Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="KeyboardDevice"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inpDeviceImp">The platform dependent connector to the underlying physical device.</param>
 public KeyboardDevice(IInputDeviceImp inpDeviceImp) : base(inpDeviceImp)
     _leftRightAxis = RegisterTwoButtonAxis((int)KeyCodes.Left, (int)KeyCodes.Right, AxisDirection.X).Id;
     _upDownAxis    = RegisterTwoButtonAxis((int)KeyCodes.Down, (int)KeyCodes.Up, AxisDirection.Y).Id;
     _adAxis        = RegisterTwoButtonAxis((int)KeyCodes.A, (int)KeyCodes.D, AxisDirection.X).Id;
     _wsAxis        = RegisterTwoButtonAxis((int)KeyCodes.S, (int)KeyCodes.W, AxisDirection.Y).Id;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers the type of input device available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="match"></param>
        /// <param name="creator"></param>
        public void RegisterInputDeviceType(MatchFunc match, CreatorFunc creator)
            if (match == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(match));
            if (creator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(creator));

            _specialDeviceCreators.Add(new SpecialDeviceCreator {
                Match = match, Creator = creator

            // Reconnect any existing devices matching the predicate
            // List<string> matchingDevices = (from device in _inputDevices.Values where device.DeviceImp != null && match(device.DeviceImp) select device.Id).ToList();
            List <string> matchingDevices = new List <string>();

            foreach (var device in _inputDevices.Values)
                if (device.DeviceImp != null && match(device.DeviceImp))

            foreach (var devId in matchingDevices)
                InputDevice dev = _inputDevices[devId];

                // Set device to disconnected state

                // Inform interested users about disconnection
                InputDeviceDisconnected?.Invoke(this, new DeviceConnectionArgs {
                    InputDevice = dev

                IInputDeviceImp inputDeviceImp = dev.DeviceImp;

                // Remove device from the list

                dev = creator(inputDeviceImp);
                _inputDevices[devId] = dev;

                // no need to call reconnect since device is constructed from scratch

                // Inform interested users about the newly connected device.
                InputDeviceConnected?.Invoke(this, new DeviceConnectionArgs {
                    InputDevice = dev
Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal void Disconnect()
            // The driver informed the input system that this device has disconnected. Set all axes to 0 and all buttons to false.
            foreach (var axisId in _axesToListen.Keys.ToArray())
                if (AxisValueChanged != null && _axesToListen[axisId] != 0)
                    // Inform axes-to-listen about the new value (the disconnected device won't do it)...
                    // Do NOT inform axes-to-poll here since they will be informed in PreRender anyway.
                    AxisValueChanged(this, new AxisValueChangedArgs {
                        Axis = _axes[axisId], Value = 0
                _axesToListen[axisId] = 0;

            foreach (var axisId in _axesToPoll.Keys.ToArray())
                _axesToPoll[axisId] = 0;

            foreach (var buttonId in _buttonsToListen.Keys.ToArray())
                if (ButtonValueChanged != null && _buttonsToListen[buttonId])
                    // Inform buttons-to-listen about the new value (the disconnected device won't do it)...
                    // Do NOT inform buttons-to-poll here since they will be informed in PreRender anyway.
                    ButtonValueChanged(this, new ButtonValueChangedArgs {
                        Button = _buttons[buttonId], Pressed = false
                _buttonsToListen[buttonId] = false;

            foreach (var buttonId in _buttonsToPoll.Keys.ToArray())
                _buttonsToPoll[buttonId] = false;

            // Actually disconnect by releasing any reference to the implementation object.
            _inpDevImp.AxisValueChanged   -= OnImpAxisValueChanged;
            _inpDevImp.ButtonValueChanged -= OnImpButtonValueChanged;
            _inpDevImp = null;

            _isConnected = false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal void Reconnect(IInputDeviceImp deviceImp)
            if (_isConnected)
                throw  new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot reconnect already connected input device (connected to {_inpDevImp.Desc}). Disconnect first.");
            if (deviceImp == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(deviceImp));

            _inpDevImp = deviceImp;
            _inpDevImp.AxisValueChanged   += OnImpAxisValueChanged;
            _inpDevImp.ButtonValueChanged += OnImpButtonValueChanged;

            _isConnected = true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private InputDevice CreateInputDevice(IInputDeviceImp imp)
            // First see if a special device can be found to handle this
            foreach (var sdc in _specialDeviceCreators)
                if (sdc.Match(imp))
                    InputDevice ret = sdc.Creator(imp);
                    if (ret != null)

            // Fallback - we don't know any special device, create a generic one around the device implementation.
            return(new InputDevice(imp));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TouchDevice"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inpDeviceImp">The "driver".</param>
        public TouchDevice(IInputDeviceImp inpDeviceImp) : base(inpDeviceImp)
            int nTouchpoints = ButtonCount;
            int nVelAxes     = nTouchpoints * 2;

            _velocityIDs = new int[nVelAxes];
            int axisId   = (int)TouchAxes.Touchpoint_0_X;
            int buttonId = (int)TouchPoints.Touchpoint_0;

            for (int i = 0; i < nVelAxes; i++)
                _velocityIDs[i] = RegisterVelocityAxis(axisId++, buttonId).Id;
                _velocityIDs[i] = RegisterVelocityAxis(axisId++, buttonId).Id;
            _tpDistance     = RegisterTtpDistanceAxis();
            _tpDistanceVel  = RegisterVelocityAxis(_tpDistance, (int)TouchPoints.Touchpoint_1).Id;
            _tpAngle        = RegisterTtpAngleAxis();
            _tpAngleVel     = RegisterVelocityAxis(_tpAngle, (int)TouchPoints.Touchpoint_1).Id;
            _tpMidPointX    = RegisterTtpMidpointAxis((int)TouchAxes.Touchpoint_0_X, (int)TouchAxes.Touchpoint_1_X, (int)TouchAxes.MinX, (int)TouchAxes.MaxX, AxisDirection.X, "Double-Touch Midpoint X");
            _tpMidPointVelX = RegisterVelocityAxis(_tpMidPointX, (int)TouchPoints.Touchpoint_1).Id;
            _tpMidPointY    = RegisterTtpMidpointAxis((int)TouchAxes.Touchpoint_0_Y, (int)TouchAxes.Touchpoint_1_Y, (int)TouchAxes.MinY, (int)TouchAxes.MaxY, AxisDirection.Y, "Double-Touch Midpoint Y");
            _tpMidPointVelY = RegisterVelocityAxis(_tpMidPointY, (int)TouchPoints.Touchpoint_1).Id;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private InputDevice Creator(IInputDeviceImp device)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GamePadDevice"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inpDeviceImp">The platform dependent connector to the underlying physical device.</param>
 public GamePadDevice(IInputDeviceImp inpDeviceImp) : base(inpDeviceImp)
     _xDPadId = RegisterTwoButtonAxis((int)Gamepad.DPadLeft, (int)Gamepad.DPadRight, AxisDirection.X).Id;
     _yDPadId = RegisterTwoButtonAxis((int)Gamepad.DPadUp, (int)Gamepad.DPadDown, AxisDirection.Y).Id;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SixDOFDevice"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inpDeviceImp">The platform dependent connector to the underlying physical device.</param>
 public SixDOFDevice(IInputDeviceImp inpDeviceImp) : base(inpDeviceImp)
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="InputDevice"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inputDeviceImp">The input device imp.</param>
 public InputDevice(IInputDeviceImp inputDeviceImp)
     _inputDeviceImp = inputDeviceImp;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MouseDevice"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inpDeviceImp">The platform dependent connector to the underlying physical device.</param>
 public MouseDevice(IInputDeviceImp inpDeviceImp) : base(inpDeviceImp)
     _xVelId     = RegisterVelocityAxis((int)MouseAxes.X).Id;
     _yVelId     = RegisterVelocityAxis((int)MouseAxes.Y).Id;
     _wheelVelId = RegisterVelocityAxis((int)MouseAxes.Wheel).Id;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        internal InputDevice(IInputDeviceImp inpDeviceImp)
            if (inpDeviceImp == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(inpDeviceImp));

            _inpDevImp   = inpDeviceImp;
            _isConnected = true;

            #region Handle Axes
            _axes           = new Dictionary <int, AxisDescription>();
            _axesToPoll     = new Dictionary <int, float>();
            _axesToListen   = new Dictionary <int, float>();
            _calculatedAxes = new Dictionary <int, CalculatedAxisDescription>();

            _nextAxisId = 0;
            // Look for each axis if its pollable or listenable. Prepare the axis to be accessed
            // the other way (poll a listenable axis / listen to a pollable axis).
            foreach (var axisImpDescription in _inpDevImp.AxisImpDesc)
                // Keep track of IDs (to keep them uniqe)
                int axisId = axisImpDescription.AxisDesc.Id;
                if (axisId > _nextAxisId)
                    _nextAxisId = axisId;

                // Store axis in the list of all axes
                _axes[axisId] = axisImpDescription.AxisDesc;

                // Prepare axis to be accessed either way (polled or listened)
                if (axisImpDescription.PollAxis)
                    _axesToPoll[axisId] = _inpDevImp.GetAxis(axisId);
                    _axesToListen[axisId] = 0.0f;

            if (_axesToListen.Count > 0)
                _inpDevImp.AxisValueChanged += OnImpAxisValueChanged;

            #region Handle Buttons
            _buttons                    = new Dictionary <int, ButtonDescription>();
            _buttonsToPoll              = new Dictionary <int, bool>();
            _buttonsToListen            = new Dictionary <int, bool>();
            _buttonsUp                  = new HashSet <int>();
            _buttonsDown                = new HashSet <int>();
            _buttonsToListenJustChanged = new Dictionary <int, bool>();

            // Do the same for buttons
            foreach (var buttonImpDescription in _inpDevImp.ButtonImpDesc)
                int buttonId = buttonImpDescription.ButtonDesc.Id;

                _buttons[buttonId] = buttonImpDescription.ButtonDesc;

                if (buttonImpDescription.PollButton)
                    _buttonsToPoll[buttonId] = _inpDevImp.GetButton(buttonId);
                    _buttonsToListen[buttonId] = false;

            if (_buttonsToListen.Count > 0)
                _inpDevImp.ButtonValueChanged += OnImpButtonValueChanged;