Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Search through the list of imaging tasks and set an appropriate value of
        /// InQueue. This implementation sets InQueue to false for all tasks with
        /// state unsuitable for queuing and all tasks before DateTime.Now except
        /// the one with the latest IImagingTask.DateToImage before DateTime.Now.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tasks">The array of IImagingTasks to process. Assumes that the tasks
        /// are actually the fully editable OPPF implementation of IImagingTask</param>
        private void setInQueue(IImagingTask[] iImagingTasks)
            // Do nothing if tasks is null
            if (null == iImagingTasks)

            // Find latest task before or at now
            DateTime     now             = DateTime.Now;
            IImagingTask latestBeforeNow = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < iImagingTasks.GetLength(0); i++)
                if (1 > iImagingTasks[i].DateToImage.CompareTo(now))
                    if (null == latestBeforeNow)
                        latestBeforeNow = iImagingTasks[i];
                    else if (1 == iImagingTasks[i].DateToImage.CompareTo(latestBeforeNow.DateToImage))
                        latestBeforeNow = iImagingTasks[i];

            // Set inQueue for all unqueuable or before latestBeforeNow to false, otherwise true
            if (null != latestBeforeNow)
                for (int i = 0; i < iImagingTasks.GetLength(0); i++)
                    if (isStateUnqueuable(iImagingTasks[i].State) || (-1 == iImagingTasks[i].DateToImage.CompareTo(latestBeforeNow.DateToImage)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all scheduled <c>IImagingTask</c>s for the <c>plateID</c>.
        /// </summary>
        public IImagingTask[] GetImagingTasks(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID)
            // Check arguments - do it up front to avoid possible inconsistencies later
            if (null == robot)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("robot must not be null");
            if (null == plateID)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("plateID must not be null");

            // Log the call to the method
            if (_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                string msg = "Called " + this + ".GetImagingTasks(robot=" + RobotUtils.iRobotToString(robot) + ", plateID=\"" + plateID + "\")";

            // Declare the array that will be populated and returned - default to a zero-length array
            IImagingTask[] iImagingTasks = new IImagingTask[0];

            // Bail out on test plates
            if ("ReliabilityTestPlate".Equals(plateID) || "ReservedSlot".Equals(plateID))

            // Ensure connected to database - may throw an exception but we don't need/want to catch it
            if ((null == _dbConnection) || (System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed.Equals(_dbConnection.State)))

            // Try and read the imaging tasks from the db
            OdbcDataReader dataReader = null;

                // TODO - unnecessary check? Can connectToDB fail without throwing an exception?
                if (System.Data.ConnectionState.Open.Equals(_dbConnection.State))
                    // Update the parameters
                    _command.Parameters["@p1"].Value = plateID;

                    // If we care which imager
                    if (2 == _command.Parameters.Count)
                        _command.Parameters["@p2"].Value = robot.Name;

                    // Execute the select
                    dataReader = _command.ExecuteReader();

                    // Read the data reader's rows into the ProjectList
                    if (dataReader.HasRows)
                        // Get an ArrayList to hold the tasks
                        System.Collections.ArrayList tasks = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

                        // Loop over all the returned rows
                        while (dataReader.Read())
                            // Create and populate a new ImagingTask
                            global::OPPF.Integrations.ImagerLink.Scheduling.ImagingTask task = new global::OPPF.Integrations.ImagerLink.Scheduling.ImagingTask();
                            // .NET < 2.0
                            //task.DateToImage = dataReader.GetDateTime(0);
                            // .NET >= 2.0 Only!
                            task.SetDateToImage(DateTime.SpecifyKind(dataReader.GetDateTime(0), DateTimeKind.Utc));
                            if (dataReader.IsDBNull(1))
                                // .NET < 2.0
                                //task.DateImaged = dataReader.GetDateTime(1);
                                // .NET >= 2.0 Only!
                                task.SetDateImaged(DateTime.SpecifyKind(dataReader.GetDateTime(1), DateTimeKind.Utc));
                                //task.DateImaged = dataReader.GetDateTime(1).ToLocalTime();

                            if (dataReader.IsDBNull(2))
                                _log.Warn("Got null priority for plateID: " + plateID + " task: " + task.DateToImage.ToLongTimeString());

                            if (dataReader.IsDBNull(3))
                                _log.Warn("Got null state for plateID: " + plateID + " task: " + task.DateToImage.ToLongTimeString());
                                if (dataReader.IsDBNull(1))


                            // Store this task in the ArrayList

                            //_log.Debug("> Got task: DateToImage=" + task.DateToImage + ", Priority=" + task.Priority + ", State=" + task.State + ", InQueue= " + task.InQueue);

                        // Convert ArrayList to IImagingTask[]
                        iImagingTasks = (IImagingTask[])tasks.ToArray(typeof(IImagingTask));

                    // Close the dataReader
            catch (Exception e)
                // Log it
                string msg = "Exception " + e.Message + " during direct db part of getImagingTasks() for plate " + plateID + " - will fail down to webservice call";
                _log.Error(msg, e);

                    // Clean up the dataReader
                    if ((null != dataReader) && (!dataReader.IsClosed))
                    dataReader = null;

                    if (null != _dbConnection)
                catch (Exception e1)
                    // Log it
                    string msg1 = "Exception " + e1.Message + " while handling exception during direct db part of direct db part of getImagingTasks() for plate " + plateID + " - will fail down to webservice call";
                    _log.Error(msg1, e1);

                // Don't rethrow - fail down to webservice call

            // If we got no or not enough tasks
            if ((null == iImagingTasks) || (iImagingTasks.GetLength(0) < MIN_IMAGING_TASKS))
                // Hit the webservice, which may cause a schedule to be created
                iImagingTasks = GetImagingTasksFromWebService(robot, plateID);

            // Set an appropriate value for InQueue

            // Ensure we never return null
            if (null == iImagingTasks)
                // Fix it
                iImagingTasks = new IImagingTask[0];

                // Log it
                _log.Warn("Fixed null iImagingTasks at end of WSPlate.getImagingTasks() for plate " + plateID);

            // Return the array of IImagingTasks
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Web service version of GetImagingTasks - useful because it will
        /// cause a full schedule to be written if one doesn't already
        /// exist.
        /// Warning - this is a lot slower than going straight to platedb!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="robot">The robot</param>
        /// <param name="plateID">The barcode of the plate</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IImagingTask[] GetImagingTasksFromWebService(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID)
            // Check arguments - do it up front to avoid possible inconsistencies later
            if (null == robot)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("robot must not be null");
            if (null == plateID)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("plateID must not be null");

            // Log the call
            if (_log.IsInfoEnabled)
                string msg = "Calling WSPlate.getImagingTasks() for plate " + plateID + ", robot " + RobotUtils.iRobotToString(robot);

            // Declare the array that will be populated and returned
            // - default to a zero-length array
            IImagingTask[] iImagingTasks = new IImagingTask[0];

            // Set the request
            getImagingTasks request = new getImagingTasks();

            request.robot   = global::OPPF.Utilities.Robot2Utils.createProxy(robot);
            request.plateID = plateID;

            // Make the call
            getImagingTasksResponse response = null;

                WSPlate wsPlate = WSPlateFactory.getWSPlate2();
                wsPlate.Timeout = 10000;
                response        = wsPlate.getImagingTasks(request);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Log it
                string msg = "WSPlate.getImagingTasks threw " + e.GetType() + ": " + e.Message + " for plateid \"" + plateID + "\" in robot \"" + robot.Name + "\" - returning empty IImagingTask[]";
                msg = msg + WSPlateFactory.SoapExceptionToString(e);
                _log.Error(msg, e);

                // Don't rethrow - just return empty array

            // If we got a response
            if (null != response)
                // Get the array of ImagingTasks from the response
                global::OPPF.Proxies2.ImagingTask[] wrapper = response.wrapper;

                // Convert to IImagingTasks
                iImagingTasks = new IImagingTask[wrapper.GetLength(0)];
                for (int i = 0; i < wrapper.GetLength(0); i++)
                    global::OPPF.Integrations.ImagerLink.Scheduling.ImagingTask task = new global::OPPF.Integrations.ImagerLink.Scheduling.ImagingTask();
                    if (wrapper[i].dateImaged.HasValue)

                    iImagingTasks[i] = task;

            // Return the IImagingTask array
        /// <summary>
        /// Display the supplied imaging tasks
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tasks"></param>
        private void displayImagingTasks(IImagingTask[] tasks, DateTime currentDateToImage)
            // Clear rows

            // If we got some tasks
            if (tasks != null)
                // Declare a DataRow
                DataRow dr;

                // Get an enumerator
                System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator = tasks.GetEnumerator();

                // While we have more tasks
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    // Get this task
                    IImagingTask task = (IImagingTask)enumerator.Current;

                    // Get a new row
                    dr = dt.NewRow();

                    // Populate the row
                    dr[0] = task.DateToImage;
                    dr[1] = task.Priority;
                    dr[2] = task.InQueue;
                    dr[3] = task.State;
                    dr[4] = task.DateImaged.ToUniversalTime();
                    dr[5] = task.DateToImage.ToUniversalTime();
                    dr[6] = task.DateImaged.ToLocalTime();
                    dr[7] = task.DateToImage.ToLocalTime();

                    // Add the row to the table

            // Use currentDateToImage to reselect current row
            if (DateTime.MinValue.Equals(currentDateToImage))
                dgImagingTasks.CurrentRowIndex = 0;
                DataView dv = (DataView)dgImagingTasks.DataSource;
                System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator = dv.GetEnumerator();
                int i = 0;
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    DataRowView drv = (DataRowView)enumerator.Current;
                    if (currentDateToImage.Equals(drv.Row.ItemArray[0]))
                        dgImagingTasks.CurrentRowIndex = i;

            // Update radio button labels
            rdbScheduled.Text   = "Scheduled imaging tasks for " + barcode;
            rdbUnscheduled.Text = "Unscheduled imaging task for " + barcode;

            if (dgImagingTasks.CurrentRowIndex > -1)
                rdbUnscheduled.Checked = false;
                rdbScheduled.Checked   = true;
                rdbScheduled.Checked   = false;
                rdbUnscheduled.Checked = true;
