Ejemplo n.º 1
 public ComplexAttributeValueToken(IHtmlToken token, char openQuote, char closeQuote)
     : base(token)
     _tokenType  = token.TokenType;
     _openQuote  = openQuote;
     _closeQuote = closeQuote;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static AttributeValueToken Create(IHtmlToken token, char openQuote, char closeQuote) {
            if ((openQuote != '"') || (closeQuote != '"')) {
                return new ComplexAttributeValueToken(token, openQuote, closeQuote);

            return new AttributeValueToken(token);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public CompositeAttributeValueToken(IHtmlToken[] tokens, char openQuote, char closeQuote, bool isScript)
            : base(tokens) {
            Debug.Assert(tokens.Length > 1, "Use AttributeValueToken for token count less than 2");

            IsScript = isScript;

            OpenQuote = openQuote;
            CloseQuote = closeQuote;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override IReadOnlyList <T> ItemsInRange(ITextRange range)
            IReadOnlyList <T> list = base.ItemsInRange(range);

            if (Count > 0)
                IHtmlToken lastItem = this[Count - 1] as IHtmlToken;
                if (lastItem != null && !lastItem.IsWellFormed)
                    if (range.Contains(lastItem.End))
                        // Underlying method returs static readonly collection if nothing was found
                        // in the range so we need to create a new collection here.
                        List <T> modifiedList = new List <T>(list.Count + 1);
                        modifiedList.Add(this[Count - 1]);

                        list = modifiedList;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        void AppendToken(string prefix, IHtmlToken t, bool isGhost = false)
            if (t != null)
                var text = _parser.Text;

                Debug.Assert(t.Start >= 0 && t.End >= 0);

                if (isGhost)
                    Log.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}: @[{2} ... {3}] <<ghost>>\r\n\r\n", prefix,
                                     TokenTypeAsString(t.TokenType), t.Start, t.End);
                    Log.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}: @[{2} ... {3}] '{4}'\r\n\r\n", prefix,
                                     TokenTypeAsString(t.TokenType), t.Start, t.End, text.GetText(t));
                Log.AppendFormat("{0} <<null>>\r\n\r\n", prefix);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public CommentToken(IHtmlToken[] tokens)
     : base(tokens) {
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public AttributeToken(IHtmlToken nameToken)
     : this(nameToken, -1, null) {
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public AttributeToken(IHtmlToken nameToken, int equalsPosition)
     : this(nameToken, equalsPosition, null) {
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public AttributeToken(IHtmlToken nameToken, int equalsPosition, IHtmlAttributeValueToken value) {
     NameToken = nameToken;
     EqualsSign = equalsPosition;
     ValueToken = value;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 protected AttributeValueToken(IHtmlToken token)
     : base(token.Start, token.Length) {
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public ScriptAttributeValueToken(IHtmlToken token, char openQuote, char closeQuote) :
     base(token, openQuote, closeQuote) {
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private bool IsDestructiveChangeForSeparator(ISensitiveFragmentSeparatorsInfo separatorInfo, IReadOnlyList <T> itemsInRange, int start, int oldLength, int newLength, ITextProvider oldText, ITextProvider newText)
            if (separatorInfo == null)

            if (separatorInfo.LeftSeparator.Length == 0 && separatorInfo.RightSeparator.Length == 0)

            // Find out if one of the existing fragments contains position
            // and if change damages fragment start or end separators

            string leftSeparator  = separatorInfo.LeftSeparator;
            string rightSeparator = separatorInfo.RightSeparator;

            // If no items are affected, change is unsafe only if new region contains left side separators.
            if (itemsInRange.Count == 0)
                // Simple optimization for whitespace insertion
                if (oldLength == 0 && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newText.GetText(new TextRange(start, newLength))))

                int fragmentStart = Math.Max(0, start - leftSeparator.Length + 1);
                int fragmentEnd;

                // Take into account that user could have deleted space between existing
                // <! and -- or added - to the existing <!- so extend search range accordingly.

                fragmentEnd = Math.Min(newText.Length, start + newLength + leftSeparator.Length - 1);

                int fragmentStartPosition = newText.IndexOf(leftSeparator, TextRange.FromBounds(fragmentStart, fragmentEnd), true);
                if (fragmentStartPosition >= 0)
                    // We could've found the left separator only in the newly inserted text since we extended the range we examined
                    // by one less than the separator length. Return true, no further checks necessary.


            // Is change completely inside an existing item?
            if (itemsInRange.Count == 1 && (itemsInRange[0].Contains(start) && itemsInRange[0].Contains(start + oldLength)))
                // Check that change does not affect item left separator
                if (TextRange.Contains(itemsInRange[0].Start, leftSeparator.Length, start))

                // Check that change does not affect item right separator. Note that we should not be using
                // TextRange.Intersect since in case oldLength is zero (like when user is typing right before %> or ?>)
                // TextRange.Intersect will determine that zero-length range intersects with the right separator
                // which is incorrect. Typing at position 10 does not change separator at position 10. Similarly,
                // deleting text right before %> or ?> does not make change destructive.

                IHtmlToken htmlToken = itemsInRange[0] as IHtmlToken;
                if (htmlToken == null || htmlToken.IsWellFormed)
                    int rightSeparatorStart = itemsInRange[0].End - rightSeparator.Length;
                    if (start + oldLength > rightSeparatorStart)
                        if (TextRange.Intersect(rightSeparatorStart, rightSeparator.Length, start, oldLength))

                // Touching left separator is destructive too, like when changing <% to <%@
                // Check that change does not affect item left separator (whitespace is fine)
                if (itemsInRange[0].Start + leftSeparator.Length == start)
                    if (oldLength == 0)
                        string text = newText.GetText(new TextRange(start, newLength));
                        if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))


                int fragmentStart = itemsInRange[0].Start + separatorInfo.LeftSeparator.Length;
                fragmentStart = Math.Max(fragmentStart, start - separatorInfo.RightSeparator.Length + 1);
                int changeLength = newLength - oldLength;
                int fragmentEnd  = itemsInRange[0].End + changeLength;
                fragmentEnd = Math.Min(fragmentEnd, start + newLength + separatorInfo.RightSeparator.Length - 1);

                if (newText.IndexOf(separatorInfo.RightSeparator, TextRange.FromBounds(fragmentStart, fragmentEnd), true) >= 0)


Ejemplo n.º 13
        void AppendToken(string prefix, IHtmlToken t, bool isGhost = false) {
            if (t != null) {
                var text = _parser.Text;

                Debug.Assert(t.Start >= 0 && t.End >= 0);

                if (isGhost) {
                    Log.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}: @[{2} ... {3}] <<ghost>>\r\n\r\n", prefix,
                            TokenTypeAsString(t.TokenType), t.Start, t.End);
                } else {
                    Log.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}: @[{2} ... {3}] '{4}'\r\n\r\n", prefix,
                            TokenTypeAsString(t.TokenType), t.Start, t.End, text.GetText(t));
            } else {
                Log.AppendFormat("{0} <<null>>\r\n\r\n", prefix);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public ComplexAttributeValueToken(IHtmlToken token, char openQuote, char closeQuote)
     : base(token) {
     _tokenType = token.TokenType;
     _openQuote = openQuote;
     _closeQuote = closeQuote;