Ejemplo n.º 1
        public JsonResult DeleteDocument(string envelopeId)
            IHomeModel model = this.HydrateHomeModel(null);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult Index(HomeModel modelUp)
            IHomeModel model = this.HydrateHomeModel(modelUp);

            return(View("Index", model));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public HomeViewModel(Func<ICancellableAlert> alertFactory, IScheduler scheduler = null, IHomeModel mod = null)
            if (scheduler == null)
                scheduler = RxApp.MainThreadScheduler;

            var alert = alertFactory ()
                .SetTitle ("some title")
                .SetMessage ("some message")

            var automaticGoAlert = alert.WhenResult
                .Merge (
                    Observable.Interval (TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (TimerIntervalMillisec), scheduler) // the actual timer
                        .Select (p => TimerStartTime - p - 1)          // inversing countdown
                        .StartWith (Convert.ToInt64 (TimerStartTime))  // starting so it displays 10, otherwise nothing for 1 sec
                        .Do (sec => alert.DisplayTimeRemaining (sec.ToString ())) // updating alert
                        .Select (sec => sec <= 0)                      // returns true only at end of countdown
                        .Where (b => b)                                  // only goes forward if true
                        .Do (_ => alert.Close ())                      // close popup
                .Take (1) // first onNext passes through then this will call onComplete

            OpenPopupCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(async _ => {
                automaticGoAlert.Subscribe (
                    onNext: alertResult => {
                        if (alertResult)
                            alertFactory ().SetMessage ("OK").Open ();
                            alertFactory ().SetMessage ("Cancelled").Open ();
            }, RxApp.MainThreadScheduler);

            var github = new GitHubApi ();
            var subscription = github.GetUserObservable ("benoitjadinon")
                .SubscribeOn (RxApp.TaskpoolScheduler)
                .Timeout (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (10))          // throws TimeOutException
                .DelaySubscription (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (3)) // though we subscribe directly, it'll wait for 3 seconds before doing the actual call
                .Do (onNext: Debug.WriteLine)       // debugs the actual call result
                .Delay (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (2))   // will hold the result for 2 more seconds
                .Select (u => u.Login)              // forwards only the login, instead of the whole User object
                .SelectMany (github.GetReposOwned)  // do an other call
                .ObserveOn (scheduler)
                .Subscribe (
                    onNext: repos => Debug.WriteLine (repos[0]),
                    onError: Debug.WriteLine

            //var result = await github.GetUserObservable("benoitjadinon")
            //	.Timeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public IActionResult Index()
            IHomeModel model = this.HomeService.GetModel();

            // Test only.
            //this.Data.TestEFEntitiesRepository.Add(new Entities.TestEFEntity() { Name = "test", Value = "update2" });

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public ActionResult Logout()
            if (Session["login"] != null)
            IHomeModel model = HomeModelFactory.CreateHomeModel();

            return(View("Index", model));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Init()
            _fakeView  = Substitute.For <IHomeView>();
            _fakeModel = Substitute.For <IHomeModel>();
            _uut       = new HomePresenter(_fakeView, _fakeModel);

            _fakeModel.Cases.Returns(new List <Case>());
            _fakeModel.Cases.Add(new Case()
                Id               = 1,
                Status           = CaseStatus.Created,
                ErrorDescription = "String",
                Installation     = new Installation()
                    Id   = 1,
                    Name = "Street",
            _fakeModel.Cases.Add(new Case()
                Id               = 2,
                Status           = CaseStatus.Pending,
                ErrorDescription = "String2",
                Installation     = new Installation()
                    Id   = 1,
                    Name = "Street2",

            _fakeModel.MyCases.Returns(new List <Case>());
            _fakeModel.MyCases.Add(new Case()
                Id               = 3,
                Status           = CaseStatus.Created,
                ErrorDescription = "String3",
                Installation     = new Installation()
                    Id   = 1,
                    Name = "Street3",
            _fakeModel.MyCases.Add(new Case()
                Id               = 4,
                Status           = CaseStatus.Pending,
                ErrorDescription = "String4",
                Installation     = new Installation()
                    Id   = 1,
                    Name = "Street4",
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public ActionResult Login(HomeModel modelUp)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modelUp.CurrentUser))
                modelUp.ErrorMessage = "You must enter a value in order to login to the system.";
                return(View("Index", modelUp));

            IHomeModel model = this.HydrateHomeModel(modelUp);

            return(View("Index", model));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private ModelFactory()
     _tcApi               = new TCApi();
     _logInModel          = new LogInModel(_tcApi);
     _homeModel           = new HomeModel(_tcApi);
     _userPreference      = new UserPreference(_tcApi);
     _settingsModel       = new SettingsModel();
     _createUserModel     = new CreateUserModel(_tcApi);
     _createCaseModel     = new CreateCaseModel(_tcApi);
     _caseModel           = new CaseModel(_tcApi);
     _changePasswordModel = new ChangePasswordModel(_tcApi);
     _mapModel            = new MapModel(_tcApi);
     _trafficLightModel   = new TrafficLightOverviewModel(_tcApi);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public ActionResult SubmitDocusign(HomeModel modelUp, HttpPostedFileBase file)
            IHomeModel model = this.HydrateHomeModel(modelUp);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SendToEmail))
                model.ErrorMessage = "You must enter a valid Send To Email value before attempting to send a document.";
                return(View("Index", model));
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SendToName))
                model.ErrorMessage = "You must enter a valid Send To Name before attempting to send a document.";
                return(View("Index", model));
            if (model.UseSignatureXY)
                if (!model.SignaturePageNumber.HasValue)
                    model.ErrorMessage = "If directly specifying a signature location, you must enter a valid number into the Page Number field.";
                    return(View("Index", model));
                if (!model.SignatureX.HasValue)
                    model.ErrorMessage = "If directly specifying a signature location, you must enter a valid number into the X Coordinate field.";
                    return(View("Index", model));
                if (!model.SignatureY.HasValue)
                    model.ErrorMessage = "If directly specifying a signature location, you must enter a valid number into the Y Coordinate field.";
                    return(View("Index", model));

            if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
                model.FileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                    model.Document = ms.GetBuffer();
                model.ErrorMessage = "Either a file was not specified or it was empty. Please specify a valid file before attempting to send a document.";

            return(View("Index", model));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public async Task<string> AddEntry(IHomeModel model)
            model.Token = await _tokenService.GetToken();

            if (await Exists(model, QueryType.Token))
                //Generate new token and try again.
                model.Token = await _tokenService.GetToken();
                return await AddEntry(model);

            if (await Exists(model, QueryType.Url))
                //Url already exists, return existing token.
                model.Token = await GetEntry(model, QueryType.Token);
                return BuildShortUrl(model);

            return await Task.Run(async () =>
                using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(await GetConnectionString()))

                    using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [dbo].[Entry]([Url], [Token]) VALUES(@URL, @Token);", con))
                        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter()
                            ParameterName = "URL",
                            Value = model.Url,
                        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter()
                            ParameterName = "Token",
                            Value = model.Token,

                        await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                        return BuildShortUrl(model);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public ActionResult Index()
            IHomeModel model = this.HomeService.GetModel();

            // Test only.
            this.Data.TestEFEntitiesRepository.Add(new Entities.TestEFEntity()
                Name = "test", Value = "update"

            // Test only.
            var forDelete = this.Data.TestEFEntitiesRepository.GetById(3);

            if (forDelete != null)

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public async Task<IValidationContext> ShortUrlValid(IHomeModel model)
            string text = model.Url;
            return await Task.Run(() =>
                ValidationContext context = new ValidationContext();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                    context.ErrorMessages.Add("Please enter a URL.");
                    text = string.Empty;

                //load url with parsed model url for further testing.
                text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(text.Trim());

                if (!Regex.IsMatch(text, String.Format("(http://)({0})(/)(\\w*)(?!\\W)$", model.Host))) context.ErrorMessages.Add("Please enter a valid URL.");

                if (context.ErrorMessages.Count == 0) context.IsValid = true;

                return context;

Ejemplo n.º 13
        private IHomeModel HydrateHomeModel(IHomeModel receivedModel)
            IHomeModel model = HomeModelFactory.CreateHomeModel();

            if (receivedModel != null)
                model.CurrentUser         = receivedModel.CurrentUser;
                model.SendToEmail         = receivedModel.SendToEmail;
                model.SendToName          = receivedModel.SendToName;
                model.UseSignatureXY      = receivedModel.UseSignatureXY;
                model.SignaturePageNumber = receivedModel.SignaturePageNumber;
                model.SignatureX          = receivedModel.SignatureX;
                model.SignatureY          = receivedModel.SignatureY;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.CurrentUser))
                model.CurrentUser = Session["login"] == null ? null : Session["login"].ToString();
                Session.Add("login", model.CurrentUser);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private IHomeModel HydrateHomeModel(IHomeModel receivedModel)
     IHomeModel model = HomeModelFactory.CreateHomeModel();
     if (receivedModel != null)
         model.CurrentUser = receivedModel.CurrentUser;
         model.SendToEmail = receivedModel.SendToEmail;
         model.SendToName = receivedModel.SendToName;
         model.UseSignatureXY = receivedModel.UseSignatureXY;
         model.SignaturePageNumber = receivedModel.SignaturePageNumber;
         model.SignatureX = receivedModel.SignatureX;
         model.SignatureY = receivedModel.SignatureY;
         model.CurrentUser = Session["login"] == null ? null : Session["login"].ToString();
         Session.Add("login", model.CurrentUser);
     return model;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public async Task DeleteEntry(IHomeModel model, QueryType queryType)
            await Task.Run(async () =>
                string qt = Enum.GetName(typeof(QueryType), queryType);

                using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(await GetConnectionString()))

                    using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(string.Format("DELETE FROM [dbo].[Entry] WHERE [{0}] = @{0};", qt), con))
                        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter()
                            ParameterName = qt,
                            Value = model.GetType().GetProperty(qt).GetValue(model, null)

                        await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 16
 private string BuildShortUrl(IHomeModel model)
     return String.Format("http://{0}/{1}", model.Host, model.Token);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public async Task<bool> Exists(IHomeModel model, QueryType queryType)
            return await Task.Run(async () =>
                bool exists = true;
                string qt = Enum.GetName(typeof(QueryType), queryType);

                using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(await GetConnectionString()))

                    using (
                        SqlCommand command =
                            new SqlCommand(
                                string.Format("if (EXISTS (SELECT [Id] FROM [dbo].[Entry] WHERE [{0}] = @{0})) SELECT 'true' ELSE SELECT 'false'", qt),

                        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter()
                            ParameterName = qt,
                            Value = model.GetType().GetProperty(qt).GetValue(model, null)

                        using (SqlDataReader reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                exists = bool.Parse(reader.GetString(0));
                            return exists;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public async Task<string> GetEntry(IHomeModel model, QueryType queryType)
            return await Task.Run(async () =>
                string valueType = Enum.GetName(typeof(QueryType), queryType);

                string filterType = GetFilterType(queryType);

                using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(await GetConnectionString()))

                    using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(string.Format("SELECT [{0}] FROM [dbo].[Entry] WHERE [{1}] = @{1}", valueType, filterType), con))
                        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter()
                            ParameterName = filterType,
                            Value = model.GetType().GetProperty(filterType).GetValue(model, null)

                        using (SqlDataReader reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                return reader.GetString(0);
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("{0} {1} not found in database.", filterType, valueType));
 public HomeController(IHomeModel model)
     homeModel = model;
     homeModel.Message = "The HomeModel was wired up using the Simple IoCContainer.";
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public ActionResult Index()
            IHomeModel model = HomeModelFactory.CreateHomeModel();

            return(View("Index", model));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public HomePresenter(IHomeView homeView, IHomeModel homeModel)
     _homeView  = homeView;
     _homeModel = homeModel;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        // GET: Home
        public ActionResult HelloWorld()
            IHomeModel context = SitecoreContext.GetCurrentItem <IHomeModel>();
