
			int i, k = ChildrenCount;

			for(i = 0; i < k; i++)
				GetChild(i).Render(context, writer);

			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
		/// <summary>  init : we don't have to do much.  Init the tree (there
		/// shouldn't be one) and then see if interpolation is turned on.
		/// </summary>
		public override Object Init(IInternalContextAdapter context, Object data)
			base.Init(context, data);

			*  the stringlit is set at template parse time, so we can 
			*  do this here for now.  if things change and we can somehow 
			* create stringlits at runtime, this must
			*  move to the runtime execution path
			*  so, only if interpolation is turned on AND it starts 
			*  with a " AND it has a  directive or reference, then we 
			*  can  interpolate.  Otherwise, don't bother.

			interpolate = FirstToken.Image.StartsWith("\"") &&
			              ((FirstToken.Image.IndexOf('$') != - 1) ||
			               (FirstToken.Image.IndexOf('#') != - 1));

			*  get the contents of the string, minus the '/" at each end

			image = FirstToken.Image.Substring(1, (FirstToken.Image.Length - 1) - (1));
			* tack a space on the end (dreaded <MORE> kludge)

			interpolateimage = image + " ";

			if (interpolate)
				*  now parse and init the nodeTree
				TextReader br = new StringReader(interpolateimage);

				* it's possible to not have an initialization context - or we don't
				* want to trust the caller - so have a fallback value if so
				*  Also, do *not* dump the VM namespace for this template

				nodeTree = rsvc.Parse(br, (context != null) ? context.CurrentTemplateName : "StringLiteral", false);

				*  init with context. It won't modify anything

				nodeTree.Init(context, rsvc);

			return data;
Ejemplo n.º 16
		public override Object Value(IInternalContextAdapter context)
			int size = ChildrenCount;

			ArrayList objectArray = new ArrayList(size);

			for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)

			return objectArray;
Ejemplo n.º 17
		/// <summary>  Initialization method - doesn't do much but do the object
		/// creation.  We only need to do it once.
		/// </summary>
		public override Object Init(IInternalContextAdapter context, Object data)
	    *  init the tree correctly

			base.Init(context, data);

			valueField = Int32.Parse(FirstToken.Image);

			return data;
Ejemplo n.º 18
		/// <summary>
		/// simple init - init the tree and get the elementKey from
		/// the AST
		/// </summary>
		public override void Init(IRuntimeServices rs, IInternalContextAdapter context, INode node)
			base.Init(rs, context, node);

			// get the msg, and add the space so we don't have to
			// do it each time
			outputMsgStart = rsvc.GetString(RuntimeConstants.ERRORMSG_START);
			outputMsgStart = outputMsgStart + " ";

			outputMsgEnd = rsvc.GetString(RuntimeConstants.ERRORMSG_END);
			outputMsgEnd = " " + outputMsgEnd;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// iterates through the argument list and renders every
        /// argument that is appropriate.  Any non appropriate
        /// arguments are logged, but render() continues.
        /// </summary>
        public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer, INode node)
            // did we get an argument?
            if (!AssertArgument(node))
                return false;

            // does it have a value?  If you have a null reference, then no.
            Object value;
            if (!AssertNodeHasValue(node, context, out value))
                return false;

            // get the path
            String arg = value.ToString();


            Resource current = context.CurrentResource;

            // get the resource, and assume that we use the encoding of the current template
            // the 'current resource' can be null if we are processing a stream....
            String encoding;

            if (current == null)
                encoding = (String) runtimeServices.GetProperty(RuntimeConstants.INPUT_ENCODING);
                encoding = current.Encoding;

            // now use the Runtime resource loader to get the template
            Template t = null;

            t = GetTemplate(arg, encoding, context);
            if (t == null)
                return false;

            // and render it
            if (!RenderTemplate(t, arg, writer, context))
                return false;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 20
		/// <summary>
		/// does the real work.  Creates an Vector of Integers with the
		/// right value range
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="context">app context used if Left or Right of .. is a ref</param>
		/// <returns>Object array of Integers</returns>
		public override Object Value(IInternalContextAdapter context)
			// get the two range ends
			Object left = GetChild(0).Value(context);
			Object right = GetChild(1).Value(context);

			// if either is null, lets log and bail
			if (left == null || right == null)
						"{0} side of range operator [n..m] has null value. Operation not possible. {1} [line {2}, column {3}]",
						(left == null ? "Left" : "Right"), context.CurrentTemplateName, Line, Column));
				return null;

			// if not an Integer, not much we can do either
			if (!(left is Int32) || !(right is Int32))
						"{0} side of range operator is not a valid type. Currently only integers (1,2,3...) and Integer type is supported. {1} [line {2}, column {3}]",
						(!(left is Int32) ? "Left" : "Right"), context.CurrentTemplateName, Line, Column));

				return null;

			// get the two integer values of the ends of the range
			int l = ((Int32) left);
			int r = ((Int32) right);

			// find out how many there are
			int num = Math.Abs(l - r);
			num += 1;

			// see if your increment is Pos or Neg
			int delta = (l >= r) ? - 1 : 1;

			// make the vector and fill it
			ArrayList foo = new ArrayList(num);
			int val = l;

			for(int i = 0; i < num; i++)
				val += delta;

			return foo;
Ejemplo n.º 21
		public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer)
			// normal processing
			if (directive != null)
				directive.Render(context, writer, this);

			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 22
		/// <summary>
		/// the logical or :
		/// the rule :
		/// left || null -> left
		/// null || right -> right
		/// null || null -> false
		/// left || right ->  left || right
		/// </summary>
		public override bool Evaluate(IInternalContextAdapter context)
			INode left = GetChild(0);
			INode right = GetChild(1);

			// if the left is not null and true, then true
			if (left != null && left.Evaluate(context))
				return true;

			// same for right
			if (right != null && right.Evaluate(context))
				return true;

			return false;
Ejemplo n.º 23
		/// <summary>
		/// Renders the macro using the context
		/// </summary>
		public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer, INode node)
				// it's possible the tree hasn't been parsed yet, so get 
				// the VMManager to parse and init it
				if (nodeTree == null)
					runtimeServices.Error(string.Format("VM error : {0}. Null AST", macroName));
					if (!init)
						nodeTree.Init(context, runtimeServices);
						init = true;

					// wrap the current context and add the VMProxyArg objects
					VMContext vmContext = new VMContext(context, runtimeServices);

					for(int i = 1; i < argArray.Length; i++)
						// we can do this as VMProxyArgs don't change state. They change
						// the context.
						VMProxyArg arg = (VMProxyArg) proxyArgHash[argArray[i]];

					// now render the VM
					nodeTree.Render(vmContext, writer);
			catch(Exception e)
				// if it's a MIE, it came from the render.... throw it...
				if (e is MethodInvocationException)

				runtimeServices.Error(string.Format("VelocimacroProxy.render() : exception VM = #{0}() : {1}", macroName, e));

			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
		public override Object Init(IInternalContextAdapter context, Object data)
			base.Init(context, data);

			if (directive == null && rsvc.IsVelocimacro(directiveName, context.CurrentTemplateName))
				directive = rsvc.GetVelocimacro(directiveName, context.CurrentTemplateName);

			if (directive != null)
				directive.Init(rsvc, context, this);
				directive.SetLocation(Line, Column);

			return data;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer, INode node)
            if(node.ChildrenCount == 2) {
                string lang = node.GetChild(0).Value(context) as string;
                var codeWriter = new StringWriter();
                node.GetChild(1).Render(context, codeWriter);
                var code = codeWriter.ToString();

                if(lang != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) {
                    var highlighter = new SyntaxHighlighter();
                    writer.WriteLine("<div class=\"syntax\"><div class=\"code\">");
                    writer.Write(highlighter.Highlight(code, lang));

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 26
		public override bool Evaluate(IInternalContextAdapter context)
			Object left = GetChild(0).Value(context);
			Object right = GetChild(1).Value(context);

				return ObjectComparer.CompareObjects(left, right) != 0;
				// Ignore, we can't compare decently by value, but we honestly don't give a sh*t

			// If we can't actually compare the objects, try the operator as fallback
			// For operator overloaded types, this will not really be a reference comp, but that's ok.
			return left != right;
Ejemplo n.º 27
		/// <summary>
		/// Evaluate the node.
		/// </summary>
		public override Object Value(IInternalContextAdapter context)
			int size = ChildrenCount;

			IDictionary objectMap = new Hashtable();

			for(int i = 0; i < size; i += 2)
				SimpleNode keyNode = (SimpleNode) GetChild(i);
				SimpleNode valueNode = (SimpleNode) GetChild(i + 1);

				Object key = (keyNode == null ? null : keyNode.Value(context));
				Object value = (valueNode == null ? null : valueNode.Value(context));

				objectMap.Add(key, value);

			return objectMap;
Ejemplo n.º 28
		/// <summary>
		/// logical and :
		/// null &amp;&amp; right = false
		/// left &amp;&amp; null = false
		/// null &amp;&amp; null = false
		/// </summary>
		public override bool Evaluate(IInternalContextAdapter context)
			INode left = GetChild(0);
			INode right = GetChild(1);

			// if either is null, lets log and bail
			if (left == null || right == null)
				rsvc.Error((left == null ? "Left" : "Right") + " side of '&&' operation is null." + " Operation not possible. " +
				           context.CurrentTemplateName + " [line " + Line + ", column " + Column + "]");
				return false;

			// short circuit the test.  Don't eval the RHS if the LHS is false
			if (left.Evaluate(context))
				if (right.Evaluate(context))
					return true;

			return false;
        /// <summary>  simple init.  We can get the RHS and LHS as the the tree structure is static
        /// </summary>
        public override Object Init(IInternalContextAdapter context, Object data)
             *  init the tree correctly

            base.Init(context, data);

            right = RightHandSide;
            left  = LeftHandSide;

            blather = runtimeServices.GetBoolean(RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_LOG_REFERENCE_LOG_INVALID, true);

             *  grab this now.  No need to redo each time
            leftReference = left.FirstToken.Image.Substring(1);

Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// See if we have exceeded the configured depth.
        /// If it isn't configured, put a stop at 20 just in case.
        /// </summary>
        private bool AssertTemplateStack(IInternalContextAdapter context)
            bool result = true;

            Object[] templateStack = context.TemplateNameStack;

            if (templateStack.Length >= runtimeServices.GetInt(RuntimeConstants.PARSE_DIRECTIVE_MAXDEPTH, 20))
                StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder();

                for (int i = 0; i < templateStack.Length; ++i)
                    path.AppendFormat(" > {0}", (object[])templateStack[i]);

                runtimeServices.Error(string.Format("Max recursion depth reached ({0}) File stack:{1}", templateStack.Length, path));
                result = false;
Ejemplo n.º 31
		/// <summary>  simple init.  We can get the RHS and LHS as the the tree structure is static
		/// </summary>
		public override Object Init(IInternalContextAdapter context, Object data)
	    *  init the tree correctly

			base.Init(context, data);

			right = RightHandSide;
			left = LeftHandSide;

			blather = rsvc.GetBoolean(RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_LOG_REFERENCE_LOG_INVALID, true);

	    *  grab this now.  No need to redo each time
			leftReference = left.FirstToken.Image.Substring(1);

			return data;
Ejemplo n.º 32
		/// <summary>
		/// logical and :
		/// null &amp;&amp; right = false
		/// left &amp;&amp; null = false
		/// null &amp;&amp; null = false
		/// </summary>
		public override bool Evaluate(IInternalContextAdapter context)
			INode left = GetChild(0);
			INode right = GetChild(1);

			// if either is null, lets log and bail
			if (left == null || right == null)
					string.Format("{0} side of '&&' operation is null. Operation not possible. {1} [line {2}, column {3}]",
					              (left == null ? "Left" : "Right"), context.CurrentTemplateName, Line, Column));
				return false;

			// short circuit the test.  Don't eval the RHS if the LHS is false
			if (left.Evaluate(context))
				if (right.Evaluate(context))
					return true;

			return false;
Ejemplo n.º 33
        /// <seealso cref="NVelocity.Runtime.Paser.Node.SimpleNode.render(org.apache.velocity.context.InternalContextAdapter, java.io.Writer)">
        /// </seealso>
        public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, System.IO.TextWriter writer)
             *  normal processing

            if (isDirective)
                directive.Render(context, writer, this);
                if (context.AllowRendering)

Ejemplo n.º 34
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="left"></param>
        /// <param name="right"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected internal override object HandleSpecial(object left, object right, IInternalContextAdapter context)
             * shall we try for strings?
            if (left is string || right is string)
                if (left == null)
                    left = GetChild(0).Literal;
                else if (right == null)
                    right = GetChild(1).Literal;

                return(string.Concat(left.ToString(), right.ToString()));

Ejemplo n.º 35
        /// <summary>  simple Init - Init our subtree and Get what we can from
        /// the AST
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="data">
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> The Init result
        /// </returns>
        /// <throws>  TemplateInitException </throws>
        public override object Init(IInternalContextAdapter context, object data)
            base.Init(context, data);

             * make an uberinfo - saves new's later on

            uberInfo = new Info(TemplateName, Line, Column);

             *  this is about all we can do

            methodName = FirstToken.Image;
            paramCount = GetNumChildren() - 1;

            strictRef = rsvc.GetBoolean(NVelocity.Runtime.RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_REFERENCES_STRICT, false);

Ejemplo n.º 36
        /// <seealso cref="NVelocity.Runtime.Paser.Node.SimpleNode.render(org.apache.velocity.context.InternalContextAdapter, java.io.Writer)">
        /// </seealso>
        public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, System.IO.TextWriter writer)
             * Check if the #if(expression) construct evaluates to true:
             * if so render and leave immediately because there
             * is nothing left to do!
            if (GetChild(0).Evaluate(context))
                GetChild(1).Render(context, writer);

            int totalNodes = GetNumChildren();

             * Now check the remaining nodes left in the
             * if construct. The nodes are either elseif
             *  nodes or else nodes. Each of these node
             * types knows how to Evaluate themselves. If
             * a node evaluates to true then the node will
             * render itself and this method will return
             * as there is nothing left to do.
            for (int i = 2; i < totalNodes; i++)
                if (GetChild(i).Evaluate(context))
                    GetChild(i).Render(context, writer);

             * This is reached when an ASTIfStatement
             * consists of an if/elseif sequence where
             * none of the nodes Evaluate to true.
Ejemplo n.º 37
        private object HandleInvocationException(object o, IInternalContextAdapter context, System.Exception t)
             *  In the event that the invocation of the method
             *  itself throws an exception, we want to catch that
             *  wrap it, and throw.  We don't Log here as we want to figure
             *  out which reference threw the exception, so do that
             *  above

             *  let non-Exception Throwables go...

            if (t is System.Exception)
                    return(EventHandlerUtil.MethodException(rsvc, context, o.GetType(), methodName, (System.Exception)t));

                 * If the event handler throws an exception, then wrap it
                 * in a MethodInvocationException.  Don't pass through RuntimeExceptions like other
                 * similar catchall code blocks.
                catch (System.Exception e)
                    throw new MethodInvocationException("Invocation of method '" + methodName + "' in  " + o.GetType() + " threw exception " + e.ToString(), e, methodName, TemplateName, this.Line, this.Column);
                 * no event cartridge to override. Just throw

                throw new MethodInvocationException("Invocation of method '" + methodName + "' in  " + o.GetType() + " threw exception " + t.ToString(), t, methodName, TemplateName, this.Line, this.Column);
Ejemplo n.º 38
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the first param.
        /// first param can either be the literal string 'with' which means the user
        /// is using the syntax #blockcomponent(ComponentName with "param1=value1" "param2=value2")
        /// or it could be a dictionary string like:
        /// #blockcomponent(ComponentName "%{ param1='value1', param2='value2' }")
        /// or it could be reference to a IDictionary like:
        /// #blockcomponent(ComponentName $dictionaryParam)
        /// anything different than that will throw an exception
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The node.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="childrenCount">The children count.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IDictionary ProcessFirstParam(INode node, IInternalContextAdapter context, int childrenCount)
            var compNameNode  = node.GetChild(0);
            var componentName = compNameNode.FirstToken.Image;

            var withNode = node.GetChild(1);

            var withName = withNode.FirstToken.Image;

            if (!"with".Equals(withName))
                var nodeValue = withNode.Value(context);
                if (nodeValue == null)

                var dict = nodeValue as IDictionary;

                if (dict != null)
                    if (childrenCount > 2)
                        var message = String.Format("A #{0} directive with a dictionary " +
                                                    "string parameter cannot have extra params - component {0}", componentName);
                        throw new ViewComponentException(message);
                    var message = String.Format("A #{0} directive with parameters must use " +
                                                "the keyword 'with' - component {0}", componentName);
                    throw new ViewComponentException(message);

Ejemplo n.º 39
        /// <summary></summary>
        public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer, INode node)
            string text = node.GetChild(0).Literal;

            string[] args = text.Substring(1, text.Length - 2).Split(',');
            string[] keys = args[0].Split('.');

            StringCase stringCase = StringCase.Default;

            if (args.Length == 2)
                stringCase = (StringCase)Enum.Parse(typeof(StringCase), args[1]);

            if (keys[0] == "Strings")
                if (keys.Length == 2)
                    writer.Write(I18n.Strings[keys[1], stringCase]);
                else if (keys.Length == 3)
                    writer.Write(I18n.Strings[keys[1], keys[2], stringCase]);
            else if (keys[0] == "Translates")
                if (keys.Length == 2)
                    writer.Write(I18n.Translates[keys[1], stringCase]);
                else if (keys.Length == 3)
                    writer.Write(I18n.Translates[keys[1], keys[2], stringCase]);

Ejemplo n.º 40
        private void ProcessDictEntry(HybridDictionary map, StringBuilder keyBuilder, object value,
                                      IInternalContextAdapter context)
            object key = keyBuilder.ToString().Trim();

            if (key.ToString().StartsWith("$"))
                object keyVal = EvaluateInPlace(key.ToString(), context);

                if (keyVal == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(
                              string.Format("The dictionary entry {0} evaluated to null, but null is not a valid dictionary key", key));

                key = keyVal;

            map[key] = value;

            keyBuilder.Length = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 41
        /// <summary>  renders the value of the string literal
        /// If the properties allow, and the string literal contains a $ or a #
        /// the literal is rendered against the context
        /// Otherwise, the stringlit is returned.
        /// </summary>
        public override Object Value(IInternalContextAdapter context)
            string result = image;

            if (IsDictionaryString(result))
                return(InterpolateDictionaryString(result, context));
                if (interpolate)
                        TextWriter writer = new StringWriter();
                        nodeTree.Render(context, writer);

                         * and return the result as a String

                        String ret = writer.ToString();

                         *  remove the space from the end (dreaded <MORE> kludge)

                        result = ret.Substring(0, (ret.Length - 1) - (0));
                    catch (System.Exception e)
                        runtimeServices.Error(string.Format("Error in interpolating string literal : {0}", e));
                        result = image;

Ejemplo n.º 42
        public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer, INode node)
            int childrenCount = node.ChildrenCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++)
                INode child = node.GetChild(i);
                if (child.Type == 6 || child.Type == 14)
                    if (!this.RenderOutput(child, context, writer))
                        this.OutputErrorToStream(writer, "error with arg " + i + " please see log.");
                    this.rsvc.Error("#include() error : invalid argument type : " + child.ToString());
                    this.OutputErrorToStream(writer, "error with arg " + i + " please see log.");
Ejemplo n.º 43
        /// <seealso cref="org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.SimpleNode.evaluate(org.apache.velocity.context.InternalContextAdapter)">
        /// </seealso>
        public override bool Evaluate(IInternalContextAdapter context)
             *  get the two args

            object left  = GetChild(0).Value(context);
            object right = GetChild(1).Value(context);

             *  if either is null, lets log and bail

            if (left == null || right == null)
                System.String msg = (left == null ? "Left" : "Right") + " side (" + GetChild((left == null ? 0 : 1)).Literal + ") of '>=' operation has null value at " + Log.FormatFileString(this);

                if (rsvc.GetBoolean(RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_REFERENCES_STRICT, false))
                    throw new VelocityException(msg);


                return(ObjectComparer.CompareObjects(left, right) >= 0);
            catch (ArgumentException ae)

Ejemplo n.º 44
 /// <summary> </summary>
 public virtual bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, System.IO.TextWriter writer)
         if (depth > parent.maxDepth)
             /* this is only a Debug message, as recursion can
              * happen in quasi-innocent situations and is relatively
              * harmless due to how we handle it here.
              * this is more to help anyone nuts enough to intentionally
              * use recursive block definitions and having problems
              * pulling it off properly.
             parent.log.Debug("Max recursion depth reached for " + parent.Id(context));
             parent.block.Render(context, writer);
     catch (System.IO.IOException e)
         string msg = "Failed to render " + parent.Id(context) + " to writer";
         parent.log.Error(msg, e);
         throw new RuntimeException(msg, e);
     catch (VelocityException ve)
         string msg = "Failed to render " + parent.Id(context) + " due to " + ve;
         parent.log.Error(msg, ve);
         throw ve;
Ejemplo n.º 45
        /// <summary>  simple Init.  We can Get the RHS and LHS as the the tree structure is static</summary>
        /// <param name="context">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="data">
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> Init result.
        /// </returns>
        public override object Init(IInternalContextAdapter context, object data)
            lock (this)
                /** This method is synchronized to prevent double initialization or initialization while rendering **/

                if (!isInitialized)
                     *  Init the tree correctly

                    base.Init(context, data);

                    uberInfo = new Info(TemplateName, Line, Column);

                    right = RightHandSide;
                    left  = LeftHandSide;

                    logOnNull = rsvc.GetBoolean(NVelocity.Runtime.RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_LOG_REFERENCE_LOG_INVALID, true);
                    allowNull = rsvc.GetBoolean(NVelocity.Runtime.RuntimeConstants.SET_NULL_ALLOWED, false);
                    strictRef = rsvc.GetBoolean(NVelocity.Runtime.RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_REFERENCES_STRICT, false);
                    if (strictRef)
                        allowNull = true; // strictRef implies allowNull

                     *  grab this now.  No need to redo each time
                    leftReference = left.FirstToken.Image.Substring(1);

                    isInitialized = true;

Ejemplo n.º 46
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the value of the logical expression
        /// arg1 == arg2
        /// All class types are supported.   Uses equals() to
        /// determine equivalence.  This should work as we represent
        /// with the types we already support, and anything else that
        /// implements equals() to mean more than identical references.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"> internal context used to evaluate the LHS and RHS </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if equivalent, false if not equivalent,
        /// false if not compatible arguments, or false
        /// if either LHS or RHS is null
        /// </returns>
        public override bool Evaluate(IInternalContextAdapter context)
            Object left  = GetChild(0).Value(context);
            Object right = GetChild(1).Value(context);

            // for equality, they are allowed to be null references
                if (ObjectComparer.CompareObjects(left, right) == 0)
                // Ignore, we can't compare decently by value, but we honestly don't give a sh*t

            // They are not equal by value, try a reference comparison
            // reference equal => definitely equal objects ;)
            // For operator overloaded types, this will not really be a reference comp, but that's ok.
            return(left == right);
Ejemplo n.º 47
        private bool AssertTemplateStack(IInternalContextAdapter context)
            bool result = true;

            object[] templateNameStack = context.TemplateNameStack;
            if (templateNameStack.Length >= this.rsvc.GetInt("directive.parse.max.depth", 20))
                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < templateNameStack.Length; i++)
                    stringBuilder.Append(" > " + templateNameStack[i]);
                this.rsvc.Error(string.Concat(new object[]
                    "Max recursion depth reached (",
                    ") File stack:",
                result = false;
Ejemplo n.º 48
        public override bool Evaluate(IInternalContextAdapter context)
            object obj  = base.GetChild(0).Value(context);
            object obj2 = base.GetChild(1).Value(context);
            bool   result;

            if (obj == null || obj2 == null)
                this.rsvc.Error(string.Concat(new object[]
                    (obj == null) ? "Left" : "Right",
                    " side (",
                    base.GetChild((obj == null) ? 0 : 1).Literal,
                    ") of '>=' operation has null value. Operation not possible. ",
                    " [line ",
                    ", column ",
                result = false;
                    result = (ObjectComparer.CompareObjects(obj, obj2) >= 0);
                catch (ArgumentException ex)
                    result = false;
Ejemplo n.º 49
        public override object Value(IInternalContextAdapter context)
            object obj  = base.GetChild(0).Value(context);
            object obj2 = base.GetChild(1).Value(context);
            object result;

            if (obj == null || obj2 == null)
                this.rsvc.Error(string.Concat(new object[]
                    (obj == null) ? "Left" : "Right",
                    " side (",
                    base.GetChild((obj == null) ? 0 : 1).Literal,
                    ") of subtraction operation has null value. Operation not possible. ",
                    " [line ",
                    ", column ",
                result = null;
                Type type = MathUtil.ToMaxType(obj.GetType(), obj2.GetType());
                if (type == null)
                    result = null;
                    result = MathUtil.Sub(type, obj, obj2);
Ejemplo n.º 50
        private object Evaluate(SimpleNode inlineNode, IInternalContextAdapter context)
            var values = new ArrayList();

            for (var i = 0; i < inlineNode.ChildrenCount; i++)
                var node = inlineNode.GetChild(i);

                if (node.Type == ParserTreeConstants.TEXT)

            if (values.Count == 0)
            else if (values.Count == 1)
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var value in values)
Ejemplo n.º 51
        public virtual Object Init(IInternalContextAdapter context, Object data)
             * hold onto the RuntimeServices

            runtimeServices = (IRuntimeServices)data;

            int i, k = ChildrenCount;

            for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    GetChild(i).Init(context, data);
                catch (ReferenceException re)

Ejemplo n.º 52
        /// <summary> Called when a method exception is generated during Velocity merge. Only
        /// the first valid event handler in the sequence is called. The default
        /// implementation simply rethrows the exception.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="claz">Class that is causing the exception
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="method">method called that causes the exception
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="e">Exception thrown by the method
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="rsvc">current instance of RuntimeServices
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="context">The internal context adapter.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> Object to return as method result
        /// </returns>
        /// <throws>  Exception </throws>
        /// <summary>             to be wrapped and propogated to app
        /// </summary>
        public static object MethodException(IRuntimeServices rsvc, IInternalContextAdapter context, System.Type claz, string method, System.Exception e)
            // app level cartridges have already been initialized
            EventCartridge ev1 = rsvc.ApplicationEventCartridge;

            System.Collections.IEnumerator applicationEventHandlerIterator = (ev1 == null) ? null : ev1.MethodExceptionEventHandlers;

            EventCartridge ev2 = context.EventCartridge;

            InitializeEventCartridge(rsvc, ev2);
            System.Collections.IEnumerator contextEventHandlerIterator = (ev2 == null) ? null : ev2.MethodExceptionEventHandlers;

            IEventHandlerMethodExecutor methodExecutor = new NVelocity.App.Event.MethodExceptionExecutor(context, claz, method, e);

            if (((applicationEventHandlerIterator == null) || !applicationEventHandlerIterator.MoveNext()) && ((contextEventHandlerIterator == null) || !contextEventHandlerIterator.MoveNext()))
                throw e;

            CallEventHandlers(applicationEventHandlerIterator, contextEventHandlerIterator, methodExecutor);

Ejemplo n.º 53
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the product of the two args.
        /// Returns null if either arg is null
        /// or if either arg is not an integer
        /// </summary>
        public override Object Value(IInternalContextAdapter context)
            // get the two args
            Object left  = GetChild(0).Value(context);
            Object right = GetChild(1).Value(context);

            // if either is null, lets log and bail
            if (left == null || right == null)
                        "{0} side ({1}) of multiplication operation has null value. Operation not possible. {2} [line {3}, column {4}]",
                        (left == null ? "Left" : "Right"), GetChild((left == null ? 0 : 1)).Literal, context.CurrentTemplateName, Line,

            Type maxType = MathUtil.ToMaxType(left.GetType(), right.GetType());

            if (maxType == null)

            return(MathUtil.Mult(maxType, left, right));

            // if not an Integer, not much we can do either
//			if (!(left is Int32) || !(right is Int32))
//			{
//				runtimeServices.Error((!(left is Int32) ? "Left" : "Right") + " side of multiplication operation is not a valid type. " + "Currently only integers (1,2,3...) and Integer type is supported. " + context.CurrentTemplateName + " [line " + Line + ", column " + Column + "]");
//				return null;
//			}
//			return ((Int32) left)*((Int32) right);
        /// <summary>
        /// The major meat of VelocimacroProxy, init() checks the # of arguments,
        /// patches the macro body, renders the macro into an AST, and then initiates
        /// the AST, so it is ready for quick rendering.  Note that this is only
        /// AST dependant stuff. Not context.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Init(IRuntimeServices rs, IInternalContextAdapter context, INode node)
            base.Init(rs, context, node);

            // how many args did we get?
            int i = node.ChildrenCount;

            // right number of args?
            if (NumArgs != i)
                    string.Format("VM #{0}: error : too {1} arguments to macro. Wanted {2} got {3}", macroName,
                                  ((NumArgs > i) ? "few" : "many"), NumArgs, i));


            // get the argument list to the instance use of the VM
            callingArgs = getArgArray(node);

            // now proxy each arg in the context
            setupMacro(callingArgs, callingArgTypes);
Ejemplo n.º 55
        /// <summary> Velocimacro implementation is not known at the Init time. So look for
        /// a implementation in the macro libaries and if finds one renders it. The
        /// parameters rendering is delegated to the VelocimacroProxy object. When
        /// looking for a macro we first loot at the template with has the
        /// macro call then we look at the macro lbraries in the order they appear
        /// in the list. If a macro has many definitions above look up will
        /// determine the precedence.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="writer">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="node">
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> true if the rendering is successfull
        /// </returns>
        /// <throws>  IOException </throws>
        /// <throws>  ResourceNotFoundException </throws>
        /// <throws>  ParseErrorException </throws>
        /// <throws>  MethodInvocationException </throws>
        public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, System.IO.TextWriter writer, INode node)
            VelocimacroProxy vmProxy           = null;
            string           renderingTemplate = context.CurrentTemplateName;

             * first look in the source template
            object o = rsvc.GetVelocimacro(macroName, sourceTemplate, renderingTemplate);

            if (o != null)
                // getVelocimacro can only return a VelocimacroProxy so we don't need the
                // costly instanceof check
                vmProxy = (VelocimacroProxy)o;

             * if not found, look in the macro libraries.
            if (vmProxy == null)
                System.Collections.IList macroLibraries = context.MacroLibraries;
                if (macroLibraries != null)
                    for (int i = macroLibraries.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        o = rsvc.GetVelocimacro(macroName, (string)macroLibraries[i], renderingTemplate);

                        // Get the first matching macro
                        if (o != null)
                            vmProxy = (VelocimacroProxy)o;

            if (vmProxy != null)
                    // mainly check the number of arguments
                    vmProxy.Init(rsvc, context, node);
                catch (TemplateInitException die)
                    Info info = new Info(sourceTemplate, node.Line, node.Column);

                    throw new ParseErrorException(die.Message + " at " + Log.Log.FormatFileString(info), info);

                    return(vmProxy.Render(context, writer, node));
                catch (System.IO.IOException e)
                    rsvc.Log.Error("Exception in macro #" + macroName + " at " + Log.Log.FormatFileString(sourceTemplate, Line, Column));
                    throw e;
                catch (System.SystemException e)
                     * We catch, the exception here so that we can record in
                     * the logs the template and line number of the macro call
                     * which generate the exception.  This information is
                     * especially important for multiple macro call levels.
                     * this is also true for the following catch blocks.
                    rsvc.Log.Error("Exception in macro #" + macroName + " at " + Log.Log.FormatFileString(sourceTemplate, Line, Column));
                    throw e;
            else if (strictRef)
                Info info = new Info(sourceTemplate, node.Line, node.Column);
                throw new ParseErrorException("Macro '#" + macroName + "' is not defined at " + Log.Log.FormatFileString(info), info);

             * If we cannot find an implementation write the literal text
Ejemplo n.º 56
 public virtual Object Execute(Object o, IInternalContextAdapter context)
Ejemplo n.º 57
 public virtual Object Value(IInternalContextAdapter context)
Ejemplo n.º 58
 public virtual bool Evaluate(IInternalContextAdapter context)
Ejemplo n.º 59
 public override Object Value(IInternalContextAdapter context)
Ejemplo n.º 60
 public override bool Evaluate(IInternalContextAdapter context)